Friday, February 04, 2005

Blogdom observations

Over the past week I have witnessed the power of the blog.

I am vaguely worried that my words, my writing, carries power somehow. I have pissed people off, had them write to me in support, and felt a bit like there is someone stalking me. It seriously creeps me out.

I am not sure what kind of trade-off I have incurred here. I really did not think that anyone was all that interested in the minutae of my meager existence. Not all all...this is simply astounding to me. I marvel at these types of 'relationships' and yet I am even more convinced that even though it helps the world to grow smaller - the internet is truly making us less human. Oh sure we share thoughts, we flame on each other, we write back and forth and thank each other for 'linking' but we will never meet each other, will we? You and I? (Although there are some I'd rather not meet *giggle* and YOU KNOW who you are - for that matter so do the rest of you). For the most part the way I feel about my readers (and again you have to believe me when I tell you I really don't get why ANYONE would want to read MY blog) - the way I feel about you guys is like (and here I am going to 'date' myself) - that song about CocaCola

Cue music:

"I'd like to buy the world a home and furnish it with love,
Grow apple trees and honey bees, and snow white turtle doves.
I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony,
I'd like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company."


But I'd like to meet you - I don't know in a bar or at a picnic, and talk and laugh and share stories IN PERSON. This just all seems so removed frome reality, from day-to-day existence, so antiseptic.

When I began this blog, my writing was my therapy. As I learned more about blogging I linked to others, even inadvertantly at times - to people like Auterrific (Linda), who knew my husband - I made some friends - pen-pals really. And it's been wonderful. But now close to 6,000 people have visited this blog (or that's approximately the hits I've gotten) and now when people search for my blog they actually search for it by it's title, instead of typing something else and getting a hit from here. It's a bit of a head trip sometimes. Not that I take it all that seriously - I just keep reminding myself about my teacher's advice when I began teaching Yoga. He would say to us "Don't buy into the Guru trip". He's a very wise teacher. I love him.

All in all it's a fascinating social study about a world that's grown smaller, but more frightening at times; and about how wonderful other people are; how smart all of you are, how unique all of you are; how glad I am to have made so many 'contacts' albeit brief or fleeting. A glimpse into the windows on the world and the tapestry of other people's lives, dreams, visions and even nightmares.

Perhaps one day - when I am a dottering, old, foolish woman - someone will tell me about this (or try to) and I won't remember, or I will and and I will smile or think it rubbish (which at times I already do) - but it will somehow remain a part of my story, my legacy in some small way, because it's given me a way to record my life, for posterity. Who knows - maybe my kids won't care but my grandchildren might and it will make all this rubbish seem like a treasure.


Blogger Jeff Hess said...

Shalom Colette,

Perhaps dropping in a the next NEO Blogger’s meeting would be a good start.

Watch Brewed Fresh Daily or look for the listing on

Hope to see you there.



p.s. glad to hear your daughter and grand-daughter are doing better.

12:59 PM  

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