Friday, April 29, 2005

Senate Bill 51

I urge all of you - to get in touch with your representative about this bill.

Let's put a stop to this insanity!


A big thanks goes out to Jeff, and Terry

****This has been your weekly public service announcement from Dancing on Coeltte's Grave, we now return you to your normal programming****


Blogger rmacapobre said...

does citizenship begin at conception?

6:11 AM  
Blogger Colette said...


I know this is a tough subject. I was raised Catholic too remember...

If the baby is giong to be carried to term, then yes citizenship - at least the way I understand it - would begin then...I mean here in the US people have been put on trial/or charged with a criminal act in certain states - for hitting pregnant women because they deem it attempted murder of the fetus - therefore that would seem to assign certain rights and priveledges to that fetus - also in the case of Scott Peterson - he was also on trial for murdering his unborn son...

However - what I am talking about are womens' rights to decide whether to get pregnant in the first place and THEN carry a baby to term. The right to chose should never be taken away.

6:34 AM  

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