Tuesday, May 15, 2007

An 'awwww' moment

Today at work there were people from park services here to ‘tag’ 3 baby falcons. You could hear the babies screaming all the way down the hall so we all went to check out the scene.

The baby male falcon was beautiful white with flecks of grey in his downy feathers. His ‘mommy’ waited anxiously outside on the ledge for the return of her baby boy...every now and then she would echo his cries. I asked one of the rangers if she would accept him after they handled him like that – he assured me she could not ‘smell’ and that she would accept her babies back.

What a beautiful sight – a little sad because the birds were crying for their mom – and sometimes I wonder at the necessity of doing such things to animals – but in the end I have to believe its important for the survival of the species.

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