Friday, November 28, 2008

Life in 'Pleasantville'....

Musing...when aren't I musing/mulling things over...sometimes I want my brain to just stop. Sometimes it's just crammed full of so much shit I can't seem to get past the noise to own fault for not practising more Yoga and so help me Vishnu that is going to change....

We've been watching a lot of movies lately. One of the recent viewings was a movie that Erin had never seen: 'Pleasantville' - great flick.

In thinking about whether or not to keep up on this blog, this movie helped me a lot. I realised that part of the reason I wanted to stop was because of censorship....which is something I despise. Yet, when you are in a relationship, sometimes you blurt things out that you don't necessarily think before uttering, or without meaning to, somehow hurt the other person's feelings. I have never been really good at 'keeping my thoughts to myself'/being tame/being a 'Stepford Wife' and it occurs to me that I don't want to start being any of that anytime soon...not that Erin makes me feel that's just that I've entered 'couplehood'...there's a certain implied mind-set I suppose...I don't want to censor myself or be stifled. I don't want to hurt anyone, but how I think, how I feel is simply that, ME - not anyone I guess it's a cross for me to bear if I am going to

We all seem to long for simpler times...but is that what we are really 'missing' from our lives? Or is it we just don't feel comfy in our own skins? Are we buying into some picture-perfect way life should be just because it's how we've been told it should be? Are we longing for things to make up for our own perceived (and very possibly misguided) ideals of what our lives must certainly be lacking? Does the Pursuit of Happiness mean throwing babies out with bathwater? What does the pursuit of the perfect life entail and is there such a thing?

I watched my mom struggle with a lot of things - not how to keep a clean house or cook a decent meal, but how my dad seemed to live his life and how that in turn impacted us as a family. I wonder if by marrying him she gave up a better life for herself. But back then, people didn't talk about such things and of course my mother's generation did something called 'stay in your marriage no matter what.' Today, the exact opposite seems to happen - we look for every escape route, things don't last and if they do they seem to settle into a routine that the word mundane simply doesn't do justice to....we become intimate strangers - we live our separate lives and try to figure out how to balance the addition of another human being into the sphere of our own existence without losing those essentials of our being. Some of us simply disappear into the other...not that for some of us it's that great of a loss - hell in some cases, it's probably an improvement. Again, it's all about that precarious balance and hoping your footing is sure so you don't tumble off that cliff into the nothingness of obscurity....

Yeah...something like that...


Something I can't take credit for...


I swear to God...

( pun intended...)

That someday we are going to find out that Jesus Christ was gay...


I had heard about this story the other day...

'Judge rules against Florida gay adoption ban'...

While I applaud the story...I guess what I want to say is WTF - why is this even an issue? What, there aren't hetero couples that have no business breeding or being foster parents? WTF does your sexual orientation have to do with being a good parent? And of course we all know that this judge's decision is going to be challenged...again WTF?

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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving


Monday, November 24, 2008

To all of you

.....who have taken the time to make a comment about my continuing to blog - thank you.

I am still in a bit of limbo. Yes, I have a lot to I want to do it here? Not sure - not sure what good it does or if it's important anymore.

Perhaps part of the problem is with all that seems to be going on in the world - this seems so trite, so meh (and wow that has now become an actual word - which just goes to show just how incredibly meaningless our communication and elevation/evolution of the human thought content and vocabulary has become...oh to have intelligence as one of the great human virtues again...

At any rate - I will ponder more...until then to those in the United States a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving to you all.


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Thursday, November 13, 2008 the corners of my mind...

Cliche I know....

This month is the anniversary of my blog...I have been writing and reflecting on life, love and everything in between for 5 whole years.

In that time period, I have fallen apart, regrouped, fell in love, gotten married, gone over to the place of my ancestors' births, become a new step-mom and had to rebuild my career....

I am wondering if this blog should continue at all - I know I have said this time and time again but 5 years is a long time to do something and I am not sure this forum is serving the purpose it used to serve.

Our lives are busy, full, to the point of having too much on our plates...we try to remember to do the important things and, perhaps we succeed but often we fall short, disappointing not just our loved ones but ourselves...

My life is very full indeed, and I feel I am on the verge of entering a new phase of that life; one that includes more service to the community and in my job. I feel that my life is coming around again and I am not sure other that doing the 'update thing' that I have a lot to write about. I have a man in my life whose talent is indisputable and perhaps between the two of us he will be published in print.

I still have storms raging inside of me - emotions that ebb and flow, fears, out-and-out terror at times, great joy, hope, faith, love, charity - all those things that go to make up a life...but it feels more private these days...less lending itself to shouting from the rooftops, drawing attention to myself - as if I've outgrown something - as if I should leave the playthings of childhood behind and strive for something more noble....

It's hard to be honest with yourself at times...

I have many people I want to thank: My namesake Colette, my other influences (Anais Nin, Margaret Atwood, Amy Tan, David Sedaris, and all my fav authors), But mainly, I wish to acknowledge my fellow bloggers (and I apologise if I have left you out - it's unintentional - I truly mean to thank everyone that has come along with me and watched my path unfold): my ex Mr. Helton (Dorkland), who, despite the pain you caused us both with your own pain (for which I am sure you have paid a high price), showed me this world, Linda (Auterrific), Tribe (hey darlin' where'd your blog go?), Salman (...see...blink...capture..remember, and ...whispers...), Jeff (Have Coffee Will Write), George Nemeth (NEO blog), Tish (Love and Hope, Sex and Dreams), Suzanne (Easy Bake Coven and all the women at Blog Sisters), Terry (I see Invisible People), Mac (Post Human Blues), The girls at Every Woman is a Goddess, and of course my personal friends and fellow writers/bloggers: Mr. C - Dark Clarity, Liam - Liam's Odd Musings, Ken (actual published author) - Spooked, My brother - who really needs to go back to writing, My step-brother, Don - Country Squire, and of course the man who has become my best friend, Erin (ohiorenaissance on live journal) all of you I owe a debt of gratitude, love and friendship - thank you all very much.

I don't know - I may just 'step back' here and regroup too - revamp things...try my hand at some actual writing - but perhaps like I when I gave up TV and never missed it - blogging just to blog about the day-to-day mundanery will also be a thing of the past...I am just hoping that there perhaps is more to blogging than just a 'twitter' - sorry did I just say that? (LOL) I mean who has time to read anymore anyway?

Je t'aime mes amis, A bientot, j'espere


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the glass doorknob

the glass doorknob's blog of the week....

Nice look, nice feel, nicely done

Hannah's Choice: Saying No to a New Heart - TIME

Hannah's Choice: Saying No to a New Heart - TIME

What a poignant and moving own heart and prayers go out to this family. What a brave young woman!

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To my darling daughter....

I love you with all my heart.



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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Just a reminder to Erin

(This is a little bit from a very long post from after I first met Erin and was first falling in love and terrified...I wanted to remember how this post ended...he never commented - but I wanted him to see this and be reminded of how I feel....)

I love this man with all my heart/body/mind/soul. I love him more than I think I’ve loved anyone in years. This IS hands down the most healthy relationship I’ve had (to this point in my life). I don’t want to go anywhere if it means leaving him. I want him in my life. I want him by my side. I want to be by his side. I want to be his help-mate, his partner, his refuge from the weary world (well with God’s help). I want to grow old with him (well older LOL). I want to be around him, learn with him, and discover new possibilities and worlds with him. I want to be around his children – I want to be a part of their lives (if that’s OK with him and their mom too). I want to make mad passionate love with/to him (forever), I want to wake up in the morning and see him smiling down at me, and make love again. I want to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with him. I want to have holidays/anniversaries with him, I want to travel with him, I actually want to make plans and dream with him….and if I am lucky, he might want to do all of this with me…



OK. I don't know what else to say or think....what the hell is up with women in the workplace?

I finally agree with C2 about this after these last two encounters with women at work - I mean it was like this at the clinic as well but with a secretarial pool you kind of expect the hens in a hen yard mentality - but now????

What is with women being so territorial and bitchy? And I don't mean in that 'aggressive I can get shit done' sort of way - I mean like cat fight, totally useless, non-sharing, hoarding information, pissy kind of way. At least when guys get in a pissing match you know where you stand...with women it often seems so passive-aggressive and it is such bullshit.

Regardless, I am happy at the new job - it's a great position, I am totally overwhelmed (I was at the last place too but this is in a good way - it's stressful but not mind-numbing crap). I am VERY close to home. I have access to a free workout facility and other perks.

I have met some great people so far, that is if you don't count the woman that is suppose to be helping me in the new role and she is resentful because I got this job and she didn't - so she is being totally controlling to the point of telling me when I can go to lunch. I am trying to remain polite and cheerful - and not lose my cool - but this is getting old fast and I need to become effectively aggressive....hopefully I can get this situation under control before it becomes too much of an issue. Luckily, the powers that be are aware and being very helpful....

So all in all I am cautiously optimistic.

I miss the hell out of my love, and being able to ride into work with him and seem him during lunch - I really, really miss that...a lot. (I love you Erin).

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Year's Overlooked Gems : NPR Music

The Child Trap

Friday, November 07, 2008

Shouts & Murmurs: Undecided: Humor: The New Yorker

Shouts & Murmurs: Undecided: Humor: The New Yorker

OMG - this was something David Sedaris read when we saw him live recently, and, thanks to a friend from Live Journal - I found it in entirety. I know the election is over but this piece is still hysterical.

Homesteads - Up, Up and Away

Homesteads - Up, Up and Away - - A.K.A. - Tree-house 'extraordinaire'

My love...can we build a tree-house like this one?


Turn your hotel room into a private gym -

Turn your hotel room into a private gym -

....this is a good workout routine PERIOD. It's simple and it gets the job done.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Good Morning America! (Jesus I hope that isn't trademarked or some such shit...)


We voted. We ALL voted. (Or, at least a hell of a lot of us who had been apparently hiding in the woodwork all these years...not to be a bitch but I guess I have to say nice of y'all to finally show up and make your voices heard...)

Now what? Now what are YOU (and I) going to do. It seems we get on this 'we want change band-wagon', go out (well some of us apparently again not all), do our civic duty and then sit back and 'Monday-morning-quarterback' the rest of our lives, expecting our so-called elected leaders to do the rest of the work. You know what, democracy is a participatory sport. Get off of your asses and continue to exact the change...or as Gandhi said: 'Be the Change You Wish to See in the World.' You don't just sit back now and relax. You stay on these new elected officials, you volunteer, you speak up, you attend meetings, you do your civic duty, 24/7...

Yesterday, I went door-to-door asking people to vote. Yes, I went out for the Obama campaign - frankly with Sarah Palin I just could not stomach John McCain - I don't know what he was thinking - I am guessing he wasn't...

I actually didn't care about whether or not you voted for McCain OR Obama, all I cared about was that you voted.

I began by showing up at a house up the road where people were gathered to help the campaign. This house was gorgeous and it was set over-looking Lake Erie. There was a positive energy to the house and to the people there too.

It was a beautiful day to be out. Nearly 70 degrees and a beautiful blue sky. I learned my way around a part of the Mentor neighborhood. Mainly the people on my 'list' were not home - out at work I suppose. But there were some memorable moments and conversations. The people I did manage to encounter had gone to vote early that morn. They were very pleased in general with the process. I was surprised to see how many young people were on this list - there had to be more than a dozen 18-20 yr olds. (YAY!) At one house with an 18 year old voter, an older woman answered the door, she informed me that the young man was her grandson and he had 'opened up the polls', she went on to say he got a standing ovation from the poll workers for being so young and exercising his right to vote. I thanked her for having a hand in his upbringing. Another man answered the door, the van parked in his driveway clearly demarcating his choices, and he told me he was personally taking both of his kids later that night to vote and, 'they know who to vote for' (which was kind of authoritarian but OK I guess).

There was the house with the 93 year old woman whose son assured me she had voted (laughingly, he said for FDR - I laughed too)...

Then there was the person who saw me approaching her door, shut it as quickly as she could and drew all her blinds (and yes, I still rang her bell and put the door hanger on her car windshield instead of on her door - not to be mean - just a reminder...we know where you live LOL, seriously tho, how the hell did you think *I* got your address lady?). There were people I passed as I walked the neighborhood, I merely asked them if they had voted I did not ask for whom...none of my business really. They were very happy to tell me they did indeed vote.

At one point there was a teen on a bicycle. She was busy looking down and texting while attempting to ride her bike. I scared the living daylights out of her by speaking to her and asking her if she really thought it was a bright idea to not watch the road while she was riding her bike - I am glad I scared her (and yes now I AM being a bitch - but hey if it saves her life or at least her from getting into an accident that's a good thing - friggin' idiot - hopefully she won't breed...).

All in all it was a positive and wonderful day, made all the more wonderful and positive by the fact that I got to hang out at home off and on with my husband and we voted together (something he has never done with a loved one).

So yeah America, you have spoken - now just remember how important your voice is, not just on voting day, but everyday.

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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The One Minute Writer's a blog of's also the 'Blog of the Week' here on DOCG, and, in honour of NaNoWriMo, I have one word for you all...


(Which comes AFTER the word of the day VOTE!)




God runs electromagnetics by wave theory on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and the Devil runs them by quantum theory on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
- Sir William Bragg




Monday, November 03, 2008

On becoming a...


Main Entry: haus·frau
Pronunciation: \ˈhau̇s-ˌfrau̇\
Function: noun
Etymology:German, from Haus house + Frau woman, wife
Date: 1798
Meaning: housewife


This is my first day at home - I have left my past job, next Monday I will begin another. Yes it's a jump (Erin's daughter asked me if I hadn't just started a job - note to self - must maintain air of responsibility - how do you say to a little girl - yeah but it sucked and I had to get out of there for my own sanity! - sorry...Erin I will never talk to K~ like that until she is way older...)

Anyway - this morning was amazing...but let's begin with the week-end.

First of all I want to apologise to dearest C2 for the craziness that I inadvertently inflicted on dear i am so sorry - please don't be cross with me - I wanted to meet you for lunch and I still want to see you - I am very sorry...

To begin with my former 'manager' and I do use the term loosely....threatened me with my own going away party. I came so close to telling her to fuck off...but this is one of the reasons why I left...

Things my last day were crazed....

For Halloween/Blessed Samhain evening, Erin and I had a wonderful, very sexy it should be. (Happy New Year to all my Pagan brethren out there...)

The next morning we woke up (in each other's arms of course) and we got up went for a walk to the store to find orange juice (for mimosas - yeah go us!) and breakfast fixin's. En route to the store we stopped at a new shop that sold items benefiting the American Cancer Society. Lo and behold there was an antique dining set, complete with a gorgeous table, buffet and 5 chairs all for $250!!!!! The table alone was worth $200 easily. It is gorgeous. We then went home, ate, drank some mimosas (yeah go us!) and went to finish purchasing the dining set. We brought home the table and chairs and spent most of the rest of the beautiful day outside cleaning it up. It is seriously beautiful. It is the first ime I have had a 'real' set of furniture let alone an antique set. Erin as well. We are both very happy.

Saturday night we went shopping and got ready for our Sunday school (PSR) duties. We enjoy planning and our students as well. We were going to have to sub for the other teacher so it was going to be a bit of a challenge.

Sunday we got up and went to teach. Class was indeed a challenge, however we did pretty well (at least I think) - the other class was not as animated as our kids but still a nice group of kids.

We came home, I made some lunch and then the boys (Erin and J~) went shopping while I stayed home and did laundry. I had asked Erin to get me a NY Times (Sunday) because I truly have been longing for what I call a 'New York Times' Sunday - a Sunday spent just reading the times, drinking coffee and relaxing.

Erin came home, we built a fire outdoors and had tea. I read 'The Times while he did some computer work.

All in all this was a wonderful weekend. Made all the more special by my love and our becoming more cemented as a couple 'nesting' and creating a home of our own to share.

Flash forward to this morning...woke up with Erin - took a shower and*ahem*)...made some tea for Erin (which my darling you forgot here), got breakfast for the kids and saw them off to school...something I have not done in years and something I think I could do every day if I was lucky enough to be able to do so....

I ran some errands (I still have a lot to do this week) - got some stuff for me, stopped at the grocers, bought us some dinner victuals and cleaned up a little bit. Tonight Erin and I will go get our buffet to complete the rest of the dining set and we will have a nice dinner.

Tomorrow, we will get up and get to be home together for a while. I will go volunteer to help 'get the vote out', come home, we will vote together, have some friends over and a nice evening.

I could get used to this life - it's not that it is not hectic and I am sure after a while I'd get bored - but I could see myself being a full-time mom and housewife - it's weird in some ways - strange, and nostalgic.

At any rate I will be blogging a bit (hopefully) this week as well...I have some thoughts about life, politics, fashion and society (what else is new?) to share...

....back to getting ready for my husband to come home...I am off to find his slippers, newspaper and a pipe...all I need is a pearl necklace and an apron...(*winks*)....

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