Wedded bliss...
So this weekend was the wedding of one of my friends and the lovely woman he took as his wife. As you can imagine, it was difficult at best for me to be there....I was not looking forward to this at all. But, I love these people and more than any other couple I know they seem to be right for each other - I take that back, there are 2 couples I feel this way about. They have been thru a lot and so this is more than a wedding, it is a triumph of love.
On my way down to rendezvous with the people who were giving me a ride to the event, I could not help but notice the couple riding in the car behind me. I don't know what made me 'think they were a couple...but I just got this vibe. The other vibe I got was that they did not like each other much. Again, I don't know why...perhaps it is just my too active imagination, and so I begin to construct a 'story' about them.
They did not speak a word to each other, there was no eye contact, no smiles, no nothing. I felt like they could barely stand to be in the same auto together. I began thinking of all the other married couples out there who feel this way about each other...what makes them decide that they will endure a relationship like that? Is it fear? Do they feel that they don't want to be alone and that they will never find anyone else? Like my one friend, do they think that they have invested so much time that they just won't walk away because really, what would they do if they left?
What drive us to stay with someone we don't like? Are we that pathetic? I am sure some of us just like to suffer. Maybe we don't think we are worthy of healthy, happy relationships...perhaps we don't know how to start or maintain a healthy relationship. Perhaps we are lazy. I really think at times this has become a theme for my blog, my rant...why do we do what we do to/with others, why does it mess up our lives, why can't we seem to get it right and what is the secret of those who do get it right?
To my dear friends who got married this past weekend - I wish you every happiness and joy. I hope that when you get bogged down by the other things life throws at you that you will remember your wedding day and your vows to each other and stay madly, deeply in love. I pray that you will never have to experience the 'dead zone' as you ride through life together. May you be as close during the storm as you are in the sunshine.
On my way down to rendezvous with the people who were giving me a ride to the event, I could not help but notice the couple riding in the car behind me. I don't know what made me 'think they were a couple...but I just got this vibe. The other vibe I got was that they did not like each other much. Again, I don't know why...perhaps it is just my too active imagination, and so I begin to construct a 'story' about them.
They did not speak a word to each other, there was no eye contact, no smiles, no nothing. I felt like they could barely stand to be in the same auto together. I began thinking of all the other married couples out there who feel this way about each other...what makes them decide that they will endure a relationship like that? Is it fear? Do they feel that they don't want to be alone and that they will never find anyone else? Like my one friend, do they think that they have invested so much time that they just won't walk away because really, what would they do if they left?
What drive us to stay with someone we don't like? Are we that pathetic? I am sure some of us just like to suffer. Maybe we don't think we are worthy of healthy, happy relationships...perhaps we don't know how to start or maintain a healthy relationship. Perhaps we are lazy. I really think at times this has become a theme for my blog, my rant...why do we do what we do to/with others, why does it mess up our lives, why can't we seem to get it right and what is the secret of those who do get it right?
To my dear friends who got married this past weekend - I wish you every happiness and joy. I hope that when you get bogged down by the other things life throws at you that you will remember your wedding day and your vows to each other and stay madly, deeply in love. I pray that you will never have to experience the 'dead zone' as you ride through life together. May you be as close during the storm as you are in the sunshine.
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