Sunday, December 26, 2004


Now is the winter of *MY* discontent. And I feel laid bare by the cold, bitterness that seems to be taking up residence in my heart.


Did somebody (ME) ask for snow!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?

Um OK. I wanted snow but not *this* This ice-cold, bitter, numbing, artic blast along with 2 feet of snow that makes me feel like I am living in a snow globe (a snow globe from hell)! The winter weather has descended upon this region like a plague. (Wouldn't it be cool to have all the snow but warm weather?)

One of my sweetest memories is if my 1st honeymoon and being up on Mt. Ranier. It was May and it was 70-degrees out and we were standing in the snow - it was truly amazing - looking down form that incredible vista you could see for miles, down into the lake below where 'Indians Arm' verdant against the deep blue water, jutted out. A wonderful trip and it is truly a shame that the marriage was not as solid as the mountain we stood upon.


Finshed reading "The Bride Stripped Bare" a bit ago. It is lingering with me the way a bad dream lingers...the feelings it aroused in me lasting all through my days and stretching into my nights, haunting me. This was an exquistie work, incredibly sexy, while at the same time managing to be palpably frightening, vivid and raw. I will read this book again I am sure.


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