Monday, February 28, 2005

Zoo uses acupuncture on ailing elephant

Zoo Uses Acupuncture on Ailing Elephant
 Posted by Hello

And now for something completely different...

As recommended by my wonderful son...(please beware - there may be pop-ups)

There are some really hysterical, and bizzaro thingys on this site.

His top recommendations are:



and the really annoying - Banana Phone

Only proving - it takes all kinds.

Shout out - or - where DOES she find that artwork

Once again...I am not tyring to be a 'brown nose' here but you really must check out Susan's blg 'Easy Bake Coven' - some how she finds the most amazing artwork - and the fact that she is witty and funny and smart don't hurt either ^_^

Simply put, I have never seen artwork like
this, or this, or even the likes of these

Thanks again EBC for putting out such a mind-blowing, mind-expanding blog.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Philosophical views a la Homer Simpson

I had to post this - it's from the philosopher's board on Yahoo!



Feeling lost and adrift? Gain inner peace reading Homer. No, not the
Greek guy. Homer Simpson. Here are some Homeric jewels to live by:

The answers to life's problems aren't at the bottom of a bottle.
They're on TV.

What's the point of going out? We're just going to end up back here

Trying is the first step toward failure.

You can't keep blaming yourself. Just blame yourself once and move on.

Doughnuts. Is there anything they can't do?

The three little sentences that will get you through life.
1. Cover for me.
2. Oh, good idea, Boss.
3. It was like that when I got here.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I do the blaaaauuuugg

Yes I blog. It used to be so interesting - like a counter-part of mine who's blog I admired from afar- he was form Oslo, Norway. I admired him, mainly because he was witty, acerbic, brilliant honest and, judging from his picture, very cute...but he quite his blog because his REAL life came calling. Also because as he said it became a chore - an obligation.

So has this at times for me...and it's become a bit passe as well and irritating.

I will site one of my irritations. I don't want to get negative but I do feel the need to say something about this because well - I can't help it. I've felt this way long before this blog came into existence. If I offend people well yep you got it - too friggin' here goes.

When I first started blogging, I began putting up 'links' to other blogs, mainly those I found to be interesting. It turned out that 'some' of those blogs were done by practising Pagans. I am a Pagan-friendly blog (at least *I* think I am). So when other 'Pagans' started linking to me I began linking back. I consider it a courtesy. I'd get little comments, e-mails what have you. Then, all- of-a-fucking-sudden, they stopped linking to me. I have no idea why. Seriously I don't - in fact at one point I asked one of the 'sisters' why (off line) and I got no answer. Now frankly, for the record, I don't care. What I DO care about is high-school shenanigans. I want none of it - NONE. So I took their blogs off my blog roll, finally. Some I left up because I LIKE THEIR BLOGS. Now again I don't know what I did, whom I offended, what the hell happened...did I link to a fellow Pagan that THEY didn't like??? (How stupid is that, how childish, dare I say it - how very Pagan of them).

I am sorry but it's true. I used to practise myself. Not that any of you care - not that I care if you care or not...but wanna know what made me leave the fold? You got it - other Pagans and their attitudes. I have never seen so much in-fighting and bickering and out-and-out childishness in my entire life (that's right Virginia, not everyone acts like the Farrars, or Starhawk, or Isaac Bonewits). I was almost ashamed to say I was Pagan/Wiccan. It was nuts. When my ex and I went to get married we both wanted to be hand-fasted - do you think we could have found a Pagan group that could do it without getting involved in all their little 'wars'? Nope not at all. I think that was the final straw for me. I fly solo most of the time now and I dare say I don't consider myself Pagan anymore. But I do believe in the basic tennants, to some degree I still practice some of the ways, celebrate some of the holidays etc. My leaning is much more towards an Eastern mysticism these days with a very strong belief in Goddess/God. I refuse to believe in a God WITHOUT the female counterpart as part of my worship system. There are many other religions though that embrace this notion. Oh and don't get me wrong in the Yoga community there's all kinds of crap too - but I don't practise with those people, I don't break bread with them, I don't share a sacred trust with them.

*shakes head sadly* it's a shame, ya know.


OK now onto to another subject. Remember the 'doctor' I was seeing? Well I wrote him recently because he had been concerned about my daughter and knew she was pregnant and I told him she had her baby. Just a little 'say hello' kind of note. So now I got this full-blown letter back from him telling me he did not know what to do when I did not call over X-mas (actually I wrote him and told him what was going on in my life), and that we were obviously not on the same page (ya think?) and, while he felt I was lovely and kind etc. that he did not want to have a relationship with me unless we could be more than 'just friends'.

I am debating whether to write him back and tell him I was tired of him making comments about me wearing glasses, and aksing me when I was going to get contacts and grow my hair longer and telling me how to behave in front of his employees etc. I mean what nerve some people have. Not to mention asking him how the hell we could possibly be on the same page (what with me still hurting and all) - oh, and did I mention his house is a shrine to his wife that's been dead for 8 years!!! (Kinder Colette - therefore he must be hurting too n'est ce pas?)

So perhaps I should take a I say these things or do I just very nicely tell him he's right that there WAS NO CHEMISTRY and that we will never be anything even remotely romantic to each other..... (if you want to know what and to whom I am referring, to you can find my post about it
here - entitled: 'Sometimes it's the things you DON'T say...' - where I mention this guy's behaviour. If you participate in the poll you might want to read it....


ponder, ponder, ponder


Martha Stewart teaching YOGA?????????????????????

New York Post Online Edition: gossip
OK - I don't mean to sound ugly about this but ...WTF????

Martha Teaching YOGA?!?!?!?!?! Um yeah ok...

Give me a break - hey Martha - where'd you get your Yoga certification? Wait, don't tell me, Super K-Mart!

What a crock.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


50 THINGS ABOUT ME (because I can't think of 100 quite yet)

1. When I was born I only weighed 4 lbs 10 oz and was in an incubator
2. Because of this one of the nurses baptized me because she thought I was going to die
3. I once kicked a nun in the shins for slapping me with a ruler for using my left hand
4. When I was little (like 2 yrs old) my family used to give me wine to boost my appetite
5. I am old enough to remember 5 cent cokes and penny candy costing one penny
6. I am old enough to remember that typewriters had the cents symbol
7. When I was 6 years old I called up the number in the Sears Catalogue and told the operator I wanted to order a pair of red high-heeled shoes – I got in a lot of trouble with my mother
8. My love for reading came from Sister Dorothy reading ‘Charlotte’s Web’ to us in the 4th grade
9. I wanted to be a nun when I was in the 4th grade (probably because of Sister Dorothy)
10. I used to think I could hear ‘saints’ talking to me when I was little, I also remember the eyes in the picture of the Virgin Mary and Jesus following my every move (did anyone else feel that way?)
11. I had practically no friends all through grade school
12. My closest friend in grade school (she was in fact my ONLY real friend) - died of a horrible inoperable brain tumour – she was only 12 years old
13. I was and have always been terrified of crucifixes – therefore I can not walk into a Catholic Church alone
14. I am afraid of most churches for similar reasons (being afraid of statues etc). The ONLY exception to this is the old Catholic Church where I went for my Yoga teacher training classes
15. I grew up in a town called Verona
16. When I was between the ages of 12-13 years old my brother fell and cut his shin so badly you could see through to the bone – I had to carry him home and call my dad home from work because my mom wanted to faint
17. Around the same time in my life, my other brother started a fire in our kitchen and I had to put it out, nurse the cut he got form trying to put it out and then called a nurse who was a neighbor of ours – I was on my way out to get her to come to our house to tend to him when my folks came home, saw me leaving and grounded me for 2 weeks! As you can tell I am still very pissed about that one.
18. I began smoking at the age of 12 years old – I quit ‘cold turkey’ when I was 19 years old
19. I can, to this day, have one cigarette at a bar and not want any more
20. I once got to meet Jeffrey Dahmer at a party (YES! THAT Jeffrey Dahmer)
21. I slept with one of my former HS English teachers (after I got out of HS of course)
22. I have dropped Acid (several times) and done other drugs – but not heroin
23. I got to meet Bob Dylan, hang out with his ‘roadies’ and was able to get the pillow case from his room (unfortunately I don’t know what happened to it)
24. I worked in a carnival
25. While in the carnival, I was arrested by FBI agents for ‘running and operating an illegal gambling device’
26. I lived for three months in a van in New Orleans
27. While living in New Orleans, I made friends with a Voodoo Priestess
28. I hitchhiked from New Orleans all the way back to Cleveland
29. My first Internet pen-pal was a chief technical officer for W.H.O. (World Health Organization) and he once sent me 5 lbs of chocolate from Geneva, Switzerland
30. I LOVE having sex outdoors
31. I hate the woman I work with
32. I hate money and wish we could ‘barter’ for things instead
33. I hate the Internet at times
34. I have a crush on one of my Yoga teachers
35. I plan to one day live in either France, Ireland or Canada (possibly all three)
36. I used to practice with a Pagan group and we called ourselves the ‘Uncoven’
37. I dreamt of my mother’s death one year before she died – almost to the day
38. When I read Tarot Cards I can actually ‘see’ things happening to the people I am reading for
39. A lot of the premonitions I have had have come true
40. My father ‘drank’ away the money for my mom’s headstone and I had to confront him about it when I was an adult so I could get his permission to replace it
41. I don’t like sushi
42. I can’t stand the taste of whiskey, bourbon or scotch
43. I have a weakness for Irish men and would love to sleep with Gabriel Byrne or Daniel Day Lewis (but I don’t think he’s really Irish)
44. My biggest joys in my life are my children (DUH!)
45. Second only to my grandchildren (even bigger DUH!)
46. I am fluent in French in writing only – I can speak a little bit of Italian, Spanish, German, Hebrew, and Mandarin Chinese
47. I love getting caught in the rain (in warm weather only)
48. I love snowfalls and playing in the snow
49. My dream is to live in the mountains overlooking the sea one day (preferably away from people)
50. I want to write a book but don’t know where to start

Technical difficulties

Just so you all know, I had to take down my '50 Things About Me' list becuase the link was not working - I will post it soon and I will work on trying to get the link to work too because I think it should be something I build on as part of my profile (part of my 'history' if you will) - so if anyone knows how to make a link like that work - let me know - it's appreciated!


Monday, February 21, 2005

If all your friends jumped off a cliff....would you?

So there's been some updates to the blog of late.

Sometimes when my writing skills desert me (which is often I'm afraid) - I just 'play with my template'.


So if you look on the side, you will see a couple of different 'thingys'. One is that, if you are so enamoured with this blog (yeah right) - and you want to 'subscribe' to it - you can, and you will get an update when *I* update. I had this before but frankly I find it very egotistic and might take it down anyday now....

Secondly, since everyone and their brother in Blogville is doing the "100 Things About Me" stuff - I decided to jump on the band wagon too (I am such a leming). However, just to be difficult I came up with only 50 THINGS about moi - not because there aren't 100 things but because
#1) I was too lazy to think up that many,
#2) I am sure you'd be bored out of your skull by the time you got to 100 and,
#3 ) I did it to be different - because that's just me! ^_^

At any rate, I spent the better part of tonight figuring out how to link to this at my 'Geo-Cities' site - so hopefully the link works and if it doesn't, (or if any of you really care), please let me know and I will post it.

NPR : Hunter S. Thompson Found Dead at His Home

NPR : Hunter S. Thompson Found Dead at His Home

How sad...what a loss. He was so brave and so very forward-thinking - he will be missed.

Sunday, February 20, 2005> Saturday Night Live> The First Five Years> Saturday Night Live> The First Five Years

A stroll down memory lane.

I can not tell you how many memories this brought back for me - great work.

It's really a shame that regular TV does not take chances like this anymore.

Thanks for making me remember and laugh like that again. There's a timeless quality to this comedy.

The morning after and the heat in the kitchen

Sunday morn, I am here with coffee - up - despite my body's protest that I get more sleep. Not listening, nosireebob...

I feel like that song 'I had too much to dream last night' - but really I didn't dream - I barely slept.


So I got up around 9:30 am and just lie in bed for a bit and then got motivated enough to make a pot of coffee. Had some coffee while watching CBS' Sunday Morning News Magazine Program

Lo and behold there was a bit in their opinion piece about blogs...

Holy crap, Batman - are we all really getting that popular AND that powerful??? WOW! I think it's great. I was absolutely astonded to hear that the number of bloggers is ONLY about 7 million - astounding that out of that 7 million a handful has affected change! So, the very next time I hear some idiot complain that his/her vote does not mean anything or that they can't change the world, I am going to kick them really hard in their private parts!

The OP piece was done by Professor David Gergen - here's the blurb from the show's web-site:

"David Gergen, professor of public service at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government and editor-at-large for U.S. News & World Report, comments on the power of the blogger in today’s politics. "

Again, I have not been hiding under a rock - I guess I never paid much attention to the amount of power bloggers were wielding in the political arena. I agree though, for the most part, with Professor Gergen's comments that if we as bloggers are GOING to be using our blogs in a political and/or journalistic manner, that we need to adhere to the basic tennants of 'good journalism'. But again there is that tiny little voice in my head that keeps asking 'What IS good journalism these days?' - especially at a time when I think a lot of journalism simply ISN'T good anymore. It's kind of like listening to Fox News' claims of their reporting being 'Fair and Balanced' um yeah right...


Now on my second cup of coffee and listening to streaming radio WYEP 91.3 out of Pittsburgh (great station) and my son just came home from me allowing him to be out and spend the night with his buddy last night, after our late night dinner together. (Sometimes my son is better company than the best date I could have - not that I've been on any 'great' dates lately).

I am suddenly very thankful for the grace of my life, for my pleasures that I often-times take for granted and instead end up sounding like my life doesn't. It REALLY doesn't.

I am still amused by our conversation (as I often am) - where he was giving me pointers on 'dating' and my love life (non-existent as it is) - telling me to go work out and cultivate a killer body, since I think I am too old, and then I'll be able to 'catch myself a hunk' (my words not his). He said that since I wanted to be with an attractive guy, I need to put more effort into my being attractive. I then explained to my son that at this point in my life, the most important thing to me is finding someone who likes ME for ME - looks aside. Also, that I will take a less attractive guy with brains and a kind heart over 'Mr. Studly' any day of the week. (Although if he is intelligent, kindly and studly I won't argue ^_^).

Love that boy - he's got my best interests at heart.

Off to work on laundry etc.

As ever,

Saturday, February 19, 2005

'Another Satuday Night...'

'and I ain't got nobody' ...c'mon people sing it with me now!

Yes it's Saturday night and here I am at home, Blogging *sigh*.

I have a LOT going on right now and I am feeling so conflicted, so tense, so out of sorts, it's not even funny.

OK so my Ex is having a hard time - and that's what I am mainly conflicted about. I can't help it. I mean he is on the verge of having SERIOUS problems and I just don't know what to do. Today he got some (hopefully) good news. But the phrase that keeps going around and around in my head is: "Am I not my brother's keeper?" - and I don't know why....I DO know why but I can't explain or justify these feelings.

I have been doing some reading that's been helping me (while I am at my Blog post tonight I need to update the 'What Colette is Reading' on my sidebar). One of the books I've just finished is one of the best ones I've read in a long time that deals with psychotherapy form the standpoint of the Therapist; the 'other side of the couch' if you will. It's called 'Love's Executioner' by Dr. Irvin Yalom. It's amazing - a collection of stories about the therapy he's wworked on over the years with various patients. Really fascinating stuff. In the book, he often talks about toxic relationships and that's definitely what I've got goin' on with my ex - and what WE HAD as well - Goddess, almost from the inception of our relationship. So sick...

One of the most beautiful passages from this book was actually a quote from Flaubert in 'Madame Bovary' :

"Wheras the truth is that fullness of soul can sometimes overflow in utter vapidity of language, for none of us can ever express the exact measure of his needs or his thoughts or his sorrows; and human speech is like a cracked kettle on which we tap crude rhythms for bears to dance to, while we long to make music that will melt the stars"

Dr. Yalom used this quote to point out that we never really 'know' a person - this was also an echoed sentiment from the book 'The Bride Stripped Bare' (another excellent read), where the author (who remained anonymous), said that we will never know another's 'secret life'. And that's what killed us/our marriage (and I believe what still does) - his secret life. That and me being 'The Fixer' (see the book 'Taming your Gremlin' for your particular Gremlin). So perhaps he could no more help himself from being a womanizing cheat, than I could help myself from being 'The Fixer' or 'Mom'. But you know what...I HAD to let go. I HAD to abandon our 'ship' - because it was killing me, tkaing me down with it. So why, why do I feel so bad. I mean sure I still care. I WILL ALWAYS CARE and you can't possibly know how much that sucks. If only I could just stop....not stop caring - for that would not be me. Just let go..perhaps. I have, to a certain degree, but not enough.


Then's there's the father of my son ( my other 'EX') - *laughs* - geez I might end up like one of the Gabor sisters with 7 friggin' husbands if I am not careful. Last night he was put in the hospital because of atrial fibrillaiton. It can be really dangerous. He's doing OK now - but again my son was with him all night in the emergency room ('cause they could not get in touch with me, because my cell phone was off (I am such an idiot)) - and so it was a harrowing experience for them both. So now I am worried sick about that. But I know it will be OK (Just got a call from him, he'll be released tomorrow). Again with those damned feelings. Finding out my EX was in the hospital. Scared me half to death....all these feelings rushing at me all at once.

I feel so caught. Prey to my heart-strings. Trying to live as compassionately as I can, but trying to stay detached as well. I get so hurt so easily. I bruise so easily (on the outside too ^_^). Sometimes I just want to stop from feeling become numb to it all; not be a 'nice' person anymore. I don't know how the hell to do that. I don't know how to stop caring for people. Shit I still care for a guy that's been dead for almost 17 years. Go figure. The ghosts of these relationships haunt me...still. They won't let me go. They are wolves at the door of my heart and they are hungry. I am tired of feeding them.


I had begun (a while ago) another separate blog about my Yogic pursuits. I have decided that since Yoga is (and always will be) an integral part of who *I* am...that I should really put my Yoga stuff on this blog.

That said, I want to recommend a site that I was 'turned on to' by George Nemeth ( It's a wonderful site for both Yoga teachers and people who practice Yoga. So go there and check it out

Meanwhile, I am going to look at my old Yoga blog-site and see what else is worth putting out into Blogdom for general consumption.

Colette Posted by Hello

Error Message Gallery

Error Message Gallery

This is absolutely hysterical - thanks so much to Susan at Easy Bake Coven blog, (one of my personal favourites), for this one...

Resistance is futile, or The Cuddly Menace

Resistance is futile

This is courtesy of a certain 'Dork' I know. Enjoy.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Light of Soul

Light of Soul

Go here...go here now.

Love, light, a soul's enlightenment, the span of a lifetime, the ache of a poet's heart, all told by one picture and beautifully written prose.

I hope you keep blogging.

Thanks, Jordan

As ever,

Queen Elizabeth 'livid' at wedding venue change

Yahoo! News - Queen Elizabeth 'livid' at wedding venue change: report

Give me a friggin' break your royal Majesty.

To quote from this article: "The queen believes that by having the service in the local town hall, the last vestige of the mystery of monarchy will be smashed forever," an unidentified source was quoted as saying in Friday's edition of the Sun

The so-called 'mystery' you refer to died way back before the days of good ole' Henry VIII - you wouldn't know a 'mystery of monarchy' if it came up and bit you on your Royal bumbershoot-up-your-friggin-arse, Liz - get the fuck over it, OK.

Frankly - your sonny boy needs to abidicate and then perhaps if your grandson is not too much of a git AND decides to NOT follow in his father's footsteps by publicly airing his dirty laundry (his mistress - fellow horsey-woman) whatever the hell you people call your little trollops and/or subjects that you have your little 'secret' flings with - THEN maybe you can repature whatever the hell it is you are talking about.

Otherwise my dear - stuff it.

Oh and by the way - the rest of the planet would like to see you people of the Aristocracy stop killing defenseless little foxes - pick on someone your own size - like Tony Blair.

Post script: I hope I have not offended any of the readers from the UK or avid/rabid subjects of 'the Crown' - but you know what - I truly think this stuff is absolutely ludicrous. (Of course I think a lot of the stuff our leaders and their families do over here in the States is as well).

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

It's the $84,000 question

Why do I blog?

This is actually the answer I came up with when a fellow blogger asked some of us what blogs are (what they in essence mean - to us).

This is what I wrote:

I blog for the same reason(s) as others have mentioned. To clean out my head. To find some rhyme and reason to the craziness that happened in my life when I began doing this. IT WAS and still is a very personal catharsis. I blogged at first out of necessity - to keep my sanity. Now my blog has evolved to show a more complete picture of me - I am more than my failed marriage. I am a complex, and interesting (if I dare say so myself) - person. Now I blog about anything and everything - it's the mosaic of my mind's eye. What else has happened to me through blogging is something amazing; I have touched other people's lives and they have in turn touched mine - that's amazing. The other benefit to blogging is that I have discovered the 'writer' within in me...that small voice that whispers only in a language I recognize and can call my very own. I am my uniqueness. It's like having a diary or a journal to the 10th power. Ultimately, it's a powerful tool for healing and in some ways has helped to heal me or at least allowed me to accept what fate dealt me - and that's not always an easy thing to take.

Study: the Pill Changes Women's Taste in Men

Yahoo! News - Study: the Pill Changes Women's Taste in Men

WOW! More on this later...when I've had time to gather my thoughts a bit.

OK - it's just a tiny bit later....

First off I want to say that I DO NOT get all my news from Yahoo! News... (you can look at my sidebar and see that).

Now to this um... STUDY. So I suppose I should run right out and get on the pill, right?

Um wait a minute...OH I see, they are talking about men who LOOK healthy (n the face) - not men that necessarily ARE healthy (as in a healthy mind, a healthy image of self, or who know how to be HEALTHY IN A RELATIONSHIP) - well then...never mind.



Tsunami Child 'Baby 81,' Parents Reunited

Yahoo! News - Tsunami Child 'Baby 81,' Parents Reunited

Almost (not quite) - a modern day version of King Solomon's dilemma with the two mothers...

I can't even begin to imagine the anguish of those who have lost their children. It's all so heart-breaking.

More fun with words

And this came from my sister-in-law - who also possesses a very wicked sense of humour.


Once again, The Washington Post published its yearly contest in which readers are asked to supply alternate meanings for various words.

And the winners are...

1. Coffee (n.), a person who is coughed upon.

2. Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you have gained.

3. Abdicate (v.), to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.

4. Esplanade (v.), to attempt an explanation while drunk.

5. Willy-nilly (adj.), impotent.

6. Negligent (adj.), describes a condition in which you absent-mindedly answer the door in your nightgown.

7. Lymph (v.), to walk with a lisp.

8. Gargoyle (n.), an olive-flavored mouthwash.

9. Flatulence (n.) the emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are run over by a steamroller.

10. Balderdash (n.), a rapidly receding hairline.

11. Testicle (n.), a humorous question on an exam.

12. Rectitude (n.), the formal, dignified demeanor assumed by a proctologist immediately before he examines you.

13. Oyster (n.), a person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddish expressions.

14. Pokemon (n), A Jamaican proctologist.

15. Frisbeetarianism (n.), The belief that, when you die, your Soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck there.

16. Circumvent (n.), the opening in the front of boxer shorts.

Yahoo! News - Lindsay Lohan Barbie Doll Being Made

Yahoo! News - Lindsay Lohan Barbie Doll Being Made

And speaking of Barbies, this was forwarded to me by my attorney (who actually has an outstanding sense of humour). This is more for the 'locals' of the NE Ohio area suburbs, however I am sure anyone in any other city can attest to seeing these types of 'Barbies' in their very own corresponding neighborhoods. ^ _^

Mattel recently announced the release of Limited-Edition Barbie Dolls for the Greater Cleveland market:

Westlake Barbie:

This princess Barbie is sold only at Crocker Park. She comes with anassortment of Coach Handbags, a Lexus SUV, a longhaired foreign dognamed "Honey" and a "cookie cutter" $2,000,000 house. Available with orwithout tummy tuck and face lift. Workaholic Ken sold only in
conjunction with "augmented" version

Parma Barbie:

This modern day homemaker Barbie is available with Ford Windstar Minivan and matching gym outfit. She gets lost easily and has no full time occupation or secondary education. Traffic jamming cell phone sold separately.

Collinwood Barbie:

This recently paroled Barbie comes with a 9mm handgun, a Ray Lewis knife, a Pontiac with dark tinted windows and a crack pipe. This model is only available after dark and must be paid for in cash (preferably small, untraceable bills). Unless you are a cop, then we don't know what you are talking about.

Hunting (Wonderful) Valley Barbie:

This yuppie Barbie comes with your choice of BMW convertible or Hummer H2. Included are her own Starbucks cup, credit card and "The Country Club" membership. Also available for this set are Shallow Ken and Private School Skipper. You won't be able to afford any of them.

Brunswick Barbie:

This pale model comes dressed in her own Wrangler jeans two sized too small, a NASCAR shirt and tweety bird tattoo on her shoulder. She has a six-pack of Bud light and a Hank Williams, Jr. CD set. She can spit over 5 feet and kick mullet-haired Ken's butt when she is drunk. Purchase her pickup truck separately and get a Confederate flag bumper sticker absolutely free.

Beachwood Barbie:

This collagen injected, rhinoplastic Barbie wears a leopard print outfit and drinks cosmopolitans while entertaining friends. Percocet prescription available.

Elyria Barbie:

This tobacco-chewing, brassy-haired Barbie has a pair of her own high-heeled sandals with one broken heel from the time she chased beer-gutted Ken out of another Barbie's house. Her ensemble includes low-rise acid washed jeans, fake fingernails, and a see through halter-top. Also available with a mobile home.

University Circle Barbie:

This doll is made of actual tofu. She has long straight brown hair, archless feet, hairy armpits, no makeup and Birkenstocks with white socks. She prefers that you call her "Willow". She does not want or need a Ken doll, but if you purchase two University Circle Barbies and the optional Subaru wagon, you get a rainbow flag bumper sticker for free.

Glenville Barbie:

This Barbie now comes with a stroller and infant doll. Optional accessories include a GED and bus pass. Gangsta Ken and his '79 Caddy were available, but are now very difficult to find since the addition of the infant.

Lakewood Barbie/Ken:

This versatile doll can be easily converted from Barbie to Ken by simply adding or subtracting the multiple "snap--on" parts.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Valentine's Day...apropos of nothing


I really want to write something. But today has really sucked. Mainly becuase I've been at home sick (so is my son) - both of us miserable - sort of like the weather outside today. Just miserable.

I have never liked Valentine's Day. I feel it puts way too much pressure on men and women to be romantic and, in essence, ends up turning both sexes into asses. This is something that should not be forced. And if your relationship is 'off it's game' so to speak - it can make things even worse by pointing out the obvious.

I got an e-mail valentine (which was nice) - that's it. No date, no gifts, no hope, at least for now that this is going to change anytime soon. My longing to be romanced is only outweighed by my longing to be in a healthy, MONOGAMOUS, working partnership with someone I can relate to who is a stable, grown up and who feels the way I do about relationships. It's as if I am in the crow's nest of my ship heading out to sea and through my binoculars I see nothing even closely resembling that 'land' on the horizon - where I can once again begin to get my footing, my bearings when it comes to love. But then I have to keep telling myself not to worry - it's all OK in the end - even if I end up alone. Because being alone is better than being in a sick relationship and being alone is better than jumping into something I am not ready for - not yet.

I will write more later. I think for now I am going to crawl back into bed and pray that I can be well enough to go to work tomorrow.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

And as you can see it was all well worth the long journey. Posted by Hello

There...and back again

On my way up to Michigan, my mind was so full of thoughts, distracting me. I was intent on getting there in one piece and so when I am driving long distances alone like that I always bring music with me and I always stop for Chai when I begin to feel a bit groggy.

The music brought along for this trip:

Sting: The Dream of the Blue Turtles
James: Laid
Fleetwood Mac: Tango in The Night
Al Stewart: Year of the Cat
Sarah McLachlan: Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
Billy Joel: Greatest Hits Volume I & II
Cat Steven: Greatest Hits
The Beatles: Revolver

I have never made this 4-hour trip alone before - one hears of so many 'stories' and 'things' that happen to women travelling alone. I was glad I was driving during the day, grateful that the weather was good.

Michigan to me, seems to be a state full of contrasts - we have Detroit (the most urban of urban) and then the part of the state where I was headed - the outlying areas of Flint - A bastion of blue-collar, God-fearing, you-can-take-my-gun-when-you're-able-to-pry-it-from-my-cold-dead-hands, kind of place. Not a place where I feel very comfy being a liberal, and, not one where I was going to find a log ot vegetarian meals. So it was fitting that I came accross these billboards:

"Beef Jerky Unlimited", and
"Guns Galore"

Followed by a seemingly less violent billboard:

"Harvest Moon Cafe, Good Food Guaranteed"...and I thought good food or else, what?

Then I began musing; you'd walk into the Harvest Moon Cafe where they'd serve you Beef Jerky Unlimited and the or else had something to do with the Guns Galore...
I was probably getting a bit tired of driving by this point.

The family is a bit more subdued than usual when I arrive - more than likely due to the new arrival. My son-in-law greets me and I go into the living room to see my daughter and, for the very first time, my new grand-daughter. My daughter looks pale, dead tired, my son-in-law exhausted. My grand-daughter is a vision, a dark, healty pink, already with a crown of dark hair, as she begins to slowly open them, I spy smokey-greyish-blue eyes.

My grandson seems traumatized due to 'Mommie' being 'away' for 5 days, so course he also does not want to warm up to me because I am a 'stranger'. This ends up taking two days.

Soon we all begin to settle in, talking like old acquaintances. I like this family, but I am usually not my 'true self' around them...for reasons that are evident. There is a bond between all of us, though - the marriage of our children and a sharing of the issuance from that union. I like my daughter's in-laws. They are kind, hard-working, salt-of-the-earth, people. The relationship between my daughter and myself has grown as well. Once very strained, we have started to like each other again. She is an incredible mom. We are still rough around the edges from one too many teenager vs. mom battles, with both of us losers, but it's getting better.

So slowly, tenderly, I enter this home, to get to know my new grand-daughter and her extended family; to be a co-mother with my lovely daughter and learn about her in a new light.


The days go by quickly. My daughter slowly regains her strength. I notice some strain between her and my son-in-law and when we are alone I ask her. She tells me she wishes they had their own place and that she also wishes he'd get up and help her out for one of the's an age-old dillema and one they have to work out on their own.

In talking over coffee to her mother-in-law, when we end up being alone one morning, I find the same sentiments echoed about the kids needing their own place - which is going to happen soon, from what I can gather. I listen as Diane tells me of her marriage and rasiing her kids and it warms my heart because she describes her husband Scott, as one of those men that was always helping out. She said she would never come home to find him sitting around - he was either doing housework or he was cooking or he was doing laundry. He always helped with the children. All four of them. So hearing this makes my heart a bit lighter becuase I know my son-in-law has these inherant qualities and I know he is merely a new dad-in-training and that once he and my daughter get some privacy away from the rest of the family things will slowly change and they will settle into their own lives.


The only real complaints I had was that day after day, because of my grand-son, I was forced to watch "Veggie Tales" movies galore (go to: - to see what I am talking/whining about. So I now have all these 'Christian' songs going through my head - I was teasingly telling the 2 youngest siblings in their family, (ages 20 and 21), that I was going to have to listen to "Black Sabbath, Bloody Sabbath" on the way home to erase all the 'other stuff'.

Then there was the *other* problem with their TV watching because for some reason, the only news they watch in their house is 'Fox News' on cable - which is on 24/7 (when the other 'Christian' or 'family-oriented' shows aren't on) and features programming like Bill O'Reilly (whom I despise) - so often I would secretly be going crazy. Thank the Gods I brought books to read.

One of the last nights I was there, my daughter and I sat and watched the movie "Luther" about Martin Luther and how he began the Lutheran church. It was a really well done movie and it brought up some interesting conversation between myself and their family. I am certain these people think me a heathen because I don't attend a 'Christian' church - but they are not judgemental and we had some great, thought-provoking discussions about religion.

All in all though it was wonderful being there and helping my daugher. I forgot how tiring it can be to watch little ones and since my two chldren were spaced 6 years apart, I can not even imagine how exhausting it is going to be for my daughter. But she seems very up to the task and watching her with my grand-daughter often brought tears of joy to my eyes.

Leaving to go home was bitter-sweet. I really wished I lived closer and who knows, perhaps in time I will. For the nonce, though, I will have to simply figure out a way to take some long weekends and head up there as much as I can.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

North Korea Says It Has Nuclear Weapons

Hey George,

You might want to take a look at this....

YA THINK?!?!?!?!

We are such idiots.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Being a dangerous woman...

is indeed an art. I have always felt myself to be a bit dangerous. Why? Because I open my mouth. Becuase I can be aggressive, confrontational (NO! you might gasp *wink*) - it's sad but true...

People are either put off by it or they accept me for who *I* REALLY am. I don't care too much either way - I am me. I am not in the habit of changing THESE types of things.

There are 'other' people in the world like me who apparently feel it is somehow on their agenda to 'raise some hell'. However with blogging being a relatively new form of expression I guess I never felt it was OK to 'target' other people's blogs. I would never think of doing such a thing. I love writing - this has been such an
freeing experience for me. This has been the start of something for me - something I never felt was 'in me'. But other than what I put down here (which again, I am absolutely amazed anyone ever reads); I don't have time to go to other people's blogs to find some sort of fault with that person's point of view and to then loudly take them to task for it on their blog - not only do I not have the time, I don't care. The only blogs I like to read are those I like, not those that I think are done by blow-hards or people I don't agree with. Life is too short.

There is a delicate balance of reason I try to sustain - all to often when I find myself outraged it escapes me - I don't bottle it up - but I also find I let out the 'Genie' too often.

What irriates me most is people who by their very nature, exhibit passive-aggression, they seek out blogs, they make disparaging comments and then when they get the rise they want out of you, off they go (secretly I wonder if they are being paid to do this). I also often wonder what type of childhoods these people had. They become indignant and self-righteous when the perosn they attack defends their position, they hide behind conservative mores and values and the 'God is right' (no pun intended) agendas. They seem to be so 'indoctrinated' and politically motivated, they feel it is their duty to do such things. These very same types (not all mind you - but many) will chase science out of our classrooms in favour of teaching 'creationism'; they think it's a sin that we don't pray in schools anymore, they will fly a 'Confederate' flag as a way to demonstrate their love for long-forgotten 'manners' and a history that in my eyes is still reeling from lynchings and segregation. Sort of the way the KKK claims they have their rights to speak the way they do. And yes, these people (even the KKK) have these rights. They do indeed...however, Dr. King died for a just cause and yet I have to ask myself if his death served any purpose when I still see certain people at the 'helm' of this country. People who advocate going to war as a way to solve the worlds' issues, turn their collective noses up at the great peace-makers like Ghandi and say things like we can't put these theories to work nowadays because we (America) has to fight for 'Truth, Justice , and the American Way' . (sorry if I offended any comic-book people out there - this is not meant to). (And by the way - some of those same people would be happy to 'ban' 'subversive' materials - like comic books, Harry Potter etc.).

All the while, a lot of those people claim to be 'good Christians' (someone should clue them in that Jesus would be ashamed by their behaviour). It's like their prostelytizing (but instead they use it as a weapon - i.e. have you ever had someone 'pray' for you and wish secretly that they hadn't, because it feels...well out-and-out-creepy???)
For some reason this all seems to be tearing this country apart and perhaps that's because those of us on the other side won't back down and follow along. And perhaps that makes 'us' (people like moi), 'bad people' - but I don't think so. You can go ahead and keep your ideals and are welcome to them - really. But I personally think the rest of the planet would like to move on to a more globally-accepted and 'true' peace-keeping effort and not the blatant over-running of other countries with the US' 'version of 'democracy' especially when the US seems to have so many problems it can't seem to solve and so much of this very country does not feel that this TYPE of democracy is working very well.

It's going to be a very long four years, isn't it?


You know I lived in the south (in Texas to be precise) for 8 long years. I was not liked by the locals down there (gee I wonder why?). Part of it was because they were still a bit peeved with us Yankees for winning the Civil War - and we were very much percieved as 'Yankee' who came down there and 'stole their jobs'. They also seemed to expect their women to be a bit more sedate, more 'Southern-Bell-esq' - *laughs* - I actually ran into one woman who was taking classes on being more 'submissive' to her man - at, of all places a Southern Baptist University. When she brought this up at a mixed gathering of women (a lot of us were from the North) - we were speechless. Literally.

So when I talk about being a 'dangeorus woman' this is part of what I mean. I AM a lot of the things that a lot of people don't like. And that is part of being me. I have always been outspoken, intelligent, passionate, and not very good at tolerating fools. It's just me me. So my dear friend Max - this is for you. Feminism is NOT dead in MY heart and mind and, I hope and pray it's not completely dead in this country - I just think we are re-working it. I consider myself to be very feminine - I am not a Nazi about it - I am strong, I do roar - I guess the question is whether anyone is actually hearing me or ANY of us out there who won't back down.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

A wee bit of an update

Well...everything seems to be OK here.

I will blog more completely when I return from my trip. The baby is gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. Mommy is doing much better too.

Thanks to all those who sent thoughts and prayers our way.


It will never be significant enough

What could they possibly do to this man to make up for what he has done to the people he's hurt? I mean other than have HIM brutally raped. And no, I am not advocating an eye for an eye(well you know what I mean). Punishments rarely fit the crimes when it comes to these cases.

Imagine how hard it was for the accuser to come forward. And I imagine ths may have somehow helped that person - but I doubt he will ever be the same.

It is a horrifying notion that the place where we might turn for comfort against the storm, a supposed 'House of God' could be a place where one could be so violated.

My prayers go out to the victims of this abuse - I hope they find peace.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

This classic, however, just happened to be playing on my local PBS station just as I got in.

I love this movie and yes perhaps it's become campy - but it lives on and although it's a long movie - I love watching it time and again - which is why I suppose they call them 'Classics'. Posted by Hello

Two big dissapointment

I was really dissapointed in this.

Oh sure Dermot IS gorgeous, sexy, an absolute hunk - I do him in a New York minute and yes' I'd drain my IRA to do it. There is one scene - well let's just say there is one particular scene that is yummy. No sex involved.

But I think Deborah Messing's character was right on the money when she called his character 'Yoda'.

It was all just too pat, too preachy, too rehearsed, too predictable, and, maybe it was me, but the whole thing just seemed disjointed. The philosophical bits were honest and rang true, but I really did not need an attempt at a 'male hooker' version of 'Pretty Woman'. Pretty Woman was a much better movie. Posted by Hello

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Just a song before I go - not to be redundant

So I am driving along - on my way home last night, and I listen to the radio (these days to a lot of college radio stations).

Sometimes it amazes me how the 'kids' out there seem to have latched onto music that was being played when I was between the ages of 6 and 10 years old. I am always sort of taken aback by the popularity of those songs with a much younger generation.
It makes me feel happy and old at the same time.

And I never knew how much they liked 'The Doors' (*laughs*) you'd think 'Riders on the Storm' was some kind of rock anthem *smirk*.

The feeling that this creates for me is a kind of nostalgic look back - as is the case with the song that I am going to post - certain songs that I have not thought about in a long time.

Songs to me are magical because they can capture a moment, frozen in time or frame a feeling and set the stage for romance, bring about social awareness, anger, political backlash, you name it. Songs are an incredible gift to humankind - music is an incredible gift for us all.

Sometimes when I think of love I think of it in terms of not just a certain person (of course certain people DO come to mind for me). But these days I just think about romance, being romanced again, hoping to be at least. I think of love in terms of what's going to be new for me to discover, when will I know it's love (if that is love ever decides to darken my doorway again - and yes there is a reason I say 'darken' but I won't get into it now...)

I will leave you with one in particular - to me this song and a couple of others from this time period reek of an older-type of love - almost a courtly love or a romance from the turn of the century where things weren't so much of the MTV-in-your-face-look-at-that-half-naked-bitch-and-the-gansta-with-Mr.-T-like-gold-jewelery-
and-a-gun-in-his-pants kind of romance.

Nope - things were definitely a bit more subtle back in the day....

Nights in White Satin

Nights in white satin,
Never reaching the end,
Letters I've written,
Never meaning to send.

Beauty I'd always missed
With these eyes before,
Just what the truth is
I can't say anymore.

'cause I love you,
Yes, I love you,
Oh, how, I love you.

Gazing at people,
Some hand in hand,
Just what I'm going thru
They can understand.
Some try to tell me
Thoughts they cannot defend,
Just what you want to be
You will be in the end

And I love you,
Yes, i love you,
Oh, how, i love you.
Oh, how, i love you.

Nights in white satin,
Never reaching the end,
Letters I've written,
Never meaning to send.

Beauty I'd always missed
With these eyes before,
Just what the truth is
I can't say anymore.

'cause I love you,
Yes, I love you,
Oh, how, I love you.
Oh, how, I love you.

'cause I love you,
Yes, I love you,
Oh, how, I love you.
Oh, how, I love you.

(And this would usually follow the song):

"Late Lament"

Breathe deep the gathering gloom
Watch lights fade from every room
Bedsitter people look back and lament
Another day's useless energy spent.I
mpassioned lovers wrestle as one,
Lonely man cries for love and has none.
New mother picks up and suckles her son,
Senior citizens wish they were young.

Cold hearted orb that rules the night,
Removes the colors from our sight.
Red is grey and yellow white,
But we decide which is right.
And which is an illusion?

Artist: Moody Blues
Album: This Is The Moody Blues
Title: Nights In White Satin


See you guys soon.

As ever,

Friday, February 04, 2005

Progress Note and a Song for my babies

My grandchild seems to be doing well. My daughter got to hold her and feed her tonight. Her respiration is still very rapid and we don't know if she can go home yet but she seems to be thriving and doing a bit better. My daughter sounds a lot better. Can't wait to hold them in my arms.....

Good night my sweets


When the sky has fallen
Like a blanket on your shoulder
And the moon is like a mother
Looking over you forever
And the dawn is so famaliar
You were meant to be together
Like a fog around a mountain - forever

So softly - so sweetly
Surrounding you completely
Sing you a lullabye - a lullabye to you
Lullabye - a lullabye to you

When your breathing is the wind
And your crying is the rain
Well I know you will remember
Because the music is forever
The living of a lover -
And the loving of another
Like a sister to a brother
Like a father to a mother

So softly - so sweetly
Surrounding you completely
Sing you a lullabye - a lullabye to you
Lullabye - a lullabye to you

Artist: Concrete Blonde
Album: Bloodletting
Title: Lullabye

Blogdom observations

Over the past week I have witnessed the power of the blog.

I am vaguely worried that my words, my writing, carries power somehow. I have pissed people off, had them write to me in support, and felt a bit like there is someone stalking me. It seriously creeps me out.

I am not sure what kind of trade-off I have incurred here. I really did not think that anyone was all that interested in the minutae of my meager existence. Not all all...this is simply astounding to me. I marvel at these types of 'relationships' and yet I am even more convinced that even though it helps the world to grow smaller - the internet is truly making us less human. Oh sure we share thoughts, we flame on each other, we write back and forth and thank each other for 'linking' but we will never meet each other, will we? You and I? (Although there are some I'd rather not meet *giggle* and YOU KNOW who you are - for that matter so do the rest of you). For the most part the way I feel about my readers (and again you have to believe me when I tell you I really don't get why ANYONE would want to read MY blog) - the way I feel about you guys is like (and here I am going to 'date' myself) - that song about CocaCola

Cue music:

"I'd like to buy the world a home and furnish it with love,
Grow apple trees and honey bees, and snow white turtle doves.
I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony,
I'd like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company."


But I'd like to meet you - I don't know in a bar or at a picnic, and talk and laugh and share stories IN PERSON. This just all seems so removed frome reality, from day-to-day existence, so antiseptic.

When I began this blog, my writing was my therapy. As I learned more about blogging I linked to others, even inadvertantly at times - to people like Auterrific (Linda), who knew my husband - I made some friends - pen-pals really. And it's been wonderful. But now close to 6,000 people have visited this blog (or that's approximately the hits I've gotten) and now when people search for my blog they actually search for it by it's title, instead of typing something else and getting a hit from here. It's a bit of a head trip sometimes. Not that I take it all that seriously - I just keep reminding myself about my teacher's advice when I began teaching Yoga. He would say to us "Don't buy into the Guru trip". He's a very wise teacher. I love him.

All in all it's a fascinating social study about a world that's grown smaller, but more frightening at times; and about how wonderful other people are; how smart all of you are, how unique all of you are; how glad I am to have made so many 'contacts' albeit brief or fleeting. A glimpse into the windows on the world and the tapestry of other people's lives, dreams, visions and even nightmares.

Perhaps one day - when I am a dottering, old, foolish woman - someone will tell me about this (or try to) and I won't remember, or I will and and I will smile or think it rubbish (which at times I already do) - but it will somehow remain a part of my story, my legacy in some small way, because it's given me a way to record my life, for posterity. Who knows - maybe my kids won't care but my grandchildren might and it will make all this rubbish seem like a treasure. - Marine general: 'It's 'fun to shoot people' - Feb 3, 2005 - Marine general:It's 'fun to shoot people' - Feb 3, 2005

I HAD to post this. Probably because my mind just needs some respite from what's going on - part of me is horrified and in hystrics at the stupidity of this man.

I suppose it's a good thing that we sent this guy to do a job he enjoys.

What an ass.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Welcome to the world

Iris Nicole - born at 10:56 AM on 2 February 2005

Today went by in a total blur - so much to do - never enough time - lots on my mind...


My daughter delivered *HER* daughter yesterday morning - all 8lbs 14oz of Iris Nicole entered this world on Candlemas/Ground Hog's Day - the gateway to the spring season.

My daughter had been put into the hopsital early due to toximia/pre-eclampsia - they decided to keep her longer and do a c-section because of how her labs were coming out, 1 week before she was due for her scheduled c-section. The procedure was set for 10:30 AM so by the time 12:30 PM rolled around, I began to get frightened. It drives me nuts at times like this that she's in another state.

At 1:00 PM my daughter's cousin called me to say that my daughter did not have my number handy and I was to call her instead. We exchanged pleasantries and baby details and then I called my daughter.

She was groggy but seemed OK. She told me that the baby had gotten 'stuck' during the c-section and they had to her her both lengthwise as well as re-opening the existing scars left by her last c-section incisions. She has been told that if she get preggers again, she will need to be rushed to a hospital. She said she was OK that baby Iris was OK and we'd talk later - I left her to rest.

That evening after I got home I found my son talking in concerned tones to his brother-in-law. He solemnly handed the phone over. I leanred that the baby's hands and feet had turned blue after the delivery, that her blood oxygen levels were 1/2 of what they should be and that she had some type of viral infection. She was being fed through a tube and she had to be on oxygen. On top of this, in order to rule out viral meningitis, my grand-daughter had to have a spinal tap. I could tell my son-in-law was compeltely racked by telling me this news. After asking him how my doaughter was doing one last time, I got off the phone and was reduced to a sobbing idiot...I did not want my daughter to hear me crying like this. I had to try to be strong for her.

Today, the baby seems to be a bit better - we don't yet have the results from the spinal; they won't for 24/48 hours. They still have her on a fedding tube and oxygen. My daughter and I talked a bit more today...she's very worn down; she lost a lot of blood and her blood pressure is still high; she can't hold the baby or feed her and she's beside herself with worry.

I will head up there after tomorrow to be there with and fo her. People at work who had heard about the news yesterday stopped by my office to congratulate and hug hard not to cry. I told my closer colleagues what was up. Some of them, nurses, tried comforting me, telling me things would be OK - but the look on their faces, in their eyes at the news of performing a spinal tap on a day-old infant said so much more...

I had flowers sent to the hospital, Irises.

So I left work, walking out into a very dense, foggy world with my very fogged brain...the atmosphere was eerie. Pea-souper, cold. At one point, driving down the road, the sun suddenly came into view - a red-orange ball, looking almost as if some giant's child had thrown it up into the sky and it was stuck there - an inatimate object, instead of a ball of fire. The sky seemed to take on a quality like I would imagine on the day of Armageddon - the end of all time - the death of all life.

I drove past a local church that had several statues of the Saints and Jesus; strong, alabaster figures, hands raised in supplication heaven-wards to a God they are sure exists and one that will hear them.

I silently pray too, hoping to be heard - by a God I am sure is weary of our all-too-human requests. I also pray to the Goddess who will, hopefully look down with mercy and listen to a fellow Mother's pleas...

Let them be OK, please.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Why? Because WE NEED IT!

OK so I have, in the past on this blog tried bringing up philosophy but no one ever seems to get their panties in a bunch about that - nope no fireworks, flame wars, sex, etc. in talking about philosophy is there?

Well there was a good post on one of the boards I belong to and I am going to post it here and my response....the reason being because this issues affects EVERYONE and EVERYONE has to deal with this at some point in their lives.

It goes without saying I'd like some comments on this - and guess what you can disagree all you want - I won't get upset, HONEST - there is no right or wrong answer - that is unless you write to me and tell me you like to make bombs to kill people (*laughs* please don't write to me and tell me that, OK?)

Here is the post: (from:

"It is said that money is the root of all evil. This statement is inaccurate, because the original verse reads, "The love of money is the root of all evil." We must now consider how a man makes evil of a necessary factor of human life and interaction. Money, or a comparable asset, is the substance in which every nation maintains an economy. This system is only given value by someone who says it should. Throughout history, mankind has made many a nation in which money ruled. Why would a man spend his whole life chasing after a god which cannot save him? Perhaps it is because of a lack of faith. The biblical account of the Hebrews in the wilderness tells of the people melted their valuables to build a golden calf. All the while, Moses was on the mountain speaking to God. This, in fact, represents a paradox that we still struggle with today. The Hebrews wanted to see God, so they took matters into their own hands. The spiritually mature individual will not spend time making God, but rather listening for and speaking to God. This is the reason Buddha sat under the tree, why monks live simplistically, and why Gandhi lived in poverty. On the flipside, however, men who have lived to make money come to ruin. We have all seen this before, yet sadly, many do not acknowledge it. A rich man often dies alone. He becomes a miser and usually is loathed in his community. Day after day, he has hardworking employees who come in and do their best. The rich man's greed can lead him to lay off workers, potentially ruining their lives, even their homes and families. Not only does the rich man make his image worse, he destroys others in his folly.It was money that made America wage war against itself. Slavery was making many a rich man out of slave owners. The black man got nothing while he lined the pockets of his owner. Because of greed, we lost a President to assassination. What does the worship of money get a man? Greed. Anger. False power. Ultimately, the man gets nothing. He hits rock bottom and often meets a sad death. There is nothing left for him to count. Money doesn't leave a legacy. Only those who truly seek truth will be remembered positively. If Buddha had embraced his princehood, he would only have been honored in his lifetime. A man must give up worldly things to actually make sense of the world around him. This is not to say a rich man cannot discover these things and still be rich. He must search for something beyond the realm of his paycheck. Truly, those who are willing to have nothing are the ones more likely to have everything. Money is necessary to live, but we cannot live for money."

Here's what I wrote:

This, is one of the many reasons why I personally practice Raja Yoga. It encourages us to practice 'right livelihood' - in other words, recognizing the fact that we have to live, we have to eat we have to 'make money'. But it challenges you to find a vocation that you love, makes you happy and lets you participate in helping others. In other words don't work in a bomb factory.

You have brought up many good points and I think it's a challenge to find 'right livelihood' sometimes. In other words what if a poor, uneducated person has no choice BUT to work in a bomb factory? Does that mean then that the karma they help to create by aiding in the manufacture of something where it's sole purpose is for that of destruction and death - will follow them - will taint them? What about prostitutes and strippers? Should they be considered as living a 'righteous' life because of how they earn their money?
How can we help our society to recognize that the jobs of the future need to just do more than line our pockets, they need to fuel our souls, they need to allow us to be able to look at ourselves in the mirror at the end of the day.

Again, perhaps the idea (as you have stated by citing the way the Buddhists live) - is that this all revolves around greed - perhaps if we did not feel that we NEEDED to be just like or better than the 'Joneses', perhaps then we could be content with lesser materialistic goods. I mean how many cars, houses, fur coats do we need?

Does the problem boil down to a purely 'Western/American' value system? In third world countries do they have problems with Money vs. God? Where everyday is a struggle just to survive? I read about stories all the time in my 'Yoga Journal' magazine where countries like Bhutan and Nepal are struggling with 'tourists' - they need the money and the commerce that tourists bring in - but the trourists also bring in pollution, Nike tennis shoes, Rock music etc. Is it a trade off? And is the trade off worth it?

Perhaps I am raising more questions than I am answering - I have a habit of doing that ^_^
However, I will leave you with one last anecdotal story...

I became a Certified Yoga Teacher a few years back. I had the opportunity through the place I work to bring Yoga to the employees and boy was I ever thrilled. There was just one catch. Out of all the employees who wanted to participate in 'teaching' Yoga - I was the only one willing to do it for free - because my place of employment could not pay me - at least not to start. Because I did not want to see the potential for this opportunity to give the 'gift' of teaching Yoga die, I decided to step forwrd and teach. (Now I am wondering if that was my Ego at work)...

At any rate, for my very first class 70 people showed up - I had tears of joy in my eyes. I went on to begin teaching 2 Yoga classes after work a week to the employees for free. I did a lot of extra work, I had a lot of fun and the students loved it. However after 6 months or so, my OWN Yoga teacher asked me about the program and I told him what was going on. He told me I NEEDED to be paid. He told me that even in India Yogis/Gurus do not 'teach' for free, they are offered money, clothing, food. He said that my own karma would begin to suffer because there would be no balance of give and take and that eventually I would begin to resent my students. After a couple more months I began to understand what he was saying. Yes I got something from my students - but me teaching for free 2 nights a week was beginning to take it's toll on me, my family, and my own marriage (which eventually ended and my husband BLAMED my Yoga - but that's another story)....

I went to the 'powers that be' and I told them I needed to quit teaching unless they could pay me - I told them we could work out a donation basket so the students could make an 'offering' and I would just take what they could afford to give (which is how my own Yoga teachers operate - I mean there is a set fee but if you can't afford it they don't care). They agreed and then they began telling me how to run my Yoga program. (Trade off). It floundered for a bit and I lost most of my students (we began to ask for $5 a class) - but with time the program grew and flourished until we were turning a profit and I had to turn away students because the classes were too large. This past fall they stopped the Yoga program for the employees because there was no one to manage/administrate the program (I was only the teacher - I did not do any of the administrative work - although I was willing to) - I am now currently trying to get the Yoga back - because we so desperately need it here....

The moral I learned from this is that it IS important to get paid. It's important to earn a living. What is not good is getting greedy, thinking that you need more that you really do. So the question (answer) for me about Money vs. God is that you have to find a balance that you can live with.



So if you're bored that's OK but sometimes I just want you guys to think about these things and sometimes I want to KNOW what you think about such things.

Everybody has to earn a living - but everyday we are faced with the question of balance, and harmony in our lives....

Any thoughts? Let me know.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


I don't like fighting. I really don't. Especially with strnagers that I have not met and probably given the opportunity, would like. (well not really but maybe the possibility exists).

Not that it matters much but two of my dearest friends voted for George Bush - I still love them. I think they were wrong but we get along. They know how I feel about George and what's going on and they still love and respect me.

People are people - we all put our pants on the same way. We all have fears, irrational at times, about our safety, our children, what's going to come next.

The world is not as safe as it used to be - but then it's not been safe for a very long time. The problem is that the 'stuff' we did not know about or decided to ignore (like delaying entering WWII to help the Allies defeat Hitler) - has always somehow been there. Evil has always existed. As long as Men are willing to kill each other for whatever reason, be it power, greed, land, women - there will always be evil. Having someone lead a country one way or another does not negate the passion that drives us to hate each other.

What needs to happen is we have to try to get past all that - we have to try. Yes I get upset when people don't 'get it', I get really mouthy and nasty - that's me - I am PASSIONATE about my beliefs - I don't know any other way to be.

I am sure it's hard to lead this country. I am sure it's hard to govern any country. But I have never felt that lying is the way to go and if I feel I am being lied to by the very same people I have elected to keep this country running - then I can not help but get really angry. If I feel those same people are trying to undermine our constitution by taking away our freedoms - then you bet my hackles are going to go up. I don't believe in being a sheep. And just because I say I am a pacifist does not mean I am not going to show anger - it means that I view the idea of war as anti to what I believe in. Does that mean I did not want us to get into WWII - not really - we had to help - we had to get rid of Hitler. But Hitler was a different story. It does not mean I think we HAD to drop the bomb.

There are always going to be dictatorships. There are always going to be countries the US of A does not approve of. The problem is that it's as fickle as the shifts of the winds across the desert and depending on who's running OUR country and THEIR agenda(s), they might just keep an oppresssive dictator in place in order to keep things going their way. We kid ourselves if we think that powerful men really give a damn about the average Joe Blow...they say what they have to say to get elected; ALL of them do. It's sad but it's true.

I grow weary of people. Especially people who think because I speak my mind, because I rant, because I will say things that others might not have the balls to say - but they think it anyhow - that I am daft, misinformed, a lunatic, a liberal. I am ME and I have opinions and yes they are pretty cut and dried and no, they don't usually allow for a lot of wiggle room. But that's because I have lived a lot of my life already and I can SEE THINGS. I see things coming. I know that once a government begins to strip it's citizens of their rights that's a scary thing. I know that a government that tell us it's OK to go to war on trumped up charges without proving them is a dangerous government. I am going to think this whether it's Bush or any other leader doing these things to us. That's just how I feel. If you shut up and you never say anything, you just let it all roll over you - how does that make you any different from the people perpetrating the crimes - it's aiding and abetting. We have to speak up - all of us do. Even if it means disagreeing with each other.

I have been voting since I was 18 year old and I am older than those people who decided to comment on what I said I have been doing this voting thing for a while. I have never, in all my years seen as nasty a presidential election as what took place here this past year. And unfortunately this country is very divided over the people currently in charge. Asking those of us who are upset, angry, furious in fact, to change our minds, to stop being emotional, to work with you on this just isn't going to work - not at all. We aren't being emotional and frankly even if we were - aren't we suppose to be passionate about our government - isn't that what it's all about? Or again do you just want us to be sheep - cause I can't do the sheep thing brothers and sisters - I just can't. God/Goddess gave me a heart, a mind, a soul and a pulse. And I think I will use them, thanks very much. If you aren't outraged then you aren't paying much attention.

The outrage comes in many forms and it's hard to suppress. But I will tell you this. Everyday in our own streets and schools, there are children starving, cold, homeless, without adequate medical care or education; there are people who are jobless, homeless, hopeless - and yet the rich just seem to keep getting richer (and those are the people in power in this country, and do you really think they care? Seriously?) - and I am sorry - but THOSE issues are the ones that need to be taken care of now. Frankly I just don't see enough happening to make me feel like our government really cares about those issues - our own people. And if you don't care about your own people (especially the poorest of the poor), how can you call yourself a wise king/president whatever? How does that make you any better than those terrible dictators you seem to need to overthrow yourself?

In all that bashing from that fellow blogger - not once did he address the issues or what was wrong - he was hell bent on telling me and one of my closest, dearest friends (one of the smartest guys I know) - that what WE FELT was wrong - that we were mis-informed about our own FEELINGS about what's wrong and how WE percieve things. Why is it that the people supporting our current reich (er I mean regime) - have to keep telling those of us who don't how wrong we are - are they secretly embarrassed that they voted that guy in?

It all boils down to ego doesn't it? I think we could do with a little less ego and a lot more trying to fix what's wrong.

Can we all agree to that? Ya think?
