Love Actually - Revisited

OK so a little later that same evening I was watching the documentary Buena Vista Social Club, Love Actually was on and I decided to watch some of it. When I first saw this movie I was with my ex and unfortunately, at the time, it was a bad idea for us to go to 'date' movies (although I am sure, had I tried hard enough, I could somehow twist the plot of an action flick or horror film to allow me to become a bitch about the fact that he cheated on me - funny how the mind works - ESPECIALLY the mind of a woman scorned).
So I was watching some of the more difficult parts of this film (where the husband decided to buy the little trollop from his office a very expensive necklace and his cozy-well-worn-in-wifey-at-home finds out) - it still made me hurt, I still cried. But this movie did something else, I realized. It showed LOVE - ACTUALLY in all it's myriad ways; a rainbow - cornucopia of emotional stories - some tragic, some whimsical, some poignant all of them true to the stuff that everyday life AND love are made of.
While I probably won't own this movie, nor nominate it for any awards, I am sure the next time it comes on I will gladly watch it with a box of Kleenex and a bowl of popcorn and hopefully, (fingers crossed), with a new beau sitting next to me - or one of my cats I suppose, (because that's what love is about too ^_^).

Shalom Colette,
I have a really good father, but I could never imagine him being as "cool" as Liam Neison in this movie.
Love Actually would have been perfect if it hadn't had Hugh Grant in it.
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