Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Been really busy.

I keep meaning to write...but then...

I've been *really* busy.

Lots going, work, love, kids.

Work is good, fun, productive, challenging - I am really enjoying this - it is at times difficult but then that's OK. Better than being numb/brain dead.

My health is taking a nose dive it seems - not sure what the f~ is up with that - I will pray that it's not something dire...and if it is...well I guess what choice do we ever have but to live through it, with it, make peace somehow...or not, I suppose...not to wax philosophical or anything quite so profound... is sweet, intense, becoming a staple of my daily existence, yet it is transcendent of all of 'it' as well...this love goes on, ebbing and flowing like the cycles of the moon - as it is wont to do...

For my Christmas present, Erin got us a copy of the movie 'Fireproof' - we watched it together - we have the book to that the movie is based on. While this movie will never win any acting or film's message is wonderful/hopeful and I recommend it to every couple considering marriage as well as those already in the thick of things. Erin and I have hit some really rough patches and we've managed to weather them - but only because we both realize just how important this commitment is and how much we really love one another - but sometimes - that isn't enough. need it 'outside reinforcement' - call it Providence - call it fate...I usually call it God/dess because as you all know I believe there is a female counterpart to God...and without Yin how can there be Yang? Erin and I are also going on a marriage encounter weekend and I am really looking forward to becoming even closer to him on this our Valentine's Day celebration...

Kid - are well kids...but again they pose their own special set of challenges. My recent rant about the school system hits close to home and I can not tell you how disgusted I am with the way things are being handled. How parents (at least ones that are truly concerned) manage to do this without drowning or slitting their wrists is beyond me. I personally think that education is the pathway to enlightenment and the best deterrent to ignorance...but the RIGHT kind of education - and that does not seem to even exist - or if it does - it's rather costly...unless you end up somehow managing to be 'self-taught' and at the same time you become a student of 'life' itself...street smart combined with book learned - if that makes any sense....

I just hope that there is light at the end of some of these tunnels - or at least not a train coming at us full speed ahead....

Meanwhile - I can feel the spring coming faster this year than it has ever seemed to before...or is that just the sound of me getting older and my own life getting yet shorter?

Peace to you all mes amis.

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