The faire, the fest, the feast, and the film
I am burning Dragon's Blood incense as I write this because it reminds me of him and of our energy/power when we are together....but it is definitely the incense to burn to conjure up the 'spirit'/essence of him....
There is something that happens when our eyes meet - there is a certain look that passes between us and I am transported and I believe he is too...and it's not just 'merely' infatuation/burgeoning love/lust. There is a connection here that's almost mystical.
The weekends recently spent together have etched themselves upon my mind - they don't blur together, they are crystal and clear, exhilarating and enchanted (yes I keep coming to that word - but like the song I am listening to , it echoes what's playing in my heart, giving me feelings of a love ancient and sacred, not experienced by mere mortals - corny perhaps - but it's there nonetheless)....
This was our third weekend together.
In a way I am not sure how I managed to get lucky enough to spend most of it with him - and I fear I wear out my welcome by now - however he will be gone for the next 2 weeks (not altogether gone - but he will be on vacation next weekend) - so our time seeing each other will be very limited. Absence - that which makes the heart supposedly grow fonder - shall be my mantle for the next couple of weeks...
The first weekend we were together was spent at the Renaissance Faire - that was lovely - we just basked in each other's presence. Last weekend we went to 'The Fest' which was a Catholic fest for families and we got to attend a mass under the stars that 20,000 others participated in as well - (don't even get me started on the power (or the raising of power) - for a ritual like that - a high mass - celebrated by the former bishop of the Cleveland diocese, Anthony Pilla - it was really wonderful and beautiful.
Friday night we were together (late) and we spent time listening to music and to each other. We seem to be so easy with one another - able to be ourselves; to relax.
Saturday we had an early morning, I got to watch him coach a girl's soccer team (he's a good coach - he truly connects with these kids and they really respond to him and the attention). Saturday afternoon we met up with Liam and Sid down at the 'Feast' in 'Little Italy'. It is the 'Feast' of the Assumption of Mary. It is an age-honoured tradition here in the Cleveland area and he had never been there.
When I go down to Little Italy, it brings up memories of growing up in a predominantly Italian household. All the sights, sounds, smells of that great food, and music combine to make it a fun experience for all who attend. Mainly we are all going for the food. Before we met Liam and Sid, we snuck into the church of The Holy Rosary - I wanted to show him the church (which was built in 1809). We sat quietly together, both of us offered up a prayer and then just enjoyed the quiet. We left because mass was about to start (I have to admit it would have been nice to stay). He then got to meet two of my best friends and we all wandered and of course ate the food.
Afterwards we went down to 'Playhouse square' to see one of my favourite old movies on the big screen (see previous post about what's playing down there this month).
'Casa Blanca'

Talk about romantic....what a great movie to see on the big screen on a 'date'. The best part was that there was an old organ being played before the movie started and they showed old Looney Toons cartoons. The house was packed too, which was wonderful. Nice to see so many people from so many age groups in attendance.
After the movie we walked Liam and Sid back to their car and they gave me a loaf of zucchini bread and a bumper sticker (thanks loves!).
He and I went back to the parking garage where we left his truck and realised we weren't going anywhere with all the traffic from the Indians game letting out. So we did what any other couple would do...we played frisbee in the parking garage.
Then we went home and the rest of the night...*blush*
Let's just use the word 'breathless'...we'll leave it at that.
"Casablanca" on the big screen? .. that does indeed sound like a perfect date night to me too!
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