Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Riding the bus

Today for the second day in a row, I had to take a bus ride into work (well actually it took me two different buses to get there...). What struck me as absolutely amazing on this bus ride so very early this morning (before 6AM) - was that all the riders KNEW EACH OTHER! Not only that, but at that hour in the morning they were all KIND to each other! (Holy shit!). I mean they greeted each other they had conversations with each other. I have NEVER ever witnessed this on a bus before. In fact it makes me think twice about taking my car in now. It was a happy experience. It was a nice, pleasant experience. I was amazed - seriously. (Does not take much to amaze me, I guess).

It left me wondering about people in general. I mean I had a terrible day at work today. It was one of the worst days in recent memory - some idiot from our IT department in an effort to 'fix' my computer, managed to wipe my hard drive clean. So all of my documents that I had stored on my hard drive are gone. Since we have 'shared' drives he just assumed that I saved everything to the shared drive - not my hard drive - but he did not bother to look, nor did he bother to ask me about any of this - he was doing this work after hours - after I had left for the day. He just wiped it clean. I had personal stuff on there, document templates, and 2 years of work I had done as the Yoga teacher for the Cleveland Clinic - gone - it's all gone......*sob*

And yet...this story about the bus is what stayed with me today....

Soon I will return to my usual rant - I have some interesting info to share about my arch nemesis but that's another post.

The next time you board your mode of public transportation, (as I am assuming some of you better-than-Colette citizens do...), smile at your fellow passengers, strike up a conversation - you just never know who you are going to meet and how much of an impression you might make to some total stranger... (of course you might want to avoid talking to those passengers that are angrily muttering to themselves or even those yelling at no one in particular) *wink*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It may be possible to save the information yet. Nothing on a computer is ever truly erased, it is stored somewhere. Hence those programs for truly wiping your computer (from the authorities or whatever). If you haven't yet, take it to a reliable computer repair person and see if the files can be recovered. I had a nasty virus and managed to get everything back. Good luck!

11:28 AM  
Blogger Colette said...

As far as 'recovering' the lost information - it's gone. You see it was the IT guy from where I work that did this and I reported it to his supervisor - who also confirmed the worst case scenario (the data is gone) - and so there is no other 'reliable' computer expert to take this problem to - the insitution where I work 'owns' the machine and if they aren't going to help me retrieve it - unfortunately - no one is - but thanks for the suggestion.

8:22 PM  

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