Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Colette's Picks and Pans for 2004

*Ahem* well these are mainly ‘Picks’ because I don’t think the ‘pans’ deserve the blog-space.

Best Movies for 2004:

Farenheit 9/11

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
(even though I went to see it with my husband in some pitiful attempt to try to regain a semblance of our relationship, and it was a ‘date’ that ended horribly – the movie was was wonderful)

Love Actually
(this was another botched attempt at a date with him)

(Different date, different man – WONDERFUL FILM! Add this one to your collection)

The Motorcycle Diaries

Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
(This movie was weird, wacky AND wonderful – go see it – just for the David Bowie songs performed in Portuguese alone)

Best Music/Groups for 2004
(or at least the ones I learned of/listened to this year):

Modest Mouse
(A big thanks to my son for this)

(Again having a 16-year-old son really helps)


Red Delicious

Saint Etienne,
Sigur Ros, &
Thievery Corporation
(Been around for a while but I just started getting into them)

Maroon 5

Cold Play

*Note: both have been around before this year but I still listen to them and like them

Best Books (that I’ve read) for 2004:

Waiting for Gertrude – by Bill Richardson

Taming Your Gremlin – by Rick Carson

Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim & Barrel Fever – both by David Sedaris

The Bride Stripped Bare – Anonymous

Jivamukti Yoga – by Sharon Gannon and David Life (this has been a very influential Yoga book for me over the past 2 years)

The Essential Rumi - by Jalal Al-Din Rumi, et al

And a NEW category for me this year – Best Blogs:
(*Note: This list included some from 2003*)

First off – I would like to acknowledge both the blog of my ex-hubby:

The Sky Is Burning

and of course his favourite little slut/prostitute’s blog:

This Cliché Life

(Without either of these blogs, yours truly would still be living in a lie/sick and twisted joke of a marriage and would definitely NOT have begun my own blog).

The rest are some of my favs – in no particular order – and for those who have seen fit to link back to me, a million thanks and keep on blogging kids!


Gurustu’s Words of Wisdom

Easy Bake Coven

The Rant King


Da Goddess

Say What?

Starry Sheep

Queer-Eyed Mrs. P


Dancing with Dogs

Uterine Wars

Postmodern Courtesean


Purple Pen

Go Fug Yourself

Liam’s Odd Musings

Seeking Clarity

Dragon Droppings

Brewed Fresh Daily

Grumpiest Girl

(Of course I would not link to a blog unless I liked it – so feel free to check out my blog roll.)
It’s been an interesting year (blogging experience) to say the very least. I wish all of you continued happiness, good health, much joy and success. May your muse be kind and inspirational.


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