The universe unfolds...
“To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world…”- Anonymous
The above is a quote from a card that was given to me at work, and it refers to the promotion of organ donation. I thought the sentiment was wonderful.
So I do a lot of phone work for my job – I have to do ‘intake’ on prospective ‘donors’ and the other day I was on the phone with a person who sounded exactly like a cartoon character – as a matter of fact she sounded like I would imagine Elmer Fudd’s wife must sound like, it was very difficult to keep a straight face….
I was on hold recently, listening to music while I waited to talk to someone who apparently works for a Spa/Hair Salon – it began to dawn on me, as I listened to the annoyingly soothing voice and the message for their Salon, that what in essence I was hearing was - “you’re ugly, come on in so we can help you fix that” – I mean isn’t that what ‘beauty salons’ are for? For us to become more beautiful – that elusive butterfly, beauty, taunting us – reminding us we are never enough – just being ourselves.
Today, the universe really opened up to me in terms of my Yoga practice.
I received a call from a massage-therapist I know (he’s a wonderful practitioner) – and he is going to be starting his own practice soon; he wants me to be a Yoga teacher for him – this is really exciting. I am trying not to get my hopes too high just in case the whole thing burns and crashes – it’s still very nice to be considered and very kind of him – not to mention he’s kind of cute – but his marriage is in trouble and I am trying to be supportive of him as a friend – he listened to my problems a while ago and I feel he needs someone to listen (yes I know to watch my own vulnerability with this one).
It is so very exciting to have something to look forward to in the way my livelihood (especially concerning Yoga – which I adore)
Then I also received a call from the doctor who heads up our meager attempt at a Center for Integrative Medicine (which is all but dead, a pipe-dream that was never truly realized – this is a very long story and it’s very sad and I have been debating for a long time whether to share it or not – I probably will – eventually…)
Needless to say this doctor called because the Yoga teacher they hired to teach patients here has suddenly begun ‘having scheduling problems’ and can’t make the talks she promised to give. (Gee I am wondering if it’s because the program is falling apart.)
At any rate said doctor, (whom I respect and admire greatly – and who is not the reason at all for the failure of this program), she called me to ask me to give a talk on Yoga (for our entire institution) – I am blown away by this….scared to death too (in a fun and happy sort of way) – it’s an honour to be considered and if people really show up for this talk it might actually pump life back into the program – the way you gently blow on a camp fire to get it started….
She also informed me that if I wanted to teach my own Yoga class on a Saturday – she would offer me the use of the space at their center, advertise the program, and help make sure it was a success….it’s funny and I have extremely mixed feelings about this one – only because of the ‘story’ I’ve left out…which I will have to blog about here soon so you will appreciate my apprehension. Again it’s nice to think that I may be able to do something I love and get paid at the same time.
Tonight, I began giving semi-private lessons to a couple of girls from my office – one of them has some challenges so I had to reach out to my Yoga community for help and it is so nice to have such great people to turn to. Nice to get feed back, nice to teach.
It was a wonderful session and they both really enjoyed the class. Their husbands might be joining in for this as well so I will get paid more money. It’s a bit of a quandary to ask the people you work with to pay you for your services – so I have to try and get out of that mind set…
All in all a good day – I needed to have some good news for a change. My thanks goes out to the universe for the opportunities and graces bestowed.
The above is a quote from a card that was given to me at work, and it refers to the promotion of organ donation. I thought the sentiment was wonderful.
So I do a lot of phone work for my job – I have to do ‘intake’ on prospective ‘donors’ and the other day I was on the phone with a person who sounded exactly like a cartoon character – as a matter of fact she sounded like I would imagine Elmer Fudd’s wife must sound like, it was very difficult to keep a straight face….
I was on hold recently, listening to music while I waited to talk to someone who apparently works for a Spa/Hair Salon – it began to dawn on me, as I listened to the annoyingly soothing voice and the message for their Salon, that what in essence I was hearing was - “you’re ugly, come on in so we can help you fix that” – I mean isn’t that what ‘beauty salons’ are for? For us to become more beautiful – that elusive butterfly, beauty, taunting us – reminding us we are never enough – just being ourselves.
Today, the universe really opened up to me in terms of my Yoga practice.
I received a call from a massage-therapist I know (he’s a wonderful practitioner) – and he is going to be starting his own practice soon; he wants me to be a Yoga teacher for him – this is really exciting. I am trying not to get my hopes too high just in case the whole thing burns and crashes – it’s still very nice to be considered and very kind of him – not to mention he’s kind of cute – but his marriage is in trouble and I am trying to be supportive of him as a friend – he listened to my problems a while ago and I feel he needs someone to listen (yes I know to watch my own vulnerability with this one).
It is so very exciting to have something to look forward to in the way my livelihood (especially concerning Yoga – which I adore)
Then I also received a call from the doctor who heads up our meager attempt at a Center for Integrative Medicine (which is all but dead, a pipe-dream that was never truly realized – this is a very long story and it’s very sad and I have been debating for a long time whether to share it or not – I probably will – eventually…)
Needless to say this doctor called because the Yoga teacher they hired to teach patients here has suddenly begun ‘having scheduling problems’ and can’t make the talks she promised to give. (Gee I am wondering if it’s because the program is falling apart.)
At any rate said doctor, (whom I respect and admire greatly – and who is not the reason at all for the failure of this program), she called me to ask me to give a talk on Yoga (for our entire institution) – I am blown away by this….scared to death too (in a fun and happy sort of way) – it’s an honour to be considered and if people really show up for this talk it might actually pump life back into the program – the way you gently blow on a camp fire to get it started….
She also informed me that if I wanted to teach my own Yoga class on a Saturday – she would offer me the use of the space at their center, advertise the program, and help make sure it was a success….it’s funny and I have extremely mixed feelings about this one – only because of the ‘story’ I’ve left out…which I will have to blog about here soon so you will appreciate my apprehension. Again it’s nice to think that I may be able to do something I love and get paid at the same time.
Tonight, I began giving semi-private lessons to a couple of girls from my office – one of them has some challenges so I had to reach out to my Yoga community for help and it is so nice to have such great people to turn to. Nice to get feed back, nice to teach.
It was a wonderful session and they both really enjoyed the class. Their husbands might be joining in for this as well so I will get paid more money. It’s a bit of a quandary to ask the people you work with to pay you for your services – so I have to try and get out of that mind set…
All in all a good day – I needed to have some good news for a change. My thanks goes out to the universe for the opportunities and graces bestowed.
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