Monday, January 12, 2004


It is so hard for me to imagine what he is going thru. I guess I just can't begin to understand the madness - the depression - although I too am depressed these days. The silence that must seem like a crushing force and he is left alone with just his thoughts and the never ending buzz in his brain. I am sure it is very maddening. I think part of the problem is that he was trying so hard to not listen to it when we were together that he was also not listening to that little voice of common sense we all have in our minds (I think) but we don't listen to at times.

There is nothing I can do to take away his sorrow or his pain. There is nothing he can do for me. All I can do is watch us go through this - helpless. That is why I think the best thing to do is to let it all go. Evenutally the din is replaced with other noises and the sadness is replaced with peace and perhaps a new outlook and that is what we both need.


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