Friday, October 29, 2010

Because some things are just too scary for words..

(LOL - this one is for Erin)....

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Did Steampunk Forget The Meaning Of The Word Dickensian? : The Two-Way : NPR

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Backyard treehouse survives Manhattan legal fight

Backyard treehouse survives Manhattan legal fight

Nice treehouse. You would think that people in NYC have lives and don't need to call on such issues.

I get the 'it's a historical neighborhood' thing - but what about giving kids a place to play in their own backyard? What kid doesn't want a treehouse? Hell, I'm an adult and *I* want a treehouse.

Does Lying on the Left Side Ease Heartburn? — Really? -

Does Lying on the Left Side Ease Heartburn? — Really? -

Yes, this is true...

There is actually Yogic advice on this. Apparently, lying on your left side improves your digestion and also brings more energy. I have been telling students this for years. Lying on your right side is more this 'medicine/therapeutic info' is 5,000 yrs old...go figure. I am always amazed (read: annoyed) when 'modern medicine' 'discovers' something that's actually been known by ancient practitioners for centuries.

Unfortunately for moi, I have to sleep on my left-side...which means (I suppose), I will never have problems with heartburn


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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cast of Glee Performs the 'Time Warp'

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tunes That Got You Through Your Teens : NPR

YouTube - Walk on the Wild Side (BBC) Episode 1 Part 1

YouTube - Walk on the Wild Side (BBC) Episode 1 Part 1


Seriously perhaps I am just bored (yeah I am) - but these are great fun.

I've been laughing most of the morning. Great way to start a day.


Funny stuff...

This was HYSTERICAL. There are a lot of them to enjoy.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

(*gasp*) A Twitter Quote

(Only cause I found it very funny...)

From 'badbanana' aka Tim Siedell on Twitter:

" I'll be going to my friend's Halloween party as a trapped Chilean miner unable to go to a friend's Halloween party."


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Remember When – Tearoom

Remember When – Tearoom

For our 'Sweetest Day' celebration, Erin and I unexpectedly ended up stumbling upon this authentic, old-fashioned tearoom and had a romantic light luncheon and a pot of AMAZING tea.

It was a lovely autumn afternoon and I can think of no better company than my husband.

Somewhat fortuitously, it turns out we had the very last pot of their Autumn Harvest tea. (We found this out when we went to purchase some for ourselves since it was so delicious).

Thank you my love for a wonderful afternoon.

Replacement Kitties

Yeah, yeah, the threat we all give our cats (or at least I did) when they were out of line...

Unfortunately, for me, my cats have been gone for a little while here, because I am (very obviously) nuts, and also because my wonderful husband loves me a lot, are our new kittens. Without further ado, meet Ralph and Leo

Ralph (actually Raphael) in all his glory

Little Leo (Leonardo) being intense

Ralph (after we hypnotised him to do our bidding)

Leo in the 'cat house' (kindly given to us by the adoption agency) he and Ralph play in all the time.

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Couldn't agree more...

Via Ralph Solonitz:

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Quote for Today

(Via Preemptive Karma Blog):

"Senator, when you took your oath of office, you placed your hand on the Bible and swore to uphold the Constitution. You didn't place your hand on the Constitution and swear to uphold the Bible."
-- Maryland state Senator, Jamie Raskin


While I agree with the sentiment of this statement, I guess we need to ask why (if we truly expect a separation of Church and State) - why is it we swear someone in using a Bible to begin with?

EDIT #2: Thanks to Bacchus (Eros Blog) for clearing this up - I did not realise the Bible was not an absolute. I do still wonder if it always has to be some sort of 'religious' book that is sworn on? I mean could they swear on a copy of the 'Captain Underpants' book? How about swearing on a copy of the constitution to begin with - since that is what they are promising to uphold?

Regardless - while America should be a place where people may safely practice their religious pursuits - it should not be a place where only one religion reigns supreme or gets all the say. If fact, dare I say that there should be no religion involved at all....

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Last but not least

I want to say thank you to darling Liam...

For being a wonderful friend...and he knows (I think) why else.


Blogging in a time of Twitter and Facebook

(Otherwise the title of this should be: 'The demise of the intellect of Americans' OR 'Dumbing Down...well just about everything')....

So again - on blogging...

Do we simply not have time to read anymore? Are we seriously that busy? Have we completely forgotten the reason we all started blogging in the first place?

In cleaning up my blog I was shocked and dismayed to find many of the blogs I used to link to have simply disappeared. Sure, maybe those people don't have time anymore to sit in front of a computer and write...and hopefully all of those reasons are linked to happier/fuller lives. Yet again, it seems our lives consist of sound bites, and 140 characters and playing games on a social networking site involving things like 'flair' etc. Call me old-fashioned - but um...where's the beef?

Sure, there have always been ways to mindlessly kill time on the Internet - yet have we killed our minds as well?

And I am not asking you to read Tolstoy (who?), or to read scintillating blogs, although I would not complain if you did either...let's just say I'd be REALLY surprised if you did.

So I have some questions:

What ARE you reading, America?

What's your favorite blog (and you get points if you answer "Dancing On Colette's Grave')? (^_^)

Just curious....

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You know it's been so long since I really 'played with'/'looked at' my blog that I have found many 'bloggy things (which I used to take for granted) are now broken. Like my blog roll list....and other such stuff....

Also there is some weird 'posty like' thing (called: 'Echo' and it seems to be some sort of social networking thingy - yet at times it's there and at times it's not...) it seems to be located at the head of every post...what is up with that????

Anyway it may be time to host this elsewhere (besides blogger) - does anyone have any suggestions of something easy yet elegant that does not cost money?

Thank you very much...

Yours very truly...

A quite confused Colette


Wednesday, October 06, 2010

High Court Struggles With Military Funerals Case : NPR

High Court Struggles With Military Funerals Case : NPR

Here's an idea...let's send these idiots over to Iraq and Afghanistan to fight the 'war'....

I am all for freedom of speech, however, when a family is grieving they need to be left alone.

Rural Tennessee fire sparks conservative ideological debate

Rural Tennessee fire sparks conservative ideological debate

Debate eh?

WTF would have been the debate about had someone died?

Friggin' idiots

Friday, October 01, 2010

It was the best of was the worst of times

(Thank you Mr. Dickens)....trying not to focus on the worst bit.

I don't know what day it is (I just found out it's October 1st from looking at a paper). I guess I don't have to know what day it is since I am not working. I only know when the weekend comes because no one has to wake up as early....not necessarily a bad thing I suppose.

So here I am blogging from a Starbucks (shame on me)....but after this week, I felt I needed to try and go find some quiet and have a nice cup of joe. Instead, there is noise and inane conversation about how long to boil an egg - courtesy of the Dairymen's delivery woman. It is actually surprising the amount of people here on a Friday mid-morning - not just the richy-rich Mentor housewives preparing to shop either...

I came here for a breakfast sandwich, a cup of joe, and quiet to write...I guess 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

After losing my job and making myself nearly ill trying to find another it was time for a much needed break. The 'replacement kittie' thing just came true, only we have Erin's cat left to complain about it... Yes. We now have two new kittens at home. Brothers. They are like having babies with fur, sharp teeth and claws. They are energy sapping but fun - they are cute. So it's been a bit tiring having them pounce on me and chew on me. I am enjoying them - yet I still miss Spud with all my heart.

I am also having a crisis of faith. And no amount of reading or talking or anything seems to make me feel comfortable ab out all I am reading about the Catholic Church. I can not (nor do I wish to) defend it to anyone (not even to myself) I am going to step back because it's what I need. I still believe in God, I am still a Christian...I am just disinclined about being a Catholic right now. I feel there is a need for change (there's nothing different about that feeling for me) and I am trying to clear my head and my heart in order to move on or move away, depending...

As far as other 'disagreements" - I guess there are just some things I will never see eye-to-eye on with others - so be it. I am me, they are them and sometimes, never the twain shall meet. That's OK - everyone's entitled to how they think and feel.

Weird dreams, nightmares plague me and so I have no escape in sleep either...oh well...maybe my son has the right idea about recreational escape (no I don't mean that - but I can see why it's tempting....).....

Well enough for now I suppose - it's freezing here in Starbucks and this post is not turning out the way I want it to - probably cause I simply have too much crap churning in my head. I want to try to write but I am not sure unless I somehow lobotomize everything else out of my head how I am going to be able to write anything worthwhile...complaining about things isn't what I want to do - nor is becoming the queen of the short essay (about life). I suppose I could and should try my hand at re-working other stories for now.

Hope all is well in your universe.

