Sunday, August 07, 2005

..and then came the Zombies

Again - not a film I'd usually sit down and enjoy - this was campy in a surreal and intelligent way - yes I could have done without the really gory scene (those who have seen this know that of which I speak) - but all in all it was pretty funny - uhm er - for a Zombie move...

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Blogger Liam said...

It was billed as a romantic comedy "with zombies"...gotta love that!

7:54 AM  
Blogger Jeff Hess said...

Shalom Colette,

Ghost Dog is in constant rotation with David Lynch's Dune for my No. 1 movie of all time.

By the way, Miyamoto Musashi was a real samurai. There is an excellent 3-part movie, Samurai, on his life, or better yet, read the book, Eiji Yoshikawa's novel Musashi.


Jeff Hess

5:56 PM  

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