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Yeah...um...it’s been a while
WTF is the matter with that idiot?
What is he thinking?
Here’s a clue Mr. President. Fire your advisors, fire your generals.
Since when can’t the US win a war? (Um OK Viet Nam, but still...)
I’ve said it before I will say it again. I never agreed with entering this conflict, (yeah right we’ll call it a ‘conflict’ – it’s fabricated but what the hell), to begin with but if we were going to do so we needed to do so to WIN. Not to lose. We need to play this stupid game to win. Here’s the problem in one phrase: It’s called ‘The Middle East’ – we don’t think like them, we don’t understand them, we seemingly never will – why? Cause we are simply too ‘Whitebread’ and too Christian in this country – sorry kids – the truth hurts don’t it….your average typical ‘Joe Blow American’ is simply not too savvy on the Middle East – they never have been – they probably never will be – why should they care – they're docile enough – just give them more Pabst Blue Ribbon and NASCAR they’ll be fine – the collective ‘dumbing down of America’ worked my friends, congrats on that front – He (Joe Blow) does not get that they (Islamic fundamentalists that are in power) don’t care if they blow every Christian off the face of the map. Mr. Joe Blow also does not get that Israel is just as much to blame for their own stinking problems (and you people bad-mouthing Jimmy Carter need to be shot). They don’t get the truth of the matter that we (our Government) are the ones to blame FOR putting some of these despots in power and now it’s coming round to bite us on our collective asses. And EVERY president faces this, whether republican OR democrat. Shit I am amazed more of them don’t die from fear or heart failure after that first briefing about ‘what’s really going on in the world’ after their first day in that friggin’ Oval office – maybe we should change the shape of the office – perhaps it’s the geometry that’s against us – whatdyathink?
Sending more troops when the ones we already have there are unable to do the ‘mission accomplished’ thing is a farce. What happens when 20K more can’t do ‘it’ either?
And as far as congress being able to ‘stop’ the idiot currently residing in the West Wing, um yeah right. All it is, is rhetoric – bullshit and rhetoric. Nothing is ever going to be done about this to get us out of our own sordid mess – not even when some new ‘puppet’ takes the stage. We will be stuck in the nightmare of our very own personal Viet Nam (kind of like ‘My Own Private Idaho’ but different…), forever...
WTF is the matter with that idiot?
What is he thinking?
Here’s a clue Mr. President. Fire your advisors, fire your generals.
Since when can’t the US win a war? (Um OK Viet Nam, but still...)
I’ve said it before I will say it again. I never agreed with entering this conflict, (yeah right we’ll call it a ‘conflict’ – it’s fabricated but what the hell), to begin with but if we were going to do so we needed to do so to WIN. Not to lose. We need to play this stupid game to win. Here’s the problem in one phrase: It’s called ‘The Middle East’ – we don’t think like them, we don’t understand them, we seemingly never will – why? Cause we are simply too ‘Whitebread’ and too Christian in this country – sorry kids – the truth hurts don’t it….your average typical ‘Joe Blow American’ is simply not too savvy on the Middle East – they never have been – they probably never will be – why should they care – they're docile enough – just give them more Pabst Blue Ribbon and NASCAR they’ll be fine – the collective ‘dumbing down of America’ worked my friends, congrats on that front – He (Joe Blow) does not get that they (Islamic fundamentalists that are in power) don’t care if they blow every Christian off the face of the map. Mr. Joe Blow also does not get that Israel is just as much to blame for their own stinking problems (and you people bad-mouthing Jimmy Carter need to be shot). They don’t get the truth of the matter that we (our Government) are the ones to blame FOR putting some of these despots in power and now it’s coming round to bite us on our collective asses. And EVERY president faces this, whether republican OR democrat. Shit I am amazed more of them don’t die from fear or heart failure after that first briefing about ‘what’s really going on in the world’ after their first day in that friggin’ Oval office – maybe we should change the shape of the office – perhaps it’s the geometry that’s against us – whatdyathink?
Sending more troops when the ones we already have there are unable to do the ‘mission accomplished’ thing is a farce. What happens when 20K more can’t do ‘it’ either?
And as far as congress being able to ‘stop’ the idiot currently residing in the West Wing, um yeah right. All it is, is rhetoric – bullshit and rhetoric. Nothing is ever going to be done about this to get us out of our own sordid mess – not even when some new ‘puppet’ takes the stage. We will be stuck in the nightmare of our very own personal Viet Nam (kind of like ‘My Own Private Idaho’ but different…), forever...
"(and you people bad-mouthing Jimmy Carter need to be shot)"?
ATLANTA (AP) — Fourteen members of an advisory board to Jimmy Carter's human rights organization resigned on Thursday to protest his new book, which has been attacked as unfairly critical of Israel and riddled with inaccuracies.
The resignations at the Carter Center are the latest backlash against the former president's book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid." The book has also drawn fire from Jewish groups and fellow Democrats, and led to the resignation last month of Kenneth Stein, a center fellow and a longtime Carter adviser.
"You have clearly abandoned your historic role of broker in favor of becoming an advocate for one side," the departing members of the center's Board of Councilors told Carter in their letter of resignation.
okay I am too illerate or braindead to understand the comment above...
anyways...I have been to so many blogs and it just blows my mind that the prez is so sick...distrurbed- delusional...when will it end ???who knows?
George W. is like a man who's snuck off to the races with his weekly pay. His wife doesn't know that he's there. He had high hopes of making a fortune. He's frittered away the entire weeks pay and now, rather than just cutting his losses and going home with his tail between his legs, he's gone to the nearest ATM and withdrawn more to try to win it back.
When will the madness end ?!
"It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an "enigma"."
If, as Colette suggests, critics of Jimmy Carter should be shot, then we had better get the firing squads warmed up and start with his own people. There appears to be quite a crowd forming...
My dear Squire,
I was ranting (well duh) - but it irritates me what happened in the Carter 'camp' - I mean he's Jimmy Carter 'private citizen' now, if you will, and he is no longer bound by a supposed 'deal' that was brokered (and then fell to ruins I might add) years ago - besides what he said about Israel is true to the extent that for some reason we (here in the US) and especially they (Israel) refuses to see Israel's own culpability for the role it plays in the problems in the Middle East - C'mon - they are very much to blame - and we keep bailing them out or looking the other way and it's time to call them on the carpet.
If the 'Jews' (sorry - seriously - I know using that term seems prejudicial but it isn't and perhaps that confirms what I am saying even more), want peace in the Middle East they need to be the 'better guys' if you will and if the 'Jews' in his office are offended TOUGH.
Sorry just my $.02
Darling Colette,
The Jimmuh saga is a long, sad affair and one not limited to the Middle East. He does not conduct himself as "private citizen" Carter and continues to meet with heads of state as well as offer his opinions. There is another disturbing influence in his Israel bashing if you "follow the money" and see how much of it comes to him from Arab sources hostile to Israel.
As for fixing blame, there is plenty to go around - but when Arafat was offered everything he wanted - he walked away. Israel has its problems to be sure but I don't understand why we should bash the only functional democracy in the Middle East. On the home front, I continue to be concerned by the rise of fashionable anti-Semitism being exhibited by the "progressive" left in this country. Didn't we see that back in the Thirties?
My dear Sir Squire,
If you are calling me anti-semetic I don't much appreciate that. I am not.
Further I'd gladly bash OUR democracy too because I don't think it's much of one. SO what's bashing another. Just because Israel is a democracy and just because the entire friggin' European poplulace and the US seems to still be doing guilt over the holocaust does not mean Israel should just ride rough shot over their own personal version of the wild west.
I think Israel should be kept safe, yes but I ALSO think the Palestinians deserve a homeland. Sorry JMO
As far as passing the 'blame plate' I totally agree, there is plenty to go around but if we want a lasting peace like I said the major player (namely Israel) has the be the one to show mercy and judiciousness when it comes to their 'so-called' enemies
Darling Colette,
I don’t see where I called you an anti-Semite, nor did I insinuate that you were one. I said “I continue to be concerned by the rise of fashionable anti-Semitism being exhibited by the "progressive" left in this country”. I have seen things posted on Daily Kos and DU regarding “the Jews” and their culpability for all of the problems in the Middle East that had a very familiar ring to it, so much so that I started to look for a link to “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”.
I am also sorry that you don’t find any value in supporting the only democracy in the Middle East. To quote Churchill “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.”
There is a school of thought that says the only way we will get a lasting peace in the Middle East is if Israel finally defeats their so-called enemies. There was once a time, in the not too distant past, when “mercy and judiciousness” were displayed by not killing all of one’s enemies.
We’ll just have to agree to disagree on this one.
Squire first off let me apologise - I took your words probably too personally - and I mean no offense to you at all.
I see your points and they are well taken and your wisdom is evident.
I have just gotten I suppose a bit tired of continually 'hearing' about Israel's side in things and it just has always seemed to me that anyone 'against' Israel is considered the enemy and how can that be logical/rational?
It's an ancient feud and one that I fear may never be settled peacefully.
It's not that I am against the 'only' democracy in the Middle East - I am just not big on Democracy these days and I fear sometimes it can just as corrupt (and seems to have proven to be so) and as bad as some of the other forms of government.
In the final analysis for the Middle East, perhaps the best answer is to just stand back and let THEM (the parties involved) duke it out - not that I necessarily believe in isolationism or nationalism - but we don't seem to be gaining anything after all these years with this 'so-called' peace process either...
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