Monday, July 09, 2007

Passion put to use....

The past week has had some situations crop up – sometimes you have things come up in your life that require you to sit up and pay attention.

I have been dealing with neck pain (rather excruciating) and other life-changing events (not necessarily involving me personally) here of late...

Throughout all of these ‘problems’ I have been trying to maintain my equanimity/balance (but then I am always and forever stating that, aren’t I?). It’s hard sometimes. The neck is going to be looked at tomorrow. The other ‘issues’ are out of my control – and that’s what makes it hard, when something going on in your life is out of your control – but in all the metaphysical reading I have done over the years, I find that ultimately, control is an illusion we use to comfort ourselves – to con ourselves into thinking we can manipulate our environs – in the end, the only thing you ultimately control is your reactions to what transpires in your life.

Why am I rambling? Because through all of this – the ups and downs, the uncertainty lately, what has been a constant/steadfast feeling has been my passion. Passion for living my life, passion (especially over the past year) for my love and all the wonders he brings to my life. Every day I that I get to spend with him, I seem to fall more and more in love – it’s a wonder to me – always I am surprised by this (pinching myself again) – you think could I possibly love this person more? The answer in my case is always a resounding yes….

And it ‘s not that there aren’t annoyances, or things that get under my skin – I think all of us have little quirks that get to the ones that love us at time – it’s hard to love someone day in and day out and not have certain aspects of their personality get to you. With Erin and I though it’s because we are so very compatible – we discuss everything. We are in synch, we care about each other. We are friends and we are lovers. I think what is most important is that we treasure each other and we are passionate about each other. We are not pedestrian, we want to remain different, we want to stay engaged with each other – we are truly interested in each other and what we have is rare.

I realise more and more I have never felt this way about anyone else in my life. I’ve never truly adored anyone else – sure I’ve loved – but I’d be willing to do ANYTHING for Erin and I can’t say that about anyone other than my children.

Will things change between us? Of course they will – we are humans – I will not put up with stagnation. I pray things will continue to blossom between the two of us and that our love grows exponentially with each passing year.

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