My days begin much the way they end….slipping into awareness, putting it on like my clothing.
The skies are equally as beautiful in the early pre-dawn winter hours as they are at dusk. The deep, hushed blue velvet of the night sky, still filled with the moon and stars, slowly brightening with the suns rays…
And then there's the drive in… and in just a couple of minutes that tranquility is shot to hell because of the assholes that don't know how to (or really don't care about how they) drive…..
And so into work I go…
It's a job I love. Some of you may or may not know what I do (for my day job at least - aside from teaching Yoga).
I work for a major medical institution (my brother is always teasing me that I work for the 'Evil Empire') - in many ways he's right. But the work I do is very rewarding and I am proud of the job we do in our department. I help people who want to donate their kidneys to get through that process. Mainly it's loved ones, family members, spouse donating to people whose lives are devastated by kidney disease. I do something different every single day. I talk to a lot of different people and, I believe, I make a difference.
Which brings me to last night's episode of 'ER' (which yes, I do watch from time to time). I was REALLY angry about last night's show. In a lot of ways I do applaud ER for bringing awareness of many issues to many people who would not otherwise 'think' about those issues. But in this case I feel that they did a huge disservice to people by misleading them about (in particular) - kidney transplantation. First of all a person would never be allowed to donate their OTHER kidney (it's not gonna happen!!!) (So today, I can't wait to field calls from the less-than-stellar-intellectuals who are going to 'think' we will bend those rules.)
Secondly, that was really irresponsible doctoring that the 'John Carter' character was dishing out. A good doctor would have seen the emotional roller-coaster that family was on and NOT fed into it in order to assuage his own guilt-ridden feelings about being wealthy, and trying to be a crusader to save metro-Chicago from doctors practicing 'bad' medicine.
So much for my watching ER anymore…not that I watch it all that much - sometimes the writing's good though
So yesterday, our institution was graced with a visit from the President of these United States. This place was in lock-down for hours - it was insane. It was a security nightmare and I personally feel it impacted the workers as well as the patients of this institution.On top of it I am highly amused by the idea that "W" feels he is (or for that matter is even perceived as) being 'smart' enough to discuss advances in medical technology/information technology…
Um yeah OK - go back to your ranch, George, and play with your farm animals.
Please God let these four years pass quickly, before he can do too much damage.
Lastly, in a move that has upset many of the workers at this fine institution, the 'powers that be' here have decided to 'give' $10-million dollars to Cleveland City Schools. This has many employees upset. A lot of us have not been able to get more than a 2% pay increase over the past 3-4 years due to 'budgetary constraints'.
Not to mention the fine people of the City of Cleveland did not pass THEIR OWN SCHOOL LEVY! Obviously, the citizenry feels that they were going to be throwing good money after bad, considering the shape the Cleveland schools are in….(c'mon say it with me now…mismanagement).
I do understand helping the schools out. I AM FOR helping schools out. And since the place where I work is not-for-profit, and since the school district has pointed out that we don't pay them taxes like other businesses in Cleveland, I suppose it's a good idea to cough up that money.
I just hope it gets put to good use and that the hierarchy here at work are also able to keep their employees happy - because a happy employee is a productive employee. And think about this for a minute folks, do you really want to be the one under that nurse's care if she feels disgruntled?
***Colette's disclaimer: The thoughts represented here are merely my feeble brain's opinions and in no way, shape or form represent that of the institution that I work for***
The skies are equally as beautiful in the early pre-dawn winter hours as they are at dusk. The deep, hushed blue velvet of the night sky, still filled with the moon and stars, slowly brightening with the suns rays…
And then there's the drive in… and in just a couple of minutes that tranquility is shot to hell because of the assholes that don't know how to (or really don't care about how they) drive…..
And so into work I go…
It's a job I love. Some of you may or may not know what I do (for my day job at least - aside from teaching Yoga).
I work for a major medical institution (my brother is always teasing me that I work for the 'Evil Empire') - in many ways he's right. But the work I do is very rewarding and I am proud of the job we do in our department. I help people who want to donate their kidneys to get through that process. Mainly it's loved ones, family members, spouse donating to people whose lives are devastated by kidney disease. I do something different every single day. I talk to a lot of different people and, I believe, I make a difference.
Which brings me to last night's episode of 'ER' (which yes, I do watch from time to time). I was REALLY angry about last night's show. In a lot of ways I do applaud ER for bringing awareness of many issues to many people who would not otherwise 'think' about those issues. But in this case I feel that they did a huge disservice to people by misleading them about (in particular) - kidney transplantation. First of all a person would never be allowed to donate their OTHER kidney (it's not gonna happen!!!) (So today, I can't wait to field calls from the less-than-stellar-intellectuals who are going to 'think' we will bend those rules.)
Secondly, that was really irresponsible doctoring that the 'John Carter' character was dishing out. A good doctor would have seen the emotional roller-coaster that family was on and NOT fed into it in order to assuage his own guilt-ridden feelings about being wealthy, and trying to be a crusader to save metro-Chicago from doctors practicing 'bad' medicine.
So much for my watching ER anymore…not that I watch it all that much - sometimes the writing's good though
So yesterday, our institution was graced with a visit from the President of these United States. This place was in lock-down for hours - it was insane. It was a security nightmare and I personally feel it impacted the workers as well as the patients of this institution.On top of it I am highly amused by the idea that "W" feels he is (or for that matter is even perceived as) being 'smart' enough to discuss advances in medical technology/information technology…
Um yeah OK - go back to your ranch, George, and play with your farm animals.
Please God let these four years pass quickly, before he can do too much damage.
Lastly, in a move that has upset many of the workers at this fine institution, the 'powers that be' here have decided to 'give' $10-million dollars to Cleveland City Schools. This has many employees upset. A lot of us have not been able to get more than a 2% pay increase over the past 3-4 years due to 'budgetary constraints'.
Not to mention the fine people of the City of Cleveland did not pass THEIR OWN SCHOOL LEVY! Obviously, the citizenry feels that they were going to be throwing good money after bad, considering the shape the Cleveland schools are in….(c'mon say it with me now…mismanagement).
I do understand helping the schools out. I AM FOR helping schools out. And since the place where I work is not-for-profit, and since the school district has pointed out that we don't pay them taxes like other businesses in Cleveland, I suppose it's a good idea to cough up that money.
I just hope it gets put to good use and that the hierarchy here at work are also able to keep their employees happy - because a happy employee is a productive employee. And think about this for a minute folks, do you really want to be the one under that nurse's care if she feels disgruntled?
***Colette's disclaimer: The thoughts represented here are merely my feeble brain's opinions and in no way, shape or form represent that of the institution that I work for***
charity should be a personal decision. i think its unfair for anyone else, the institution for that matter, to make it for you.
It is so low of you to pass that kind of judgement on President Bush.
He has a Harvard MBA and those are not given out no matter who your daddy is or was. And back then, G. W.'s dad was just a one to risk your carreer over in an Ivy League school.
Plus he beat a very popular Gov. in Texas to become Governor of that state and he has been relected to office.
Today is a great day in Iraq that is being celebrated by Iraqis around the world. The only ones who are not celebrating are the people who want to further ensalve the people of Iraq.
So who's side are you on?
To comment on Chas' comment:
I think President Bush is an ASSHOLE. PERIOD. Always have, always will. Having an MBA means nothing to me if you are a coward and a murderer. Not to mention HOW ever DID he pass those test? Did you ever really listen to that guy speak? He's an IDIOT, Charles - sorry but thems the facts.
Look, I really don't want to get into a political/social/moral debate with you over the war - because frankly, I am a pacifist -I feel all war is morally wrong no matter who's fighting it - but it's even more reprehensible to lead a country to war based on lies.
And you know what, Charles - the Iraqi's never asked us to come over there and bomb ths shit out of their country, kill their children, whip a little democracy on them, and leave them in shambles - right to vote or not - I get really tired of the people who look at it that way....
When was the last time you spoke to a person over there? 'Cause I have and they are not all that damned happy, Charles. Not to mention most of Europe and other nations who think "W's" an idiot and a war monger as well.
Gee do you think maybe just maybe we should fix our OWN country BEFORE we fix everywhere else - I never once felt threatened by Sadam and I am sorry if you did feel threatened by him...but I have bigger fish to fry.
You have your opinions, and I have mine - but no I am not a Bush fan - nor was I of his father - and I don't care who he beat - he had money on his side, Charles and he cheated in the first election and a LOT of Americans felt that way and still do.
But that's ok - how you feel. Just like it's OK how I feel.
Have a nice day,
I take no offense, and I did not intend any Colette.
I am glad that I got your blood boiling. You sounded like things were too quiet in your world.
Listen, you got to take issue with lies and mistatement of facts.
Bush is no less a murderer than FDR. Police Officers, Judges and Presidents are leaders that are entrusted to do a job that sometimes with a job that require them to make judgements and use deadly force. None of them enjoy it, Colette. And it belittles those of us who signed up for the military to defend your right to be a pacifist.
Read what I wrote then stay the hell off my blog, Chas.
How dare you say I need the military in order for me to have the right to be a pacifist.
Please tell me you are not this stupid? Don't answer that 'cause I know the answer.
Bush is a murderer - and anyone who lies to get us to go to war is going to rot in hell. With all the other war criminals.
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