Saturday, July 24, 2004

Not meant to be

And so...
Quietly I sought to leave
A whisper, almost, not quite heard
Yet it can't be that way
It has to be a cacophany
Blasting, loud, hurtful
Not a fitting end

I can see him - (your sickness)
dressed in a cheap suit
smiling with that
used car salesman grin
beconing to me, trying to
peddle all this junque
But I'm not buying it
Not anymore

Why can't we just let go
let each other live, breath, flow
try to be brave, just try
for once, at least
for each's other's sake
Not to do this

Can you hear me?
Above the din you're making?
You can't seem to listen, or
You just don't want to
You won't accept that we are
Not those people anymore

I see you now
the shell of the man
I used to know,
I used to love
I can't help you
I can't go with you
It's just
Not meant to be


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