Tuesday, September 07, 2004


I want to write...
A revisionist history
I want to remember
Only the pleasure
Focus on the love .
Like the way -
Your eyes would lock
On mine
So cornflower blue,
So intense, so fierce
You would possess me
You could see right through me
And the way your hands
Would find those places
That made me shiver
Made me feel like
I was at dizzying heights
And that thrill would linger
Long after your touch
Or the times you’d -
Reach for me...
In the night and I’d be
Engulfed by your
Warmth and touch
The times when we’d
Make love... so
Intensely, with such
Abandon, that the
Afterglow would last
For days - I’d feel
Closer to you than
To any other human
Like you knew me,
Inside and out.
Your love would
Ring through me
Carry me away
Never let me
Touch the earth
Almost reaching
The heavens with
That love, a love
That seemed ancient,
Timeless, and forever


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