Saturday, July 30, 2005

Beauty in the details

(Picture courtesy of Mr. C)
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Friday, July 29, 2005

'Beautiful' Web site is only skin deep

'Beautiful' Web site is only skin deep - Yahoo! News

I was going to comment about the new show on ABC ('Hooking Up') but I wanted to give it just one more week.

This article made me kind of rethink that - but you all know I am going to have an ongoing social commentary/rant about dating and trying to 'hook up' myself. It's part of the programming here on 'Colette's Grave'.

What the TV show appears to be, to me at least, is nothing more than 'beautiful' or at least 'pretty-enough-for-tv' people who are successful, in their early 30s or late 20s - trying to find Mr. (mainly) or Mrs. 'Right'. Unless I am missing somehting there are no single moms/dads, or women in their 40s - which blows. I want to see a realistic scenario played out (but hey what am I thinking, it's TV land!)

Also some of the show has caught some (but not much) of my interest in the personality/psychology aspects involved; (two of the women who do appeal to me - (the artist and the young Black woman who owns her own business), because these two seem to at least be trying to stay true to themselves) - but all in all it's just fluff; beautiful people - looking for more beautiful people so they can make more beautiful people so they can then get divorced and create ugliness all the way around.....

But this new web-site apparently is right up front about the fact that you have to BE BEAUTIFUL to join the clique. Ah high school revisted....

No thanks....

Thursday, July 28, 2005 - Best of worst writing is recognized - Jul 28, 2005 - Best of worst writing is recognized - Jul 28, 2005


So perhaps my writing's not THAT bad after all...


Where DOES he get those marvelous toys?

OK. So today I am irritable and tired; Cranky and lackluster. But before I get into what’s irritating me let me tell you about the ‘Dizzy’ doctor.

As most of you can tell (from the way I am on here or even knowing me personally), I don’t suffer fools gladly. I don’t like being condescended to – I have issues with people who think they are better due to their education, breeding or money….or, when it comes to medicine, because they have their name embroidered on their coats…

Yesterday my world was turned upside down…literally. I went to see the ‘dizzy’ doctor here at work. He specializes in dealing with Vertigo.

I went for my appointment. Usually a nurse walks you to the examining room – he came to the lobby himself to get me. I had been filling out a questionnaire for the visit but he got me before I could finish.

We sat down to talk and he began to ask me questions – I was too vague for him and he got kind of snippy with me. I was not feeling myself and I got snippy back. He finally said to me “Look, I am not your typical doctor, I am an engineer first, a doctor second. In order to ‘fix’ your problem you need to tell me EXACTLY what is going on so that I can fix your problem.” He went on to then ask me about my Yoga teaching, made a comment about the OM symbol I wear around my neck and told me he was not your typical ‘white coat/western medicine kind of guy (being of Indian descent and all) and this all put me at ease with him – soon we were *really* talking to each other.

He gave me a neurological exam and made comments about some balance issues but I reminded him I was still feeling ‘off center’. He then told me I had BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) and that basically what happens is the ‘crystals’ in our ears get knocked loose somehow (via trauma, viruses etc.) and wreak havoc with our sense of balance – entirely curable – but also that I would be prone to episodes of this throughout my life and I really was not ‘so young’ to have this, (he has a patient that is 8 YEARS OLD! (poor kid)) – also he was going to give me a way to help myself when this occurs again. Yipee!

Finally he took me into a room where he put headgear on me - very reminiscent of Jean Luc Picard from the ‘Cyborg’ episodes of Star Trek , Next Generation. He explained that he was going to make me dizzy and I had to listen to everything he said and do everything he told me to do. In this short amount of time I had to completely trust this guy...not something I was prepared for but somehow he made it easy. We had to hold on to each other (I had to actually cling to him) and he began to spin me around to make me dizzy. He kept chastising me to ‘open your eyes!, Colleen’ – because when you get dizzy all you want to do is close your eyes. As he made me dizzy and forced me to look at the little pinpoint of light inside the ‘helmet’ he kept saying – ‘We can fix this, (he’d chuckle) – We have the technology’ he then stopped everything, made some calculations and spun me around in a different way. Then he told me we were finished and said: "I think we fixed you” –he then proceeded trying to make me dizzy again but did not....


However, now, for the next 48 hours, I have to remain upright. No sleeping flat, sleep upright. So last night I did and well - I basically did not sleep. Tonight will be the same.

So now I am cranky and irritable and wanting to take naps and yell at people for bothering me at work (even though it’s my job) – this morning as I tried being awake enough to drive to work I was ranting at the idiots on the highway. As I got in the elevator to go up to the 11th flooor I wanted to yell at the 250 pound woman who got off only 1 floor up why she didn’t just take the stairs – maybe THEN she’d lose weight...

*sigh* mean, very mean, Colette...

If this goes away I will be thrilled and much less cranky (LOL) well hope DOES spring eternal, eh?

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Tracings of memories

Trying to figure out meaning/reasons why it is so important


It is a street. Like any other, only HE lives here now. Amidst the constant barrage of noise, crime, poverty, prostitutes, dilapidated buildings and used-up people..

He does not wonder how he got here. It's all tied up with his desires; a seemingly endless stream of them that he can't or won't control.

First came the girl, then the couples and then finally, the men. But, it was the girl that was the undoing of 'HIM'. It all swirls in his head and becomes a blur - he's hurt people because of this, people he held dear at one time. His marriage fell victim and all of his best intentions could not keep it from falling apart.

He can almost catch a glimpse of the monster - out of the corner of his mind's eye - it taunts him.


Do we drink to remember, or, drink to forget,
or do we drink to drown our sorrows,
knowing...the tears we do cry...
traces of memories, will never really
wash our souls clean.

He pines for her, but she
has left his orbit now...
I long for someone whose heart
belongs to another - far away.

He gives me a soundtrack
to his longing, hoping, maybe
I'll grow into HER somehow...
or perhaps the secrets
hidden in our hearts are just
too much to bear, so
we only share them with
the dangerous ones...

I will transpose the songs
for you, out of my longing,
and hope, maybe this
will bring you to me.

Because I am willing to
give up - to not insist,
will I never have you?
If I never give up,
If I won't take no
for an answer, will I
finally break your resolve?
or bend you to my will?
What would be left then
of you? of me? of us?

I will take the songs
of longing from him,
about her, his memories
are secrets only he holds...
and I will give them to you -
purging myself of his sins,
that are a brand of fire
around my heart, and the
memories I create,
will linger in you
so that when
I finally do leave,
the memories will be the
tracings of MY tears

Mundane life…blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda, yadda

So today I go to see the specialist for vertigo. I hear what they do is put you on a tilt table and spin you around - yeah OK cool, just what I need at 8:00 AM in the morn...

I am so out of sorts. Still dizzy (despite the auburn hair - that's a joke kids)...

I had a nightmare last nite. I dreamt that I had some unexplained problems (the vertigo?? not sure) and I had to have surgery and they cut off my baby toe and part of my leg. It was one of the wierdest 'horror' dreams I have ever had - especially since I was awake for the surgery. There was a LOT of blood. It was just absolutely surreal and scary because no one would listen to me. I am not sure what it means lack of faith in the medical professionals? Worry about my problem? a hint at vascular problems? Perhaps it's because I can't fit my feet into those silly pointy-toed shoes that women find so irresistible. LOL

Geez...I don't know. I just know I could not wake up from this dream soon enough...

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 - Heat wave brings misery to much of U.S. - Jul 26, 2005 - Heat wave brings misery to much of U.S. - Jul 26, 2005

But seriously folks.....there's no such thing as global warming.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Please make it stop....PLEASE

Main Entry: ver·ti·go
Pronunciation: 'v&r-ti-"gO
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -goes or -gos
Etymology: Latin vertigin-, vertigo, from vertere to turn
1 a : a disordered state in which the individual or the individual's surroundings seem to whirl dizzily b : a dizzy confused state of mind
2 : disordered vertiginous movement as a symptom of disease in lower animals; also : a disease (as gid) causing this

Goddess help me....please...

Yesireebob - this is what I have officially been 'diagnosed' with. You have no idea how bad this is - or how terrifying this is...I have to laugh because when I was little one of my favourite things to do was spin around and around and around until the room began to spin around me - but now I am a grown up and without the buzz of alcohol my body is doing this to me at times and there's no warning and no control and I just want it to stop. Seriously.

The treatment: Sleep!!!! or pills to make you sleep. I just can't do this.

We are trying to figure out the underlying causes and figure out some other options/plan of treatment because if I have to be on pills to make you sleepy all the time I just can't live that way...

I've asked before - I will ask again....

Keep me in your prayers...

Love to all


EDIT (from dear Mr. C): Vertigo is not a disease but a symptom: dizziness, a sensation that things around a person are moving, a seasick-type of feeling, different from fainting in that a person doesn't actually pass out. Behind the symptom, there can be serious problems. Go herefor more info

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Coming full circle

Despite the fact that for the past 3 days I had been down (literally) with vertigo (UGH!!!!) - I went to see Mr. Arlo Guthrie perform at Cain Park - a wonderful venue in Cleveland Hts., OH.

Arlo - looking every bit his age - was surprisingly coherent and faithful to his music. Backed by an incredible group of young musicians as well as Gordon Titcomb - the evening was superb. It was also sad and bitter-sweet. It seemed to be 'sing along with Arlo'; much like what I would imagine sing along with Woody would have been in his heyday. Arlo was witty funny and sharp. His anti-war sentiment has become part of his DNA and his simple message of it takes only *ONE* person to make a change could not have been more clear. I don't care whether you are an old hippie or not - this man has done more in his life to promote the idea of peace and just co-existing in harmony, than any musician I know. Perhaps you've never been to one of his concerts and for that I am truly sad....

If you ever get a chance (especially this year - the 40th Anniversay of Alice's Restaurant), then by all means - do everything in your power (short of getting arrested for dumping garbage ^_^) to go see the wonderful, magical, Mr. Arlo Guthrie; if not for any other reason than this:(cue music) 'You can (STILL) get ANYTHING that you want at Alice's Restaurant!'
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What an evening! Posted by Picasa

Got this poster Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 20, 2005



From Mr. Hess...

La Vie en Rose

Thinking...dreaming...not sure what to do with all this feeling...

I am at once happy/sad/confused *laughs* gee some would say perhaps Colette is falling…

I AM – I am falling from such a great height and at such a speed I can hardly contain it...nor know what to do – other than look pretty as I swan dive headlong into my fate – ah but is it fate?

What happens to us when we begin to allow our emotions to enter into what is usually a logical, down-to-earth-day-to-day existence? I have always struggled to stay centered. In the eye of the storm I try to be the one who breathes, the one who keeps a cool head. (I was the one who remained calm when my little brother fell and cut his shin so bad you could see the bone, I was the one who when mom died tried so hard to hold everything together.)

I came to the realization many years ago that control is an illusion. We kid ourselves when we think we can try to control the things that happen to us – all we ever end up being able to control are our reactions and our own actions.

But where does this come into play when feelings of intensity are concerned (like love/attraction) – this is where, especially lately, my brain seems to short circuit; questioning, second-guessing and not quite knowing if what I feel is real, imagined or just wishful thinking on my part...

So on and on I go, round and round, and where it stops who knows for sure – it’s anyone’s guess. I don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel but then I feel that I am spinning to fast to see anything...I just don’t want to get so caught up and so dizzy that I lose all perspective. Is there perspective in love? Or does that take all the magic out of it?


Artist: Bette Midler
Album: Broken Blossom
Title: La Vie En Rose

Hold me close and hold me fast.
This magic spell you cast;
This is la vie en rose.

When you kiss me, heaven sighs.
And though i close my eyes
I see la vie en rose.

When you press me to your heart,
I'm in a world apart.
A world where roses bloom.

And when you speak,
Angels fly from above.
Everyday words seem to turn
Into love songs.

Give your heart and soul to me.
Babe, it's gonna be
La vie en rose.

Mmm, when you press me to your heart,
I'm in a world apart.
A world where roses bloom.

And when you speak,
Angels fly from above.
Everyday words seem to turn
Into love songs.

Give your heart, your soul to me.
Babe, it's gonna be
La vie en rose.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Love WILL tear us apart....

To you, darling - you know what I am saying here....

I can barely take this anymore....


Artist: Joy Division
Album: Permanent
Title: Love Will Tear Us Apart

when the routine bites hard
And ambitions are low
And the resentment rides high
But emotions won't grow
And we're changing our ways,
Taking different roads
Then love, love will tear us apart again

Why is the bedroom so cold
Turned away on your side?
Is my timing that flawed,
Our respect run so dry?
Yet there's still this appeal
That we've kept through our lives
Love, love will tear us apart again

Do you cry out in your sleep
All my failings expose?
Get a taste in my mouth
As desperation takes hold
Is it something so good
Just can't function no more?
When love, love will tear us apart again

Artist: U2
Album: Achtung Baby
Title: Love Is Blindness

Love is blindness
I don't wanna see
Won't you wrap the night
Around me?
Oh my heart
Love is blindness

In a parked car
In a crowded street
You see your love
Made complete
Thread is ripping
The knot is slipping
Love is blindness

Love is clockworks
And cold steel
Fingers too numb to feel
Squeeze the handle
Blow out the candle
Love is blindness

Love is blindness
I don't want to see
Won't you wrap the night
Around me?
Oh my love

A little death
Without mourning
No call
And no warning
Baby, a dangerous idea
That almost makes sense

Love is drowning
In a deep well
All the secrets
And no one to tell
Take the money

Love is blindness
I don't want to see
Won't you wrap the night
Around me?
Oh my love


yummy Posted by Picasa

yeah... Posted by Picasa

See what I mean?? Posted by Picasa - Colin Farrell tries to stop sex tape - Colin Farrell tries to stop sex tape - July 19, 2005

Oh come on Colin!!!!

Did it hurt Paris Hilton????

(I mean we all know you aren't some mindless, blonde bimbo - just a rowdy Irish lad with a wee urge for a pint now and then and an incredible body and looks that won't quit).

Be nice luv, give us a peek.



Utah Parents of Boy With Cancer Sue State

Utah Parents of Boy With Cancer Sue State

....OK so it's things ilke this that have me in an uproar.

Just like the message of the movie 'Million Dollar Baby' - the ONLY people with the right to decide what is best for THEM (baring any mental insufficiencies) - is THAT person; if it's a minor it would then fall on the parents or guardians....

How dare the state make a decision or take away the right of these parents to make a decision for their child. I hate to tell people this but guess what - doctors are wrong sometimes....that's right - last time I checked they make mistakes - it's called being's why they PRACTICE medicine.

What if *I* don't want chemo? Am I going to be forced to have it? Likewise, what if *I* don't want to live anymore if I know I am going to die, am I going to be forced to stay alive?

Wanna make a bet? No I won't. And no one is going to force me to do otherwise, because I have something called a brain, AND free will AND the ability to make a decision on my own. And if that decision is flawed by my 'emotional' state - too friggin' bad.

Look I understand there are abusive parents out there and I understand in some situations exist where the state DOES have to intervene - but in most cases, where a loving, functioning parent in involved, that's not the case. This young boy is now HEALTHY. Can you imagine what would have happened had the parents agreed to the treatment?

What is it with us as humans that we THINK we have the right to force others to 'hang in there' even when they don't want to? Even when it might be in their best interests to not do so? Even when ALTERNATIVE therapies can be just as (if not more effective)???

I think we are selfish and incredibly stupid to think that we have a right to determine the way another person lives, loves and finally dies.... as long as what they are doing is not harmful to any other human being or does not pose a threat to another human (and I don't mean kids losing their parents - kids lose their parents everyday - and vice versa)...the short answer is that we don't.

Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Mother of a Nature

I got home tonight after having to run around to buy - yes you guessed it - more crap (and no Jeff I did not go to WallMart) - I hate shopping for wedding/shower gifts - I really do - it makes me sad anymore....

At any rate - as I got home it looked like it wanted to rain - but yet the remnants of the sunset were still visible over the horizon of Lake Erie. A beautiful sky...and then it happened...

I felt just like I was in that storm scene from the 'Wizard of Oz' - the sky turned literally black in just seconds, the wind began whipping up and crap started flying through the air. The clouds rolled in across the the colbalt blue/black of lake Erie and I could see all the white caps on the was breathless - more breathless than any kiss (I won't say sex; and, since I think kissing is one of the sexiest things you can do - if done properly - that's saying a lot) was amazing, brutal, mesmerizing and I wanted to stay out in it all nite. The only thing I can think of to compare to this was the time I was actually out on a break wall in Galveston, Texas watching a hurricaine come in from the Gulf of Mexico.

Nature is a mother-fucker and she's not taking any prisoners and I SO want to be like her....a force to be reckoned with - but then that's bitchy and edgy it isn't really in keeping with that Yoga image - but I guess we all have our dark sides...

Off to listen to the rain....

Good night my sweets...

A funny thing happened...

...on my way to tyring to find out if I am interested in someone else...

I met someone else!!! Well not really. And I don't like to kiss and tell...but I have to say I am going to post this little ditty I got only because it has to be the best line I have ever heard (and by line I don't mean I got offended by it - like: 'What's your sign", or 'Do you come here often?') No, I mean 'line' as in it had me really laughing and in order to win my heart you have to have a great sense of humour (amongst other things).

Now grant it I am out of practice with this crap (yes dahlinks even though I've been trying for what seems like an eternity to figure out dating ...AGAIN!)

But I had to post this one - and if this guy's letters are anything like the 'real' him - well let's just say I may put aside some 'perceived' differences and investigate further...

"Dear Colette,

I still so need to meet you.

I'll even get married so I can divorce my wife. THAT'S how much you get to me."

Some things cross my mind:

1) IS he married?
2) Is he for REAL? and,
3) I wonder if he says this to ALL the girls he wants to meet....

But again that's just me being gun shy and I need to learn how to breathe when it comes to this shit. To take my own advice I've been giving my students for years now and RELAX! I need, in essence, to learn how to fly again....and not be afraid of falling...

For my son

My son is out on what seems ot be an 'official date' this evening. He and a girl (whom he has known since junior high), are seeing a movie (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) and then off to a cozy little Italian restaurant for dinner. I adore my son....and, (Goddess help me), I like this young woman. Although I think in many ways she is light years ahead of him and it has me a tad worried. (I can also do without her midnight phone calls and her 'breathy' little voice I kind of want to yell at her to save the breathy/sexy voice for my son, but I've thought better of doing so). I suppose there is nothing you can do when your son falls for a gorgeous, intelligent young woman - if his heart's going to be broken it's all part of this thing we fondly call life....

So here's to you my son - you always thought this song was corny but it sums up everything a mother wants to say and sometimes can't (or isn't allowed to...)


Mama told me when I was young
Come sit beside me, my only son
And listen closely to what i say.
And if you do this
It will help you some sunny day.

Take your time... don't live too fast,
Troubles will come and they will pass.
Go find a woman and you'll find love,
And don't forget son,
There is someone up above.

And be a simple kind of man.
Be something you love and understand.
Be a simple kind of man.
Won't you do this for me son,
If you can...

Forget your lust for the rich man's gold
All that you need is in your soul,
And you can do this if you try.
All that i want for you my son,
Is to be satisfied.

And be a simple kind of man.
Be something you love and understand.
Be a simple kind of man.
Won't you do this for me son,
If you can...

Boy, don't you worry... you'll find yourself.
Follow you heart and nothing else.
And you can do this if you try.
All i want for you my son,
Is to be satisfied.

And be a simple kind of man.
Be something you love and understand.
Be a simple kind of man.
Won't you do this for me son,
If you can...

Artist: Lynyrd Skynyrd
Album: Legend
Title: Simple Man

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Sex...and the (well kind of)

This is a sorta/kinda dating (but not dating rant) - I mean WTF????

This morning while I was on-line checking my e-mail before I had to head out I sometimes sign onto Yahoo Chat - now keep in mind I have the profile on Yahoo attached to this blog (and really only close friends and the people who read this blog know *that* Yahoo ID) and then I have another ID which I use for things like Yoga business stuff and 'dating'.

So I 'logged on' line under the 'dating' profile and there is an IM msg from someone letting me know that they think I have a nice profile. Past experience has taught me that I should not answer these without checking the other person out first but it was pretty innocuous and I thought I typed something to the effect of 'thanks I will have to check out your profile as well'

The next thing I know this guy starts IM-ing me (and just so you know a lot of time I am 'invisible' on line) - but he must have sensed I was on line since I had just answered his he starts off by asking me how I am - I reply OK - he then launches into this spiel about how he is a member of one of the tribes that is going to build the casino here in Cleveland (uhm yeah OK buddy) and to impress me even more he let's me know he did 'Yoga' with Billy Banks (of Tae Bo fame) - I have no idea why this guy thought I would be impressed with either of those supposed 'facts' - I am not - dropping names makes me feel kind of ill - I've met famous people too - I've hung out with them (like Bob Dylan - LOL - now THERE'S a NAME to drop) and frankly I don't care - I really don't - people are just people. Yes some are coller than others and for all I know Mr. Banks is a nice guy (and probably has a great Yoga butt to boot)...but...I DON'T CARE! This guy just kept trying to IM me so finally I had to put him on ignore. I felt bad - for about a nanosecond....then reality kicked in...I mean WHAT THE FUCK!!!

What IS the matter with you guys??????!!!!????? What makes you think women care about that stuff - especially if you look at *MY* profile - I get so much dating crap from lame-ass weirdos that I am really beginning to wonder if somehow the stuf I ACTUALLY posted for my dating profile is some secret code meaning the exact polar oppostie of what I said: 'I read, I like culture, I like intelligence and brains mean more to me than looks OR name-dropping'.


I need to have a couple of good dates in a row with somebody to clear all the cobwebs out....

"Virgil - hand me my 12-gauge"

Perhaps the residents of Kentucky would rather have THIS smiley on their license plates...


 Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Million Dollar politics....

I saw this tonight - with 3 of my best buds (Liam, Sid and Swa - edit: and how could I forget Liam's comment while we were watching the Olivia Newton John re-mnake of 'I honestly Love You' where she's standing on the pier waiting for the ship to come in and her beau (who seems to be a member of the Coast Guard), puts a hat on her head and Liam in his best 'Stuey' voice from Family Guy says: "Here's a hat, thanks for the blow jobs" OH! MY GOD!!!! Goddess how I love you guys!!!)

Yes, finally after all the 'buzz' I saw this movie...(although I kind of knew what was coming) eyes are still stinging from the salt of my tears and feeling like I *myself* was punched.

The performances deserved every single nomination and award received. The writing/screenplay was superb. But, (and it's a big but)I could have done without having the political/moral/ethical ramifications knock me out with it's sneakly little 1-2 punch right to my heart and gut.

I want to say more. I want to engage in debate about how I feel about this issue but not tonight. I am tired. I need some rest and we can discuss later. However, if you have yet to see this go rent!

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Friday, July 15, 2005


…of conversations...about the subject near and dear to my heart…love/not and not having a clue.

Some stuff happened to me and it threw me way off kilter. I was talking to my friend...this is the 'friend' that I seem to want to be more than friends with and together I think we confronted some of the ‘feelings’ between us – how hard it is to stay ‘just’ friends’ when there’s an attraction between you a ‘spark’ but since he is ‘taken’ I don’t want him to cross lines he should not cross...

These are just snippets from those conversations (via e-mail between each other) All of this came in the context of me asking him if there was a 'moment' between us (because of what has happened to me in the past I sometimes can’t even read my own instincts and I want to make sure I am not ‘imagining’ things) and the relationship between us is so honest that I can actually ask him such things and not feel embarrassed or awkward.

Me: "*laughs* so there WAS a moment - I just want to make sure my signals aren't gone completely - see that's what I was trying to tell you last nite - my wiring seems to be crossed anymore...)

Look part of the friggin problem with BOTH OF US is we are somewhat trying to pretend there is no attraction - I mean I know I am attracted to you - I am not trying to speak for you and, I wasn't suggesting you ENJOY restraining yourself at all - I don't enjoy this much either - but we are also both being selfish cause we enjoy each other's company (translation: we are both friggin' nuts)"

Him: “So, what the heck am I suppose to do. Cheer you on or sweep you off your feet? Ahhh”

Me: “I don't want to play games and I don't want to hurt (you or me) - but I don't think it's a good idea to have temptation constantly at your doorstep, do you? I mean she is a long ways away - and yeah talking is nice and so is e-mail (with her) but there is nothing like the human touch....n'est ce pas? *sigh*

I don't know what to tell you - I guess the safe thing to do - that is if you still want me around - is to root me on....then just hunker down and wait for her...otherwise let me go and we can just be glad we got to know each other this much.

I know a year is a long ways away and I am sorry I keep bringing things up that make us cross this bridge (so it's my fault and I need to keep my mouth shut - jesus why can't I just keep my mouth shut?!?!?!?!?!) Oh and for the record - you had me at whassup (LOL) - I mean you have already swept me off my feet silly man....

So he started to send me poetry and we went back and forth for a bit:

Him: “Oh! those pouting lips,
that honey running fount,
bend o'er thy perfumed hips
that i may suck from that scented mouth
that sweet nectar that wine is to my lips.
blonde bearded beast, fragrant flower of the night
spread well those turgid petals to my sight,
entwine me in those musky tendrils tight, but
that i may cat-like lap that soft hooded bud"

Him: "Near the path through the woods I've seen it:
a trail of white candles.

I could find it again, I could follow
oits light deep into shadows.

Didn't I stand there once?
Didn't I choose to go back

down the cleared path, the familiar?
Narcissus, you said. Wasn't this

the flower whose sudden enchantments
led Persephone down into Hades?

You remember the way she was changed
when she came every spring, having seen

the withering branches, the chasms,
and how she had to return there

helplessly, having eaten
the seed of desire. What was is

I saw you were offering me
without meaning to, there in the sunlight,

while the flowers beckoned and shone
in their flickering season?"

Me: “Man I guess I asked for this huh? no wonder she loves you...”

Him: “ lay you down in a field of tall grass. arching, touching, the sounds of desire. Nothing else matters...the scent, the sight the taste of your skin. I melt into you something fearless in your eyes something careless about your smile something fragile when you hold your breath and when you move, you move right through me fingertips so gently on my skin...”

Me (sending some poetry to him):

Implications of One Plus One
By: Marge Piercy

Sometimes we collide, tectonic plates merging, continents shoving, crumpling down into the molten veins of fire deep in the earth and raising tons of rock into jagged crests of Sierra.

Sometimes your hands drift on me,
milkweed's airy silk, wingtip's feathery caresses,
our lips grazing, a drift of desires gathering like fog over warm water, thickening to rain.

Sometimes we go to it heartily, digging, burrowing, grunting, tossing up covers like loose earth, nosing into the other's flesh with hot nozzles and wallowing there.

Sometimes we are kids making out, silly in the quilt, tickling the xylophone spine, blowing wet jokes, loud as a whole slumber party bouncing till the bed breaks.

I go round and round you sometimes, scouting, blundering, seeking a way in, the high boxwood maze I penetrate running lungs bursting toward the fountain of green fire at the heart.

Sometimes you open wide as cathedral doors and yank me inside. Sometimes you slither into me like a snake into its burrow.
Sometimes you march in with a brass band.

Ten years of fitting our bodies together and still they sing wild songs in new keys.
It is more and less than love: timing,
chemistry, magic and will and luck.

One plus one equal one, unknowable except in the moment, not convertible into words, not explicable or philosophically interesting.
But it is. And it is. And it is. Amen.

"What Do Women Want?"
By: Kim Addonizio

I want a red dress.
I want it flimsy and cheap,
I want it too tight, I want to wear it
until someone tears it off me.
I want it sleeveless and backless,
this dress, so no one has to guess
what's underneath.
I want to walk down
the street past Thrifty's and the hardware store
with all those keys glittering in the window,
past Mr. and Mrs. Wong selling day-old donuts in their café,
past the Guerra brothers slinging pigs from the truck and onto the dolly,
hoisting the slick snouts over their shoulders.
I want to walk like I'm the only
woman on earth and I can have my pick.
I want that red dress bad.
I want it to confirm
your worst fears about me,
to show you how little I care about you
or anything except what I want.
When I find it,
I'll pull that garment from its hanger
like I'm choosing a body to carry me into this world,
through the birth-cries and the love-cries too,
and I'll wear it like bones, like skin,
it'll be the goddamned dress they bury me in.

Him: No wonder, the D.A. bears his soul to you...(Note: The D.A. is a reference to the guy I am thinking of dating – actually, honest-to-goodness really dating….more on that at some other time)

Me: Ah darling, but does he? Not the way you do...

There's a fear in his voice a slight tremor......and you and I we confront that fear every friggin day and when we see each other there's a recognition of that in our eyes, an unflinching and we only look away when we have to - is that out of fear? Or just too close, too soon...

And I grow weary of men who think they can read me poetry and then lick me like a penny stamp. I want the rush of it all to come unbidden, unencumbered by thought processes that just drag us down to our human levels. I want my kisses to burn like the flaying of angels wings poised for flights down to the very depths of hell and I want all along to know it...

Like I know you...

Thursday, July 14, 2005

France Celebrates Bastille Day

France Celebrates Bastille Day - Yahoo! News

Vive La France!

Happy Bastille Day mes amis!



This brings back memories....

"Folk Legend Pete Seeger Looks Back"


When I first saw Pete Seeger it was while on my honeymoon with my son's father. We had tickets to see him and Arlo Guthrie perform at the 1986 World's Fair in Vancouver, British Columbia. It was a magical time and Mr. Seeger and Mr. Guthrie put on an excellent show.

Mr. Guthrie is coming to town July 23rd here and I am going to see him - yes again with my son's father....I think it's rather fitting.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Bambi on Ice

A good friend from work shared these amazing pictures of an albino white-tailed deer found by a family friend. The deer is now in safe keeping being taken care of by the local wildlife sactuary. (Just so you can really get the feeling for how small the deer is see the tennis shoe beside him). He is only days old...just beautiful and apparently very rare

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 Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 11, 2005

The Legasea Family

The Legasea Family

Check this link out....

I was actually going through and looking at my stats (amount of people visiting - hey I am up to 13K. wahoo!) etc and this was one of the referrers to me (somehow) - don't ask me how this works exactly; I have no idea other than 'blog jumping' how they get from this kind of blog to mine...

But all that aside - this is a blog about a 'SIMS''s a pretty uhm bizzare, creative, edgy kind of thing to do, eh? (OK so part of me is being a little sarcastic) - but it's definitely one of the weirder things I've come across...writing a blog about your imaginary video game family...

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Pride, ego whatever you want to call it....

I have been (surprisingly to me at least) asked to participate in a group blog.
It's a blog done by poets, artists, writers.

I have written poetry in the past (even some pitiful attempts on here)- I am going to put the poem I just posted there on here and provide you guys with a link. Not because my poetry is any good (or worth reading for that matter) - but because there are some really talented individuals on this blog...

You can find the link here (and also if you look at my profile it's listed as one of my blogs).


Another late night I fear...


I don't know what's wrong...

I really need to get some rest.



In the hushed, velvet theatre
I feel you reach across -
You lay your hand on my thigh,
Slowly, inching upwards.
Like being blindfolded,
I can't quite see your hands
Yet, I feel what they do to me.
Your breath takes on life.
It's harsh measure beating time;
Inciting my heart to quicken.
Your searing kiss licks like flame,
Burning away my composure.
Hot! Oh yes I like it hot!
Like butter melting on popcorn,
I want to melt in my seat.
Your love comes to me
In blazing technicolour,
And Dolby surround-sound
Our love is perfect cinema.

© 1997 - CML

Pron - soft core that is

Yes I purposely spelled that first word wrong - that's all I need is to get slammed by a bunch of 'sex seeking' idiots...

I was up late last night (Saturday) for some reason - don't ask me why...sometimes I simply can't sleep.

So I was flipping thrugh the crap on TV (unfortunately we have cable in this house and my son does a lot of TV watching) - and on one of the HBO channels there was some late night soft-core programming, and I guess it was meant to appeal more to women than was vignettes of various sexual encounters. It was vapid and ridiculous. First of all who the fuck (no pun intended) seriously expects anyone to believe these scenarios - I mean the women are all air-brushed looking, they all had (huge)fake tits and they all seem to 'WANT TO' complain about the fact that the men they engaged in these acts with were willing screw anything wearing a skirt but then they participate gladly with said men?!?!?!? I mean it's like: "Gee we just met - but hey let's have hours of sex (oh and by the way we are going to always use the same three positions over and over - just like I did with that other chick last nite)" I mean do people really do this stuff??? For real????? Wow am I missing out or what??? Oh, and no one ever makes any loud orgasmic sounds it's just the same mind-numbing soft music in the background and soft little doe-eyed moans I mean WTF???? (again no pun intended). And of course there's no mention at all of condom use so I was assuming that this was all unprotected intercourse.

You know what - shit like this insults my intelligence - I'd rather see hard-core ANYTHING - I mean I'd rather see someone doing it with a dog or a horse vs this crap....

I still (to this day) think the best stuff out there was Zalman King's 'Red Shoe Diaries'...they were smart, erotic and appealing to both men and women - or maybe it was just me - but I thought it was very well done....


Rant over - back to your regular programming.

How DO they move like that?????

Got to check this out...Whoa Nellie

It's campy, surreal, funny and at times unbelievable (the choreography). Three Stooges meets Bruce Lee - go see it on the big screen if you can....

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One more shout out...

OK Kids...

It seems to be 'thanks to Jeff Hess' (from Have Coffee Will Write) nite here at Dancing on Colette's Grave...

Check out the link above and be thrilled at the find. Mr. Hess had mentioned listening to this station before but I had not gotten around to checking out the link - which is also now posted on *my* sidebar. So if you have the aiblity to listen to Internet Radio, check this out for some great alternative music (both old and new).

Bumper Stickers: Lightning Rods for the Righteous!

Pharyngula::Bumper Stickers: Lightning Rods for the Righteous!

This came to me via Mr. Jeff Hess - who was sweet enough to mention that I am a friend, and accurate enough to predict that I'd blow a gasket over this (it's an inside joke - he makes my blood pressure rise on purpose and I *always* take the bait - um yeah thanks Jeff *hugs*)

I am seething (of course - who would not be over such blatant ignorance) - but not surprised, nope - not surprised at all.

Salman Rushdie calls for end to 'culture' of rape in India, Pakistan

Salman Rushdie calls for end to 'culture' of rape in India, Pakistan - Yahoo! News

Bravo, Mr. Rushdie. Very brave of you...

I wonder which Indian/Pakistani vocal pop star is going to call for your death now...

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Deepak Chopra's comments on Arianna Huffington's blog

The Huffington Post | The Blog

These next two posts are from the wisdom of Deepak Chopra, M.D.

I had the priveledge of hearing this man speak to a sold-out house at Severance Hall and it was an evening I will never forget. I admire the way he thinks and his unwavering insistence that we strive for balance, tolerance and peace within and without. He spoke about how important it is that we recognize that 'light' of spirit living within each of us (which is what the Sanskrit word 'Namaste' means) and also how important is it to recognize the FEMALE aspect of God as well as the MALE aspect of God - like having Yin without the counterpart Yang, it would be a mistake to not have this union in equal parts....again over and over again going back to the balance and inter-connectedness of all things in order for our lives to become more harmonious.


Deepak Chopra: The Answer Is Still Peace

Deepak Chopra: The Answer Is Still Peace

Just take a moment to read this and reflect. I hope in some small part - even despite the tragedies of these terrorist events, that most of you out there realise that Peace IS the only answer.

This almost made me bring my coffee through my nose

...because I was laughing so hard. (And in George Carlin's book that's a miracle - but then that's also another really funny bit by him.)

I got this via Mr. Hess who got it via John's hysterical....check it out HERE

Sometimes,I think it's a pity Tom has made himself such an easy target (for faraway laughter - sorry that just slipped out - having a Pink Floyd moment I supppose).


Child's birthweight tied to parents' heart risks

Child's birthweight tied to parents' heart risks - Yahoo! News

Wonderful...just what I wanted to hear this morning....

I was 4 lbs, 10 oz at birth. My mom was very sickly all her life and died of a massive dad died of a heart attack secondary to stroke...

Oh well you have to go sometime and something has to kill you, right?

You know it's funny, I am not having an 'Eyeore' moment, I always figured if I was gonna die, it would be from heart failure. As I've gotten older I've tried to minimize things that would increase my risks. Not sure if it's going to work. I suppose if I DO have to die (which is one of the noble truths - we all die), that I'd want to go quickly - not linger - I don't want to think about dying too much - I already think about 'things' way too much.

To your health!

Friday, July 08, 2005

I don't know why, exactly...

that I feel the need to post this poem. This was the poem my ex had read to me as part of our vows at our wedding ceremony. Maybe because I was looking up the poetry of one of my favourite poets to send to a friend. Or perhaps it's because sometimes I get sad over what could have been...I know that's not a good thing but wistfulness has a tendancy to make my anger and even the hurt subside for a ease the pain of knowing what will never be, and to somehow mourn this loss (for yes our love at the time of it's greatest heights was something that I never wanted to lose - and certainly not in the manner it *was* lost)...or, perhaps I am posting this for all the lovers out there and for the hope/ache that I still have that someday I will truly find a love that will be cherished equally by each partner and held within the sacred space that exits between two kindred souls and hearts...

I do not love you...

by Pablo Neruda

I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way

than this: where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

NPR : Deadly London Bombings Paralyze City

NPR : Deadly London Bombings Paralyze City

My thoughts and prayers are (obviously) with the people of London today.


Lately I've been having some interesting conversations about the 'power' of the people as it were. One good friend, Mr. Hess (over at Have Coffee Will Write has been 'fighting' along side other residents of Cleveland to put a stop to Wall-Mart (and I wanted to make it to the meeting last nite but helping another friend with moving was of a bit more importance (sorry gang) - at any rate I often play devil's advocate in these issues becuase I see the world as a place where most adults no longer care/no longer wish to be bothered by trivial things (at least in their minds) - like keeping an 'evil' force like Wall-Mart at bay...

Yet last nite, as I was helping my friend I was making a comment about how furious I am with gas prices and why is it we can't 'band together' to stop what seems to me to be price gouging by gas stations???

So WHAT HAS HAPPENED to us - to all of those former flower children, hippies, sons and daughters of the 50s and 60s that stood up to protest Vietnam, that rallied to get Richard Nixon out of office - what happened to those people (even I am afraid to admit - to myself?)

When the war began (unjustly) in Iraq - my son cornered me as he often does taunting me with the 'why aren't you doing something, mom?' question - he often does this - he means protest of course. But let's think aobut this - let's say we want to 'create a stir' in our country - let's say for the sake of argument that we want lower gas prices - what do we do??? Do we all stay at home for one day and not buy gas (or ALL of us use public transport - hoping of course that it doesn't get blown up - ride our bikes etc) - do we all stop buying GAS GUZZLING vehicles??????
(please stop buying these huge monsters to drive around in you idiots - do it for the sake of the planet - OK??? Humour me here) What do we do? Further, what do we do about places like Africa?? DO we all make our kids go hungry for a day? Do we work in soup kitchens? Do we send care packages?

The point Mr. Hess made was - you have to pick you battles. I agree with that. The point my friend made last night when I suggested we all boycott gas for a day or two - was - people don't care, they won't do it - they just wnat to live their lives in peace and be left alone - it's hard enough to get through the day....

Is it now? Is it really THAT hard? What happened to passion? Is THAT all gone too? Does someone near and dear to you have to die BEFORE you'll stand up to injustice? And how about the G8??? Do we really think that the fate of the ENTIRE WORLD should rest solely in the hands of 8 'so-called' leaders who all have their own agendas?

Just throwing the shit out amongst yourselves.

I say that if you want peace you have to fight for justice and the only way to make a change in the world is to start by becoming the change you wish to see in this world (paraphrasing Ghandi here), but you get my point - or maybe you don't, or worse, you just don't care....

Do any of us realise the power we have? Just one person (take your pick, Ghandi, Dr. King, Rosa Parks, John F. Kennedy, Bishop Tutu, Nelson Mandela) can change the world - just 1 person....imagine that.

Are you going to be one of us or one of them?

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Idaho suspect faces two kidnap counts - Idaho suspect faces two kidnap counts - Jul 5, 2005

My stomach turns, my head is reeling and my heart is broken for this little girl. I don't even know why I put this shite on my blog (not that this is the 'sunshine-up-your-ass-happy-land-blog or anything...)

But a couple of things - coming that is from a legal perspective - can this little girl's testimony take this monster down? Goddess I hope so. And with me not being at all a fan of the death penalty - (sorry to disappoint those of you out there that think I truly *am* a total bitch) - I just don't ever know what type of punishment 'fits' this type of crime. I DO know that this guy should have never been let out in the first place....

Poor little Shasta (um OK what WAS her mom thinking) but still....I hope she ends up whole in the end.

ONE Blog

ONE Blog

I had a chance this past Saturday to watch and listen on the radio - to some of the concert for Africa. I think one of the most poignant things I heard said was from Bono (himself) saying that children in Africa die from a mere mosquito bite and we can stop that....

I applaud this effort. Really. It is wonderful to see the world pull together for a common goal and I hope others out there will become more aware of this solvable problem.

I do admit to being a bit jaded though...part of me is not sure that the men governing G8 really give a rat's ass about the starving, poverty-ridden continent of Africa - yes I hope and pray that they do and yes, I believe our voices CAN be heard - if we all shout loud enough and in unison.

My other beef (no pun intended on the food theme here), is that there are children starving RIGHT HERE in the USA. That bothers me a lot. An awful lot. And while I'd not say that any one child's life in Africa is worth less than a child's life here at home, I will say that 'charity begins at home' - I stand in support of this campaign. (And if all those people need is 70 cents a day from each country and our collective representativea can't find it in their deep pockets to cough it up - well than I can spare 70 cents a day, can you?) But I also want to see the kids in this country get out of poverty too. It's just as important a cause here.

Friday, July 01, 2005

O'Connor to resign from Supreme Court - O'Connor to resign from Supreme Court - Jul 1, 2005

Be very he may get to appoint TWO justices!


Just in case you weren't listening before...

It’s a little game you and I play with each other...

Push-me, pull-you or maybe it’s more like ‘Truth or Dare’ but *I* am not doing the daring and you still don’t ever tell the truth.

I keep finding out about things – but you keep wanting me to not believe – except we both know that, as usual, you are lying; to me, to yourself, to the entire world. Or perhaps it’s only me you are lying to. And that might explain why you felt so comfortable being with her because you didn’t have to lie, you didn’t have to ‘hide’ your ‘real’ identity. You could be Peter Parker and ‘Spyder_boi’ all at the same time, you just didn’t care who got in the way of your games...

I thought I could somehow keep a civil relationship between us but I can’t – not only because every time I see you, I want to either kick you in your useless balls or vomit up my last meal, but because I abhor, I hate with a vengeance, liars. And I am tired of being a part of your fan club. I am not a fan. I am an innocent bystander. I don’t know what makes you think I want to keep doing this with you. I simply can’t anymore

Less and less do I feel the love I once felt – it’s slowly being replaced with a kind of coldness, an armoring of my heart, turning it to steel to be able to fend off your latest assault. But in protecting myself from you I am keeping myself from being able to be vulnerable to the ‘right’ person. I suppose though that burden falls on me.

I just wanted you to know that I think you are a coward; a pitiful excuse for a man, and while I did at one time love you with such passion that’s all gone, and now I am beginning to wish I had never laid eyes on you.

A perfect dream of a morning

My ideal morning would begin by sleeping in a bit of course…and I’d like to be waking up on a perfect spring morning in the Pacific Northwest (I just happen to love that area)….

Breakfast would consist of: fresh fruit, warm sour dough bread, possibly some cheese, and French roast coffee all to be enjoyed on a deck possibly overlooking the woods or the Pacific ocean….Puget Sound

After reading and lazing around like this for a bit it would be off to go shop a bit – hitting out of the way boutiques, antiquarian book stores and the like – and finally ending the day shopping at Pike’s market for fresh food for dinner and flowers for the table. I’d open up a bottle of chilled white wine and at dusk dinner would be served again on the deck hopefully with a group of friends to enjoy the twilight, the wine, the conversation and the outdoor fireplace….

I know this sounds decadent, a fantasy life really – but it’s my idea of a perfect day