Tuesday, September 07, 2004

It's official - Colette's furious

Yep I have had it folks....with all this political bullshit and rhetoric. We were better off as cave men/women.

With Dick (boy they sure picked his first name right eh?) Cheney's statement (in essence) - that voting for the wrong party (translation = the Democrats) - could mean risking another terrorist attack on the soil of the good ole' US of A! (What cahones that man has!!!) Further, that the Democrats would probably just play 'defense' - and remember kids the best defense is a good offense.

So...let's just keep laying waste to the rest of the world in the name of God bless fuckin' America, and apple fuckin' pie, and fuckin' heterosexual (no pun intended) sex, and 4 more years of wearing blinders to the rest of the global community at large. Because we're big, we're bad, we're America and who gives a rat's ass about attacking other countries without provocation or the 'right' facts....we're America damn it! And you'd better watch your backs because you just never know who "W" is going to attack next because his daddy has a grudge match to settle.

Jesus H. Chris - when did we become La Cosa Nostra??? I mean even my Italian family that WAS involved in that kind of crap was more subtle than this - but hey with the kind of stakes at risk here (c'mon say it with me kids - OIL FIELDS!) can we really afford to play nice in the sandbox?

Ya know in some ways I am glad I got into that car accident 'cause I've been way too busy to pay much attention to this shit. Goddess I am so embarrassed to be an American.


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