Monday, January 31, 2005

Flame wars...kinda like Star Wars only...different

This is for those who don't read the comments left by others - and also for those who are still a bit confused (for lack of a meaner term) about my politics.

*BLUSH* um thanks to you guys out there who think I am recommended reading. How sweet.

Now to flame... (Goddess, how these types of things take me back) - and usually I don't get this angry but I think most of you know what is coming here....

This is what Chas said:

"Sorry I lit the fuse, Colette. I will refrain from commenting on your blog if you wish. I never censor my readers but, like you, I will address their comments.

If your only experience with fire is watching it and seeing its effect of food and wood does not have the same effect as putting your own hand on a stove or on a hot piece of wood, or worse into a fire place.

The same is with government and governing. Some times a principal or a teacher has to use force, such as paddling to assert authority in a class room so she or he can teach. The same is with a Mayor, Governor, or President.

Mayors and Governors have police forces to enforce the rule of law. Presidents have the military. If pacifism was a viable form of government, we would all be doing it. But few of us are in fact passifists, police have to protect us from our own nieghbors that wish to harm us or rob us. The same goes for the military.

Millions of Iraqis have been asking the US for help in deposing Saddam Hussien for years. One group is called the Iraqi Congress. Check them out.

The thing is Colette, I don't want to change your way of thinking or politics but misinformation is not healthy. Yes, Bush is a lousy speaker but no, he is not an idiot.

He won both elections.

He is also a good man, a good father and a good husband and good American just like you.
If you were presented with the same issues and world situation, Colette, you would have made the same decisions as President Bush because your biggest concern is that your daughter and her children have a safe world to travel and live in."
To this I reply,

You my dear are full of yourself as well as shit.

People like you aren't sorry for writing the things you write, you just do it. LOL it's called bait the Liberal. Period. Stop apologising. You didn't light a fire under me, it's been there since I drew breath.

George Bush is an idiot and an asshole - winning ANY election does not make him (or any of our so-called leaders for that matter) any less of those two things. The ONLY reason he won (I dare say the only reason most of the crooked jerks we deem fit to run, win) - is because he had money and frankly it was OIL money. May as well have been tainted by blood.

You don't know me so let me do you a favour and my readers as well. Stop pretending you do - because that makes you almost as big an ass as George.

Faced with the same situation I would have chosen NOT to LIE to my country. I AM a pacifist and I would never choose to willingly go to war. NEVER. And how dare you bring up my children (and by the way since you know me so well, I have two of them not one and not just a daughter - but then you know that, right?) - who the fuck do you think you are? Oh don't answer that, we all know who you are Chas. I'll bet you think that faced with the same decisions as Truman that I'd would have dropped the bomb and guess what - you'd be wrong...AGAIN.

I don't think that using force is a war we can win, Chas. I believe in people like Ghandi and Dr. King who caused change to happen utilising non-violent means. Paddling kids??? Isn't that against the law now? Yes, that's it! I have a great idea - let's paddle Sadam Hussein shall we - it's so much nicer than dropping bombs on a country. Don't you think?

I believe in freedom. I believe in the freedom to love whom you choose - I believe our friggin' government should have no say so in whom I choose to love or to marry for that matter. Therefore I am pro-gay marriage. Hell I am pro-gay period - I don't care what people do in their bedrooms - not even my president, Chas. When Bill Clinton lied people didn't die - doesn't mean I am happy he lied about his intern but then that's Hillary's problem not the country's.

I believe in freedom. I believe in the freedom to my own body's reproductive rights - I don't believe our friggin' government has the right to tell me I can or can not conceive a child or carry it to term. You don't like abortion - get a vasectomy asshole - it's MEN making these decisions not WOMEN that chaps my ass. The day a man can grow a vagina and a womb I will listen to his view on abortion. I am NOT pro-abortion folks, I am pro-choice. NO MORE COAT HANGERS - not as long as I draw breath. I will die for this right.I know let's all come up with a surgery that men have to have in order to keep their penises working but let's outlaw it and let's see what happens shall we?

I once asked a Catholic priest if, since he did not believe women shold be making decisions about having babies, if the church planned on feeding, housing and clothing those kids - he of course answered no...

Have you been to the welfare lines, Chas? Doubtful... Obviously this country is answering yes every day. And no, I don't believe in abortion as birth control But I do think we need to get a handle on poor people having kids they can't afford, and babies having babies, which of course brings up proper sex education in schools. Which I am most certain "W" is against as well. Right, murder is only good as long as it's in the timing, right Chas? Like the death penalty, right? Let's have state, sanctioned murder, right? Abortion's wrong but killing innocent Iraqi's because they got in the way of our bombs is OK becase THEY NEEDED us to bomb them - they NEEDED US to take care of them, THEY ASKED US TO HELP THEM?!?!?!? (sorry but in my book help does not included dropping bombs) - So what if thousands of children die in the process, right? Yep gotta make this country safe for MY kids but who cares about other mother's kids....I DO, CHAS!

I believe in freedom - I believe in OTHER COUNTRIES FREEDOMS as well. They are free to govern themselves. NO ONE in Iraq wanted us to come over there and drop bombs on them I fucking guarantee you that. NO ONE. I don't believe my country has the right to lie to me, then invade a country all because some shit kicking, mealy-mouthed, bumbling, moron who has a hard on 'cause his daddy didn't do the job right the first friggin' time, has the right to make up shit about IMAGINARY weapons of mass destruction, and then kill innocent people, destroy their country, and then ask ME to help pay 87-fucking billion dollars for the priveledge of doing so. Oh and while he was at it he completely forgot to go after a real war criminal Mr. Osama bin Laden - gee could that be because the Saudis and the Bush family are kissing cousins? Could it be that pesky OIL money???? I keep forgetting about those good ole' Texas customs.

This my friend is bullshit - I don't believe for one mintute, not for one second that "W" had ANY of his facts right. I believe he (and his cronies) lied to us. And as you can see, (that is if you bother to read me, Chas - because of course you know me so well), you know how I feel about LIARS. This war will turn into your generations Vietnam - I had my Vietnam already, Chas and I remember how it tore this country apart and the same thing is happening all over again.

And just because a country asks us to oust a leader (that we may have secretly helped get a foothold for in the first place by our covert/sneaky actions behind our OWN peoples' backs) - does not mean we should do that. Or don't you ever think about those things, Chas. Are you a sheep for Bush????? Do you believe every thing he says? BBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - sheep all of those who do are just that, sheep. Get your heads out of your asses. Wake up and smell the global coffee, OK - might be a good idea.

Look government is a dirty, filthy business, someone has to do it - and grant it I don't want it to be me. Not enough money in the world - not that I think money is worth anything. But humanity is - dignity is - integrity is and what I want to see is all those people who are angry and fed up put their money/vote where their mouths/brains are and help change this country - help to do the right thing to get OUR govenrment to start doing the things WE NEED OUR GOVERNEMNT TO DO - like education, jobs, social issues and not be doing the WRONG things. Including (but not limited to) staying the fuck out of my bedroom, my privacy in my own home, my spiritual leanings, my body.

I am not a GOOD American - I am a very ANGRY ashamed-most-days-to-be-an-American American. I'd leave but I think I should stick around and fight to keep assholes like George Bush out of office. It's the braver thing to do. I am not a coward. I speak my mind - obviously you do too - but I am most certainly NOT misinformed Chas - in fact, I think it's the exact oposite.

But then you already know that, don't you?

Get lost, Chas.


Blogger Unknown said...

By get lost, you mean you do not respect my opnion or want it posted on your blog.

So now you believe in censorship.

People who blog on my site disagree with me as much as you did but I never censor or ban anyone.

You want one thought, one world and no different views.

8:49 AM  
Blogger Liam said...

I had to toss my two cents in. I've commented on her blog on many occasions, and I've yet to see her edit anything out of anyones comments.

I happen to agree with her that we suffer with a narrow minded leadership who want to bomb the crap out of everyone, and alienate as many free thinkers at home as possible.

As a gay man, and therefore one of the people Bush is holding a gun to the head of, I fear for the way this country is leaning. Even as time is moving forward we seem to be reverting back to puritanism in our thinking and laws.

If America worried about and fixed it's own problems first, maybe we would be a country people would really look up to.

9:29 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


As a gay man, no one in this country is holding a gun to your head!!! That is what I mean by the Left being ruled by emotion.

It is also an emotional debate to say that gay marriage should not be allowed. I see both sides of the debate and I feel that gay marriage should very much be allowed. When voting, my gut feeling is that marriage is wrong and I am forced to vote that way. It is very hypocrytical of me but that is why voting is private.

And yes, I am a hypocryt! Every parent is. And no, I am not a parent. Hypocrytical, huh.

Look, I meant no disrespect to Colette but she feels very disprespected and for that I am truly sorry. But I cannot, as a gentlemen and a former soldier and a former staffer in Congress and the Louisiana Senate, allow Colette to believe untruths.

Look at what misinformation did with Iraq, the WMD's and yellow cake. Those are not the reasons we went to war but those where questions Saddam should have answered and averted war.

We went to war to remove Saddam, who was shooting at our planes in Iraq and was still killing his dissenters. Now dissenters can voice their opinions freely.

Unlike this blog, which is now censored so that people like me will no longer speak their political views on Colette's Grave.

10:55 AM  
Blogger Colette said...

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12:06 PM  
Blogger Colette said...

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12:28 PM  
Blogger Colette said...

Once again Chas you are full of shit and I will make some final comments and then we are done here…

Do you remember writing this comment?:

"Sorry I lit the fuse, Colette. I will refrain from commenting on your blog if you wish. I never censor my readers but, like you, I will address their comments."

So I AM politely asking you to refrain - go pester someone else on their blog - even better - go hang out with your own kind. Because obviously all you seem to care to comment on is my dislike (understatement) of President Bush - and nothing else I wrote so passionately about. It's not just about Bush - it's about the way this country seems to going down that holier-than-thou-if-you-ain't-a-right-wing-christian-god-fearing-conservative-you-suck kind of mentality (sort of like yours) - that kills me.

I don't care how you believe - I really don't, you are entitled to your beliefs. And again I don't want to censor anyone but for the last time - I write this blog - not you - you don't get to come on here and bash me and then call me someone who censors peoples stuff and then run away. How very predictable you were with your response.

If I really wanted to censor you - I'd ban you or remove your comments. I am not going to stop making my thoughts known because of people like you. However - as I said before, I don't come to your blog and harrass you so please refrain from doing so on mine.

You are allowed to comment and even to disagree - but I am not misinfomred about Bush being a liar, an idiot and a war monger.

I don't want you on my blog anymore because you had the nerve to state that you know me (which you don't) - you had the nerve to insinuate that I need SOLDIERS to die for me so I can be a pacifist (I mean are you are really seriously that stupid??? That's pretty convoluted logic don't you think?).

I don't care what you did in your former life - you could have been president for all I care.

George Bush lied, he murdered people for no reason at all. Sadam Hussein was no more of a threat when George took office as he is now. It was all a smoke screen and frankly I don't care whether you believe it or not. The rest of the country that voted AGAINST George believes the same way.

This blog is not about political debate. Never has been. You seem to be the one who is narrow minded by being a sheep for Geoge Bush - I don't trust him or any other government official – why? - because a pre-requisite of the job seems to be the ability to lie to the constituents who voted them in...

You want to bash me on your blog - go ahead - you don't get to bash me on mine.

12:37 PM  

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