Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Losing My Religion for Equality - Jimmy Carter

Losing My Religion for Equality - Jimmy Carter (Yes kids - THAT Jimmy Carter)

This has been one of the issues I have struggled with for years....and contemplated doing the very same thing that former President Carter has done...

Maybe it's time for me to put my money where my mouth is...

'Life comes at you fast...'

So much to say...so little reason to say it...

Obviously there's been struggle lately...blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda, yadda....who cares.  And I am not trying to go to the 'woe is me' place or make you all (whoever the fuck YOU ALL are anymore) - feel bad.  There's just been a lot of sorrow lately and my level of 'who-gives-a-shit' is kind of broke.  For many reasons...

There a things I'd like to write about but then, I can't seem to drum up the energy/willingness to do so...

Everything is lackluster and a burden....and there seems to be no end in site to the mundane drudgery that has become my life.

I try to find a reason to be excited or enthralled and I find nothing.  I am tired - I think that is the bottom line.  50+ years on this planet and not much to show for it....and maybe it's what everyone does when they get here - to this point....they look back and wonder:  How did I get here?  What was the point of all of this? - and then they try to fill up their lives with fun!exciting! 'things'.....a race car, a newer-younger model of their significant other, a trip around the world...etc.  Not sure if it helps...I am pretty sure though that we all face this.

I have had little victories...the biggest one involves me being with Erin and the fact that he let me help him with a project that he had a great deal of passion for.  'We' (and I use this term loosely - because mainly it's HIM) - have published a book.  I am very proud of the work and effort my husband put into this venture.  And I want this to be a success - and I so far judge this as a success because it is a completed work.  AND we have SOLD the books.  You can find the information here: https://www.createspace.com/3815042

The book is called "Rosary Illuminations" and the work is beautiful and meditative in it's nature. It is also a tribute to the history, art, and people of the Diocese of Cleveland.  I hope you will take a look and I hope even more you will purchase the book....not to try to plug it for me - but more for my husband who poured his soul into this project.

As for me, I will continue to trudge onward and seek out interesting things and reasons to keep on keepin' on - even if it's just surface right now...it is in the end all I have.