Tuesday, August 30, 2005


I got the ways and means
To New Orleans I’m going
Down by the river
Where it’s warm and green
I’m gonna have drink, and walk around
I got a lot to think about oh yeah

- Concrete Blonde - Bloodletting

I really want to write something brilliant and lyrical and fitting for New Orleans right now - becuase I am truly sad over the destruction and what's happening to all those wonderful people down there...'cause I used to call it home for a while myself; and my beloved French Quarter is under water...

I have to collect my thoughts....not tonight...

God bless and keep safe all of you guys down there. Hang in there!


Pennies for your thoughts - millions for your oil

So...on my way into work I listen to NPR most mornings - only because I am really just waking up (scary how many of us drive to work that way isn't it?) and I like my news spoon-fed to me that early...

Lately, they keep mentioning that one of the reasons why oil prices are so high is demand (no, I am not an economist but part of my feeble brains does remember supply and demand). So the issue seems to be that China and India are gobbling up oil in record amounts. My take on this (if I may be so bold as to point something out), is that the population of these Asian countries is just going to keep growing! I mean do we really think they are going to stop needed oil??? As is the USA, in fact, the entire planet is just going to keep getting bigger and we are going to need more food, more energy, we are going to continue to squander natural resources (because humans as a rule seem to be kind of greedy) and we are going to keep polluting a planet that does not really belong to us (do you really think you *OWN* the land your house sits on, really???? Silly person.

So what's a population to do? Well for one thing we could all take stock of our usage - I mean we buy energy-saving devices all the time – why can’t we be more cognizant of the energy we waste? Why aren't we trying harder to force our collective governments to come up with alternatives to oil? Is it because they have the big car companies in their back pockets? Is it because we aren't as powerful as the oil company lobbyists, or is it because we are too stupid and lazy to really do anything. Think about this for a moment. The oil is going to run out someday (probably sooner than we think). What will we do then? If you go to Europe, people take public transport, or they bike or they walk. If they have a car they are generally (unless they are well-to-do) little cars (similar to ones seen as clown cars used by Ringling Bros. Circus). I was talking to the lady at my local supermarket about gas prices and Americans aversion to public transport. She told me in Europe it was always easier to use public means of transportation (or ride a bike or walk) than it was to use a car. Problem #1 (at least I think) in this country seems to be with our ever-increasing waistlines - so heres a thought: we could kill two birds with one stone - walk more! Don't drive your car to the corner store; bike more; take the train more (cause you have to walk more to do that too). Heck maybe on one Saturday/Sunday we could all just agree to stay at home, or walk, or bike, and NOT USE OUR CARS, not gas up our tanks. Don't you think that would send a message? I do...

But I have said all of this before and no one really seems to care or be listening. We are all just going to keep on being greedy (humans) and not really giving a damn about anything other than ourselves. It's all really kind of sad when you think about it - but then how many of you out there use your brains? Perhaps it's the gas fumes...

Gates of Fire

Michael Yon : Online Magazine: Gates of Fire

From C2 - because of course this side of the story counts too and don't ever let it be said that I *don't* recognize the sacrifice these men and women are making.

(I just happen to think it's wrong for our commander-in-chief to have lied and by doing so risk their lives unnecessarily).

Egypt bloggers spearhead anti-Mubarak dissent - Yahoo! News

Egypt bloggers spearhead anti-Mubarak dissent - Yahoo! News

Imagine how brave this person must be - would that we were all that brave here in this country but of course since a lot of you out there are not convinced that good ole' Geo W. is evil incarnate, how can you fight a force you won't even recognize to be harmful?


NPR : Past and Future Love: Wong Kar-Wai's '2046'

NPR : Past and Future Love: Wong Kar-Wai's '2046'

Watched this w/Mr. C - more on that later....seriously intense movie

NPR : 'Knuckle Down' with Ani DiFranco

NPR : 'Knuckle Down' with Ani DiFranco

She's one of the great women artists of our time. And she can probably kick your ass with both hands tied behind her back to boot.

Monday, August 29, 2005


Finally, to 'class' things up a bit - something from one of my favourite poets - haunting and eloquent are mere words that don't even compare to the feelings I get when I read his writings...


before the fragile gradual throne of night
slowly when several stars are opening
one beyond one immaculate curving
cool treasures of silence

- e. e. cummings

Putting my foot in my mouth - or - can you tell I'm bored

Probably only the ladies (or Liam's Sid) will appreciate this one.(LOL and Liam got to see them in person)- this is a Steve Madden shoe (a knock-off of low-top Converse) that I paid only $15 for (yes I buy too many shoes - I think a lot of women do - but usually I don't enjoy them the way I do this shoe it's cute AND comfy)

Goddess I really need to get a life!

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Now *this* is truly noteworthy...this is grace - so often lacking in our lives - a great gift for which I have many people to thank.

I just found out this weekend, that the school where I went to study to become a Yoga teacher, The Spiritual Life Society & Hudson Yoga Center became a Registered Yoga School recognized by the Yoga Alliance - whcih means that since I received my certification through them (I am a Certified Yoga Teacher), I can now apply to become a 'Registered' Yoga Teacher - which in many circles is a big deal.

So congrats to everyone at Hudson (especially Larry and Matt for all their hard work and dedication - as well as all my fellow students) and may all your lives be blessed!

Aum Shanti!


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Of note...or notoriety

*ahem* - I am not sure whether this is indeed of note. It would seem I've just incurred my 15 minutes of fame (vis a vis Mr. Warhol - thank you very much, Andy).

Last night - I think around 10PM my bother called me to tell me I was famous. My little bro is a wonderful guy but he is also very Irish so sometimes I have to think that - even tho' he's never been there - he's managed to kiss the Blarney Stone.

Unsure of what he's talking about I obviously asked and was told that my blog was quoted in the Cleveland Plain Dealer UGH! Seriously. This newspaper is the 'only game in town' here and it sucks - in fact I think that they should PAY us to read it if they want circulation. However it is great as my brother put it for 'lining bird cages'.

I was kind of floored that they quoted me - I won't go into detail (ask me off line, e-mail me if you must know)...I really don't consider my blog worthy of newspaper print (well OK in *that* newspaper I suppose) - but really. And a lot of what I write can't be put into print (well not for general public consumption) - but I have written a lot nicer things - I guess with them being of a more personal nature they can't be used.

So gee - uhm guy at the PD thanks for quoting me, but I doubt I'll be 'signing up' for your blog roll any day soon (although I see some of my fellow NEOH bloggers have taken your bait and are somehow listed) - I fail to see what purpose this serves - as I've said to my fellow bloggers in the past - I don't write this for anyone but me - sure it's nice to somehow have an audience and to those of you out there kind enough to read (LOL and brave enough to comment) - thank you and you know I love you. I just don't see how readership of a newspaper I'd rather not read *myself* is going to help (or even matter) to my writing on my blog in this particular medium. I'd say I'm flattered but I'd be lying...

Mr. Hess, any comments? *hugs*

Respectfully submitted to my readership,

Colette (or Nellie Bly (oh and please don't write to me asking me who she was unless you want to be throttled))


I am better than your kids

I am better than your kids.

Children's artwork critiqued: This came from C2 - however my son admires this guy a lot - this is hysterically funny - and I admire his willingness to trash kids' artwork...

yes indeedy folks so remember when your fellow co-workers are cooing about your kids artwork, chances are they are lying through their teeth.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

I can't believe

I found this book for only $4.98 - I have been looking for a used copy of this for a while - I had heard good things about it and even just starting it (just at first glancing through it - actually - I have not 'officially' started it yet) - this book sucks you right in...

Alsmost finished with a couple of others - I have a feeling I won't be able to read anything else while I read this one.

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Naughty Katrina....

Having lived down in Houston, TX for 8+ years, I remember sweating through several hurricane's - they used to throw 'Hurricane' parties for those 'events'. I miss the parties; I don't miss the storms - but they were absolutely awe-inspiring in their scope and power.

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Wow! Posted by Picasa

"Savage Love" by Dan Savage

Aside from the fact that I adore this man as an incredible columnist in the field of relationships, (even though he would not even remotely be interested in me as well a woman (romantically that is) - he was also on the latest edition of the Bill Maher show (another fav of mine) - but below is one of the many reasons I love his column (WARNING: CONTENT IS NOT SUITABLE FOR THE YOUNGER SET!!!!):

Oh, and apropos of nothing: Shaunti Feldhahn (www.shauntifeldhahn.com), "a conservative Christian author and speaker," recently wrote an op-ed touting conversion therapy for homosexuals. I speak for all gay people everywhere when I say that I'm sick to fucking death of listening to straight fundies yapping about how easy it is for other people to change their sexual orientations. Think it's easy, Shaunti? Prove it, bitch, by putting your twat where your mouth is. After you convert your skanky ass from hetero to homo, I will convert my skanky ass from homo to hetero. Give me a call when you're a carpet-munchin', vag-fistin' bulldyke—and bring the video, because I'm going to want proof—and I will give up ass-munchin', butt-fucking faggotry. Until then, shut your stupid fucking mouth.

Friday, August 26, 2005

New exhibit at London Zoo - humans - Yahoo! News

New exhibit at London Zoo - humans - Yahoo! News

Ok...my only 'issue' with this is that 'technically' they really should be naked....

For my father

I am re-running a piece about my father (I have added a littl bit to it) - to mark what would have been his 80th birthday - I love you daddy!

My memories of him are far more clear than of mom.

Perhaps because I was with him through the worst days of my life at that time.

He was born with the Christian-given name Regis William and later changed it to William Regis. He was the younger of 3 brothers (he had three sisters as well). He was one of the ‘Southside’ boys from Pittsburgh. He was born into a large raucous Irish-Catholic family - my favourite memories of that side of the family seem to center around drinking and a lot of laughter. He was handsome and had the bluest eyes I've ever seen. Unfortunately I did not inherit those eyes. What’s even more unsettling (and I did not realise this until my sister-in-law pointed it out) – is that I married a man that looked a lot like my dad (and in hind-sight probably behaved a lot like him too).

My dad was a loving father. I don’t remember a single night when he did not give us a hug and kiss good-night and I don’t remember anytime that that did not include ‘I love you’ – even when I became an adult – every single phone conversation, every single visit ended with ‘I love you’. And love us he did – fiercely – as only an Irish man can love.

As we were growing up he was my 'rock' I think I can remember him holding me as a baby - walking me at night, trying to get me to sleep. I was his first born. I was his most rebellious. I was probably a lot more like him than mom. I also remember that when were little and became too much for my mom, all she had to do was say: 'Wait until your father gets home...'. I don't know about my siblings but I remember being scared to death of that threat. And, I remember very clearly knowing that he was incredibly upset when his chin would shake and somehow that worried me/hurt me/scared me more than any physical threat or yelling (he hardly ever laid hands on us...)

I have him to thank in a lot of ways for the 'bad' traits...
My irreverence, my stubbornness, my sometime passive-aggressive ways, my willingness to actually participate in an affair - and subsequently my understanding of the 'why' of those types of sins, my ability to be able to drink a Merchant Marine (that's right boys I said Merchant Marine) under the table, my love of music (ALL KINDS), my appreciation of literature, my love of the Celts...and all things Irish.

In him I saw unfold the depths of sorrow when my mother died, and the depths of his desperation and guilt as he descended into alcohol to 'numb' his pain. In other words, his frailty and humaness shown through and because of it I learned about forgiveness and compassion.

Eventually we made our 'peace' with each other and I respect how he was able to be a good and loving father despite what surely was disappointment in some of my decisions - he's the one who ultimately taught me you can't live your children's lives for them - nor can you live vicariously through them.

Because of him my 'baby' brother is one of the best husbands and dads I know. Because of him my other younger brother is an honorable man.

So here's a toast to you Da - because there's no point in praising an Irishman without a wee sip - I love you, I honour your memory. I am glad you were my dad.

Worst album covers...ever

The Sun Online - Life: Worst album covers...ever

Via C2 - you have to click on the slideshow...


Thursday, August 25, 2005

'I can't be holdin' on to what you've got when all you've got is pain'

The other nite - this past Saturday - it seemed to get dark so fast - I stepped out onto our deck and the wind was just whipping around across the lake and the lake was so still yet so deep - a moving horizon against the sky, the colours melting into the water beautiful deep purples to pinks to then very pale blue...

It's a cold breeze coming over from Canada - signaling the beginning of autumn and I have a feeling of endings - desperately trying to hang on as summer fades slowly away...

A discussion that night with him - my friend from a ways away - he is married and yet he was always 'into' me...

So we got to talking on-line with him telling how much he 'wants' me in a sexual way - but I begin to question this now - feeling his motives are unpure. I begin to try to pin him down and ask what would happen if...we actually got together - he tells me he could never actually leave his wife - 'she'd be devastated' - so like all the other that's how you view your wives - we'd be nothing without you - not giving her too much credit, are you? So here's our answer because I am not going to have an 'affair' and you don't want to hurt me - but it's a double-edged sword because you don't want to lose me either (or hurt me) - but that's OK cause you never really *had* me to begin with. And so...here we are - I see no point in going any further - we were never really such good 'friends' either - we were just an escape for each to each other - a fantasy - imaginary lovers and the bubble burst so easily....

Still, afterwards I feel let down and I don't even know why really...I wasn't sad or irritated (well perhaps a bit of both) - but then we had said 'no rules' 'no expectations' - so how could I really be let down by something that never existed.

Driving home the next day my mind wanders, flits about musing on the red Nissan just up ahead of me with the 'Jesus' bumper-sticker but then I notice a rhinestone miniature 'disco ball' hanging from the rearview mirror - me wondering why they have both and then realising that - almost always - things just aren't what they seem to be...

Farewell Cheri...

Sidewalk Chalk Guy

This was sent to me recently and I had to post it - it's absolutely astounding...

It was my most recent ex (Goddess that I have to clarify this shit) - and he said something really amazing to me - for I am still upset almost every time we talk or see each other...he told me that in his mind - the things that he did - that were indeed very real and very painful to me (and to him as well with the fallout that occurred) - were basically no more than these chalk pictures because (as he went onto explain) - it made him do things that weren't truly *real* have feelings that were not based in fact - but in fact fantasy and that his illness - his not taking his meds etc. made him act in irrational and unreasonable ways. Like it was all an illusion.

I felt compelled to share both the pictures and what he said. Because, while I still don't 'buy it' while I still feel it's all an excuse (smoke and mirrors) - I can't help but be drawn into this explanation and even a small part of me wants to (and does at times indeed) - understand what he's talking about.

But mainly I wanted to share these images and links with you guys.

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Amazing Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

CNN.com - Robertson: Chavez remarks misinterpreted - Aug 24, 2005

CNN.com - Robertson:Chavez remarks misinterpreted - Aug 24, 2005

Yeah OK Mr. Robertson and I really love the other statments you made:

"He has suggested in the past that a meteor could strike Florida because of unofficial "Gay Days" at Disney World and that feminism caused women to kill their children, practice witchcraft and become lesbians".

What an ass....good thing the president has you as one of his staunchest supporteres - as they say with friends like you....

Random musings...

There’s rumour and innuendo about having to possibly wear uniforms here at work – ugh – I paid my dues – I was a Catholic school girl – hey now there’s an idea – let’s wear school girl uniforms – that oughta make a huge difference in health care costs...*laughs* yeah people would PAY US to come here and see young women in school-girl uniforms


Saw an ad for a movie about exorcism about some poor victim by the name of Emily Rose – now I read ‘The Exocist’ at the tender age of 11-years old – much to the mortification and horror of my mother. I have always been fascinated by the notion of ridding oneself of daemons – especially when it involves outside help (such as a church). So they claim this is based on true events (personally always think that’s some sort of misnomer for something that happened that has become a ‘true’ urban legend). So now it’s off to ‘research’ the story – I saw some clips – it does look pretty scary but then what’s with the latest spate of ‘horror’ movies and people like Kate Hudson participating?


My friend told me that if I ever get so frustrated with the dating scene that I decide to ‘switch teams’ that she recently made some new lesbian friends...

Hmmmmm – not sure if I am ready to do that just yet. I will say on the record that I do think the female form is much more pleasing to look upon than the male form (that is unless the guy’s a Chippendale dancer – or a dancer and most of them are gay) – however I did tell my friend I just didn’t want to deal with the fact that most of the time most women are bitches – and I just don’t want to deal with the drama – not that there ISN’T drama between men and women but women just have a habit (I think, PERSONALLY) – of being way too high-strung, high-maintenance – so now I have the song from ‘My Fair Lady’ Rex Harrison singing: ‘Why can’t a woman be more like a man?’ going through my head...great....


Finally I have so much crap to blog and like hardly any time – but I need to - lots and lots to write about...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The wonder years....

Stars are born and die, in the heavens and we all go about our business like nothing is happening. It astounds me sometimes, our lack of wonder at the universe and all that surrounds us. Like it’s some cold calculated experiment and we need to somehow pick it apart, calculate it, quantify it and have it make sense to*US* as if *WE* personally had anything to do with it...mysteries are nothing more than things we need solved it seems, and we MUST solve them...or else – heaven knows what might happen...

And my life seems so small and insignificant in comparison and so inconsequential. I feel guilty for ranting and complaining and pouty and childish.

I still feel joy, wonder, however – as I grow older it diminishes and oft times it seems replaced by irritability, impatience and downright anger...

I think to myself that perhaps ‘falling in love’ would cure these ills – again I am not sure about that. I fear there is something wrong with me – I am way too picky, I am just not up to par – that is until I talk with others and they tell me their ‘stories’ – one person said he stopped looking after 5 years of trying – 5 YEARS!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I mean wow….that’s a long time. And men seem to have just as hard a time as women – with not being able to find the ‘right’ person or having to sift through so much crap that after a while it all blurs and blends and become an exercise in futility. Most days – at least these days, I feel like I am losing the magic and will never recognize what I need to recognize in order to fall in love again. I’ve become too cynical, bitter, hardened. I have always been a bit cynical – even as a child but I also always been able to recognize the beauty in the world and in individuals. And perhaps I’ve ‘had my shot’ and you only get so many chances in your lifetime to have the great love of your life and everything else is just marking time until your time is up…how sad would that be?

I used to fall in love so easily – I still do. I see people and I am immediately drawn into them. It might be their looks or their smile or some glint of recognition in their eyes. Like last night – I was with my ex and we went to go purchase gear for my son’s band – I rarely get invited to go do this stuff so I went. I am glad. There was a young man waiting on us behind the counter. He was beautiful to look upon and there was just something about him…we ran him ragged and he retained his composure and his sense of humour. At the end of the evening he handed us his card and turns out his name is Ian Anderson (as in from ‘Jethro Tull’) – you just never know….

And so my life is never short on interesting and sometimes bizarre happenings; people that I care for and those that care for me; learning new things; meeting new people; finding the joy that exists – even within the sadness of loss. The potential exists for me to discover that magic if only again for a brief passage of time but then we are all only here for a brief moment in time…and I don’t ever want to look a gift horse in the mouth.

CNN.com - Robertson: U.S. should assassinate Venezuela's Chavez - Aug 23, 2005

CNN.com - Robertson: U.S. should assassinate Venezuela's Chavez - Aug 23, 2005

...now there's a Christian way to talk/act. I say we hire Mr. Robertson to do the 'dirty work' for us....

Sunday, August 21, 2005

See a Secret...Share a Secret

this is a pretty wicked site - via Jeff over at 'Have Coffee Will Write'. It's called Post Secret - check it out and hell play along if you like the game....

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Saturday, August 20, 2005

Mr. 'Continental' running for President?????

Is this for real????? Cause if it is - I am SO there...at last a candidate to bring us all together - can you imagine Christopher Walken (as The Continental from SNL) as president - I mean how cool would this be?

I gotta think someone out there is pulling our legs....

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To a certain bombsawaybaby...

My dear young woman....

If 'eyeblink friends' are all you deserve then that's all you are ever going to have.

You see, the fact is, you need to BE a good friend to have good friends - and we all know you are anything but...if all you ever do is go around stabbing other women/people in the back, then no offense - you are lucky to even be drawing breath if you ask me. If you lived in certain 'inner cities' you'd be dead by now...and you still stand a chance from how I can see your life progressing....drugs, sleeping around and sleeping with married men, etc. - sounds like a downward spiral to me - and of course the only one who can stop it is....well I guess that won't happen anytime soon - you are simply having too much 'fun' aren't you?

It's like the line Rod Steiger uses on Julie Christie's character in 'Dr. Zhivago'

"Because there's two kinds of women. There are two kinds of women and you, as we well know, are not the first kind. You, my dear, are a slut."

And I have to ask my dear - do sluts really have any *real* friends? My guess would be no...

*blink* *blink*

Friday, August 19, 2005

Hunter S. Thompson's ashes to be fired from cannon - Yahoo! News

Thursday, August 18, 2005

CNN.com - Lions and elephants on the Great Plains? - Aug 17, 2005

CNN.com - Lions and elephants on the Great Plains? - Aug 17, 2005

Hmmm - really interesting article/concept.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

'What Censorship Category Is Your Site?"

I See Invisible People

Via both TERRY over at 'I See Invisible People' and JEFF over at 'Have Coffee WIll Write'

This is a pretty scary trend if you ask me - but then I am against censorship of ANY kind.

What's weird (cosidering how I spew hatred twoards a certain *slut* (and my ex) AND I must use the word 'slut' like a bizillion times...) is that, *my blog* only got this rating:

is currently rated as:
Category 31 - Web Communications

HUH? Web communications huh? Yeah um OK.


Why couldn't I have something cool like pornography???

Just kidding - you may want to check out your rating (unless of course you don't give a shit - which at times I come pretty close to myself) - but the implications are far-reaching and frightening if you really begin to think about the power to block certain web-sites from being viewed....

The World: Global Hit

The World: Global Hit

Often times, since I leave work around the same time - my radio is still tuned to the local NPR staiton from the morning. One of my favourite pieces that they do att his time is 'Global Hit' Today it happened to be about 'Genticorum' - a band from Quebec that has immersed itself in traditional 'French/Quebecoise' folk music.

Yesterday on the show was another artist (from France) by the name of Laurent Girard: French musician Laurent Girard bends the traditional sound of chanson with the modern sound of electronics

Go to the site and check them both out - it's a great way to hear some really interesting 'World' music and is always pleasantly surprising.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Slut update - for those keeping score

Yes it would seem what goes around does come around....

She's losing friends. The woman from marriage #2 that she's wrecking has finally (thank the godz) turned against her (cause yes folks believe it or not she was being nice to this 'misguided' little tramp)....what the fuck did she expect??? To waltz into this woman's house - steal her husband, wreck their family and then on top of it be a welcome guest in that same house??? Um yeah OK - I used to think the little bitch was smart - now I know she's a true lunatic. And of course everyone blames the husbands. I will admit both my ex and the current guy the slut's with are both old enough to have known better but she's culpable BIG TIME. Especially when history keeps repeating itself.

And now she's got the nerve to sit in judgment of the current wife (making snotty/arrogant comments on public message boards about how they were married but now aren't because of her - (again bravo - how proud you must be - way to own up to what you did my dear)and then letting another friend have it for walking out on their marriage - lecturing them on THEIR behaviour???? Saying things like current married guy #2 never told her he was married??? Yeah right, sweetheart, let me get this straight - you move in with a 'couple' and their kids...you fall in love/lust with the 'man of the house' (forget the marriage thing for now) - and you fuck him - and then try excusing your behaviour by saying that he never TOLD you he was married to the woman he was living with when you moved in???? Gee my dear either you are pretty fucking stupid, or just pretty much a bonafide homewrecker/backstabbing bitch - I mean you seem to have this happen to you a lot. How dare you do this to another woman who has seen fit to take you into her home. Whether she was married to him or not is irrelevant - you had no business saying yes to this guy and you know it - or are you really that much of a tart? And don't hand me the love (bullshit) argument - does the word respect (or self-respect for that matter) - mean anything to you? At all? Do you know how to say no? Do you know how to get yourself out of such situations? Or is it more of a turn-on/challenge to you when someone is taken? I mean what is it some kind of damn guantlet?

Oh and sure I can understand *MY* husband lying about being married and you buying it hook(er)(sorry but it fits), line, and sinker like the drugged-out 18-year-old fuctard you were - but that was only because you had never met me - in your current scenario you were actually LIVING WITH THEM - Give me a break. What a farce.

I just keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and the current guy to get sick of her and boot her ass to the curb. I know it sounds cruel but I have to think it's the only way she's gonna learn is if one of the lovers' dumps her.

I really feel for wifey #2 here - she has to be hurting and suffering. It's a terrible thing. I mean at least *I* didn't have little ones to contend with. I think about her and I wish I could do something to help her - but if I approached her she'd probably view me as the enemy somehow. I just know she could use some support right now and she probably does not have any.

And that good-for-nothing-jackass-creep she had the misfortune of being married to is playing 'god' to both of these women and making them think he didn't do anything wrong - all the while pitting them against each other - brilliant - what a mother-fucker he is. All of these shenanigans supposedly in the name of 'love' - I gotta ask - what kind of love is it when you leave your family and wife to screw a 19 year old slut/prostitute - and you tell your wife - that you're 'helping' the girl, that she needs a good home and a family and guidance - so you allow her to move into your house (with your wife's blessing) and then you begin bopping her (under your wife's nose) and you justify that somehow?? Buddy the word scum is too good for you. One of these days you will get a karmic payback that's especially tailored to guys like you....love my ass - you have got to be one of the most selfish jerks I've ever heard of - and you can join the ranks with my ex too (since he seems to suffer from those same selfish tendencies) - you guys should form a club of sorts and the dues you'll pay will be your souls - or in hubby #2's case - your children - because mark my words - they will eventually grow to hate you for what you've put them and their mother through.

NPR : Gaza Arrests Come as Settlers Leave Area

NPR : Gaza Arrests Come as Settlers Leave Area

I think the thing that struck me most about this was hearing that the Jewish settlers had to actually dig up the graves of their loved ones....

I just don't get it....

Maid pardoned 60 years after execution

CNN.com - Maid pardoned 60 years after execution - Aug 15, 2005

Gee....mighty 'white' of them....pun intended

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Fitting lyrics - for my mood

Artist: Bob Dylan
Album: The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
Title: Don't Think Twice, It's All Right

It ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe
It don't matter, anyhow
An' it ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe
If you don't know by now
When your rooster crows at the break of dawn
Look out your window and i'll be gone
You're the reason i'm trav'lin' on
Don't think twice, it's all right

It ain't no use in turnin' on your light, babe
That light i never knowed
An' it ain't no use in turnin' on your light, babe
I'm on the dark side of the road
Still i wish there was somethin' you would do or say
To try and make me change my mind and stay
We never did too much talkin' anyway
So don't think twice, it's all right

It ain't no use in callin' out my name, gal
Like you never did before
It ain't no use in callin' out my name, gal
I can't hear you any more
I'm a-thinkin' and a-wond'rin' all the way down the road
I once loved a woman, a child i'm told
I give her my heart but she wanted my soul
But don't think twice, it's all right

I'm walkin' down that long, lonesome road, babe
Where i'm bound, i can't tell
But goodbye's too good a word, gal
So i'll just say fare thee well
I ain't sayin' you treated me unkind
You could have done better but i don't mind
You just kinda wasted my precious time
But don't think twice, it's all right

Amen brother Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Recent purchases

Lately for some reason I've been adding to my DVD collection - probably because I have too many books I NEED to read and have been neglecting, I already have tons of music and lastly, I know winter is on it's way and I want some decent films to watch.

Usually I won't buy anything for my music/reading/viewing collection unless I feel it is a classic or something I will listen to/read/watch again. So here you have it - and to top it all off I got all of them for a song (Virgin Suicides - which is an incredible film - was only $6 - and you can't pass it up at that price - oh and as a mini-critique - if you have not seen this movie you really should it is indeed hypnotic - *I* personally feel it is Sofia's best film).

 Posted by Picasa

Yoots! Posted by Picasa

Woo Woo! Posted by Picasa

Food for thought - update

I thought I should post a bit more of the conversation between C2 and myself - it's only fair to her...

Alos she had written this amazing piece about England's 'conversation' with the colonies and I just think it deserves blog-time - since she is not really blogging - which is a shame since she's a very witty, intelligent, astute writer herself. The first one posted below is in reponse to my question to her about the war being justified (because she ends up in someways being my alter ego due to the fact that SHE was a soldier herself). So without further adieu and of course with her permission:

Do I feel this war is justified? Does it matter how I answer that question?

Is any war "justified"? The Revolutionary War? Civil War? World War II? What makes one war ok, but not others? Independence? Preserving a union? Saving millions of lives from slaughter at the hands of aruthless dictator?

History books?

I think talk of whether this war is "justified" is a matter of perspective. From your perspective, the answer is a definitive no. From that of an Iraqi woman, the answer may be yes. But I think the most accurate perspective will be that of our ancesters, and only they can answer that question with any kind of clarity. Debating this now is premature.

I'm not going to armchair quarterback this war. The ones whose opinions should matter are the ones over there living it. Ask them is this war is justified. Me? I'm just going to support them for as long as they're there.

The Revolutionary Discussion
by me

(The part of England will be played by James Mason.)

Colonies: Excuse me, England?
England: (ignoring Colonies, pretending to powder wig)
C: Hello? England, we know you hear us.
E: What? Oh! Hello there! Did you get the tea I sent?
C: Wha- yes, we got the tea, thank you. Listen, we wanted to talk to
you about--
E: Fantastic tea, wasn't it? From India, you know. By the way, you
still owe me some money for it.
C: Well, actually, that's what we wanted to talk to you about. You
see, we don't feel it's fair for you to tax us for the tea when we have
no say in your government there.
E: Come now, of *course* you have a say, don't be silly! We have fine
people representing you here and they have nothing but your best
interests at heart.
C: Look, we're not children. We believe that we should be able to
represent ourselves.
E: Represent yourselves? Tell me, do you have any experience at that?
C: Well not to speak of. But--
E: And do the other colonies get to "represent themselves?" India, do
India: No.
E: Ireland?
Ireland: No.
E: How about you, Australia? Want to represent yourself?
Australia: Fuck off.
E: Hah! Love to tease Australia. You see? If I let you represent
yourselves, I'd have to let *everyone*. And I'm afraid I can't have
C: Fine. Then we want to be independent.
E: I beg your pardon? What did you just say?
C: You heard us. Here.
E: What's this?
C: It's a declaration of our independence.
E: (laughs) A what?
C: A declaration of our independence.
E: You think this makes you independent? It's a bloody piece of
C: But it clearly states--
E: Look, I don't give a fuck what it says you miserable ingrates.
You're not "declaring your independence" and you're not representing
yourselves. And that's final.
C: But--
E: Don't make me some over there...
C: (mumbling, kicking stones)
E: And by the way, you still owe me for the tea.

And in response to me asking: You were a 'soldier' what do you think would happen if you were forced to shoot someone just because they did not share our country's ideals - unless you were actually being physically threatened could you do it - her answer follows:

If you want to look at it from a completely humanitarian point of view, I think you'll find the best "justification" for this war.

Under Saddam:

- 30,000 Iraqis and Iranians killed by chemical agents
- 100,000 Kurds killed during Anfal campaign in 1988
- 30,000 Iraqi Kurds and Shia Muslims massacred after Kuwait
- 40 Kurdish villages attacked with mustard gas and nerve agents
- 5000 died in the village of Halabja alone
- 400,000 children died of malnutrition
- 130+ Iraqi women were beheaded between June 2000 and April 2001

Not to mention:
- Persecution of the Marsh Arabs in southern Iraq: mass killings,
expulsions, and the draining and poisoning of the marshes
- Ethnic cleansing of "Persians" and other non-Arabs in northern Iraq
- Unlawful killings, imprisonment, torture, rape, beatings, forced
displacement and "disappearances."

Yes, Hitler killed 6 million Jews in the Holocaust. But the US and FDR also received (and continue to receive) much criticism for not stepping into the war and stopping Hitler sooner. Should we have waited for Saddam to up his tally a bit more before we finally said "enough?"

I have no doubt that the soldiers over there are going to differ in their opinions about the war. They have different backgrounds, values, and experiences to draw upon. They had different reasons for enlisting to begin with. I do find it interesting (but not surprising) that positive remarks on the war were attributed to
propaganda and toting the party line, while negative remarks were not chalked up to a lack of empathy for the Iraqi people.

But, again, the difference in opinion/reaction doesn't make this war different from any other. The Continental Army had 1-year enlistments. Fortunately, they were rotating, because at the end of each period most soldiers did not choose to stay. At the end of 1776, Washington didn't know if he'd have an army at all come January 1.

I see people every day who don't share my country's ideals. lol. The men and women over there *are* being physically threatened. What else would you call people shooting at you, ambushes, roadside bombs, suicide bombs? I find that pretty threatening and yes, I would pull the trigger.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Liam's Odd Musings: One Fair Summer Evening!

Liam's Odd Musings: One Fair Summer Evening!

I am directing you to Liam's review. Which I totally agree with.

It was a lovely experience made all the more wonderful because I got to share it with my favourtie little brother. (Yes love you've become a much adored younger brother to me - as you also think of me as a sister and words can not convey how honoured and flattered I am that you feel this way about me - bottom line - I love you Liam!)

Anyhow check out the artists (that Liam had so kindly put up links to), and, even though Judy seemed to be off her game she will always remain a great artist in her own right. Also, if you ever have the chance, go check out Cain Park - it's a beautiful venue.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Losing the Iraq War - Can the left really want us to? By Christopher Hitchens

Losing the Iraq War - Can the left really want us to? By Christopher Hitchens

This was sent to me by C2 - and I answered her via e-mail....
She's one of my favourite people and I love her (like she were my family) - she's a much smarter younger sister in my mind. I don't like it when we disagree for some weird reason - but I respect her take on things 'cause she so intelligent and she does her homework - I'm still me though:

Yes C, it's ALL food for thought (I love Christopher Hitchens) - and realistically no I guess we can't just 'walk out' now that we've again made such a splendid mess of things in yet another country - however....we both know it's not that simplistic and yes there are OTHER things I am concerned about besides our being Nazis to the prisoners of Abu Grahib - you know as well as I do I am for trying to help women in other countries overcome 'male-driven' or 'God-supposedly-driven' extreme practices which harm them and their children - but tell me how a war and bombing those same innocent women and children is helping them? How? And don't hand me that we have to do it this way or that innocents aren't being killed you and I both know that they are and we don't have to do it that way (or I least in my heart I KNOW we don't have to do things this way).

If you are ever looking for me to say this was justified - you are barking up the wrong tree - it was unnecessary and idiotic (as is President Bush) - I am first and foremost into non-violence (a pacifist *gasp* did I just say that?) - deep down I refuse to accept war as a means to solve conflict - you can no more win a war than an earthquake - that's how I feel - without apology - also I don't consider myself a leftist any more than I consider you a rightist - I think you made a bad choice in your decision to elect an asshole - but that's me - I still care for you. I just can't wrap my mind around what he's done (continues to do) and it's all such a mess. I am not saying that there is never a reason to pursue aggressive means - what I am saying is just not in the case of Iraq - in fact I'd have been just great if he would have concentrated on gee I don't know Osama instead of Saddam - oops did I just say that - or gee how about let's take a look at what North Korea or Pakistan is doing - or do we only pick on the countries where we stand a chance of completely wiping them out....

In the Art of War or looking at the way a Samurai lives (or even Arjuna on the battlefield to use a Vedic reference) - one knows that once one commits to the path of war - that's it - yes a general MUST win - how silly to think otherwise - I am not totally lacking in the understanding of what drives men to kill each other - I just happen to think it's a waste of our time.

I simply won't jump on the 'support our president' bandwagon for this - just can't do it....I feel horrible for the families of our troops and I hope they get to come home soon (and safely) but it's really not looking that way is it? Perhaps the difference between you and I and a lot of others in your position is they don't remember all the body bags that came home from Vietnam - I DO, C - and it turns my stomach to this day - we lost friends - close friends and they are never coming back - all over a useless, winless war.....

EDIT: Here is the response from C2 - which I unfortunately did not have time to post yesterday - sorry C2:

No one is asking you to jump on any wagon, band or otherwise. I called it "food for thought" not "Jonestown Kool-aid."

The message I got from the article was about helping people who need help. The reason I sent it to you was because you recently blogged about people making a difference and wanting to make a difference yourself. Here's another way you can. It's about supporting these "innocent people", not the president, who I'm quite sure can take care of himself.

I care about you, too, C-. So please don't take it the wrong way when I say: take this diatribe below and blow it out your ear. I'm not the enemy.

My reponse to her was:

It's not a diatribe it's how I feel - I don't need you sending me article from Christopher Hitchens about the NEED in the world - I know there's need and I try to do what I can...I just wish others would too and I am not saying you are the enemy but I am very saddened by the fact that people re-elected a guy who does not give a damn about human need. The president is our leader, C, and if you get behind someone who thinks it's OK to 'whip a little democracy' on people who don't want it - what does that make you? (not you but you know what I mean) - look I am glad you sent the article I DO like his writing but I also find him to be a bit abrasive and grandstanding in his take on things - after all he writes for Vanity Fair....politics - they suck

We need to worry about the needs in this country for now - not the others....it might be a bit isolationistic but too bad

You can tell me to blow it out my ear and I can say the same to you - where's that get us? You aren't always on the same page as me (or side) but that's OK - at least we can talk to each other - this wasn't a diatribe against you - it's my comments about how I perceive things (like what you sent) - and the world in general...it's all about ones perception - and sometimes the truth has nothing to do with what's really going on...

I also went on to say I knew she was not trying to brainwash me. (she's not!)
However I resent ANYONE saying myself and others are trying to armchair quarterback this war - *I* am not - I did not say I don't support the troops - I don't agree with my presidents decision - I didn't in Vietnam and I don't now - I am only being true to myself and you will NEVER hear me say I think violence is a mean of solving anything. I DON'T see us winning this war - we are losing it and if that makes me an armchair quarterback too fucking bad. I'd like to see any of those people out there saying we need to be there go up to one of the mothers from Ohio as she's burying her son this week and tell her he NEEDED to die - yes there are people who are proud to serve - good for them - bully - but sending young men to their death UNNECESSARILY has never set well with me and it never will and I find this Iraq conflict to be totally unnecessary - we need to become more tolerant - we need to stop feeding the war machine - we don't need to keep doing these things because it's the way our ancestors did it - can't we become a little more enlightened???? Isn't that possible - I for one sure hope so cause these wars are going to just keep getting more deadly and if you think you are going to stop a fundamentalist by waging war, you are sadly mistaken. You want this war - like Bill Maher said - then YOU must go over and fight it. Go for it. Have fun - but don't expect me to sit here and be thrilled while you waste this country's most precious resource and money that could be going to help people HERE in the good old USA you love so much. I am sick and fucking tired of being accused of being 'out of touch' or not American enough because I am a proponent of peace - THAT doesn't make ME the enemy either folks. So you can take your win the war at any cost and blow it out your ears - we need to keep the peace at any cost.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Sounds of Silence

The silence in my head roars at me...there’s no escaping as my thoughts swirl around like a cesspool. Thoughts about why I can’t seem to find the right person for me in my life – not marry – not run off into the sunset with – just date – hang with – be romantic with...

I spent time the other night with one of my favourite people – he just bought a house and it is a house in the neighborhood where my ex and I used to live and it was one of those houses that when we would walk by I would point it out and say – ‘that’s the kind of house I want to live in’...it was quaint and looked like something out of a story book. So when I went up to the door and he answered I told him I half expected dwarves to answer.

We had some beers and talked and invariably we get on the subject of dating. He too is single but content. But he dates from time to time and it’s like he allows himself these little ‘trysts’. It is something I can seem to quite wrap my mind around – I don’t much feel like having a ‘one-night’ stand even if it is surrounded by a date. I just don’t feel right doing such things and I envy men their ability to detach from the act and perhaps that is part of the problem here…

My friend advises me to relax – that I don’t have to ‘know’ the answer when I haven’t heard from a guy in a week (oh yeah? even though BEFORE the ‘date’ they were writing me and calling me every day?????). I have to wonder about this – I guess when your next conquest is just around the corner perhaps you don’t wonder why they haven’t called you….

I just don’t seem to be able to be laissez faire about this... something won’t allow me to do it. I just don’t know why. I am not going to go out and get really drunk and then allow some guy to take advantage (LOL or me take advantage of them either). It does not seem to be (at least in my mind) a matter of control – it’s a matter of self-respect. It’s that I think nothing can be borne out of something so trivial. I don’t want a ‘fuck buddy’. I want something much more. And perhaps all of this is somehow tied to my loss and sadness over my failed marriage and I just don’t want to just pick up the ‘next thing that comes along’ – I don’t feel like I have a lot of time left (although part of me feels that all of us have all the time we need) – and I know I am suppose to be learning something but I don’t know what that is...exactly.

The sorrow mingles with the frustration and I feel snappish and bitchy. And it’s not even like I HAVE to find someone – it’s not a searching for Mr. Right plight. I just feel that love is one of the most precious gifts we have to give (and to receive) and I feel I have a lot to give (perhaps to much) and yes my life is full of other things, people, projects. But sometimes I feel like whining ‘All I want is to be loved – is that so bad?’ but of course along with this soundtrack comes giggling and realizing just how ridiculous and pathetic I sound.

Loneliness has a way of getting under your skin and I guess I just thought I’d be with someone at this juncture in my life.

Mother missed signs of 'choking game'

I am so totally disturbed by this - how awful - I mean WTF is going on with these children?? Mon dieu.

You know I just don't know when it was that everyone decided to get so damned destructive towards themselves...I mean sure when I was 'coming up' it was sneaking cigarettes and then doing illicit drugs/drinking etc. But I guess I just never thought of cutting myself or trying to asphyxiate myself as a way to 'get off' or get away from my pain....

My heart really goes out to moms and dads these days - there's just so much stuff going on and it all begs for an answer but who knows what the answer is....it's something to do with society but then we open up a huge can of worms about what you should and shouldn't do - should and shouldn't expose your kids to etc....

It's just so incredibly sad and frightening.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Two films that took me by surprise

These tow films (that I viewed this weekend) are not the usual type of film (genre) that I would choose to watch - however every now and then even *I* do something different.

'Ghost Dog' had been something that my ex said was good and even though we typically differed on the types of movies we both enjoyed I DO like Jim Jarmusch's work....

I love Forest Whittaker and he's wonderfully understated in this film and he was perfectly chosen for this role - this one gets high marks in my book.

 Posted by Picasa

..and then came the Zombies

Again - not a film I'd usually sit down and enjoy - this was campy in a surreal and intelligent way - yes I could have done without the really gory scene (those who have seen this know that of which I speak) - but all in all it was pretty funny - uhm er - for a Zombie move...

 Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 05, 2005

CNN.com - Poll: Bush's Iraq rating at low point - Aug 5, 2005

CNN.com - Poll: Bush's Iraq rating at low point - Aug 5, 2005

Show of hands....who's surprised by this?

Well that's what OHIOANS get for voting for the fucktard in the first place.

Speaking of elitist snobs....

Were we speaking of elitist snobs????

No but I want to do a repost and add an edit (which is this post), and you will see what I am talking about. Apparently I am NOT ARTISTIC enough and TOO PERSONAL in my writing to be a member of the blog for poets, artists and writers I was asked to join (see the link above) - while I will admit what I write IS personal and I don't consider myself a poet, I DO consider myself to be somewhat of a writer (and gee doesn't that make me artistic/creative??? duh - well I guess not).

I find that a group that supposedly touts themselves as open-minded etc. seems to have a habit of being the most pretentious and snotty people I have ever encountered. I mean yeah uhm "congrats you're an artist - do some tricks for me - take a bow - OK now *I* have to go live in the REAL world - but thanks for entertaining me...."

I don't wish to trash the site - it's still good - but I am tired of elitist behaviour. And, if that's what blogging is going to become then I think I am gonna quit.

Quick observations and rant- it’s an ‘Andy Rooney’ annoying moment

I absolutely HATE it when people think it’s cool to have loud music playing in the background during their answering machine msg. No, I do not wish to be made to feel like I am in a Colt 45 Malt liquor commercial, nor a hip-hop DJ-till-you-can’t-stop-MTV-video. And stop telling me to have a ‘Blessed Day’ - fuck off OK….just answer your goddamned phone normally….like the rest of the world – if you want to be witty be witty but stop acting like P. Diddy, Whitney Houston, Eminem, and Oprah Winfrey…..

People who ride motorcycles:
Do you people have a hand book for this shit? OK it should be illegal to ride a motorcycle in flip flops and/or tennis shoes – wear boots you friggin’ pansies. I don’t care about the helmet so much (in fact in some cases, considering your lack of brain cells – helmet laws should be repealed). Oh and for the record – your little ‘rice burners’ don’t impress me – a Harley, or a Triumph - now *that* impresses me – but then THOSE guys don’t wear tennis shoes to ride bikes – they wear leather and boots,or jeans and boots.

The supermarket:
If you can’t read – you should not be allowed to self scan your purchase. Likewise if I am in line behind you and you have a cart load of shit to buy – is it too much too ask your lazy/rude ass to put the divider between our orders? I mean WTF – are you really that lazy and rude? I end up having to reach across your ENTIRE order to grab a divider while you stand there squawking away on your cell phone (yep I really want to know about your aunt Suzie’s surgery on her bunions) – or you just stand there oblivious…

Why are people so rude – don’t answer – it’s really rhetorical – there’s no real answer or excuse.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Flying Spaghetti Monster

This is from C2 - she comes up with the funniest sites....

Go here NOW!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Cause and affect universe

I got a chance to watch 'Alice's Restaurant' last nite. My Goddess how young Arlo looked and all that mischievousness glowing in his eyes - what a trip...

Then today I received a 'thank you' note from none other than the great steel guitarist, Mr. Gordon Titcomb (who was performing as well with Arlo):

Hio Colette,

I just saw on the internet that you mentioned me in
your blog.

Thank you....how nice!

I tend to have very warm feelings for an audience when
we perform, so it's nice to know that somehow we have
actually connected with people.

Be happy, be well!!

Best regards,
-Gordon Titcomb

I was absolutely amazed by his taking the time to do this.

Part of the problem I have with people who 'make it big' is that they become too big for their britches - they lose sight of who put them their in the first place - and forget about their fans....I take issue with this - I understand it's a big world and yes there are stalkers out there but you know what - you need to respect your fans and let them know you appreciate them because if no one buys your records, or the tickets or come see you play (whether it be music or sports or whatever) - well then you don't make the money you need to eat etc. - and do you REALLY have another 'career' to fall back on? Perhaps, but stop EXPECTING it and stop being so fucking arrogant - we are all people and you are no better than me or anyone else - we all put on our pants one leg at a time, eh?

It's a give and take - but you can bet you sweet bippy (younger readers just press on I won't explain what a 'bippy' is), that I am going to post Mr. Titcomb's link and give him support because of this one act (and well the fact he's a great musician too).

Just my 2 cents....

You can find Mr. Titcomb's website HERE

 Posted by Picasa

Brain-dead woman dies after childbirth

CNN.com - Brain-dead woman dies after childbirth - Aug 3, 2005


I have mixed feelings on this one - but if these were her wishes and that of her husband and family I say God Bless you all, may you find comfort in this new life as Susan's life passes onto the next world and to the little one: know that many, many people loved and wanted you very dearly. It's a sad day and yet a time to rejoice for this is the natural order of things as we move through our humaness.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

No such thing as a stupid question

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Humor (Unanswerables)

This is via Colleen (C2) - and is incredibly funny - I've put one of the better questions below:

"They say that if a person has a pet cat and dies, if the person's body is not found fairly soon after death, the cat, having not been fed, will become ravenously hungry and eat the dead person's face off — JUST the face!

Is this true? My cat often looks me in the face. I used to think he was just being friendly. Now I know he's just sizing me up, like a chef at a butcher shop, waiting for "the big day". Since hearing this rumor, every time my cat licks his chops it gives me the willies! "

Monday, August 01, 2005

Monday Morning Quarterbacking the Weekend

Well Friday was OK – went and had dinner went home and stalled for time before going to bed because I was somehow ‘certain’ I’d wake up dizzy after lying flat all night. Woke up Saturday to a gorgeous morning. I lie in bed wondering – ‘if I roll over is the room going to spin?’ It was just unnerving...

Finally, I rolled over and nothing happened. Sat up, no dizziness YAHOO! Of course since then everything seems kind of tentative to me….just keep waiting for that other foot to drop.

I had lunch with my girlfriend on Saturday. It was a nice time. We talked a lot and I got to listen to her wedding plans (obviously not a favourite subject of mine). We went to the mall – hit the makeup counter at ‘Prescriptives’ and of course I spent money that I should not have spent. But it was nice. Saturday evening I went to see ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ uhm OK – WTF??? It was creepy (as expected) – but I was expecting more of a performance from Johnny Depp….I was also waiting for him to unclench his teeth. I mean it was OK…..and kind of funny in a creepy sort of way – parts of it were brilliant – but after all the hype – I was hoping for something better...

too creepy Posted by Picasa

Quarterbacking continued...

Sunday was full of the stuff I did not do over the past week or so from being dizzy. I ran around and bought stuff to plant a garden (rose bushes, begonias, marigolds, petunias, black-eyed Susans) – it’s a late garden for me but I promised the landlord and it felt good to plant a garden and be working with the soil. I did laundry and cleaned; went to hang with Mr. C for a bit (there was SUPPOSE to be a party; I was promised a party! *stomps foot and pouts* (*laughs*) – then in the evening I hung out with my son – he was back from going to Cedar Point with his dad and all sunburned and we watched one of my (his too) all–time favourite movies and one that I don’t think gets enough praise because it borders on being a cult classic : ‘Napoleon Dynamite’ – simply put this movie rocks.

As we were watching my son and I talked (I love talking with my son he’s one of the more intelligent people I know). We talked about movies and we talked about music – he told me he had given his band’s bassist some David Bowie to listen to…then he asked me if I had ever seen the film ‘Labyrinth’ – I indicated I had a long time ago – he asked me if I enjoyed it – I indicated I had not – then he laid into me listing the 4 or 5 reasons why that film was so great – one of them being Jim Henson’s muppets but as he put it the main reason was the ‘moral of the story’, which is (and I quote) – ‘That you should love your little brother no matter what even if he is a pain in the ass and you have to babysit him. Mom, did my sister see this movie??? I mean she must have cause if not I’d be dead right now!’ – something in the way he delivered this statement got to me and I started laughing and so did he and soon we were laughing so hard we were crying...my son is the ONLY human on earth that can make me laugh like this...he’s incredible.

After that we walked down by the lake and watched the sunset together while he played his guitar. It was a beautiful way to end a great evening. Thanks son.

too funny Posted by Picasa