Friday, April 30, 2010

Principal to parents: Take kids off Facebook -

Principal to parents: Take kids off Facebook -

Yep...I agree...

We complain about how our kids aren't listening, aren't doing their work, don't know how to exercise, are getting obese and the list goes on and on and on...

Here's a clue - teach your kids to talk to each other in person.

And I am not suggesting that there was not cruelty among kids when I was growing up - or that it did not do significant damage, regardless. But there is something insidiously wrong about 8-15 years olds on-line like this instead of interacting face-to-face with their peers.

Why are we raising people who spend all of their time in front of the 'warm glow' of a computer/video screen?

No wonder society is failing...

Mixed bag


Tomorrow I leave for our sales meeting. I get to go hang out down in Florida - but it will be work, work, work until I get back. It's a nice pay check but it's really exhausting...

The only good thing is that Erin will be with me for a day or so at the front end - then it's two weeks of missing him like crazy and sleeping without him (which is two weeks too long) I am sad...

Kids: friggin' GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR WTF. I don't even know where to start. But it is so hard being a parent whether it's your kids or you are subbing for someone else. Yes there is a lot of joy that goes with the territory but keeping them on task and trying not to worry about them is such a challenge...

It's beautiful outside...I want to go play...

Yoga seems to be doing well and that's a good thing so hopefully at this time next year, I will have a regular class and regular students.

I am thinking about taking classes in the fall - just trying to get a BA or a BS (perhaps nursing) - one class at a time for now...we will see.

Well more later - I really do want to write....but I need a muse - the stuff causing stress in my life has apparently robbed me of my writing voice.

I do have some writing to do about going to my cousin's wedding.

Later kids


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

" the corner of my mind"

Do minds have corners?


We took the kids (meaning my step-kids, and my niece and nephew (all of whom are about the same ages)) to 'the Burgh' (Pittsburgh)....

It was a nice trip down with the exception of driving around Pittsburgh, unfortunately, I did not print out the right kind of maps, the directions were rather convoluted, and nothing in that city is marked properly (like major attractions etc.) - so, understandably Erin was on edge. Driving in Pittsburgh is always a bear anyhow.

But we took the kids to the Cathedral of Learning on Friday last and spent most of the day Saturday at the Science Center. The kids had fun and they were well behaved. We even showed them the place where our family used to was nice being able to share the places I visited as a child with my niece and nephew and hopefully, help them create their own special memories that they will cherish when they are older.

Driving around the area I grew up in brought on a lot of memories. Most were associated with the days of summer and being outside, playing with all the other neighborhood kids. We didn't have to schedule 'play dates'; our parents were not trying to cram every friggin' moment full of something to do, and life just unfolded. You didn't feel like there was a race against time to get things done - of course as a kid why would you feel that way? (unless of course your dumb ass parents are trying to scheduled too much shit for you to accomplish)....

Remembrances of being at my Irish grandmother's house in particular this visit, with the guys all gathered around on a lazy Sunday afternoon in the summer, listening to the Pittsburgh Pirates play ball, and the feeling that despite being 'poor' that all was right with the world. There was a feeling of family - true family, a spirit that seemed to pervade the house, like we all belonged.

A couple of weeks from now, I am going to have the pleasure of going back to Pittsburgh again, this time to attend the wedding of one of my own cousins (I believe she is actually my age and this will be her second marriage). I am going to be on the arm of my husband and hopefully, we will get to dance together at the reception. I look forward creating new memories and adding to the joy that comes with being around family - for something other than a funeral - as my cousins and I are often pointing out to each other these days with humour of course...but still...we are losing our parents now and it's a bit hard to watch one generation fade into oblivion and perhaps come to terms with knowing we are next...

Here's to life and living and to my cousin's new found happiness: L'Chaim!


Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The self-inflicted wounds of the Catholic Church: Connie Schultz

Friday, April 02, 2010

This Easter, A Priest Prays For The Church's Rebirth : NPR

This Easter, A Priest Prays For The Church's Rebirth : NPR

I am praying for this as well, Father.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

A Good Easter Dinner Could Be Greek To You : NPR

A Good Easter Dinner Could Be Greek To You : NPR

Just because...

I have been 'hankerin' for some roasted lamb

Just in time...

...for 'Resurrection Sunday' it's....

(LOL - much thanks to my sister-in-law for sharing this)

