Who's being followed by a Moon Shadow?
OK so I am going to admit it - I loved Cat Stevens, I loved his music and, I thought he was hot, (really hot) - I married a man who looked like him (really - at least at the time he did)...
But I have never been AFRAID of Cat Stevens. I have never felt him to be a terrorist threat. Oh sure I was pissed off when he called for the death of Salman Rushdie and it upset me very much. I did not get rid of my Cat Stevens music (I did stop listenng for a bit). Eventually I began to listen again becuase I realised that the Cat Stevens who wrote and performed that music was a different person from Yusuf Islam.
But to now have him on a 'watch list' and have a plane diverted because of him?!?!?!? Can anyone say the word alarmist with me? What have we become here? Is the US (in bits and pieces) going to grind to a halt - are we going to be inconvenienced every single time our Government decides we are in danger. Look guys I know we have to be a bit more alert, I know we have to be a bit more aware and careful. But Cat Stevens????? Why because he is known to support Islamic charities?
OK so does this mean that if I support Irish music/musicians that in some way I am supporting the IRA (because I will bet my arse that SOME of that money DOES go to the IRA)? I am not for violence not in any way shape or form. I want England to get the hell out of Ireland but then so did all of my ancestors. How do we know the things we do don't end up supporting terrorists - (you know like voting for a President who is going to help topple one regime only to help put another in power that one day grows up to be Al-Queda).....the answer to that question is we don't. But I for one don't plan on living in fear all the time - just because my government says I have to. Grant it I was not on that plane and yes, I would have freaked out had it been diverted - but then I would have been really angry... and NOT with Mr. Cat Stevens.
But I have never been AFRAID of Cat Stevens. I have never felt him to be a terrorist threat. Oh sure I was pissed off when he called for the death of Salman Rushdie and it upset me very much. I did not get rid of my Cat Stevens music (I did stop listenng for a bit). Eventually I began to listen again becuase I realised that the Cat Stevens who wrote and performed that music was a different person from Yusuf Islam.
But to now have him on a 'watch list' and have a plane diverted because of him?!?!?!? Can anyone say the word alarmist with me? What have we become here? Is the US (in bits and pieces) going to grind to a halt - are we going to be inconvenienced every single time our Government decides we are in danger. Look guys I know we have to be a bit more alert, I know we have to be a bit more aware and careful. But Cat Stevens????? Why because he is known to support Islamic charities?
OK so does this mean that if I support Irish music/musicians that in some way I am supporting the IRA (because I will bet my arse that SOME of that money DOES go to the IRA)? I am not for violence not in any way shape or form. I want England to get the hell out of Ireland but then so did all of my ancestors. How do we know the things we do don't end up supporting terrorists - (you know like voting for a President who is going to help topple one regime only to help put another in power that one day grows up to be Al-Queda).....the answer to that question is we don't. But I for one don't plan on living in fear all the time - just because my government says I have to. Grant it I was not on that plane and yes, I would have freaked out had it been diverted - but then I would have been really angry... and NOT with Mr. Cat Stevens.
The mere thought of it is quite bizarre, isn't it? From Morning has broken to Islamist terrorism, now there's a giant leap, if ever there was one. Then again, stranger things have been known to happen, but I have to agree; it all seems a little farfetched.
It would seem now, that Mr. Yusuf Islam (formerly known as Cat Stevens) is about to take legal actions against US authorities. Maybe something even Al Gore should consider?
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