I don't like fighting. I really don't. Especially with strnagers that I have not met and probably given the opportunity, would like. (well not really but maybe the possibility exists).
Not that it matters much but two of my dearest friends voted for George Bush - I still love them. I think they were wrong but we get along. They know how I feel about George and what's going on and they still love and respect me.
People are people - we all put our pants on the same way. We all have fears, irrational at times, about our safety, our children, what's going to come next.
The world is not as safe as it used to be - but then it's not been safe for a very long time. The problem is that the 'stuff' we did not know about or decided to ignore (like delaying entering WWII to help the Allies defeat Hitler) - has always somehow been there. Evil has always existed. As long as Men are willing to kill each other for whatever reason, be it power, greed, land, women - there will always be evil. Having someone lead a country one way or another does not negate the passion that drives us to hate each other.
What needs to happen is we have to try to get past all that - we have to try. Yes I get upset when people don't 'get it', I get really mouthy and nasty - that's me - I am PASSIONATE about my beliefs - I don't know any other way to be.
I am sure it's hard to lead this country. I am sure it's hard to govern any country. But I have never felt that lying is the way to go and if I feel I am being lied to by the very same people I have elected to keep this country running - then I can not help but get really angry. If I feel those same people are trying to undermine our constitution by taking away our freedoms - then you bet my hackles are going to go up. I don't believe in being a sheep. And just because I say I am a pacifist does not mean I am not going to show anger - it means that I view the idea of war as anti to what I believe in. Does that mean I did not want us to get into WWII - not really - we had to help - we had to get rid of Hitler. But Hitler was a different story. It does not mean I think we HAD to drop the bomb.
There are always going to be dictatorships. There are always going to be countries the US of A does not approve of. The problem is that it's as fickle as the shifts of the winds across the desert and depending on who's running OUR country and THEIR agenda(s), they might just keep an oppresssive dictator in place in order to keep things going their way. We kid ourselves if we think that powerful men really give a damn about the average Joe Blow...they say what they have to say to get elected; ALL of them do. It's sad but it's true.
I grow weary of people. Especially people who think because I speak my mind, because I rant, because I will say things that others might not have the balls to say - but they think it anyhow - that I am daft, misinformed, a lunatic, a liberal. I am ME and I have opinions and yes they are pretty cut and dried and no, they don't usually allow for a lot of wiggle room. But that's because I have lived a lot of my life already and I can SEE THINGS. I see things coming. I know that once a government begins to strip it's citizens of their rights that's a scary thing. I know that a government that tell us it's OK to go to war on trumped up charges without proving them is a dangerous government. I am going to think this whether it's Bush or any other leader doing these things to us. That's just how I feel. If you shut up and you never say anything, you just let it all roll over you - how does that make you any different from the people perpetrating the crimes - it's aiding and abetting. We have to speak up - all of us do. Even if it means disagreeing with each other.
I have been voting since I was 18 year old and I am older than those people who decided to comment on what I said here...so I have been doing this voting thing for a while. I have never, in all my years seen as nasty a presidential election as what took place here this past year. And unfortunately this country is very divided over the people currently in charge. Asking those of us who are upset, angry, furious in fact, to change our minds, to stop being emotional, to work with you on this just isn't going to work - not at all. We aren't being emotional and frankly even if we were - aren't we suppose to be passionate about our government - isn't that what it's all about? Or again do you just want us to be sheep - cause I can't do the sheep thing brothers and sisters - I just can't. God/Goddess gave me a heart, a mind, a soul and a pulse. And I think I will use them, thanks very much. If you aren't outraged then you aren't paying much attention.
The outrage comes in many forms and it's hard to suppress. But I will tell you this. Everyday in our own streets and schools, there are children starving, cold, homeless, without adequate medical care or education; there are people who are jobless, homeless, hopeless - and yet the rich just seem to keep getting richer (and those are the people in power in this country, and do you really think they care? Seriously?) - and I am sorry - but THOSE issues are the ones that need to be taken care of now. Frankly I just don't see enough happening to make me feel like our government really cares about those issues - our own people. And if you don't care about your own people (especially the poorest of the poor), how can you call yourself a wise king/president whatever? How does that make you any better than those terrible dictators you seem to need to overthrow yourself?
In all that bashing from that fellow blogger - not once did he address the issues or what was wrong - he was hell bent on telling me and one of my closest, dearest friends (one of the smartest guys I know) - that what WE FELT was wrong - that we were mis-informed about our own FEELINGS about what's wrong and how WE percieve things. Why is it that the people supporting our current reich (er I mean regime) - have to keep telling those of us who don't how wrong we are - are they secretly embarrassed that they voted that guy in?
It all boils down to ego doesn't it? I think we could do with a little less ego and a lot more trying to fix what's wrong.
Can we all agree to that? Ya think?
Not that it matters much but two of my dearest friends voted for George Bush - I still love them. I think they were wrong but we get along. They know how I feel about George and what's going on and they still love and respect me.
People are people - we all put our pants on the same way. We all have fears, irrational at times, about our safety, our children, what's going to come next.
The world is not as safe as it used to be - but then it's not been safe for a very long time. The problem is that the 'stuff' we did not know about or decided to ignore (like delaying entering WWII to help the Allies defeat Hitler) - has always somehow been there. Evil has always existed. As long as Men are willing to kill each other for whatever reason, be it power, greed, land, women - there will always be evil. Having someone lead a country one way or another does not negate the passion that drives us to hate each other.
What needs to happen is we have to try to get past all that - we have to try. Yes I get upset when people don't 'get it', I get really mouthy and nasty - that's me - I am PASSIONATE about my beliefs - I don't know any other way to be.
I am sure it's hard to lead this country. I am sure it's hard to govern any country. But I have never felt that lying is the way to go and if I feel I am being lied to by the very same people I have elected to keep this country running - then I can not help but get really angry. If I feel those same people are trying to undermine our constitution by taking away our freedoms - then you bet my hackles are going to go up. I don't believe in being a sheep. And just because I say I am a pacifist does not mean I am not going to show anger - it means that I view the idea of war as anti to what I believe in. Does that mean I did not want us to get into WWII - not really - we had to help - we had to get rid of Hitler. But Hitler was a different story. It does not mean I think we HAD to drop the bomb.
There are always going to be dictatorships. There are always going to be countries the US of A does not approve of. The problem is that it's as fickle as the shifts of the winds across the desert and depending on who's running OUR country and THEIR agenda(s), they might just keep an oppresssive dictator in place in order to keep things going their way. We kid ourselves if we think that powerful men really give a damn about the average Joe Blow...they say what they have to say to get elected; ALL of them do. It's sad but it's true.
I grow weary of people. Especially people who think because I speak my mind, because I rant, because I will say things that others might not have the balls to say - but they think it anyhow - that I am daft, misinformed, a lunatic, a liberal. I am ME and I have opinions and yes they are pretty cut and dried and no, they don't usually allow for a lot of wiggle room. But that's because I have lived a lot of my life already and I can SEE THINGS. I see things coming. I know that once a government begins to strip it's citizens of their rights that's a scary thing. I know that a government that tell us it's OK to go to war on trumped up charges without proving them is a dangerous government. I am going to think this whether it's Bush or any other leader doing these things to us. That's just how I feel. If you shut up and you never say anything, you just let it all roll over you - how does that make you any different from the people perpetrating the crimes - it's aiding and abetting. We have to speak up - all of us do. Even if it means disagreeing with each other.
I have been voting since I was 18 year old and I am older than those people who decided to comment on what I said here...so I have been doing this voting thing for a while. I have never, in all my years seen as nasty a presidential election as what took place here this past year. And unfortunately this country is very divided over the people currently in charge. Asking those of us who are upset, angry, furious in fact, to change our minds, to stop being emotional, to work with you on this just isn't going to work - not at all. We aren't being emotional and frankly even if we were - aren't we suppose to be passionate about our government - isn't that what it's all about? Or again do you just want us to be sheep - cause I can't do the sheep thing brothers and sisters - I just can't. God/Goddess gave me a heart, a mind, a soul and a pulse. And I think I will use them, thanks very much. If you aren't outraged then you aren't paying much attention.
The outrage comes in many forms and it's hard to suppress. But I will tell you this. Everyday in our own streets and schools, there are children starving, cold, homeless, without adequate medical care or education; there are people who are jobless, homeless, hopeless - and yet the rich just seem to keep getting richer (and those are the people in power in this country, and do you really think they care? Seriously?) - and I am sorry - but THOSE issues are the ones that need to be taken care of now. Frankly I just don't see enough happening to make me feel like our government really cares about those issues - our own people. And if you don't care about your own people (especially the poorest of the poor), how can you call yourself a wise king/president whatever? How does that make you any better than those terrible dictators you seem to need to overthrow yourself?
In all that bashing from that fellow blogger - not once did he address the issues or what was wrong - he was hell bent on telling me and one of my closest, dearest friends (one of the smartest guys I know) - that what WE FELT was wrong - that we were mis-informed about our own FEELINGS about what's wrong and how WE percieve things. Why is it that the people supporting our current reich (er I mean regime) - have to keep telling those of us who don't how wrong we are - are they secretly embarrassed that they voted that guy in?
It all boils down to ego doesn't it? I think we could do with a little less ego and a lot more trying to fix what's wrong.
Can we all agree to that? Ya think?
when i cant get along with someone, i leave. or in very rare occasions i ask them to leave. and if that still doesnt work i have heart to heart. ask them nicely if we can work together. some people are just brought up like that. rude. and unagreeable. you cant please everyone.
anyway .. its black history month ..
how is your french studies?
*big hug*
Leave it to you, Cheri to break the tension on here...
Yes it's black History month and today is also Candlemas and more importantly - it is also the day my new grand-daughter will arrive in this world, for they are doing a C-section on my daughter this morning.
My etudes en francaise are always an ongoing thing...I need to check out the web site you sent me....
Write to me off line if you wish - we should try to chat sometime.
A bientot, Cheri
I kicked Chas off my blog, too. He has it so wrong, it astounds me. I am pretty sure he has some sort of disorder. ;)
Love your blog - I'm going to link to you right away!
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