Monday, September 20, 2004

The utter reality of it all

So for the most part I find reality TV to be one of the more stupid/inane things to ever grace our screens. I hate TV - I think TV is evil - it has it's place - and I admit I watch some TV. But reality TV???? Um no thanks, I am trying to cut down on the reality in my own life - why would I add more to compare and contrast and remind me either how poor I am, or how much my own life really does suck, or even how much better off I am than these pawns for the ratings game.

Sometimes it occurs to me that my blog in ways is a ‘reality blog’ and that I am in essence putting my life out there in blogdom for commentary and judgment by total strangers – the downside being I don’t ever have a chance to win $50,000 and the upside being that I don’t I have to eat bull’s testicles or whore myself out on national TV.

I think the ones I absolutely hate the most are the romance or dating shows - I mean ugh - who the hell would do something like that. The Bachelor and The Bachelorette - give me a fucking break!

I have found myself, in the past, and even most recently, inexplicably ‘drawn’ towards certain shows. Three to be exact; I liked watching ‘The Restaurant’ – mainly because I think Rocco is gorgeous and I grew up in an Italian family where cooking was part of life. I also watched a little of ‘The Apprentice’ last year because I thought it was interesting and different from the other reality shows. The other one I watched (perhaps one or two episodes) – was the one abut mom or wife-swapping (but not in the true sense of wife-swapping) – sorry I don’t know the name of it – but I thought it was rather funny watching the rich white woman move in with a lower-economic Black family and vice-versa watching the Black mom living in the lap of luxury – a sort of Princess and the Pauper, if you will.

I decided to watch ‘The Apprentice’ again as it began it’s new season. I have now decided I am probably not going to watch it anymore. I find Donald Trump not only to be without taste (have you seen how he decorates???? How about his hair???? Somebody call the guys from Queer Eye, please) – but I think the way he demeans people, gets them to turn on each other and just the sophomoric quality of the relationships between the ‘contestants’ make me wonder why a business school such as Harvard would use such a program for teaching purposes. I mean are they using it to teach their students what NOT to do? I just don’t feel that when I watch this show I am getting a true dose of ‘reality’ as far as business goes. I mean yes, there are probably very sneaky, ruthless practices that go on in high-powered places like the Trump kingdom – but I doubt that a lot of the other antics would fly.

I think that so much of our lives we spend trying to emulate those people we ‘think’ we admire. Those that somehow seem better than us but you have to ask yourself why we do this in our country. In these cases I really don’t feel that imitation is a sincere form of flattery – I think it’s tantamount to societal suicide. I will probably feel the same when they eventually come out with ‘virtual-reality TV’ - or my gosh! has that already begun somewhere and I am just out of the loop?


Blogger Manic Witch said...

The only reality shows I really like anymore are shows like Queer Eye, Trading Spaces and How Clean is Your House? Hubs is addicted to Survivor, but I usually read or do my nails when that is on. I might have liked Trading Spouses or Meet my new mom if there were actually benefits that came along with the swap *nudge, nudge, wink, wink* LOL.

4:12 PM  

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