Of sorrow and remembrance
It is three years since this country changed so drastically. It is three years since the world seemed bound and determined to rip itself apart.
I am sitting here at my computer, writing, faltering for the 'right' words when I know there aren't any in our vernacular to describe this event, to mark this passing. I should be at a Temple not at my computer. I should be praying - I can't - perhaps I AM praying right now and I don't know it....
I have friends - very close friends, who at the time this happened, were working/living in downtown Manhattan. One of my dearest friend's daughter had body parts raining down on her. I can not even imagine the horror of such a thing. In fact I am surpirse this young woman is stil coherant - I would be in a mental hospital.
Aside from all the political ravings, aside from all the debate, the retributions, the 'Patriot Act', the establishment of Homeland Security, the search for answers....
What I see here is a testament to the human spirit. A sentiment that goes beyond any government, a signal flag for hope. A prayer for peace. A resolution that even in uncertain times - we are all part of the human family and we should not be divided by political ideals, geographical borders, or religious practices (all man-made). Yes there is anger, there is sorrow, there is turmoil, there are cries for vengance....but there is also a glimmer of hope. There are people who still hunger for a global community. There is still peace to be waged.
I hope we win the fight for peace.
I am sitting here at my computer, writing, faltering for the 'right' words when I know there aren't any in our vernacular to describe this event, to mark this passing. I should be at a Temple not at my computer. I should be praying - I can't - perhaps I AM praying right now and I don't know it....
I have friends - very close friends, who at the time this happened, were working/living in downtown Manhattan. One of my dearest friend's daughter had body parts raining down on her. I can not even imagine the horror of such a thing. In fact I am surpirse this young woman is stil coherant - I would be in a mental hospital.
Aside from all the political ravings, aside from all the debate, the retributions, the 'Patriot Act', the establishment of Homeland Security, the search for answers....
What I see here is a testament to the human spirit. A sentiment that goes beyond any government, a signal flag for hope. A prayer for peace. A resolution that even in uncertain times - we are all part of the human family and we should not be divided by political ideals, geographical borders, or religious practices (all man-made). Yes there is anger, there is sorrow, there is turmoil, there are cries for vengance....but there is also a glimmer of hope. There are people who still hunger for a global community. There is still peace to be waged.
I hope we win the fight for peace.
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