Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pray of St. Teresa of Avila

"Let nothing disturb you, let nothing frighten you, all things pass away: God never changes."

~St Teresa of Avila


Church of Scientology hits rough patch

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A tribute to Mac Tonnies

This is something I posted just a little while ago on another 'space' about the loss of Mac - and sure I would be willing to bet that a lot of you - if there are any of you still even reading my blog - have no idea of who Mac was. But let me tell you, Mac was one of the great thinkers of our time (perhaps his thinking was obscure and remote to some) - but he was constantly breaking new ground and his writings were some of the best I've ever read. (Please go to the link I've included and check out his work and thoughts).

I felt the need to post more, because upon finding out about his passing - I found myself crying - Mac touched my life and his passing is a great loss. So below is my commentary for what it is worth.

Bless you Mac - I hope your family is coping with your sudden departure - I know a lot of us out here are struggling....


I don't care about Metafilter, Twitter or any other social networking site when it comes to human sorrow and loss...

I have 'known' Mac now since 2003 when I began blogging. He was one of the most intelligent human life forms I ever had the pleasure of encountering. Only recently had we begun 'chatting' - I will treasure my contact with him - I am still in shock as I write this and last night I was crying (I JUST found this out)...

Sadly, I have to agree that no one is really going to 'know' who Mac was other than those of us who were graced by his presence in our lives. And it does not surprise me to hear of people passing judgment on him because put it bluntly and truthfully, most people are simply idiots...

What causes me sorrow is that other than leaving 'notes' here and there - there is no way for me to pay my respects in person to what must be a grieving family and close friends of this wonderful and kind soul. It makes me think too about the double/secret lives that in some ways those of us who do 'blog' or otherwise share our lives in the 'nethersphere'/innerworld of the Internet will pass on and our writings may perhaps be lost forever. I believe someone pointed out that losing Mac's blog/writings would be a huge loss - is there any way to preserve it for posterity - I don't know if there is a way or an answer but hopefully we are not the only ones thinking and feeling this way and Mac's contributions will go on into infinity.

I hope he is resting - where ever he is - and that he is beholding the great joys and secrets of the universe in all their multifaceted glory.

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"The first shall be last and the last shall be first.."

I am trying (TRULY) to hold my tongue – to understand certain things – to think in terms of being a good person, being ‘christ-like’ towards others but sometimes it all escapes me and I come undone…

The other night at the suggestion of a friend, I went to a prayer/healing service at our church. Considering all that has been going on lately, I felt I needed some healing – at least the idea of someone praying over me sounded good…

The man who came to our church was great. He seemed down-to-earth and not at all ‘in your face’ about things – he truly seemed to be genuine….

HE was great….the people in the pews were the ones who made me ashamed to be Catholic/Christian…

Never have I seen such greed and nastiness.

Grant it – the way this was set up for people to have this man ‘pray over them’ was such that it was going to take a lot of time, (the church was packed) – so perhaps he’d have done well to say that it would take a lot of time – but he did tell us all to be PATIENT – you know the virtue…patience????

Anyway – there was this one particular little girl that was already getting nasty looks because she was goth, she was covered in tats and wore all black – but the thing people were missing is that she was strung out…she was trembling, she was rocking back and forth and let’s just say I know the look…not to judge – she was obviously really struggling. And I am not suggesting that she was more in need than anyone else…but she was suffering a lot. So when she saw an opening to move ahead she did – she jumped pews and sat quietly rocking back and forth….I so wanted to go hold her and tell her everything would be OK….

The people in the pews next to me and behind me did not hide their disgust and contempt – I was waiting for someone to start stoning her on the spot – and I was so disgusted by everything I was hearing about what this child did that I almost left myself (and I probably should have…)….I just could not believe how badly these people were behaving…upon second thought, I DO believe how they were acting – let’s just say I was really upset by their lack of Christian kindness and compassion….

How sad – how did people act when Jesus was going from town to town healing the sick, helping the poor? Were people being shoved aside? Did people believe that they were more worthy of a cure than their neighbor? Did they believe there was not enough ‘cure’ to go around?

Do we ever change?

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Monday, October 26, 2009

UFOMystic Mac Tonnies Gone

UFOMystic Mac Tonnies Gone

Oh incredibly sad...I am just now finding this out and am in shock. I will always hold you fondly in my heart.

May the heavens welcome you with open in peace my dear.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Study: States can't afford death penalty -

Friday, October 09, 2009

‘Humbled’ Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

‘Humbled’ Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

(*shakes head in amazement*)...for a lot of reasons.

Congratulations, Mr. President

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Somali pirates attack French military flagship - Yahoo! News

Somali pirates attack French military flagship - Yahoo! News


(blogging about this because I just don't feel like talking about heart break right now..
I know it's stupid and mundane...)