Thursday, July 08, 2004

Boom I got your boyfriend/girlfriend whatever the hell I am!

Ok so I went to finally meet HIM the ex-boyfriend of my arch nemesis...we had been talking back and forth and finally decided to go have a cup of coffee.

I can totally understand what she saw in him. What a fool she was to treat him the way she did. He was bright, cute, articulate - he's actually genius material. He is very soft-spoken. Underneath it all he seems hurt. He is still madly in love with her as well. But she is now busy ruining another marriage and this time there are small children involved.

This woman can cast a spell better than most wiccans I know. It's sad.

It was a nice meeting and we talked about a lot of things before we began comparing notes. And the only reason I am commenting on this at all is because he basically confirmed that they had to have slept together (no this still does not give me any closure) and, for the incident I am about to disclose.

Around the x-mas holidays, that weekend, I went to go see my husband at his new apartment we were going to do brunch and talk about 'things' - he would not let me in - WHY? Because the little bitch had spent the at any rate I was fuming and since I had her home phone number I called her home and told her room-mate to have her call me - that's right have her call the WIFE - I any rate it was a moment of anger - what can I say I wanted to kill them both. She's lucky I did not get to meet her at that point.

Well apparently, she ended up calling up her boyfriend (this innocent young man) and telling him that she was having problems with me (now mind you he knew of my existence at that time but I did not know of him - and he only knew me as the "girlfriend" - because of course my husband was relaying to all these people - well mainly to her, (but my friend Auterrific can attest to the fact that he was calling me his ex-wife when we were still not only living together but in fact MARRIED), that I was his girlfriend not his wife!?!?!?!? (Big surprise my husband lying like that). So at any rate - this bitch tells her boyfriend who of course does not know she is sleeping with MY HUSBAND - that her friend's (my husband)- that his girlfriend is harrasing her because "she has gone off the deep end and now thinks she is his wife". Read that phrase again kids. I (Colette) had gone off the deep end thinking I was my husband's wife.

After I picked my jaw up off the table in the coffee shop, I asked him if he wanted me to produce a copy of our marriage license. He laughed, I laughed, nice crazy moment between two innocent victims. Just amazing. And you know what? I want a book deal now because I mean not even Jerry Springer can top this shit. It's laughable. It's nutty. Welcome to my world.


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