Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Other wonky weird thingus

So of course I am not just fascinated with extra-marital affairs and the psychology behind infidelity. I am also fascinated with the subculture of blogging. I just think it's really cool that people EVERYWHERE are doing this and putting their thoughts, hopes, dreams, raves, rants, deepest, darkest secrets out there for the whole wide world to see.

So that is why I have ways to check out who checks out *my* blog etc...

I noticed today that there was a link/referrer from the Environmental Protection Agency?!?!?!?!
Um...ok knd of wierd, kind of wonky - but intriguing just the same. I mean they went from the EPA site (blog?) to mine? Wonder what the hell *that* means. (Cue weird X-Files music).
Between that the the Gouranga e-mail I just don't know. If I end up on an Alien ship, hopefully they will still let me blog.



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