Just a nod to my viewing audience
A lot of us who blog list other blogs on our blog (geez what a sentence *laugh*). It's a nod to other bloggers. It's a way to tell other people where your mind-set is, what politics your practice, what religious affiliations you adhere to, what books you read, what your sexual preference is etc....you get the idea.
I just wanted to take a minute to 'plug' some of my friends out there locally and in the Blogdom. My friend Liam and his blog: Liam's Odd Musings. This man is brave and wonderful. He has been one of my best friends through what I am going through now and throughout my past and I just want to say I love him and I am honoured that he considers me his friend.
Linda from Auterrific and her blog: Auterrific
What can I say - this is a woman that I met through my husband's blog - almost by accident - of all things he was doing, he had also been talking to her and all I have to say is Thank God for Linda, and God bless Linda for her tenderness, for her common sense, for her caring and her insight - she has also helped me immeasurably. Please, please, please go visit her blog - NOW!!! She is one of the brightest, funniest, and wisest people I have ever had the pleasure of reading and hearing from.
Last but not least there is Gurustu and his website: Gurustu.com This gentleman should win awards for his work and for his never-ending positive attitude. I am humbled by his attnetion to me and by his caring. Again a website I highly recommend to everyone.
I have also received a comment from Da Goddess. Her blog: Da Goddess is wickedly funny and totally irreverant and I love it. Go there often.
There are others I want to thank - like Heather (I love you sweetie *hugs*), and Salman (my Jaan). Just thanks to everyone.
I try not to make this blog too full of other things. I do believe in simplicity but when I visit other blogs and they 'say something' to me I just feel the need to share.
This has really been a wonderful experience for me and perhaps that's why this happened to me - it would be nice to think something positive came out of all this sorrow and pain.
Until next time I remain as ever,
I just wanted to take a minute to 'plug' some of my friends out there locally and in the Blogdom. My friend Liam and his blog: Liam's Odd Musings. This man is brave and wonderful. He has been one of my best friends through what I am going through now and throughout my past and I just want to say I love him and I am honoured that he considers me his friend.
Linda from Auterrific and her blog: Auterrific
What can I say - this is a woman that I met through my husband's blog - almost by accident - of all things he was doing, he had also been talking to her and all I have to say is Thank God for Linda, and God bless Linda for her tenderness, for her common sense, for her caring and her insight - she has also helped me immeasurably. Please, please, please go visit her blog - NOW!!! She is one of the brightest, funniest, and wisest people I have ever had the pleasure of reading and hearing from.
Last but not least there is Gurustu and his website: Gurustu.com This gentleman should win awards for his work and for his never-ending positive attitude. I am humbled by his attnetion to me and by his caring. Again a website I highly recommend to everyone.
I have also received a comment from Da Goddess. Her blog: Da Goddess is wickedly funny and totally irreverant and I love it. Go there often.
There are others I want to thank - like Heather (I love you sweetie *hugs*), and Salman (my Jaan). Just thanks to everyone.
I try not to make this blog too full of other things. I do believe in simplicity but when I visit other blogs and they 'say something' to me I just feel the need to share.
This has really been a wonderful experience for me and perhaps that's why this happened to me - it would be nice to think something positive came out of all this sorrow and pain.
Until next time I remain as ever,
Thanks for the plug, sweetie. Amazing what a "random" click can accomplish. I love bloghopping 'cause you meet some wonderful people. I met Linda after visiting here. It's been a worthwhile stay.
I'm glad you have people looking out for you... or rather, let me say, I'm glad you see that people are looking out for you; even when you don't know it :-)
I get the feeling you're going to be just fine... a little bumped and bruised, but you'll heal... we all do. As long as you put BBQ sauce on the wounds and not salt, they'll taste just like chicken.
Keep the light on!
Thank you for your wonderful thoughts and feelings. Among my friends you are the one I consider the most "real". A genuine person with deep feelings whose capacity for love is beyond measure. I love you too, sweetie!
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