Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Well - Food, Kin and Tension at Thanksgiving -

Well - Food, Kin and Tension at Thanksgiving -

Who can't identify with this on some level.

I am thankful my mother never behaved this way - sure there were 'issues' around food - mainly the Italian war cry "Mange! Mange!" - but I'd have probably slapped my mom if she acted like this...

I hope you all have a blessed and RELAXING Thanksgiving.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Rose

Today would have been my mother's 85th birthday had she lived.

I miss her most acutely when I think about all the things she missed and I have missed sharing with her.

As the holidays approach, and as I get older somehow I find myself missing her even more - not less. Especially with some of the trials I am facing, I wish she were here to talk with - to tell me things are going to be OK. Somedays, I just wish I could sit with her and chat over a cup of coffee.

Happy Birthday mom...wherever you are. I miss you more than you ever would have thought - I love you.



Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Inevitable Post About Neil Gaiman's 'The Sandman' - Monkey See Blog : NPR

The Inevitable Post About Neil Gaiman's 'The Sandman' - Monkey See Blog : NPR

I just had to...

Mainly because I was such an idiot and never read these and always (ALWAYS) meant to - so Chris,
if you read this - I *am* sorry - I really do need to read these...

Perhaps I should find a complete collection somewhere and go to a corner and do my mea culpa by reading.....

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Wednesday, November 04, 2009


...and finally...

Happy birthday dear blog, happy birthday dear blog, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday dear blog.

My blog is now 6 years old.

WOW....I should get a gift or some such shit.

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Happy Ending - Happy Days Blog -

Happy Ending - Happy Days Blog -

This post hits home with me..especially after watching one of my fav movies last night:
Million Dollar Baby

Life is too short. I find I no longer have the time I used to THINK I had and therefore I have no use of things that waste time....

I know that sounds bad on some levels but it's true.

I have a lot that seems to be 'at stake' these days and what with struggling with feelings of loss, hurting over things that I can't control and just the general BS that makes up life - I want to pick and choose I guess a little more carefully what I allow myself to 'wallow' in. I am trying I suppose to be more philosophical - but I fail at this as well.

Death does seem to always be nipping at our heels like some demon puppy that won't go away. We can decide to be at peace with us or keep running like hell from the inevitable. I guess in the end embracing the notion or acceptance of the fact that all life (and relationship) is impermanent and fleeting is somewhat of a learning curve for us all.

That is why I guess I am so grateful for the love of my husband and for at least being able to have a continuing relationship with my own children - to me these are precious commodities and they are treasures to be guarded and protected and nurtured.

Thank you Mr. May for reminding me of how important it is to try to live a life of meaning and substance; devoid of regret (if possible).

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SANCTE PATER: "When Liturgical Dancers Get 'Raptured...'"

SANCTE PATER: "When Liturgical Dancers Get 'Raptured...'"

I had to do this for reasons that may be unclear to the 'audience' - but nonetheless it is something I needed to do...

I could probably write a book about the stuff I have gone through with the planning of a women's renewal/retreat in our parish - but it would be mean spirited and serve no useful purpose.

Let me just say this as I said to my husband (quoting Professor Henry Higgins):

"Why can't a woman be more like a man?"

'nuff said....