Thursday, April 28, 2005

To my brother as he turns 40

Happy birthday to my 'baby' brother.

I remember the day mom and dad brought you home from the hospital. You were the most beautiful, living, breathing, doll I had ever seen. I thought you were my own personal baby to watch and hold. With your jet black hair and your dark eyes and your complexion just like mom's - you were gorgeous. (I hope I am embarrassing you.) You were adorable.

And when I would come home from school at lunch time and sit with you and you'd be watching Sesame Street - and something would strike you as funny and you'd laugh. It was so infectious. How I loved to hear and help make you laugh. I still do...

And the time you decided to try to 'figure out' the workings of the toaster, and you accidentally set the drapes in the kitchen on fire, and then cut yourself on the jagged edge of a can trying to put the fire out, and all hell broke loose (and the whole incident got me in so much trouble - LOL - but that's OK I forgive you ^_^) - you were so very precocious. Always so smart, so inquisitive. You still are...

You will always be my 'baby' brother. You will always be the closest tie to our mother - for she loved you as all women love their youngest, with a passion that can't be explained or categorized; you have always reminded me of her with your looks, and of dad with your personality. You are the best of both of them. Thank you for coming into my life.

I love you.

Happy Birthday my dear.


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