Sunday, February 06, 2005

Two big dissapointment

I was really dissapointed in this.

Oh sure Dermot IS gorgeous, sexy, an absolute hunk - I do him in a New York minute and yes' I'd drain my IRA to do it. There is one scene - well let's just say there is one particular scene that is yummy. No sex involved.

But I think Deborah Messing's character was right on the money when she called his character 'Yoda'.

It was all just too pat, too preachy, too rehearsed, too predictable, and, maybe it was me, but the whole thing just seemed disjointed. The philosophical bits were honest and rang true, but I really did not need an attempt at a 'male hooker' version of 'Pretty Woman'. Pretty Woman was a much better movie. Posted by Hello


Blogger rmacapobre said...

i liked him in my best friends wedding ..

7:24 PM  

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