Friday, September 10, 2004

More political commentary

Not that anyone cares...but I thought I would post a letter I sent to my dear friend this morning. She was writing to me about the recent/ongoing issues with Bush's military record:

"What kills me is that everyone is getting all riled up about service records - I mean no offense who the hell cares - Vietnam was ages ago - I want to know what they are going to do NOW to help America. It's obvious Bush was a daddy's boy who because of his ties and because he was wealthy, got out of his duty - yes that's a load of crap but hey it's how our system one's to blame for that but our system and to fix that system we need to stop pandering to the wealthy and THAT is never going to happen.

We don't belong in Iraq we never did - doesn't anyone realise that half the time we help put these people into power (Like Saddam) for our own agendas???? It's ridiculous - I for one am getting tired of it all - I think we need to help people in our own country and let the rest of the world fend for itself. Terrorism is a way of life now - we can't ignore it but we don't need to attack countries that represent no real threat either. Yes we need to be strong in the military but it does not help if we are not strong at home - people out of jobs don't care about the Iraqis - not for an instant - if I can't feed my kids why would I want to spend more money to drop bombs on other people's kids????? Makes no sense to me...

And it's not just the GOP that's's ALL of the political machine - which seems to have no other agenda besides the furtherance/promotion of power/wealth/oil/land you get the picture - to help benefit the powerful/wealthy in this country and in the end the people that end up suffering are the middle-class and the poor and the whole world views us Americans as war mongers and in reality it's not your average typical American feeling this way - we are just like other people in other countries the things we care about are universal - the human cost - the human need never seems to occur to the people in power does it? Now perhaps if THEIR sons/daughters died fighting in an unnecessary war their tune would change a bit... "


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