Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I really wish this friggin' year was over already.

Do I hear a HELL YEAH!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Radio Paradise - commercial free Internet radio

Radio Paradise - commercial free Internet radio - modern, classic rock, electronica, world music, more - picked & mixed by real humans.

A seriously eclectic mix of everything. Nice, very nice.

I am always looking for a good mix to use while I am surfing or writing and, unless I am 'in the mood' for 'something specific' a station like this is superb.

So far this morning, I have heard:

Nena - 99 Luftballons
Air - Left Bank
Azam Ali - Abode

Need I say more? Go have a listen.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Welcome To Cleveland Battery Park Wine Bar

Welcome To Cleveland Battery Park Wine Bar

YOLO (You Only Live Once) is a nice little wine bar that just opened in Battery Park in Cleveland.

The atmosphere is relaxed and fun. Great selection of wines and interesting dishes for sharing.

My Love and I got to hang out with C2 and Wendy last night and we had a great time. There's even a cocktail menu and one of the drinks uses bacon-infused bourbon!

The owner Mike Graley was a wine buyer for Heinen's for 20 years. You can tell he knows his wine.

So go check the place out, enjoy, and help make the business a success.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

(Rare!) Helen Keller & Anne Sullivan (1930 Newsreel Footage)

This is astounding

Monday, November 22, 2010

Strange Horizons

Strange Horizons

Check out Jon's blog. Why? 'Cause I said so....and also because he is a brilliant writer.

The Public Isolation Project — by Cristin Norine and Joshua Jay Elliott

The Public Isolation Project — by Cristin Norine and Joshua Jay Elliott

Here's the blog link to go with the other post...

Exploring the anti-social side of social media - CNN.com

Exploring the anti-social side of social media - CNN.com

Read this and sound off....that is, unless you are too busy tweeting/facebooking/skyping


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Mixed media

Currently listening to:

Just finished reading:

I simply can not say enough about the mission of 'Dr.' Greg Mortenson to educate Muslim children - especially girls.

I know times are hard yet, I am urging all of you to go to this website and figure out a way to help. If we truly want to stop 'terrorism' it has to start with eradicating ignorance (on both sides of the fence I might add) and most importantly, with education. You can find the 'Three Cups of Tea' website HERE


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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Coventry Village hits its stride with help from a nascent garment district

Coventry Village hits its stride with help from a nascent garment district

Good to see the old stomping grounds is alive and well. I need to get down there soon and check it all out.

I love Ooh La La

My husband is wonderful. He just bought us tickets to see the Moscow Ballet perform the Nutcracker.

Wow...just wow.

LOL - I guess he is going to get lucky tonight. (*blush*) - I love you sweetheart.


-Many too small boxes and Maru.

And now for something completely different.

(I laughed out loud at this one)

Hope springs eternal, OR, The Job Faerie Commeth

...and now for more cliche sayings....

'They' say: "You are only as old as you feel"

I think this should be upgraded to version 3.0: "You are only as old as you think."

I say this because in dealing with the Job Faerie I am being tested and wondering what direction I should take.

I am very excited about a possible position with a truly progressive start up company here in Cleveburg that is doing really well. But it's a risk...

Then there is actually a position I can have if I want it with a solid institution and the pay is pretty good....but it's 'corporate' same old/same old...

What to do?

I don't have an offer from the other company but I really want to be there. The job would be more of an adventure. That is not to say it's not work, but I'd get to be creative, collaborative, a true part of a team.

As I get older, I know it's going to be harder to find a great job out there (especially in the economy in this town) - and I know it is not about money. And maybe that is how I need to look at this. IT'S NOT ABOUT MONEY....it's about something that will challenge me and keep me young(er) or on my toes....but then I DO need to think about other things too. Like bills, like benefits, like being stable...


OK God/dess/Universe....speak to me.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

If the Science Guy passes out and nobody tweets it, did it happen?

If the Science Guy passes out and nobody tweets it, did it happen?

Get the hell out of here!

What IS the matter with this picture?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Yahoo Sucks. Google doesn't

Say it with me now folks. The support people at Yahoo are cretins.

One of my old accounts had been compromised. People were getting sent spam e-mail and harmful links. So being a good person, I contacted Yahoo because I could not get into the account - they had actually changed my security question and answer the whole nine yards. So the people at Yahoo sent me to their 'account verification' team. No luck. Then I got sent to their 'abuse team'. No luck. Then I had to make a phone call. The person on the phone told me to go back to the account people YET AGAIN. And, YET AGAIN I have gotten no help. Seriously. This is friggin' nuts.

Here's the letter I wrote (not that it matters) but maybe if someone else out there is having problems, chances are you are SOL. Sad to say but it seems to be true.


Honestly. I have about had it with you people. I am sorry to sound so frustrated but I have to admit Google is way better than Yahoo at just about everything.

I have been sent on yet another wild goose chase about this friggin' account. You people are simply put simpletons. I don't mean to be abusive but let's try this crap one more time and then I give up. Because brilliance is simply not your strong suit.


My OLD account is *****@yahoo.com. I CAN NOT get into the account and it has been compromised and someone has been sending spam and possible harmful links from it. The account password had OBVIOUSLY been changed and I can not access. I REPEAT. I CAN NOT ACCESS and if I get one more person telling me to contact yet another Yahoo idiot service/person I am going to friggin scream. I have been sent all over the place with NO RESOLUTION to this issue.

All that I want is for *****@yahoo.com to be deleted or disabled. I no longer use the account however I was trying to do my Yahoo civic duty and help by reporting that the account had been compromised. Don't you think if I could get into the account to change the password I would???? I am not your typical monkey - I KNOW how to reset account passwords but I simply can not on this account. Now, is it possible to get some actual help or do you just simply want to admit you don't know what you are doing and can not help? Again I am sorry to be a b*tch here but this is like day 5 of this and I am getting nowhere.

I'd like some help. But I won't hold my breath.


So yeah...I doubt I will get anywhere - but I tried. And I realise that Yahoo could think I am simply some malicious freak trying to pull a fast one, but I am not. So hey if you know who I am and you are getting e-mail from one of my old accounts, just delete it, report it as spam and block the old address.

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Antonio Vivaldi "La Folia" - Apollo's Fire Baroque Orchestra/Jeannette S...

I have also fallen in love with this.

Your Island Five: The Albums You Can't Live Without

Your Island Five: The Albums You Can't Live Without : All Songs Considered Blog : NPR

Assuming you have electricity and a stereo...

This was hard. Very hard. I've said over and over how much I love music. I listed my 5, but I should have added a quantifier that these would be my 5 if I was not stranded with my husband. I would assume he would bring the albums we listened to the first time we made love...if I was alone without him, I am not sure I could stand to be reminded that I am without him....so I'd have 10 albums IF I was with him.

So here are MY 5:

1. Beatles - Let It Be
2. Simon and Garfunkel - Concert in Central Park
3. Led Zeppelin - IV
4. Carole King - Tapestry
5. Vivaldi - Four Seasons

After looking at the other lists, I was like "Oh my gosh - yeah I'd need THAT one too...." Yep. Just could not do it...if I was asked the same about books I'd be in trouble too. So that being said on the book thing - this is crazy - but I'd probably take the bible. I can not think of any other one book I'd be satisfied with reading over and over. I have tons of books I'd want to take...but I am not sure which 5 I would pick. If I had to guess it would be:

1. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
2. Anything by David Sedaris
3. Anything by Margaret Atwood
4. Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
5. Ulysses - James Joyce

One final comment before I do the unofficial poll (that of course no one will participate in (*winks*))

Please check out the Antlers (Video)Song 'Kettering' on this NPR link - it is haunting (literally) and amazing. The video fits the song so very well...I was just speechless.

So folks, it's YOUR turn. Leave me a comment and tell me what 5 albums and or 5 books you would take if you were stranded on an island (for perhaps the rest of your life).

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Committng Poetry in Times of War

Welcome to Committing Poetry >

Because the voice of dissent should remain a matter of free speech.

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Thursday, November 04, 2010

Happy Birthday Blog

This month marks the 7-year anniversary of my blog.

Happy Birthday DOCG!

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Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Two Men, 12 Months, 12 Documentaries : The Picture Show : NPR

Two Men, 12 Months, 12 Documentaries : The Picture Show : NPR

This truly rocks...all of us should be this daring.

Here is the site where you can watch the rest of the documentaries:

Sparrow Songs


Mama, Ho fatto il braciole mentre ascoltavo Sergio Franchi. Molto buon. Ricordato a me di voi. Grazie Ti amo.

Dear Mama.

Today, I made braciole while listening to Sergio Franchi. Very good. It reminded me of you. Thank you. I love you.

One of my oldest memories of Italian food (besides watching my mom making pasta, ravioli, etc.) was going to an Italian market and watching an old grandma-like Italian woman sitting at a butcher block table making braciole. Hopefully, my family will enjoy the meal....

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The Enthusiasm Chasm - Again? Really?

The Enthusiasm Chasm Again? Really?

Once again, Mr. Cunix 'hits the nail on the head' brilliantly I might add.

Now that the dust has settled, after 'judgment day' how are you all feeling?

I am still disgusted, discouraged, disgruntled, and dismayed. I can not for the life of me figure out how to get these clowns out of office and put in competent leaders. I mean does something happen to their brains once they take office? Is there a bag of money that is secretly deposited on their doorstep so that they don't 'rock the boat'?

I did not want to vote along 'party' lines yesterday. I wanted change from Mr. Obama and all it seems the country is receiving is more of the same old, same old. Is it because the Republicans REFUSE to work with the president and their colleagues to enact change? I mean is it sour grapes? Could they all just 'get along' (read: grow up)??? WTF?

How sad. I have two older children and now two younger step children. How do I tell them that voting is important when half the time I don't even want to live in this country (not that another country is much better)....I want to impress upon them how important it is to participate, to do their civic duty...but how do I in good conscience do that?

Yesterday, on NPR, I was listening to commentary about how all of us seem to be bouncing back and forth between the two parties, voting them out when they don't seem to get it right. But what purpose does it serve? I mean don't they have to stay the course long enough TO change things? What good does it do to bounce back and forth? It's a shame we have to think of things in terms of 'the lesser of two evils'. Even the fun of past satiric 'Cthulhu for President. Why vote for a lesser evil?' offers little in the way of comfort let alone comic relief.

I want to give the next generation hope for a decent future....am I being too idealistic. Is change simply not on the agenda (ever)?

I don't mean to sound so hopeless, but the frustration does not seem to go away.

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Tuesday, November 02, 2010

High Concept: Marijuana Branding of the Future - Newsweek

High Concept: Marijuana Branding of the Future - Newsweek

Thank you M'Love for sharing this.

It will be interesting to see how Proposition 19 fares in California....

Reading and Writing

(just not the dreaded 'rithmatic *winks*)

What I have been reading lately...

Because I am actually trying to write:

Mr. Stephen King's book on the subject which doubles as a memoir:

This book was really a joy to read. You feel like you are sitting around having a beer with Stephen King (even though for him (my apologies Mr. King) that might be problematic (read the book to find out what I am talking about))...great suggestions and ideas for how to 'get your muse on'.

Alas - she is like my addiction. I so love the writing of Ms. Atwood.

I have always enjoyed her short stories. In Moral Disorder, a lot of the stories can be read as stand alone, but they all link together. Very well done. If you are not a Margaret Atwood fan, I recommend her highly.

This book (so far) is superb. I got more than half-way through on the first sit-down with this novel. Mesmerizing and chilling is how I would best describe this story. Oryx and Crake is Orwellian in scope and yet..you feel like all of this IS happening or is ABOUT to happen (which is what makes it chilling). I am ashamed for not having read it sooner (and I blame some of this on my divorce because for a long while after I divorced, I simply could not bring myself do do the things I used to do). But now reading this masterful work by Ms. Atwood only convinces me even more of why I have chosen her as a favourite author. Very well done. Bravo cherie.

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Meanwhile...in other news...

Just a kinder gentler post. I guess I needed to get a rant out this morning...

Unemployed. Yeah it sucks. I am trying not to let it get to me but it does. I am holding my own, but I am frightened.

My Love has been wonderful. He is a great husband. I hope I am not letting him down.

Lately, we have been close, we weather the storm. We conspire and we dream. We laugh and have fun together. This is good and for me at least, I feel that our life is going well. Sure we are struggling like everyone else. But we manage, we are OK. And more importantly, we are beginning to see some of our dreams taking shape and coming to fruition. We are working on a book together. We are writing together. We are raising kids and kitties together. There are issues, there are hurdles...but somehow we get over them. My life is filled with love.

Thank you God/dess for watching over us for bringing us together in the first place to share our life and our love.

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Kiss and Tell

Good morning plebeians.

I hope you will all do your civic duty today (otherwise I don't want to hear you complain about what is going wrong in the country)...however, it occurs to me that perhaps that is what is going wrong...we vote, then we complain.

Maybe we should go get involved ON TOP OF VOTING. Or maybe the answer (I can not believe I am about to say this)- is to not vote at all - does silence speak louder than words??? I don't really mean that honestly so go vote.

As for those of you holding public office.....I have news for you.

Once again *I* am sick of it - so you know what Mr. Republican and Mr. Democrat - I voted for neither. Wherever possible, I voted for another party/individual.

Sorry. I know that might suck for you and for the current reigning party - but I simply don't care anymore. I am tired of it. Tired of the fact that year after year, I seem no better off (and neither does the state of affairs in this country (or world for that matter))....year after year I get tired of paying taxes to people who blow it on bullshit. Year after year, I see no progress, only finger-pointing, stupidity, and corruption ON BOTH sides of the aisle. So because I can't lock you all up in a federal prison for mismanaging MY money and wasting precious resources, and killing innocent people in other countries to get your oil greed fix, instead of coming up with solutions to save the planet - I am done voting for any of you a-holes. Cause you can't seem to get your heads out of your arses.

Perhaps we should go knocking on the UK's door and beg the Queen to take us back...maybe a monarchy is better than this farce...

(Gee, can you tell I am frustrated?).

Vote the bums out...but just vote.

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Monday, November 01, 2010




Supreme Court to hear arguments in violent video game case

Supreme Court to hear arguments in violent video game case

I am not sure I saw this at the time...perhaps I did...perhaps I even commented...but

Hey Arnie - didn't you star in some really violent and gruesome flicks?

And you know I SO hate it when stars say shit like: "I just don't let my kids watch my movies." Yeah OK so explain to me how that makes it excusable...

I think kids see way too much violence too and not just from video games