Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Mother missed signs of 'choking game'

I am so totally disturbed by this - how awful - I mean WTF is going on with these children?? Mon dieu.

You know I just don't know when it was that everyone decided to get so damned destructive towards themselves...I mean sure when I was 'coming up' it was sneaking cigarettes and then doing illicit drugs/drinking etc. But I guess I just never thought of cutting myself or trying to asphyxiate myself as a way to 'get off' or get away from my pain....

My heart really goes out to moms and dads these days - there's just so much stuff going on and it all begs for an answer but who knows what the answer's something to do with society but then we open up a huge can of worms about what you should and shouldn't do - should and shouldn't expose your kids to etc....

It's just so incredibly sad and frightening.


Blogger Jeff Hess said...

Shalom Colette,

It's an old, old game. I remember it from freshman year in high school. Lisa and Cheryl were the first two I knew who liked to play it.

Things aren't better or worse. They are.



7:17 AM  
Blogger Colette said...


I have NEVER EVER heard of kids doing this....tha'ts number 1

#2 - you are not a parent - we've covered this and as a parent let me tell you kids today are facing mre and there are many more dangers and parents are having a much harder time than *I* ever did or my parents and that's a fact. It really is - my parents never had ot worry about internet predators - thinkgs were just a bit safer for us back then...

We must have had very differing childhoods you and I, cause I would have never thought that harming myself was fun and games...nor passing out. In fact I DID pass out in church once from the incense and it sucked....

10:17 AM  

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