Now for some real issues and problems - besides my usual rants
"Yes Virginia, there are other things in life more importnat than Colette's relationship issues!"
I was involved in a car accident. On Sunday, August 29th as I was travelling down a one-way street in Cleveland. I was hit by a police car. Suddenly, and without any warning, (neither his lights nor his flashers on), the officer made a left hand turn from the middle lane - right into my car.
I am OK - thank God and so are the officers involved. I am extremly sore and achy, I have bruises, I have a thoracic contusion and one on my left knee. My car is damaged and I have no vehicle. Mainly, I am upset by the red-tape and the beauracracy that will be involved in getting this resolved. I am also beginning to think I am cursed. I suppose somehow it will all work out...
But in the scheme of things I am a miniscule little cog in the great wheel of life and, in comparison to the events that have unfolded this week - I am extremely unimportant/insignificant:
"Agony as school death toll rises":
To those families in Belsan, RUSSIA, my heart, my tears, my thoughts and prayers are with you now. As a global community, I hope you know that people all over the world have been saddened and shocked by this event. Those of us who are parents hugged our children a little closer to us this week as we prayed silently for the safe return of your children. Although my words alone can not convey the horror or the magnitude what happened here, please know that I am truly sorry and heart-sick over your loss.
May the compassion in the hearts of the millions of people who watched this with unfold along with you, somehow help you through your sorrow and grief. Know that we open our arms and our hearts to you. Know that we are here. I know this may sound lame, but maybe somehow, the outpouring of this grief and sorrow and yes even the outrage, can bring us closer together as a human tribe - as feeling and sentient beings who love our children more than anything - and perhaps, somehow keep this from happening elsewhere.
I was involved in a car accident. On Sunday, August 29th as I was travelling down a one-way street in Cleveland. I was hit by a police car. Suddenly, and without any warning, (neither his lights nor his flashers on), the officer made a left hand turn from the middle lane - right into my car.
I am OK - thank God and so are the officers involved. I am extremly sore and achy, I have bruises, I have a thoracic contusion and one on my left knee. My car is damaged and I have no vehicle. Mainly, I am upset by the red-tape and the beauracracy that will be involved in getting this resolved. I am also beginning to think I am cursed. I suppose somehow it will all work out...
But in the scheme of things I am a miniscule little cog in the great wheel of life and, in comparison to the events that have unfolded this week - I am extremely unimportant/insignificant:
"Agony as school death toll rises":
To those families in Belsan, RUSSIA, my heart, my tears, my thoughts and prayers are with you now. As a global community, I hope you know that people all over the world have been saddened and shocked by this event. Those of us who are parents hugged our children a little closer to us this week as we prayed silently for the safe return of your children. Although my words alone can not convey the horror or the magnitude what happened here, please know that I am truly sorry and heart-sick over your loss.
May the compassion in the hearts of the millions of people who watched this with unfold along with you, somehow help you through your sorrow and grief. Know that we open our arms and our hearts to you. Know that we are here. I know this may sound lame, but maybe somehow, the outpouring of this grief and sorrow and yes even the outrage, can bring us closer together as a human tribe - as feeling and sentient beings who love our children more than anything - and perhaps, somehow keep this from happening elsewhere.
Thanks for linking to my site (Meandering musings of a manic witch). Love yours too. Good luck with the car accident. Watch out for the bullshit.
Very eloquent post about the tragedy in Russia. It broke my heart seeing that unfold. I cannot even imagine the horrors nor the agony those parents must be feeling.
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