Tuesday, February 28, 2006


You know I just don't get the audacity of some people....

I logged into Yahoo IM and there was this message from this 'poet' with a link to the site promoting his book of poetry - he said in the IM msg that he thought I'd be interested in a book of poems...

Yessireebob I AM interested in poetry - however I AM NOT INTERESTED in being advertised to through my IM profile - if you want me to *read* something of yours I'd love to - I am always up for new art (in any form) but e-mail me, OK - don't think that you can just IM me out of the blue...cause most idiots are IM-ing me for one thing - and it's usually sexual in nature and frankly that does not fly with me AT ALL - I actually had to report some guy cause he either wanted me to be his slave or he wanted to be mine - yep he lived all the way in Oregon - the logistics of it all is lost on me....I suppose (here's where I show my total ignorance of such crap) there are 'Internet Slaves' yep, bet that's loads of fun - don't you people have lives????? My guess is no....

ANYONE of you out there reading this blog can e-mail me, you can even IM me - I WILL TALK TO YOU....just don't try to sell me shit or sex, OK???? Unless you really have something I want (and chances are you don't) - I'm not buying, and if you can prove to me that you are really hot - well I suppose we can negotiate the sex thing...(just kidding people) - seriously go advertise elsewhere - call your agent if your books aren't selling or gee here's an idea put up a blog of your poetry and sell your book from your blog...but leave ME out of it....

Good now that we got that straightened out....

P.S. - as soon as I get the blood work thing worked out one way or the other, I will be posting more of 'My Carnivale Season' for you all to buy


'MySpace' Parody Launches Film Career

'MySpace' Parody Launches Film Career

This is great - I really need to check this out.....I find the phenomenon of things like 'MySpace' to be wonderful fodder for studies in culture and social science - I am sure that even as we speak, colleges are offering degrees in the study of this and blogging


Mardi Gras: New Orleans

Monday, February 27, 2006

You Ain't No Picasso

You Ain't No Picasso

NO SERIOUSLY I MEAN IT!!!! GO HERE (well up above there) NOW!!!!!!

Got to be one of the coolest sites in the world if you want to hear new music....



Speaking of mules...

So today I was watching a bit of The Oprah Winfrey Show and she had on Jimmy Choo President Tamara Mellon - now I have raved in the past about women who seem to want to shove their feet into stilettos and then whine about their feet hurting - and while I will admit some of the styles are really pretty and sure I love shoes...I could have done without seeing Ms. Mellon's 'personal' closet of shoes...I mean let's face it *I* am never (and when I say never I mean never) going to go out and spend upwards of $400 on a pair of ANYTHING unless it's a flight to a vacation destination. I just can't wrap my mind around that kind of luxury....and in a way I find myself a bit disappointed with Oprah for featuring shoes that most 'normal women can't afford....it's all well and fine and good that Tamara 'went for it' and made her dream a reality - congrats and all - but mainstream women can't afford those shoes (certainly not the single moms *I* know out there - of which Ms. Mellon is now a part of that club herself)...I don't know it just irked me a bit....

And the weekend movie was...

...as I said this was the movie I ended up watching last night - an old fav from when I was a little girl (yes I said little girl - kind of explains some things) ^_^

Now listening to....

Calexico and Iron & Wine

...as well as this old favourite of mine (my son is thrilled that I love Radiohead)

Karma Chameleon...

I am getting ready to go and get my blood drawn yet again…and then to be on pins and needles waiting for the outcome (and yes I had to use the word needles – sorry)

You know it’s the ‘vagueness’ of the whole thing that has me unnerved – like I was saying to C2 why can’t they just give you a ‘cancer’ test? Like a pregnancy test – either you have it or you don’t...

And I’m tired…so very tired...

Weird things happen and then my mind focuses on the ‘cause and effect’ universe and it become more than just a coincidence to me…conversations somehow take on more meaning, or perhaps I am just thinking too much, too hard, and now trying to hold onto things seek out their relevance...

My ex (my son’s dad) told me that he felt I could ‘get through anything’ he actually was horrified when I broke down in front of him and he lashed out at me when I said I don’t want to go through thinks (like chemo, like radiation) and I know a lot of people feel uncomfortable when someone says they just don’t want to ‘fight’ but part of me doesn’t – if this IS something and Goddess how I even hate the idea of thinking about that – then I might decline the treatment and I guess that makes me stupid or a coward...

Little things…little things...

Like last night a movie I haven’t seen since I was young and was recently thinking about came on TV and I opted out of seeing Mr. C – who I desperately want (in some ways need) to see….(LOL me wondering if I am to be treated for anemia will he still ‘love me’ cause I won’t be quite so pale (gothic looking))….but it’s OK we will see each other in the next night or two...

Then there was me watching ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ last night and the discussion of ‘karma’ came up and people have things happen to them who ‘don’t deserve it’ and I am not sure what exactly they were getting at – I have a hard time wrapping my mind around disease as a karmic pay-back – I mean I believe in karma too and I know we have karmic debts but the idea that people undeserving somehow get sick and that’s due to what? Karma they have yet to burn off? I’ve done enough damage to others in my lifetime to warrant a ‘Looney Toons’ end to my life (a piano falling from a roof, crushing me to death)- *shrugs* who knows – more suffering, sure I am up for that – anytime...life is suffering I get it...*really* I do...

Then today I find out we are having a ‘Soul Food’ luncheon and I don’t know the irony of the whole thing just hits me...

...and now I am babbling...

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Mistrial for woman accused of cutting off infant's arms

Mistrial for woman accused of cutting off infant's arms

...ya know....many is the time that I am thankful I never became an attorney....

So what now??? This woman gets to 'walk'? I mean that's 'crazy talk' (no pun intended) - I am sure she will be locked up cause how can society have a person like this running around, free??? But it worries me that the jurors asked the judge to 'define' the term 'deliberation'????


And 'NOT GUILTY' by reason of insanity??? Are we insane here???? (Don't answer counselor - goes to rhetorical question) - I mean what - they can show she did this (yep covered with blood and holding a knife when they found her with her armless baby (jesus-friggin-christ that poor baby) - but what because she's 'insane' that makes her not guilty of the crime?????

Can someone please explain the judicial system in our country to me - cause I just don't get it - OK don't put her to death (like I said I am against that anyway) - but she's guilty no matter HOW she got there....

CNN.com - McGavin, 'A Christmas Story' father, dies at 83

CNN.com - McGavin, 'A Christmas Story' father,dies at 83

And fare thee well Mr. McGavin...R.I.P.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Woman's Arm Severed In Car Accident

Woman's Arm Severed In Car Accident - News

Another via C2 - emphasis that the severed arm WAS STILL CLUTCHING THE CELL PHONE!!!

LiveScience.com - Explorers Discover Huge Cave and New Poison Frogs

LiveScience.com - Explorers Discover Huge Cave and New Poison Frogs

Via C2 - make sure to click on the link for the picture of the cave....it's incredible

Think about this....

This could happen someday...

This was sent to me via one of my Yoga teachers, through the Yoga group I belong to - while I am not sure I was thrilled about the blatant add for the ACLU - it did make me think (LOL - it was definitely food for thought - pun intended)...

Farewell Mr. Knotts

...this is how *I* will always remember Don Knotts...I really liked this movie as a kid...

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A couple of great quotes

...both I 'found' yesterday.

The first one is from the current book I am reading:

"I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions."
-- Augusten Burroughs: from Magical Thinking

And this one from a bumper sticker:

"When Jesus said: 'Love your enemies' that probably meant don't kill them"

Irish nationalists clash with police in Dublin

The "C" Word

She used the 'C' word with me - I just sat there kind of stunned....

She asked me all these questions and I tried answering them as honestly and with as much detail as I could....but there's a line you draw in your mind when your doctor asks you to come up with all your symptoms (and you don't feel sick...you're just tired and achy/sore)- so part of me (in my head) was like 'gee I feel like I am whining or a hypochondriac'...but yet you dare not leave anything out, lest your sin of omission become the undoing of your health...and when she told me 'I have to be honest with you C -, when I saw your labs I immediately got scared and thought 'Cancer' (*SHE* got scared???? I mean what kind of a vote of confidence is this??? WTF??? At the same time, it's why I go to her - she pulls no punches, she's honest, and we've become friendly) - she went on to say that she thought after listening to me that perhaps the lab values are 'readily explained' but that I need to go Monday and repeat even more blood work and she's having a haematologist review this new set of labs...(that's what 'Staff review' means for us lay people).

Meanwhile I am here scared to death wondering if I gave her enough info, wondering why she didn't address the inexplicable pains I *have* been having lately the soreness, the achiness, but then maybe that's old age setting in for me and maybe I am too quick to offer up solutions for my own pains when I talk to her - and I don't like complaining I really don't - but when her last words were: '...and if this IS something, we've caught it now...' sheesh...

Prayer - prayer is a good thing....

The anemia: it would seem there is actually a strain of anemia that is found to be hereditary amongst people from Southern Italy (or of Southern Italian descent, and my Italian ancestry harkens back to Calabria) and since I was anemic as a girl (before the onset of my menses), and because my mother was anemic as well, my doctor seems to think that it might be what's going on (of course she is also worried about leukemia and internal bleeding) - but if it IS this strain of anemia basically there's nothing they do to treat it - and NO (this for the benefit of people like my son who said: 'Just eat red meat mom!') they don't treat it with iron (LOL - they don't treat it at all) - she said I could begin to use a supplement with iron but for now she does not want me to do anything that might 'skew' my tests....

Prayer - prayer is a good thing....

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Type 'O' Negative....

...yeah so I've got anemia, or so that's part of the message my doctor left for me on my voice mail - yep she actually called me PERSONALLY! The other part of the message was "C - you need to make an appointment to see me right away, we need to talk."

A little fearful...you know when they don't leave anything but that kind of message - can't help myself - I've heard too many people talk of (whisper of) such phone calls...

Tomorrow I go in...we'll see....

Apololgies to all

and a thanks to Terry (not Helen - sorry, Terry) for pointing out the 'pop-unders' - I had put a script in my template, to see who was online ('Mourners at the Grave Site'), unfortunately it caused problems for the audience...sorry guys - should be all fixed now...

Also thanks to Helen, Terry, and Di for suggesting new music - I will look into all of it ...(and Terry, I *love* Arab music; and Di - please sned me the 'My-SPace' info in an e-mail - I promise to check it out)

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Killing time...

I LOVE MUSIC. LOVE IT! Can't live without music in my life....

Sometimes I make up my own 'mix' CDs when I am bored or when I am looking for some different stuff to listen to in my car....lately I've been tyring to find *new* artists and even before that I was on the hunt for female bands to 'discover' and listen to - it can be difficult at times to find new female artists that I want to hear....I should not say 'hear' but there's not a lot of up & coming female groups and again I might be 'out of touch' so I will tell you if you have suggestions
please let me know - you can e-mail me anytime - I am always up for 'new' artists
and (obviously), my tastes are pretty varied....

Tonight I put together a CD called 'Girls' Nite Out':

1. 'These Boots' - Nancy Sinatra from the soundtrack of 'Full Metal Jacket'
2. 'Living Room' - Tegan and Sara from 'If it was you'
3. 'Least Complicated' - The Indigo Girls from 'Swamp Ophelia'
4. 'When you were mine' - Ani DiFranco - Live
5. 'Face to Face' - Siouxsie and the Banshees - from 'Batman' soundtrack
6. 'I Should've Known' - Aimee Mann - acoustic version
7. 'I'm Only Happy When it Rains' - Garbage (off their self-titled album)
8. 'Who Am I' - Miss Kitten - electroclash - 'Berlin is Burning'
9. 'Fall Behind Me' - The Donnas from 'Gold Medal'
10. 'Don't Cha' - Pussycat Dolls (w/Busta Rhymes) - CD single
11. 'Si Tu N'etais Pas La' - Amelie Soundtrack
12. 'Knocking on Heaven's Door' - Avril Lavigne (cover of Bob Dylan's)(OK sue me!)
13. 'When Dove's Cry' - Ani DiFranco - Live
14. 'Galileo' - Indigo Girls from 'Retrospective'
15. 'I Don't Know How to Love Him' - Jesus Christ Superstar soundtrack - original
16. 'Like a Prayer' - Madonna from 'Like a Prayer'
17. 'By My Side' - Out of Eden & The Katinas - 'Godspell' soundtrack

*NOW* for something completely different

Yipee!!!!! One of my all-time favourite shows (I mean I adored these guys), is going to be aired on my local PBS station tonight THIS ought to chase away some of the blues I've been feeling lately...


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Think Progress: Administration Outsources Operations Of Six U.S. Ports To The United Arab Emirates

Think Progress: Administration Outsources Operations Of Six U.S. Ports To The United Arab Emirates

I had not posted about this yet...although I am sure those who know me know this, that like Molly (over at After_Enlightenment) as well as countless others in our country, I am NOT OK with this arrangement....WTF????????????

Num, num indeed.....

...this is my FAVOURITE Easter-type candy...it rocks!

One of my fondest Easter-candy-related memories is not from being a little girl - although it began when I was small, you see when I was a little girl, (back in the day), my mom used to buy me some really cool things for my basket - aside from the 'white chocolate'lamb (which I thought was pretty special), she managed to get me a sugar egg - now the neat thing about the sugar egg was that there was a 'window' inserted at the rounded end of the egg and you could look inside the window and see an 'Easter' scene....I never forgot this 'gift'....

When I had my own children and I got them Easter baskets, I got them some candy but mainly I put books and games and some toys into their baskets because I did not want to give them a lot of candy...I remember though telling my husband at the time all about my memories of the 'sugar egg' and how I never saw them anymore and how cool they were...

Low and behold, one year, he somehow managed to find one of those eggs and give it to me as a gift - I was speechless....

You know sometimes I wonder (not often but sometimes) why I left him....he was one of the good guys....

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The sun pokes through the clouds...

I am always overcome with joy and humbled whenever people do something kind for me (or for others)....

I have been - since my car was on the fritz - offered such kindnesses and it really makes me warm inside to know that I am loved, people care about me, people want to help me...usually I shrug it off - it's hard for me to accept help.

Today out of the blue I received a card from a fellow co-worker (I had mentioned to her I was having surgery) - in her card she told me to call her if I needed anything - we get along well - she is our department's IT/Database person and she and I 'click' - she's smart and funny and like me she is into Yoga and so we've always been able to get along on top of having a good working relationship....

The last thing I expected was to get a card from her or an offer of help. I mean how kind of her! Of course I told her yesterday the surgery might be cancelled but now I am going to make sure when I go back in I call her and thank her profusely for her thoughtfulness.

Kevin Reed Story

Kevin Reed Story

This was featured on some local news today...

This is an amazing story and often times on my blog I seem to rant and rave and there's not a huge amount of stuff I write about that's positive or uplifting...

This is one of those times that I want the positive to shine through - everyone should read this man's story and be amazed and inspired by his ability to overcome what life has thrown at him...

Now we're actually getting somewhere....

...I think....

So today I once again had to play phone-tag with my primary care physician's office....I had to explain to them that I had to cancel surgery due to running a fever and, that I was also checking on my recent blood work (the nurse I work with told me I needed to call them about the blood work right away and I *don't* like the way she said it - she's not an alarmist type of person)....

So...I waited and since I decided to stay at home today, because I took the day off anyway,I gave them my cell phone number to call....

As usual - what happens, they call the home number and hang up (I actually watched this happen right in front of my very eyes {one of which was suppose to be sporting a patch today *grin*})...so I call my doctor's office back and I get a snotty receptionist who wants to read the doctor's message to me and be done with it...
Uhm no...I don't think so...finally I manage to get her to let me talk to a nurse; I want to say here in front of Goddess and everyone: Thank heaven for nurses!!! I don't know what I would have done without the nurses in this situation (well except had some really nasty infection post-surgery)....so it turns out I am going to be able to get in this Friday and figure out what the hell is going on with me....

What the hell IS going on with me??????


So now all that's left to do is call up the surgeon's office and give them hell and reschedule my surgery....fun, fun, fun...

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Truth, For a Change: Let's issue a stay of execution on executions.

Truth, For a Change: Let's issue a stay of execution on executions.

This is a blogger who shall remain nameless who is actually one of my favourite people in real life....

This story was making it's way around NPR today...

I am AGAINST the death penalty. Period. I used to be for it - USED TO BE - my mind was changed when I read 'Dead Man Walking'. Now, I feel that we have no right to put other people to death - to me it is state sanctioned murder. Further, it seems to me that the people who clamour the most about it seem to also be the people who want to take away such things as women's' rights to choose to terminate a pregnancy, what's the matter boys? Murder's OK but it's just a matter of timing???? Yeah OK....get a vasectomy you jerks.....in fact stop breeding altogether....

Here's the problem (LOL like there's only one)....if we ARE going to be for the death penalty why the fuck do we need to be humane with it? I mean we are killing someone cause they killed someone else - we should be nice about that???? Why????? Were they nice when they murdered their victim(s)????? Why are we being such Pollyanna's about the whole damn thing???

You want to kill well to that I say 'Hang 'em High!' and I am being dead serious (pardon my awful pun).....If we were to execute one person publicly and hang them or electrocute them on TV - just like it was the state of the friggin' nation address or somesuchshit where it's on EVERY TV in the country...I am telling you *THAT* would deter people....

But what's the matter with that 'picture' too brutal for y'all - or are we just to 'civilised' to do it that way????


Like I said the absolute stupidity/ignorance of people astounds me....



Via Hans....I can't believe this shit....or as he put it in referencing their Catalogue:

39 pages of lame!

I mean are people really THIS lazy?????? Don't answer I'm having a rhetorical moment - it's pretty much the same as when I ask my self that *other* great question: Are people really THIS stupid???????

This sucks....seriously

*I* had to cancel MY OWN surgery....

I am really fuming - really....the incompetence of people just astonishes me at times....

This could be serious (I am hoping and praying it isn't) - and if it is of course I will do what I do best (whine, Colette??? *giggles*) - no, suck it up and deal with it...OK so I may make some noise in the meantime but that's OK...right? It's OK for us to make some noise it's how we (and others) know we're alive....

More later - that is when I get through breathing a little and tyring to keep it all in perspective....

Still.....Gosh Dambit!!!!!!

Japanese housewives amassing secret fortunes

Japanese housewives amassing secret fortunes - Yahoo! News

American Women!!!! TAKE NOTICE!

*WE* should ALL be doing this....

Monday, February 20, 2006

I'm ashamed to admit...

...that I even *watch* TV - there are only a handful of shows I do watch - mainly it's news and if there happens to be a good movie on PBS or one of the cable stations we get...but regular 'network' TV to me is a lost cause...that is until I 'found' a couple of these

'Medium' (on NBC): At first I did not like this show much but eventually - as they 'grew' the characters it began to 'grow' on me...and it's actually turned out to be a pretty good show...

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This is another one...''Bones' on Fox network...I don't watch it a lot - but the couple of shows I've seen are pretty good

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Finally....file under cute - this one is on CBS and it's called 'How I met Your Mother' - kind of quirky...but they take a neat approach to the show - part of me is simply curious...

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Car thingy....update redux


Rode the bus into work today....

Cold - no quite so bitter this time....

Quiet ride in...guess not many people out and about at 6:07 AM....

Took me close to 2 hours on 2 buses ot get in....

Car repairs cost me almost $200 - battery, new belts....(could have done the battery myself - had I known, bummer)....

All fixed now - runs like a top....

This means I can sleep in a bit tomorrow....

Been listening to.....

I loved this movie - so it would follow I love the sound track - it's so tres francaise

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Wherefore art thou?

....yes this is what happens when you are stuck at home and too lazy to pop in a much better movie to watch

So unfortunately...this was *it* for the weekend...I forgot how much this sucked....it wasn't so much visually (that part was kinda OK) - it was a pretty different kind of version at the time it was made - the *bad* part was that Leo D - was sleep-walking through his lines...

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T-shirt - uhm...contest?


I was talking to Liam and we were talking about how sometimes people just get involved in bad relationships - perhaps they just can't help themselves, perhaps they don't see it, perhaps they ARE that desperate...

We were thinking we should get a T-Shirt that reads:

"I wish I knew how to quit you."

You could give it to your friends with the (offending) loved one, pictured on the shirt and offer up a not-so-subtle hint...

We should have a contest, a t-shirt design contest for this one...

*evil grin*


*gasp* but wait....(see this blogging thing is really bad because I should have thought to check this out first...)

Looks like 'somebody's' already beat us too it, Liam, HERE, and
HERE (this one even offers a coffee mug)

however...neither has them with screen prints of the picture of the 'offending' party
so I think we'd be at least a little different


Sunday, February 19, 2006

"Ain't I a woman?"

'Ain't I A Woman?'

Sojourner Truth gave this speech in 1851 at a women's convention in Akron, Ohio.

"That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain't I a woman?

"Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain't I a woman?

"I could work as much and eat as much as a man - when I could get it - and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman?

"I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman?"

-- Sojourner Truth

This isn't just to honor Black History Month....this is to honor women of colour and of strength everywhere...

And it's also because I am honoured to be a part of other 'Sisters' blogs such as 'Every Woman is a Goddess and soon to be a part of, Blog Sisters

Experts to Test Possible Joan of Arc Bones

Experts to Test Possible Joan of Arc Bones

I have always - ALWAYS been fascinated by *her* story...I just find it hard to believe they found SKIN....

C'mon SKIN????? From that long ago?????

But it's still pretty intriguing.

lost camera: camera unlost, but not quite found.

lost camera: camera unlost, but not quite found.

Check this out kids (sent to me by Sid)....

This is an outrage and this guy deserves some justice - I mean WTF????????????????

I am very fond of the people North of our border they are like us (only, and I hate to even admit I feel this way) - most times smarter, more polite....but not as illustrated by this incident - this family is a bunch of a-holes...

I think this guy need to really take them to task over this one...

Rock-n-Roll Relics

Wolfgang's Vault

This morning...courtesy of my 'typical' routine of wathcing the CBS Sunday morning show....

I found out where they keep the relics of rock-n-roll. Check it out - it's a goldmine.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

The 'touchy, feely' parts

...naughty bits tingling and all...


So today - after the car debacle I spent a lot of time (more than I really should - well OK I did some laundry), updating this forum of mine...that I've somehow become fond of - not that I am attached to the outcome (way to make a Buddhist statement, C) of this blog - or of where it goes, what it does, who it touches (or doesn't as the case may be) - but it's a way again for me to just spew my thoughts out onto a blank page, yes indeed screaming into the void - the nothingness - and it feels good and freeing, and intense, and somehow addicting at the same time...

It's an experiment really and I always loved the experiments in chem class but never the tests...I was never 'good' in chemistry....*this* is a chemistry for me though, me writing, trying to make friends with it...trying to figure out how to say what I want to say and put it down for posterity and somehow remain lucid, intelligent, engaging all the things that make a writer worth reading....except I keep finding all these places - I will call them blog kingdoms (Goddess how I hate the word blog) - oasis's in the barren tundra of the cold, cold Internet...and when I find those diamonds in the rough and I look back at my own mediocre writing I am almost ashamed, feeling like I don't even deserve to kiss the hem of their pants cuffs (sorry) - and I am not trying to be purposely self-deprecating - I just seriously feel that there's more brilliance out there than I will ever posses in my own feeble mind...and who the hell really wants to hear about a young woman's (girl really...what actually does make a girl into a woman??? Having sex??? I don't really think so...) 'adventures' on the road, living on the outskirts of reality and society with 'Carney Boy'??? Or even my day-to-day meager existence??? How interesting CAN it be to be a corporate whore and a Yoga teacher? Let's just call it an odd combination....sometimes can be very hard to reconcile....


I just feel so subpar....

Then there's absolute never-ending amazement I have for the power of the the mind and the invention of the Internet for all the wonderfully devious, downright-evil, yet incredibly all-too-human-all-encompassing 'window' it gives us onto the entire globe...and something that Bill Maher said last night cut through my fog...about how American's gave their right away to privacy years ago - with things like cell phones and with being willing to put our scrotums/twats on a web-cam for all the world to see - that we're all so desperate for attention - we want to so be heard, looked at, we want people to read our blogs (I was rolling when he said that one).....yet....

I agree with him (like you would not believe I agree)- he is so right on so many levels, but is that ALL we really want? I don't think that's what *I* want - I truly feel that we have the power to change each others' lives by sharing ideas, viewpoints, I feel that in many ways we grow closer by doing just that - reading each others' stories cause isn't that how it all started....man wrote on his cave walls, man created hieroglyphics...why? What was he trying to say...and have we all just been trying to say the same things all along - to just somehow, someway relate/relay our experiential data - unload it out into the universe for our 'tribe' to see? Some of us do 'it' by writing, some by making music, or films, or working our way through the world and performing our lives' various callings.....

I suppose that's what I am trying to say...I guess that's what *I* want 'it' to be, what *I* think it is, my perception/vision, my dream, my reality, *MY* experiment...just add chaos...but I share it - this place - this planet and all it contains, and all it ever contained, and all it ever will contain, with the rest of you, and all those that came before us and all those that are to come...because our stories have been going around now, intertwining, for centuries and it weaves through the fabric of our minds and to me seems to reverberate through the universe...it rings like a bell and we all can pick up on each others vibrations and some of us harmonize and some of us clang out of tune or just simply go flat...

Boggles the mind...

I feel unique but I feel like everyone else too, full of self-doubt and wondering why I should even bother to do this (isn't there anything better I *could* be doing) - but something pushes me compels me even, to write about my life here....any more I don't even know if it's helping me or I've just opened up some portal and now all the garbage comes pouring out...but then you all know what 'they' say...

One person's junk....

English, August: Further than away from the past

English, August: Further than away from the past

You know...I just adore the way he writes....it resonates in me, through me, beyond me...

Not just because I admire her....

'Olympia' over at Postmodern Courtesan is really an amazing writer - sexy and brilliant and fascinating in the way she approaches her 'subject matter' (or 'subjects' as the case may be); I feel 'comfortable' reading her (like I've somehow 'known' her all these years - I actually wish I DID know her - could talk to her, go out and have coffee or a glass of wine with her, (as I am sure many of her readers wish at times - those of us who are nothing more than satellites in her universe - voyeurs to her 'adventures'); as it happens, we share similar tastes in favourite literature - so when I visit her blog, I often make a mental note to check out what she's currently reading - this one 'The Kite Runner' I had been meaning to check out - now all the more reason - I had also previously heard of the book below 'French Women Don't Get Fat' by Mirielle Guiliano - so more to add to the list of stuff I keep 'meaning to get to'

Too many books, music, films...so little time....

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Heard about this too - (see post above) - just really posting it here to keep reminding myself to check it out...

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Recommended music....

I've been hooked on these guys lately, thanks to my son....

The Arcade Fire: 'Funeral' - they are an indie rock band out of Montreal really interesting sound....

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Now reading....

Well not *right now* obviously (looks at you like you are crazy)...

Liam gave me this to read....it's amazing so far...funny really funny - glad I had it with me yesterday when I had to ride the bus home - although I am sure the young African-American woman with the music blaring from her cell phone (that's right I said cell phone - all loud and tinny and shit), was wondering why the hell I was laughing out loud - she probably thought *I* was crazy....(she's probably right)...


As always on my side bar thingy you will see many bright shiny objects that interest me - the blogs I read and what I am reading...I have not updated in a while...

I DID finish 'Me Talk Pretty One Day' by David Sedaris - it was great - go read it for yourself.

I am still trying to get through 'Candy' by Mian, Mian (and I can't for the life of me figure out why I am strugging with it)....and also, although it too is listed under 'What Colette is reading:' I have to still crack 'The Last Temptation of Christ' I have read the first couple of chapters and it's amazing (and I can tell it's going to take me on a journey - perhaps that's part of the problem is the depth of those waters scare me a little right now)...but I always have like 3 and 4 books going at the same time...scary isn't it - focus Colette, FOCUS!


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So...the car thingy...revisited

Yep...finally home...

Bitterly cold...

Glad to be here now...

Car is dead as a doornail - charged the battery and it ran but then it died again...must be the alternator or some such electronic gizmo....

Tow truck took 2 hours to get there.....had it dropped at a local repair shop...

Glad M - was there to help....

Now...just here...trying to figure out a way to avoid the housework, bored but listening to music and blogging....

All in all....could be much, much worse....

Update over.

Boing Boing: Boing Boing has a linking policy

Boing Boing: Boing Boing has a linking policy

I adore this - I adore Boing Boing too...

More on this and other 'touchy, feely' subjects in just one momento....
(not that any of you *really* care)

The Man Who Couldn't Blog

The Man Who Couldn't Blog

Go here guys...great stuff - very surreal - very funny....

Now listening to...

Glad you asked kids (uhm OK so you didn't *really* ask...)

Why Last.fm of course!

(Thanks Eurgeht XOXOXOXOXX)

And currently - or lately the list has been long and varied

Right now:

Sigur Ros

Last night was:

Flaming Lips
Iron & Wine
Led Zepelin
White Stripes
Pink Floyd
The Arcade Fire
The Shins

...and on and on....

So go there and take a listen - it's kind of nice - I just put it on and write or 'surf' and I need to make a contribution too (and if you listen you should too!)...also for those interested while I used to listen to WOXY and still love them I am not about to pay them $10/month to listen to internet radio....and perhaps I should but I just can't justify that, at least not right now - it's not that I don't feel internet radio should not be supported somehow....

Despair, Inc.

Despair, Inc.

Oh my gosh - this is hysterical...and creepy at the same time....cause a lot of it rings true

Red Light District Plans Open House

Red Light District Plans Open House

So...how cheap is it to fly over to the Netherlands?

Just curious....

My carnivale season

(My timing is impeccable - this is it so far - more to come)

My life circa 1979:

It was a fluke, a lark perhaps that I ended up a 'carnie'...it's certainly not where I 'd ever imagined myself to land for a season...a brief, mad season - but then in hindsight when we do 'see ourselves' or imagine ourselves isn't it always about 'better times' or wistful nostalgia - always we were happier, prettier, more handsome, smarter, more full of promise 'back in the day'...

I was just coming off the merry-go-round of a bad break up (really nasty with my first *real* 'live-in' boyfriend) and I was forced to move back home to my dad's unceremoniously, my tail between my legs...and I had certainly already seen a lot of 'life' - back then, stuff a girl my age really should not have been involved with - but after losing my mom and leaving home - I was a bit of a lost soul, I could have been the poster girl for 'Go Ask Alice' except that I came out alive...

I found myself hanging with some neighborhood locals - my sister (who had as of yet never left home) had made some friends and introduced me to them. One of her friends form work had a brother named 'Johnny Z' and everyone knew (and loved) Johnny - he was cool, charismatic and gorgeous - he had his own apartment and he could score some pretty good dope.

At one point, mid to late summer, Johnny had a bad bike accident (flew over his handlebars and broke his collarbone) - my sister and I took turns taking care of him - at one point he had me shave him - but I refused to sponge bathe him (such a naive girl at times) - one day while I was over there Johhny asked me if I wanted to stick around and meet his step-cousin Tommie, he indicated Tommie was coming over to hang with him and go take him to see a movie help get him out of the house for a bit. I was not sure I wanted to tag along - I liked Johnny well enough but did not know what his 'family' was like - he assured me I'd like Tommie.

Tommie showed up - he was very dark and brooding, very unusual; he just had non-conformist written all over him - he was an artist (I did not know this then) - he was very quiet - he was kind of cute - 1/2 Cherokee Indian - great cheekbones and eyes.

We all decided to go for a ride in the car with Tommie and skip the movie. Johnny sat up front riding shotgun, and I sat in the back seat. I happened to glance down at the floor of this very clean car (as it turned out, it was Tommie's mom's car) and spotted a thick book by Larry Niven (Sci-Fi writer) - I asked whose book it was - don't know why I asked....there was a silence and I looked up to find Tommie staring intently at me in the rear-view mirror - he had a weird little smirk on his face and he said "Why? do you read?" - don't ask me why - but just the little look and the tone in his voice - it wasn't quite sarcasm - it was more like a challenge - kind of intrigued me.

We ended up going down to a park by Lake Erie and Tommie and I got to know each other better. He had had a very rough life and he was currently working in a carnival. He had traveled all over the place. He was very smart and very street-smart..yet he had this vulnerability about him. One of the weird/cute things that happened was that Tommie always wore the same suede cap (in fact he was buried with it when he died) - and I was messing with him and knocked it off his head to the ground - he put it back on and felt immediately something was 'crawling' on his head - he took off his cap and made me look and believe it or not there was a tick lodged/stuck to his scalp I had to use his lighter to burn it off - talk about a fun first date! By the time we ended up leaving the park I decided I DID like him enough to say yes when he asked permission to see me again.

Our relationship began very slowly. He was quiet and he was hard to get to know. But I loved his wit, his humour, his talent with fine-line drawing - his artwork was amazing, his easiness with everyone - his attitude which was pretty much a blend of 'Fuck you and calm down' - he was tight - he was contained - he was deep.

We saw each other off and on during the rest of the summer - fall came and my dad re-married and we all moved into a new house with my new step-mother (a bitchy, bleached-blonde, beached-whale of a person who was incredibly different in comparison to the tiny, dark vivacious beauty that was my mother) - I tried my best to live under their roof, - I really gave it my best shot but once you've been out on your own - well let's just say the old adage 'you can't go home again' is pretty true...I mean between my step-brother sneaking into my room at night and his mother asking why I didn't want to date her son (ugh! ewwww! yuck! I mean WTF???) - I just could not take it anymore. Finally one day, early fall she caught Tommie (well she was spying on us from the porch I Had moved my bedroom permanently into the sun room to get away from her son)- rolling a joint...looking back now I can appreciate her viewpoint - she erupted. That night in a 'family meeting' she basically asked my dad to pick between her and me - I lost...

Tommie was leaving to go out of town to a 'job' (I really didn't realise just what kind of 'jobs' carnies held)... and I could not get in touch with him to tell him of my new predicament - he had already left town. I was in a blind panic at this point cause I had no place to go...I called some friends and was able to crash and left word with Johnny about what had happened. I was over at Johnny's when Tommie called him - he talked with me, I cried and he said he'd be home in a couple of days to help me out...

Tommie came home and I am sure he did so just to help me. He took me over to his uncle's house to live. The place was crazy. Sure I had been in crazy situations and lived under horrible conditions in the past - when you live a life of sex and drugs and rock-n-roll that happens. But this was somehow darker, and,it didn't help that Tommie hated this place too;– he hated his cousins and his uncle but he felt it was '‘safe enough'’ and he must have done some threatening too...like threatening them with violence if any harm came to me. I bunked in one of the smaller rooms and I was left alone. Tommie came over when he could. We argued at times but he told me that this was the only option - his mom was a hard-core Christian and I would not be allowed to move in with him under her roof. Fall passed and winter began to set in...I was becoming increasingly unhappy.

On December 8, 1980, John Lennon was assassinated. Tommie was in town and we both sat numb in front of the T.V. (I was crying), while his uncle and his cousins yelled at one another and played poker. Tommie and I had discussed his ‘'job'’ a couple of times...he'’d bring his mom and me back these great and unusual gifts, once I went with him to buy novelty items. I knew he lived on the fringes. I knew it was ‘under the 'radar' and, while I considered myself to be a non-conformist and someone who didn't fit in’, I just wasn't sure about the life he led. He had been forced to run away when he was 16 years old and I didn'’t know all the details other than the fact that his mom had married a black man when Tommie was young and back in the 70s that just wasn'’t something that was acceptable in certain social circles. Tommie spent most of his grade school years having the shit knocked out of him. By the time he got to high school he just couldn'’t take it anymore, and he left, ran away to go join a carnival. (I know we all threatened to like run off and join the circus when we were little, well Tommie grew up and really did it!)

He had been all over the states and spent time in California;– he had been to South America and his stories were fascinating and frightening at the same time. After a lot of talking, he finally popped the question -– he asked me to go with him and try it for a '‘season'’. Well I didn't have anything else to do, other than be a waitress. I was not going to college (someone should have really kicked my ass for this) - I had no ambition to do anything. Tommie said we would not begin until '‘spring season'’ began in the North -– in 'carnie' terms that meant usually after Easter. *Real* 'Carnivale'’ season begins after Mardi Gras in New Orleans at least in the south it does...he asked if I could just hold out a little longer and by this time his mom had met me and approved so we could spend time there if we had to. She still wasn't too keen on us living together without the benefit of marriage but she was slowly accepting Tommie and his life - he was her only child -– she had no choice and in her way she loved him too...

I spent the winter learning about his life...this was his time off. We did a lot of drugs, we saw a lot of movies, went to concerts; he taught me the language (yes there is a language), he taught me the terms, but still I had no clue of the portent of all that he said and I was not to have a clue until I got there...where ever '‘there'’ was.

In terms of our relationship we hit a really rough patch. He was antsy and I am not even sure he wanted to commit to me.– I am not sure he wanted me to see his '‘secret world', away from the normal universe we both inhabited together. I was scared too;– I did not want to end up stranded somewhere - being rough never scared me but I wasn'’t '‘rough'’ I wasn'’t one of those girls that could kill someone if I had to, I would have been the one dying. We fought over this. My training involved making me 'tougher' (imagine G.I. Jane but with a seedier outcome) Tommie'’s mom lived in a really bad neighborhood (it'’s STILL a really bad neighborhood). It was primarily Hispanic and he and his mom were on of the few whites in the neighborhood. His mom carried a gun (seriously), and I had no doubt she'’d use it too, AND she'’d beat the crap out of just about anyone who threatened her, her safety, her child...she is still this way in her life, she's just a tough old broad (and I adore her). She actually pulled a plow when she was young (not the horses,– they were too poor for horses on the farm she grew up on;– SHE HAD PULLED THE PLOW). So Tommie, who did not carry a gun but carried a boot knife, bought me a knife.– I refused to carry it, and that's the kind of thing we fought over. He was pissy cause he had to 'escort'’ me everywhere because I wasn'’t about to carry a weapon. He told me I had to change 'I had to ‘get tough';’ I had to stop being so 'nice' because carnie life would be too harsh otherwise. Spring was rapidly approaching and we didn't have a lot of time...I needed to understand this shit - fast.

The weekend after Easter his mother drove us to the 'owners'’ house. These were people who lived in Sebring, OH a small town. They were (to my absolute amazement), normal people. They had a set of twin boys (who were about 11 yrs old), and a teen-aged daughter. They were hard-working Christian people. They were very happy to see Tommie but they were not as thrilled to know I was tagging along. At one point the father of the family pulled me aside and asked me if I wanted out;– was there anything he could do; did I want money to go home to my folks.– When I told him, this impossibly nice man that I could not go home to my folks anymore he looked like I had broken something inside of him; perhaps he was thinking of his own daughter when he looked at me (I was to get a lot of this down the road). We spent a couple of days with this young family. The boys flirted with me incessantly at one point I told Tommie I was going to go sleep in the little camper/truck that we were using as our 'home'’ on the road (they were driving me nuts).

Finally we began to load the camper and the 'game'’ trailer. Tommie called the game '‘bulldozers' -’ it was also known as 'Penny Falls'’ - you can check it out *here*:

How the game operated was this: There was a '‘playing field' -’ a flat table - and you would put pennies, coins, or tokens on the field. You would also put little novelties, trinkets etc. on the field as well (remembering to 'always cover the house slot/hole'’,– in other words, there was a hole (space) along the sides and the back of the field where the coins would fall into 'our' pile)- there was a shooter for the players (marks) and they would buy tokens or quarters from us and then put the tokens in the 'shooter' to try to angle it the best way on the playing field so that when the bulldozer moved forward it would push their coin and dump more coins, toys, etc into their slot.

We were to head south and then we would eventually return for the big state fair held every year in Canfield, OH. For now though, we would be hooking up with an actual '‘carnival'’ owned by a man called 'Big Richard'’ (think '‘Boss Hog'’ and you'’ve got a pretty accurate description). Big Richard could not have been taller than 5 foot on his best day - even with his hat’. So we headed out. I was hit with a mixture of excitement, fear and homesickness. We headed into Pennsylvania and that's where the fun began.

Friday, February 17, 2006


Mechanical Difficulties Me Matey!

So yeah....today I got leave work early (at like 3:30 PM) for the first time in weeks - I get to my car and it's totally dead....

One of the nice things about where I work is that they help employees in situations like this - unfortunately they tried 'jumping' my car but the battery just would not hold the charge - so I had to leave the car there and take 2 buses all the way home - took me like 3 hours to get here...in bitterly cold weather walking for like a mile at one point....

So this means no going out to play with Liam, Sid and C2 or 'Bounce-ing' because I HAVE to get this fixed and tomorrow I have to get down there and either try and figure out the problem or have the car towed to a shop....and if it costs a lot I am going to be totally broke - so no fun time for a while...

On top of all this I forgot to e-mail myself something I was working on...


Ah well at least I have surgery to look forward to and the fun of being able to hang with Mr. C while I am brusied so he can shock people by pretending he did it to me (and no I don't think abusing women is funny don't even go there with me) - it's just that me and Mr. C are pretty sick and twisted individuals at times - I even think C2 wants in on some of the action of the shock value here....and hey I completely forgot the fun of riding the bus (if the car fixing takes a little while) all bruised with an eye patch - all I need now is a pet parrot....



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Pakistani riots about more than cartoons

Pakistani riots about more than cartoons

NO *GASP* {{look of absolute shock}} YOU'RE KIDDDING???

Duh! OF course this is about more than cartoons - IT'S ALWAYS been about more than just the cartoons kids...

And then from C2 there's THIS

Here we go....

Think it's time to build a bomb shelter? (Not tyring to be alarmist or anything....)

DailyOlive.com: Got $1,000? Why Not Try a Golden Opulence Sundae?

NPR : U.S. Is Losing That Small-Business Feeling

NPR : U.S. Is Losing That Small-Business Feeling

I enjoyed this story and thought Ms. Primlani made a good point...take a listen

The Hounds and one crazy Fox

The World: Geo Quiz

If this does not take you directly to the story, click on the global quiz (from 2/16/06) about the English countryside and be amazed at what some people will do for fun...

Thursday, February 16, 2006

A surreal life...

It is a bit...isn’t it?

So last night, after a really great last session with my Wednesday night Yoga crowd (which now makes me more determined to somehow keep the momentum going with them) – I went home, a bit tired because I also had had pre-ops – I am having some surgery next week.

The thing that struck me about the pre-op visit was that they did absolutely no lab work, no ECG, NOTHING...which is OK – other than having a sinus infection (for which I was on antibiotics and of course there was concern about that)...so the doctor looks at me briefly and asks if I am healthy and then she looks at the inside rim of my eyes and indicates I am ‘quite pale’ well uhm yes I am a very pale person – I say this to her..she says ‘No, C – I think perhaps you need to have your hemoglobin checked’ – then she lies me down and listens to my heart and breath sounds...and then clears me for surgery.

Which now leads me to this – why the hell didn't she, given the fact that she had me there as a captive audience, just get my blood work done???? So now here I am worried that I may be anemic or something worse and so today I had to call my own doctor and am now going through the hassle of trying to get them to do it for me; my own personal doctor is booking all the way out into May – so again I am thinking how stupid it is to wait that long to see if I have a *real* problem...not that I want to borrow trouble but I don’t see why she could not just drop the labs in considering I am having surgery. In talking to one of the other ladies here I found out she recently had her gall-bladder removed and they did not do one single thing for her pre-operatively – I was incredulous over this – I mean hundreds/thousands of people get their gall-bladders removed probably hourly in the US I don’t think it’s that big of a deal but I think if you are going to go under the scalpel/have anesthesia then it seems only right they do SOME LAB WORK, RIGHT????????

Now I am waiting to hear from my doc to see what *I* should do...

So as I said I was on my way home kind of tired but rejuvenated a bit as I always am after having a good session with student and I realize I needed to eat something so I decided - (since the other night I was so tired I actually stopped at *GASP* McDonald's)- that I HAD to go to the grocery store - so I did and bought salad fixins, and cheese, milk, dried fruit, vegetable soup, laundry soap and bottled water...as well as some 1/2 price chocolate items from V-Day leftovers....

Got home and beeped the horn to get my son to help me unload - went in the house, called his name - no answer....so just on a whim I decided to walk down to my landlord's house and bring him a little of the chocolate (because I figured no one had thought of him for Valentine's Day and since he had lost his wife back in September I thought I'd check on him) - I've said he's one of the nicest guys I've met...and sure enough my son was down there and having a beer with him and talking - I gave him the little gift of chocolate and got a nice hug out of it and he offered me a glass of red wine (note to self: really must get some decent wine for this guy)- I had a glass of the grape-juice-like wine he offered and told him I really had to go - as we were sitting there he and my son resumed their conversation - it was about guns....my son was apparently asking my landlord to take him to a shooting range - and my landlord agreed....*sigh*...I told my son it was time to go unload the car and we left - my landlord gave me another hug (a little to tightly I thought but it was OK)...we left.

So we got home and my son started by telling me he knew I did not approve but he felt that he would eventually own a gun and the more he learned about them the more comfortable he'd be (my son had already been taught to shoot by my daughter's right-wing-very-christian-funadmentalist-kind-of-survivalist-but,
telling-themselves-they're-really-hunters-kind-of family
(but we all know it's more like can you say: 'Ruby Ridge', or 'Waco')....

I am trying realy hard to let him be his own man, I really am - so instead of trying to brow beat him into my way of looking at this I tried engaging him - I asked him why he felt he'd need a gun - he told me that he wanted to be able to protect his family and that he felt had every right to do so - he went on to say that if someone tried breaking into his house and they were stupid enough to keep going after he had cocked his shotgun that they then deserved to get their limbs blown off - he said 'I know you believe in love and peace, Mom but the rest of the world isn't buying what your generation was selling back then'...he told me he was not a violent person but he still felt he had a right bear arms to protect his family....

I tried telling him that I would never try to take away anyone's constitutional right to bear arms, however that I've lived in horrible neighborhoods, been involved in extremely dangerous situations and never had a gun - that I would never own a gun - I told him even now where I work the neighborhood is dicey at best and downright dangerous at the very least, that I often leave work (after teaching) when it's dark out and I walk alone to my car - he said he thought that was crazy - I told him I've even been approached - I told him I basically stood tall, looked the guy right in the eye and said 'just keep walking buddy' - he did - my son felt I was again either stupid or really lucky - I'll give him that - but no matter what I said about how the problem is bigger than him owning a gun, how we need to fix the neighborhoods and the poverty and the society that allows this desperation and crime to happen, I got nowhere - he asked me if I thought the government even cared about inner-city crime - I had to admit he was right - but I told him that if enough people tried hard enough that change would happen - I told him that you had to hold onto the hope that the world CAN be changed....he retorted that society is starting to unravel, fraying at the edges and that very soon it would come completely apart and then, it would be every man/woman for themselves and then he asked me: 'so what are you going to do then, mom, lock your doors and pray? Cause you know the government isn't going to protect you then and neither is your love and peace'...I merely looked at him and said 'Well I guess when my time to go comes, I'll go then - I am not so attached to this world Tony' again I got that look...the 'mom you're crazy' look...

What he said about society fraying at the edges sent chills down my spine....he's so young still...what kind of a world is left for him and for everyone that comes after him - it just seemed so futile, so sad....

I hugged him, told him I loved him, and went to bed and I cried a little....but not too much - not loud enough for him to hear me...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Cartoon Debate - The case for mocking religion. By Christopher Hitchens

Cartoon Debate - The case for mocking religion. By Christopher Hitchens

Got this (a bit late as usual on my part) via Shanti over at Dancing with Dogs...

I've always been a huge fan of Christopher Hitchens from back in the day when I used to subscribe to the magazine of, by, and for 'The Beautiful People',
Vanity Fair - of course they had some great hard-hitting articles and wonderful photography as well - but it just seemed so shallow of me to subscribe to that 'type' of magazine once I started really studying Yoga and became a teacher - I jsut felt it was in conflict with what I was doing and how I was trying to live my life - I would not mind subscribing again if I can bring myself to spend the money on such a luxury (it's eye candy really)....


Marketplace: Reining in the dotcoms

Marketplace: Reining in the dotcoms

Update on previous post (yesterday) talking about Yahoo's turning names/e-mail over to the CHinese government - for those interested....

NPR : 'While They're At War'

NPR : 'While They're At War'

I heard this the other night as I was driving home from Yoga class while listening to Fresh Air - it was a really well done piece and while I don't support our government's decision to be at war - I DO support the troops and their families as well as al those who have to go through the loss of a family member - it's tragic - but it's the consequence of war.

I pray for their safe return to their loved ones.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

*NOW* is the winter of our discontent

Or so it would seem...winter has arrived – just in time for spring


Snow – it’s been snowing a lot lately – outside and inside my head. I am still not feeling well – a head cold rages inside of me and I feel like I have wads of cotton balls glued together with rubber cement stuffed up my nose and sinus passages...UGH!

I really need more energy – I really need more rest…..but I need to rest to help get rid of this whatever-the-hell-it-is I have...I feel so drained – but it’s because I have not slept well in about a week because I can’t breathe...it’s awful...doctor’s appointment tout suite...(more on this later)


So the weekend was nice – except for me showing up to teach a class where once again none of the students showed to my studio – after talking with Scott, I’ve come to the decision that it would be best to pre-register people and make them pay in advance – I did not wish to do it this way but time is money – if I am going to be hindered by the fact that we have literally no foot traffic then the only thing that leave me to do is advertise and get people to pay for 4 classes or 6 classes up front - I am also at the point where I am feeling like this studio space is a waste of my time because I don’t have any foot traffic and therefore can’t draw from the community – word of mouth is all well and fine and good but it’s not working either and my budget for advertising is non-existent but I have to either advertise or network...

Saturday was spent with Liam and Sid – we were suppose to go out to Bounce (a local club) to celebrate Liam’s b-day (Happy Birthday sweetums!) – however I was feeling still so tired and drained and could not breathe that I knew I could not go to a club where people might be smoking – so we opted instead to stay in and eat pizza and watch movies.

We watched (in order of appearance):

'Big Eden' - which was sort of a gay version of 'Northern Exposure' meets a little bit of 'Twin Peaks' - entertaining and sweet...kind of bizarre too...

Then we watched 'Latter Days' - Sid I love you I really do - and while this movie was OK - I don't think it was that wonderful (like I said they just seemed to be trying too hard)(sorry)don't get me wrong I liked the message of the movie but still...and guys we need to have a hetero marathon one of these nights (just kiddin')...

Lastly (see image in post below) we watched Margaret Cho's 'Revolution'

I swear to Goddess there were times I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to choke up food...

She is amazing and I have apparently found a secret twin in her - I agreed with just about everything she said from politics to how to live your life....

For instance she was commenting on how certain things make her feel - and how she really gets incensed - like being an Asian-American and trying to deal with the stereotyping and our ignorance - and while I can not identify with that I absolutely identified with her reaction to when things make her outraged....



To that I say Bravo Ms. Cho

Because you see I am always (well not always but a lot of the time) - having to defend myself when I find myself wanting to tell people how rude they are in public - I've been told they aren't going to learn anything by me letting them know just what fucktards they are being - you know what I DON'T CARE IF THEY LEARN ANYTHING. As a matter fo fact they AREN'T going to learn anything we've already established the fact that they are ignorant fucktards - it does not mean that *I* am going to be 'Ms. Nice Girl' and shut the hell up to make *everyone else* comfy, because sometimes you CAN teach a fucktard....

Further I am sick to death of acting like I am a lesser person for being angry with the c*nt that helped destroy my marriage. I was in fact (the next morning) saying to Liam that if I do run into her at my work (or elsewhere), she's toast - and I mean bloody toast - I asked him if he understood why I felt that way and he totally did - I am not suggesting he approved. And I of course deplore violence but sometimes you just can't help letting your baser actions come through and I am tired of feeling like it's wrong or somehow making me a lesser person - seriously - because it isn't - the lesser people here are my ex - for cheating and her for breaking up a marriage - even though the little bitch claims to friends that we weren't married (she also claimed that I wrote to her and said things I *never* said - probably to keep the lie going and to save face to *her* friends) - oh yeah I get it - it's OK to break up any OTHER relationship huh? So explain why then you went on to destroy a *real* family??? And by the way my dear, the kids in THAT house are suffering now (no fridge, leaking roof in winter) because you stole their dad from their mom - way to go bitch - but *I* am somehow not suppose to stoop that low???? Uhm no...I don't think so....


OK so back to the doctor thingy....so here I am in my 40s and I think by now I know my own body - so you'd think (especialy considering where I work), that I could call up my doctor and get her to call in an RX for some antibiotics because I can feel what I have turning into an infection - I KNOW THIS (WHY?) BECAUSE IT'S *MY* BODY! - ya think???? Nope - I *have* to be seen - so today I had to leave work early just to go get seen (not even by my normal PCP) - to be told yes indeed I am right and get prescribed the antibiotics (by the time I got to the doctor's office I was running a low-grade fever - only proving my case) - all that time wasted, when all they had to do was call in a script. I don't get it - I am not a 'drug-seeker' and besides you can't get high off of antibiotics, and, I would rather do anything in the world besides take medicine but I know when something like this comes along if I don't 'nip it in the bud' it WILL progress into pneumonia - and I know a lot of people who are this intelligent - it just seems like such a waste of time, money (which yes indeedy folks, time is money), and man-power - I can tell you right now why the medcial system is fucked up in this country and how we can fix it but why bother - most people just plod along accepting everything and refuse themselves to GO THERE - perhaps they just aren't as outraged as me yet - perhaps they haven't connected with their inner Margaret Cho yet....


Finally, I was not trying to suggest in my recent post about 'Freedom' (of expression that is)- that what the Chinese government recently pulled isn't insane and a crime against humanity - if Yahoo and the other biggies like Google aren't going to back human rights then what should we (as supposed global citizens) do to help our brothers and sisters in China - of course those people are being de-humanized - all we seem to be able to do is sit back and watch - Google and Yahoo and MicroSoft are huge companies and all they seem to see is dollar signs - is it enough to get YOU (joe-blow consumer) out there to boycott them - to send your own message that you won't tolerate them doing business with a country that violates human rights?????? Do you think you have the gumption to do that? Are you angry enough to do that?

Tomorrow I will try to find the link to what I heard on NPR tonight (on 'Marketplace')where one commentator was talking about how companies like Yahoo and Google are upset that the government wants them to turn over information to help put an end to child porn - they are up in arms, squawking about how it's an 'invasion of people's privacy' - that the internet shouldn't be censored and never has - that is unless you are China asking Yahoo to give up the personal e-mails of your citizens that have been writing anti-communist-government stuff.....and then of course being Yahoo and seeing all those dollar signs, well you just HAVE to comply with the Chinese government...don't you?????



Good night kids.

I've seen the enemy - and it's moi.....

I've met my secret twin... Posted by Picasa

Don't fall for this scam....

Sent a while back via a certain Ms. Cool - thought it was an appropriate anti-Valentine message

*wicked grin*

 Posted by Picasa

IFILM - Video, Movies, Trailers, Music and Viral Videos

IFILM - Video, Movies, Trailers, Music and Viral Videos

Just for fun...Sid turned me onto this - if you haven't seen it yet check out the spoof version trailer for ''The Shining'

Hysterical stuff


I-Mockery.com | Valentine's Day cards for your loved ones! E-cards!

I-Mockery.com | Valentine's Day cards for your loved ones! E-cards!

From C2 - a sick and twisted Valentine's


Friday, February 10, 2006



I have a lot to write - a lot to say and this cold that I thought I was fending off seems to be back again - dambit - I am sitll working the Carnivale Story out in my head but I was going to start putting it up in bits and pieces - I am just too wiped out and really need to kick this cold in the ass...

Of course it dind't help that all this past week the old lady I work with that's suppose to be my help/support in the office decided once again she was too sick to come in (5 days in a frickin row!!!!! And so far just THIS year she's missed 10 days - she always calls off 5 days in a row - I just don't know how she gets away with it) I wish her and her grumpy ole Eyore ass would just retire....sorry it's just annoying as fuck....and it's not like she's really all that useful - she just needs to retire - she really does - I think the amount of work we do is simply too much for her to handle....

So...I have to get some rest so I can get up and teach a class and be bright-eyed and busy-tailed for Liam tomorrow - going out with im and Sid - fun, fun, fun

C2 - you should try and join us if you get this before tomorrow nite - think we'll be 'Bouncing' - you can always call me


The ice is thin come on dive in
Underneath my lucid skin
The cold is lost, forgotten
Hours pass days pass time stands still
Light gets dark and darkness fills
My secret heart forbidden...

I think you worried for me then
The subtle ways that i'd give in but i know
You liked the show
Tied down to this bed of shame
You tried to move around the pain but oh
Your soul is anchored

The only comfort is the moving of the river
You enter into me, a lie upon your lips
Offer what you can, i'll take all that i can get
Only a fool's here...

I don't like your tragic sighs
As if your god has passed you by well hey fool
That's your deception
Your angels speak with jilted tongues
The serpent's tale has come undone you have no
Strength to squander

The only comfort is the moving of the river
You enter into me, a lie upon your lips
Offer what you can, i'll take all that i can get
Only a fool's here to stay
Only a fool's here to stay
Only a fool's here...

Artist: Sarah McLachlan
Album: Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
Title: Ice

Judge Tosses Case of Atheist Vs. Priest - Yahoo! News

Judge Tosses Case of Atheist Vs. Priest

This is an update from a previous post - OK who DIDN'T see this one coming????

'Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose'

...and what I ask is what do we have to lose here? With the recent upheaval going on over blasphemous cartoons that have everyone’s panties in a bunch and Yahoo agreeing and Google (possibly) having to acquiesce to China’s censorship demands – I thought I’d say a few things – not that they matter – not that anyone really cares….but that’s not why I do things anyway…

First of all the censorship being practiced by Chinese authorities towards their citizenry has actually impacted me personally (hard to believe – frankly if we all want to get right down to it – globally it impacts us all ).

You see I am a huge Margaret Atwood Fan – I own just about everything she’s ever written give or take a couple of things – I adore her – worship her – I think her writing is as close as one can get to perfect (my opinion) – whenever I read her I feel like I am drowning in her words and to me that is like bliss.

So obviously I have links on my blog and I belong to a Yahoo group of her readers – however the group has been removed and here’s the e-mail I got from the group owner:

“Because of Yahoo's betrayal of Chinese journalist Shi Tao to the
Chinese government which resulted in his being imprisoned for ten
years, i have decided to delete all Yahoo groups i host, including the
Margaret Atwood Readers group, and cease all my interactions with
Yahoo. (Shi Tao's crime was anonymously posting the truth about the
Chinese government.) In addition Yahoo along with AOL and Microsoft
have also all decided to provide information illegally requested by
the U.S. government on searches conducted in the U.S. by U.S.
citizens. Google is fighting this action right now in court.

Please let me know what you think about this. (If this feels
threatening i understand. Please do not respond in that case.) If
there is enough interest i will find an alterative site to host this
group. I shall not delete this group for at least a week, no sooner
than February 4th.

You can get more information about Yahoo's betrayals, and other
betrayals here:


My apologies to all readers of this group, including the Chinese
readers here. I have considered the options, and have decided i can
no longer support Yahoo in any way.”

I of course wrote him a letter of support and I am sad to see the group disperse. I will tell you while I was happy to be a member of this group I was not what you called a rabid member – I did participate and I enjoyed reading the other members comments and discussions – but me being as busy as I am, I could not always participate and I of course can not offer to take over moderation of the group. So I suppose I will have to find another way to discuss her books – perhaps here on my blog.

So even though it’s in a very small way, this issue has impacted me and I of course am perturbed by the deeper ramifications of what the Chinese government is trying to do to their own people. However I have a question for you all and this has to do not just with the Chinese Government but with the recent events surrounding the printing of comics depicting Mohammed in the Danish press and all of our posturing as a supposedly ‘free’ country:


Seriously. Think about it – this boils down to freedom of expression – but it also has to do with how a government or a religious faction runs their shows in their own countries. We take freedom for granted in this country (well we always have which is why I get so incensed when people DON’T VOTE – but perhaps with our government now being able to just spy on us without warrants or a really good reason perhaps those of you out there who are true freedom-fighters will see that our own freedoms are slowly being stripped away all in the name of protecting us against ‘perceived’ terrorists – not to mention their torture (yes I said torture) of the people in Guantanamo, in Abu Ghraib as well as in other ‘secret’ prisons – in a way what I am trying to say here is how is our own government really any different?)...

So now the US and Europe are facing the dilemma of what to do in a situation where you have a free society dealing with a society where there is no freedom of speech or expression – what to do? What to do?

What can we do? We can’t exactly force China and/or members of Islamic nations to do what we do in our own countries. They have STATE SPONSORED news/TV/radio etc – I mean c’mon, again what do we expect. It’s kind of like the dangerous game we are playing with Iran – again – do we have a right to mandate whether or not another country has a right to use nuclear power or even nuclear weapons? I mean I understand that letting an insane person run a country is a dangerous thing – but it happens every day – and a lot of times in the past the US has been responsible for putting those regimes into place – we again do this to ourselves all the time and then a new President steps up to the plate and we’ve got him trying to settle some vendetta for his daddy...and for what???

And has it occurred to any of you that in a way in this country we too have censorship going on - do you REALLY feel you are allowed to REALLY speak out – do you really feel your government is giving you every single fucking fact or piece of knowledge that they have in their possession (ya think? Really?) – how many of you out there feel there is REAL freedom in this country? Now perhaps in Europe it’s different – I don’t know – but conspiracy theory aside I DO know I don’t trust my *own* government. And I don’t feel they are being honest about oh gee just about everything these days – I mean c’mon look at all the scandals of this administration.

So are we ourselves really free? Oh sure the KKK is allowed to have their own marches and TV shows but yet Gays aren’t allowed to be recognized as legal co-partners – I have to say I am a little more worried about the KKK or white supremacists marching on a town than I am of gay people getting married. Some of you might think it’s apples to oranges but it’s not – rights are rights are rights. If we are going to claim to live in a totally free society then not only do we have to allow our citizens the rights to do as they please (without harming others – and again I want to say here that I think the KKK has harmed more people than any gay group I am aware of – not to pick on the KKK or anything it’s just something about those blasted church burnings – ooops sorry)- but not only do we have to allow our citizens those freedoms and rights – we have also be willing to step aside and allow other countries to govern themselves - I mean sure if ALL the countries in Europe are going to back up EVERYTHING we believe in that's one thing, but there are enough Chinese to overthrow their own government aren’t there? AREN’T THERE? Shouldn’t we let them do that on their own? And the same holds true of Islamic regimes - if learned, sane people get sick enough about what’s happening they will affect change – but that’s for THEM to decide – all we can try to do is be proactive – protect ourselves from harm as best we can (within reason) and let the chips fall where they may. While I’d like to say that I am going to completely boycott Yahoo – it’s a hard thing to do – I could switch everything over to G-mail but then what about Google??? I mean it’s tainting everything – it’s kind of hard to completely cut yourself off from the information age just to make a point that probably will go unnoticed – will I sleep better at night knowing I made a stand against tyranny – doubtful since I am not sure how to make a stance against it on my own soil...but I can try – I can certainly try – and how I try – is by writing what I just wrote – by ranting on this blog – by ‘screaming into a vacuum’ as C2 puts it – does it make any difference – I’d like to hope so – but in the end all we can do is what we can do.

I do know this much – if we are going to point our Uncle Sam fingers at other countries then we’d better make sure our own record is as clean as the driven snow and while this has nothing to do with my rant here – charity people, begins at home – all the money we are spending on and in other countries to keep them ‘democratic’ and assured that they are on ‘our side’ and able to enjoy apple pie and truth, justice and the AMERICAN WAY – could be well spent on the homeless and on our children’s education...

Thursday, February 09, 2006

NPR : KT Tunstall: Greater Than the Sum of Her Sounds

NPR : KT Tunstall: Greater Than the Sum of Her Sounds

Take a listen...this chick rocks....great voice!

(...and of course I've been meaning to listen to her for a while now....somebody really needs to kick me or alert me to these artists...feel free to leave (or e-mail me) your music recommendations - seriously, they're appreciated).


C -

Woman's age no excuse, judge says

Woman's age no excuse, judge says

OK....so this young woman asks the court/judge for leniency....uhm OK - she stabbed her newborn in the heart, she weighed the body down with rocks and dumped her baby - her child in a body of water...

Leniency????? I don't think so sweetie - in fact I think you should be sterilized.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Danish paper refused "offensive" Jesus cartoons

Defending your life....

You know I keep having neat things happen to me and I keep meeting interesting people...having really great conversations – surprising and pleasant chance encounters – part of me does not believe in ‘chance’ meetings…

You would think I’d be gun shy (I am when it comes to dating I think) about when I first meet people – but I am not – I don’t hide behind pretense – I actually say what I am thinking and blurt things out – I don’t know why.

Likewise I wonder if when I meet and chat with people on line if the anonymity of the internet is what gives people bravado and you end up saying things to them or sharing things with them that you’d never ordinarily open up about...

I am more than willing to share the sordid details about the breakup of my marriage and my agony with total strangers – I wonder if that makes me crazy – all this introspective musing, put on display for the whole world to see – not that anyone is particularly interested in my mundane life (although I’d like to think they are).

I find myself sometimes rambling on about why I made the choices I made or why I fell in love with him, or why I still feel love for him despite what he’s done.

I wrote about this early on – this sense that I was suppose to somehow stick by him – because I had taken a vow to be with him no matter what. I seem to want to beat myself up over my failed marriage (a lot). I seem to feel the need to justify, to defend, what I’ve done. I don’t know why. Yes I understand that he was responsible for his actions – we are ALL ultimately responsible for our actions. But can you really trust the actions of someone who is mentally ill? Should they be blamed for their sickness or the fallout that comes from it? Are they to never be loved by a ‘saner’ individual? If the person who does fall in love with them knows that they are sick – should that person not stick with them despite their illness and all the upheaval that comes from said illness. So in other words do those vows mean anything??? I’ve written about this and lamented about this for a long time – asking the universe for some glint of an answer to help me figure out what the best course of action was. For instance he put me at risk with his irresponsible behavior. Now let’s say instead of him going out and having affairs and meeting up or trying to hook up with people on the internet he had instead done things to make him lose his job – which I am sure he had done to some extent – is that grounds for divorce?? When we say the words: ‘For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health’ should we be advised to insert a conditional phrase like ‘That is unless he/she puts me in harms way’? And is that love? Is that unconditional love? Don’t we always put ourselves a bit at risk when we fall in love? If we are lucky then the problems rear their respective ugly heads BEFORE vows are exchanged – but what if vows are exchanged? And what if the person marrying is fully aware of their loved ones failings/frailties – does that somehow make it different? Is it wrong to divorce a person because their mental illness causes them to behave in ways that are detrimental to a lasting and healthy relationship?

You know - during the times we were going through various phases in his illness together, there wasn’t much help for us as a couple – oh sure there’s couples counseling but it’s hard to counsel one sane person and one insane person simultaneously who are together trying to forge a bond. Do psychologists expect people who are mentally ill to never fall in love? If they do fall in love and (more importantly) someone from the ‘outside’ falls in love with them what advice do they have for the sane partner? Deal with it? Just be careful? Know your limitations? I mean I guess I’ve always been confused by all of this. Early on in our relationship I spent much time and effort on trying to get him help – I called people, I cried, I cajoled, I did everything in my power to try to get him the help and the meds he needed and we were only dating then...he became stable – we got married – he went off his meds and all of a sudden OUR lives fell apart – not just HIS life – MY life, as well as OUR COLLECTIVE lives spun out of control – I guess by this time after a decade of trying to keep it all together plus raise my kids, I was just completely tired of all the bullshit, no support; not from a psychological standpoint, nor from a societal standpoint, nor from a family and friend standpoint (I mean his parents were less than useless and after a while what the fuck can your friends really say?). And it’s not like I didn’t participate in the madness… I am going to say something here that may be very well viewed as ‘crazy’ but dealing with people who are depressed (especially in a manic sort of way) – causes depression in their mates – in other words – craziness is contagious – I fed into his psychoses – why? Because I didn’t know what to do – he’d be ranting or depressed or whatever form it took and it was all I could do to tread water – I was drowning in it…and it’s not that I didn’t love him – it pained me to see him suffer – I just didn’t know how to help and I of course could totally empathise when he’d say – I don’t like that counselor they are just not helping me – well sure if you are LYING to yourself as well as everyone around you (including the professional paid to help you) then you’re not going to get any better – but again if being delusional is a part of your illness then how are you suppose to stop that on your own?? I was fearful to have him committed because I had heard horror stories (from close friends) about how sometimes you can’t get the people back out of the institution – so I was lost so totally lost...

And now, I am ‘out of it’, I can see the forest through the trees and it does not make it any better or more tolerable or somehow ‘right’ it’s still a tragedy – it still keeps me up at times at night – it’s still sad – it’s sad anytime someone you love is ill and your are helpless against it – I wish I could help without helping (if that makes any sense) - send in some kind of proxy to help get him on his feet ‘cause he’s drowning in this all by himself now – no medical care, no meds, no nothing and jobless – the next step will be homelessness if something does not change…is that my problem? Many of you would say no to that question - so I will ask another age old question – Am I my brother’s keeper? It’s hard to be compassionate and detached at the same time isn’t it?

(And no, for those of you concerned this does not mean I am going to run back into a burning house to save someone who is in essence beyond saving.)

Do YOU have the RIGHT answer?????? Just curious...