Monday, December 27, 2004

Soundtrack for an affair

Way back when - when I was first with my husband (recent ex) - he of course decided to use the internet to find other victims (er I am sorry I meant women) - to 'play' with. Of course we were not married at the time. I found out about this but I forgave him and let him back in...stupid me.

At any rate, in order to deal with the pain I did a lot of things - one of those things was to put together a tape (I had no way at the time to burn CDs) - a tape of music which let me 'express' what I was feeling (through the music). I called the tape "Smoke" because indeed I felt like he had used a smoke screen of sorts (smoke and mirrors) as it were in his lying and 'cheating' behind my back - as well as with the other 'parties' involved.

Well I did it again this time around (*smirk*) - but I haven't given this one a 'title' as yet.


Perhaps we should have a 'Name That Soundtrack' contest here on Dancing on Colette's Grave...let me know what you guys think.


1. Foolish Games - by Jewel
2. Come Undone - by Duran Duran
3. Voices Carry - by 'Til Tuesday
4. Possession - by Sarah McLachlan
5. Nobody Loves Me - by Portishead
6. Thief of Your Heart - by Sinead O'Connor (from 'In the Name of the Father' soundtrack)
7. Why? - by Annie Lennox
8. I Can't Make You Love Me - by Bonnie Raitt
9. Who's that Girl? - by Eurythmics
10. Creep - by Radiohead
11. Don't Speak - by No Doubt
12. I'm not coming home - by Maroon 5
13. Jolene - by The White Stripes
14. Walking on Broken Glass - by Annie Lennox
15. Solitary Man - by Neil Diamond
16. Without You - by Harry Nilson
17. Don't Explain - by The Wild Colonials (remake of Billie Holiday tune)


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