Monday, April 25, 2011

Some parts of Ohio are seeing their wettest April on record - Yahoo! News

Some parts of Ohio are seeing their wettest April on record - Yahoo! News

Um...maybe God is trying to tell Ohio something....maybe he will wash all of this away and begin again


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Beating Christ to the punch

Yeah OK, call me a blasphemer.....

This was the conversation I had with a man I care a great deal about (and have mentioned time and again on my blog). He is struggling with his health and is having a celebration because he just got placed on the transplant list....these are his words not mine. And, it's why I love him - his sense of humour never fails even as his body does...

So last night was our annual 'End-Lent-by-Meeting-Up-At-Steak-n-Shake' with our favourite parish priest and a group of people - I think we are up to over 20 people now doing this event. It is a blast. Right around midnight, Holy Saturday, we all meet up to 'end the Lenten fast' by having decadent burgers and shakes....plain ole' gluttony. We always have so much fun.

I am reading a book now - I have not been reading lately because, I don't know why - just brain fog, too much other shite going down, you name it - and of course because the last one I attempted, 'Reading Lolita in Tehran', was seriously poorly written - and before you jump all over my arse for saying that let me tell you I hate the fact that I didn't even like this book - not love it (as I thought I would) - I could barely get through it....all I kept thinking over and over was that the woman who wrote it calls herself a teacher. Now, don't get me wrong, I am incredibly intrigued by what happens in the Middle-East when it comes to women and their rights. I am so 'on their side' - I could BE Muslim - that is how sympathetic I am. But the writing in this book made me cringe....

So where was I? Oh yeah....

So I am reading:

...and this book is a page turner so far. There's no espionage, no murder and mayhem...there is simply and fascinatingly, a crumbling marriage as well as a dead-on articulation of life after wartime in 1950's America. And it's like a horrible accident on the side of the road, carnage is everywhere, it's gory and yet, you can't look away.

I can so identify with what this young couple is going through. The restlessness, the losing your identity, the loathing of society, the doldrums, the work crap, the kid crap, the everything crap. I think the danger of reading books like this when you are happily married (or even unhappily married) is that the 'disease seems contagious' (sort of like avoiding people who have broken up - there's a contaminant fear). Or, like reading a psych book as a first year student and suddenly you think you are a schizophrenic. I am enjoying this book and it is scaring the living daylights out of me...

So I hope you all have had a good holy week, a great Passover, a happy Easter and a blessed spring. Here's to your health and the health of your relationships.

A bientot mes amis

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Doctor's Vision of the Future of Medicine - Newsweek

A Doctor's Vision of the Future of Medicine - Newsweekexplored

I have strong feelings about the 'path' that medicine should take. I think we can all agree that we are tired of 'the fleecing of America' - especially when it comes to something as important as the state of our health. So precious, so fragile, so personal.

How I believe this should start is with one-on-one conversations with your doctor. Let them know you don't want to be 'drugged' to death. That you want preventitive measures. Let the 'holistic' approach be the first direction that is explored. I truly think we'd all feel better in the long run...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

This Is What Happens When You Tickle a Baby Penguin

This Is What Happens When You Tickle a Baby Penguin

I just HAD to post this....just because....

Saturday, April 16, 2011

"On Writing..."

(I really do need to recommend Mr. Kings book about writing to those out there who aspire, or ARE writers)...

Today, thanks to dear Ms. Marsh, there was a meeting of the 'Diligent Writers Group'.

Attending the group session inspired me to try and get together all the writing I have done over the 7 years this blog has been in existence and try to maybe, (small, insistent voice of hope), just maybe get something in a book form to publish...a memoir or a book of stories.

So along the side bar of this blog, there is a heading: 'Colette's Writing' - go there now (you know you want to), and read some of my writing....there will be more to come as I sort this all out.

I do so need to keep is a craft and it needs to be honed, a muse that needs to be fed. Sometimes, I feel I've lost my muse in the form of 'day-to-day' life intruding.


Besides...I need to get to a 3,000 post mark. On that day, I should open a bottle of champagne.

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