Friday, August 31, 2007

Torture school subjects children to lethal punishments

Torture school subjects children to lethal punishments

(Via C2 (who got it via BoingBoing )

This is just too disturbing on so many levels

Your Kung-Fu Is No Good

Thursday, August 30, 2007


(In regard to Senator Craig and via the ever controversial C2)

Question of the day: Does a person's position as a government official, and his/her voting record in that position, make that person "fair game" to be outed against their will and in such a public manner?

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Boyfriends Do More Housework Than Husbands

Boyfriends Do More Housework Than Husbands


Any comments from you people out there on this subject?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A very belated...

Happy birhtday to my adorable grandson Seth.

You are 4 years old now and wonderful in so many ways.

A very happy and blessed birthday to you my dear.



For My Father - a re-post

(This was done moons ago and his b-day just passed again - missing him I suppose)


My memories of him are far more clear than of mom.

Perhaps because I was with him through the worst days of my life at that time.

He was born with the Christian-given name Regis William and later changed it to William Regis. He was the younger of 3 brothers (he had three sisters as well). He was one of the ‘Southside’ boys from Pittsburgh. He was born into a large raucous Irish-Catholic family - my favourite memories of that side of the family seem to center around drinking and a lot of laughter. He was handsome and had the bluest eyes I've ever seen. Unfortunately I did not inherit those eyes. What’s even more unsettling (and I did not realise this until my sister-in-law pointed it out) – is that I married a man that looked a lot like my dad (and in hind-sight probably behaved a lot like him too).

My dad was a loving father. I don’t remember a single night when he did not give us a hug and kiss good-night and I don’t remember anytime that that did not include ‘I love you’ – even when I became an adult – every single phone conversation, every single visit ended with ‘I love you’. And love us he did – fiercely – as only an Irish man can love.

As we were growing up he was my 'rock' I think I can remember him holding me as a baby - walking me at night, trying to get me to sleep. I was his first born. I was his most rebellious. I was probably a lot more like him than mom. I also remember that when were little and became too much for my mom, all she had to do was say: 'Wait until your father gets home...'. I don't know about my siblings but I remember being scared to death of that threat. And, I remember very clearly knowing that he was incredibly upset when his chin would shake and somehow that worried me/hurt me/scared me more than any physical threat or yelling (he hardly ever laid hands on us...)

I have him to thank in a lot of ways for the 'bad' traits...
My irreverence, my stubbornness, my sometime passive-aggressive ways, my willingness to actually participate in an affair - and subsequently my understanding of the 'why' of those types of sins, my ability to be able to drink a Merchant Marine (that's right boys I said Merchant Marine) under the table, my love of music (ALL KINDS), my appreciation of literature, my love of the Celts...and all things Irish.

In him I saw unfold the depths of sorrow when my mother died, and the depths of his desperation and guilt as he descended into alcohol to 'numb' his pain. In other words, his frailty and humaness shown through and because of it I learned about forgiveness and compassion.

Eventually we made our 'peace' with each other and I respect how he was able to be a good and loving father despite what surely was disappointment in some of my decisions - he's the one who ultimately taught me you can't live your children's lives for them - nor can you live vicariously through them.

Because of him my 'baby' brother is one of the best husbands and dads I know. Because of him my other younger brother is an honorable man.

So here's a toast to you Da - because there's no point in praising an Irishman without a wee sip - I love you, I honour your memory. I am glad you were my dad.

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Monday, August 27, 2007

AIDS victims 'buried alive' in PNG

AIDS victims 'buried alive' in PNG

I have no words to convey my horror over this....

God/dess help them.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Participant's mom raps kids reality show

Hardwired against 'hooking up'?

Recently….I read an article in one of those ‘Glamor-esque’ magazines about whether the new culture of ‘hooking up’ is healthy for young women.

The author/researcher seemed to think that this is a very bad thing for young women and cited that women seem to be ‘hard wired’ to be nurturers, nesters and that participating in one-night stands is going against millennia of conditioning.

While I do agree that having a fling, a one-night stand POSSIBLY might do some damage to a young woman’s self esteem, I find it hard to believe that modern women if willing to participate in such trysts, are going to be somehow damaged so profoundly.
I mean after all – weren’t humans also ‘hard-wired’ to be hunters and gatherers? To live in caves?

I agree that sometimes the advances made by women vis-à-vis the sexual revolution might have backfired on us and our daughters. Yet truly I believe young women of today are much better educated and aware of the plethora of choices they have to make – wheras our predecessors choices were rather limited.

In the end I think it always ends up boiling down to personal choice and just what price you are willing to pay for your so-called sexual freedom – because let’s face it – there’s always a price to pay….but making women feel that they relegated to our cave-women-child-bearing way of life because of some out-dated biological imperative seems to reek of limitations. I am not saying you can’t have it all – but I am saying you are most certainly entitled to ‘explore’ BEFORE you decide to (or not) settle down.

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Find could be Russian heir's remains

Find could be Russian heir's remains

This story has always fascinated me, ever since I was a young girl. I remember reading 'Nicholas and Alexandra' at the age of like 9 or 10. Their love was legend; their life pursuits (especially Alexandra's regarding Rasputin), a bit tabloid; their ultimate demise, tragic....

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Vapidity Abounds...


I just can’t take it anymore….I really can’t.

I so want to scream – and as I ‘think’ these thoughts I wonder…does that make me a bad person?

The tow women I work with in the office are simply put – simple. While I am not knocking simpletons – I cringe at times when I listen to the conversations.

For instance for the past week I have had to listen to the spoiled woman I work with talk about how her ‘baby’ is going to kindergarten and she is upset with the choice of teacher. I am horrified by the things she is saying – NOT because the teacher is a bad teacher but because of the way the other mothers (her included) have become judge and jury for this poor teacher = so because this isn’t the ‘hippest’ teacher, because this isn’t the ‘perfect’ teacher – she is no on a campaign to change her son’s kindergarten teacher. She is so completely obsessed with this it is all she ever talks about….she is driving us nuts (her husband as well by her own admission).

Today she came in and began a conversation AGAIN about this. I turned away. Then she began to discuss the movie she watched the night before – her choices in TV programming always border on the banal and of course it was one of those ‘Lifetime’-let’s make-women-feel-important’-special type of movies about intrigue, murder, a woman being ‘framed for said murder and then somehow managing to become her own private detective and clearing her name (meanwhile, back in the land of ‘REALITY’ you and I all know we’d be in jail for the murder…right or wrong). So my co-worker is actually fascinated with this story and feeds into the nurses neurosis like a good slave. She says: ‘Wow that sounds like a Gershwin novel’.


Um….the American COMPOSERS George & Ira????? They wrote novels too????

*mutters something akin to obscenities*

God/dess help me….save me from stupidity. I am sorry – really I am – like I said – I just can’t take it anymore….if it makes me rude, so be it…..

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

It's not

It’s hard…

I am too sensitive, too critical, too confrontational (at times), too depressed (at times), too defeatist, to pessimistic, too cynical...

I have been these things all my life – ever since I can remember. I know some of the reasons for why I am the way I am...

Mother overly critical, raised with nuns as teachers, life handing me a bunch of torment (yes I was tortured as a kid by the other kids for being ‘different’, being smart, actually once for being kind (WTF?)), a lot of pain (being molested, having my dad cheat on my mom (and I was privy to it all), having my mom die...

So fucking what? Life sucks, it isn’t fair – you gonna whine about it?


No...but still...

I get tired of all the crap, I ‘don’t suffer fools gladly’ (see my side bar for my how I view myself) – I never have – don’t think I ever will.

I am not sure what to do about these ‘faults’ of mine. I try being kind, I try to be compassionate, I try to give, I try...over and over and over again.

I get frustrated easily – I see things happen, injustices, outright abuses and I have a hard time biting my tongue.

However, I also get tired of banging my head against the brick wall of society, work, even relationships...

I just don’t know what to do with myself sometimes and it makes me want to just go away and leave things/people behind and actually be alone and be left alone...and it sounds bad, but sometimes I don’t even think I’d miss anyone or anything (unless I didn’t have music and books)...

Sad, aren’t I?

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Advice to the lovelorn: you will survive

Advice to the lovelorn: you will survive


What is up with the stupidity of these studies? Why don't they just come out and say it ONLY applies to college student who (IMO anyway) are just really 'hooking up' - this study has nothing to do seemingly with people who have been married for years and ARE INDEED DEVASTATED when their lives get turned upside down.

The break-up of my marriage was one of the most painful experiences of my ENTIRE life and I wanted to die...and I wasn't 'underestimating' my feelings...


Martial-Arts Masters Meet in 'Forbidden Kingdom'

Martial-Arts Masters Meet in 'Forbidden Kingdom'

This sounds pretty good - hopefully, E~ and I can go check it out...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Les Paul Still 'Chasing Sound' at 92

Les Paul Still 'Chasing Sound' at 92


How cool is that - he SO rocks!

Honor killings in Israel

Honor killings in Israel

Ya know....

Is this shit ever going to stop?

I am so tired these days of certain things, that I could scream, endlessly...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Summer's Swan Song


Raining, pouring, cold, being out in the damp, getting soaked to the skin coming in to an actual fire, my love's arms wrapped around me, taking a hot shower together...drying off...crying with the enormity of love I have in my heart for this man, for this our life together...


Taking K~ to the 'Feast' down in Little Italy, going to mass together as a family, worshipping in an Italian church, in an Italian neighbourhood, with the smells of Italian cooking wafting in from outside and all the nostalgia that brought with it - missing my mom (as always)...

I've been watching as summer (thankfully) is giving me the opportunity for a long goodbye - the days getting shorter, the nights getting cooler, watching the moon's passing phases, rejoicing in the austere beauty of the shining stars and planets on the horizon as the summer sky begins to shift; the children getting ready for school; we, as a couple are heading into our second fall and winter together and afterwards, we will head into the spring again, beginning the whole cycle with the crowning glory of our wedding in those first glorious days of June...


To be or not.....

I am...that I am...

I am difficult, stubborn, restless, and argumentative at times.

I an often not satisfied with the 'status quo' I want to know who made it status and why the rest of us did not get a vote or a veto...

Sometimes conversations that I have can easily lead to misunderstandings. While I DO feel bad, I won't apologise for my feelings...not that I am expected to do so anymore...

When I say that I dislike (despise actually) 'white-bread' America - that does not necessarily mean my neighbors - however do I think most people in 'white America' are pedestrian, boring dullards? You bet your ass I do. I also think they are in turn raising a generation of spoiled, whiny, well-to-do brats that only seem to be interested in where their next toy is coming from (that is as long as they don't have to spend their allowances on said toy). (Note: I am sure the same was said about my generation - well...considering I was raised by parents who lived through the depression).

Do I begrudge anyone what they've earned? Am I jealous? Am I talking about my friends or their kids (um...just a clue I would not be friends with such vapid, banal people)?

Of course not!

However, I am sick of living in the land of plenty where, as I walk through the streets (in the pouring rain as I was today - not that that has anything to do with this rant) of average - somewhat upper - middle class America's neighbourhoods, I see usually not one but often 2 even 3 vehicles (and usually one of them is an SUV)parked in their 2 car garages, while the docile idiots who live there are all gathered in front of the opiate glow of their big-screen TVs - meanwhile we still have homeless and hungry people in this country - what.the.fuck. is up with this picture?

I have been told I 'think outside the box'. That I am not the 'typical' 'American Woman' - I thank my lucky stars everyday for that. I'd rather be poor than oblivious and a muggle any day of the week.

It does not mean I think the people I happen to live next door to are bad people - really I don't - but I don't want to go to their cocktail parties either and furthermore, I never have. However, I'd love to sit and discuss politics, religion, and how we need to go about solving the hunger/homeless problems we have here in the good ole' US of A. We probably (most likely) won't agree; whether it be our politics or our solutions - but at least it's a dialog and that's a start. My problem is that often when you bring up such subjects in what my mother would have labeled 'polite company' you make those TV-watching 'pedestrians' squirm (quite a bit), and perhaps that's why they call it 'polite' - sorry to be rude kids - I guess I should mind my ever-loving-safe-conversation-101 manners....

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You are the breath I take...
The dreams I wander through

The soft moon...
as it shines down upon the waters of stillness in my soul.

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'Fade Away...'

come be by me
for a little while

just don't forget me...
after I fade
into the twilight
and become that time
when all does stand still
within the space of a breath
a single beat of a heart

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For Salman...

Jaan Salman,

My friend, formerly of living in the fast lane of Cairo.

Truly 'twas by fate's chance that we met. And has it *REALLY* been 6 years? No! I began this 'work'/blog in 2003 - it's only been 3 years my dear young man (going on 4 now). But still, almost 4 years - that's a long time to 'know' someone over the Internet. I must admit that even to me this is a long time considering the fleeting nature of this global pathway. I had always felt that such relationships were often temporary - that is unless the people actually met somehow - I don't know why to me that gives things more credibility...silly little girl that I am.

You have always been kind, curious, open, smiling - yes I can feel you smile at me from across the many miles that have separated us....oceans, continents. You, always encouraging me to be true to who I am - you, always trying to cheer me up and onward.

We have discussed things that perhaps your culture/heritage/ancestry would probably label as blasphemous for a woman to even think about let alone talk about with a 'man'. Religion, politics, culture/society, romance/relationships.

I admire the way your mind works, frankly, I just plain admire you, and, for you to say to me recently:

" in Cairo, all of my friends are travellers at some level or the other and we believe that a person whose lived a truly great life is someone who has great stories to tell, and that my dear, you do."

You do me an honour and a justice jaan that I don't think I truly deserve...

Insha'Allah, we shall meet one day - perhaps you will come dance at my wedding and feast at the banquet with us...

Insha'Allah, may you have everything your heart desires and may you and yours always be happy, healthy, and prosperous.

Love and Peace,

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

What she's reading...

Yes kids, I still read.

'The Kite Runner' is astonishing - and I don't say that about a lot of books - I was crying as I read last night and had to put it down...pick it up and read for yourself - and yes I know I talked about this one ages ago and am just now getting around to reading this....

This one is one of the first books my love gave me - I started this and am going to delve into it more fully here soon - fascinating - just like the love of my life...check out more info HERE

I've discussed this book as well in the past and it is on my 'next-to-be-read' list.
For more info you can check out this LINK

Reading is and has always been one of my passions - it's what keeps me somewhat educated (such that I am at least - there are many more well-educated folks out there than little old me). But if you are like me and books, music, and art are passions for you by all means....dive in...

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

So...what do you do....

When aside from maybe 2 people, you'd rather have bamboo shoots shoved under your fingernails than to hang out with women?

I don't want to come across as being anti-feminist - however - if the Manolo Blahnik's fit - go figure.

Women are (a lot of the time) catty, bitchy and just plain no fun....

SO why is it that seemingly the only people I have that I want to hang out with (when I am not with Erin) are men - and is that a bad thing? What the hell is up with this?

Goddess help me - I really need a break here and I need some down time...really I do - I am at such a breaking point right now it isn't funny...


Sorry 'bout that...

Carry on.

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Monday, August 13, 2007

Béla Fleck

Béla Fleck

Just in case you are interested in the man, the legend, the music...


Gifts of Birthdays Past

This weekend was very nice.

Friday night, Erin and I took the kids to the Palace Theatre downtown to see ‘The Jerk’ – the movie was probably not the most appropriate for young children but it was funny. I am not sure how much the kids enjoyed the movie itself, however they did enjoy the cartoons and the atmosphere of being in a beautiful theatre and watching something on the ‘big screen’.

Saturday was the Bela Fleck concert at Cain Park in Cleveland Heights. This is an outdoor venue and we had seats in the amphitheatre. It is a very intimate setting. This concert was a present to Erin for his b-day back in May and Saturdays show was exactly 3 months to the day. I hope he enjoyed the concert. Bela and his group (The Flecktones) were in fine form.

Sunday was my ‘gift redemption’ I took the gift card for the nearby Sap and went to have my hair done and a manicure. I was pampered and the atmosphere was very relaxing. While I was busy at the spa, Erin replaced the downstairs ½ bathroom floor. He worked on this all day. I got back to his place, went grocery shopping, cooked dinner, and he took a shower (at one point while he was outside and I was reading my book and drinking a glass of wine, I just welled up with tears looking at him and realizing just how much I love this man). We sat down to dinner (minus Erin’s daughter), and tried to get his son to talk a little about religion (bad idea apparently). A little later in the evening we all went on our bikes to go get some ice cream.

As time goes, on I am reminded of how special this relationship is – and just how lucky I am to have Erin and the children in my life.

Today I came into work to a gift from my co-worker – she actually went out and bought me a garter to wear for my wedding day. This was simply too kind of her – she and I have had our difficulties, but from time to time she surprises me with her actions. I thanked her for her kindness. So now I have something new and blue to wear on my wedding day (LOL – even tho I had not planned on wearing a garter).

Life is forever unfolding and renewing itself before me – as I ponder and muse over all that has been happening and all that is yet to come – the greatest gift of all is that of my life, and the new sense of hope that has carved out a permanent place in my heart.

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Friday, August 10, 2007

"There's aid, and then there's free aid"

'There's aid, and then there's free aid'

(Can you tell I am in a socio-political-rantish mood today?)

This piece is a 'sister' piece to my rant about missionaries...


They don't want our 'aid' with strings attached either folks.

I think it's time for America to wake up and realise that we aren't 'all that and a bag of chips' to the world community anymore...

Screening plan hits turbulent reaction

Screening plan hits turbulent reaction

The best quote from this story (from Bill Scannell, a privacy rights advocate with 'Identity Project'):

"Clearly, Michael Chertoff believes that Osama bin Laden is going to travel from Detroit under his own name, sitting in row 13E, eating a special meal."


Well said He-Man

Johnson & Johnson is a little cross

Johnson & Johnson is a little cross

Yeah OK....

I get the 'corporate identity/brand identity' thing - but after decades of sharing this SYMBOL, )which I believe can't be copyrighted), what gives?

No matter how you look at this, Johnson & Johnson is going to lose face here...

*I* am certainly going to avoid buying their products...

Should we call for a boycott?'s a heady thing


Please don't make me give the blog speech again.

If I post philosophical commentary it's not up for debate kids.

Insulting people on their own blogs is in bad form.

If you can't say anything intelligent....


You do the math.

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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

For someone...

...a continued debate...

"If God did not exist, it owuld be necessary to invent him"
- Voltaire

And no, I don't think birds would want to be given wings if they did not already have them...if you don't know what you are missing how can you miss that which you don't possess?

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Feminine guys better for long-term love: study

Feminine guys better for long-term love: study

You know these studies just kill me:

"And healthier-looking faces, for example those with better complexions, were seen as more desirable in terms of all personality traits compared to those who looked unhealthy"

French Winemakers Welcome Warmer Summers

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Mission Field Dangerous for Church Workers

Mission Field Dangerous for Church Workers


You know...

I have respect for people who devote their lives to God. However, I question at times the motives of certain (translation: ALL) religious organisations.

There are people out there who feel that just because someone is not 'Christian' that automatically makes their belief in the 'God' of their own choosing, wrong. I could not disagree more.

My yoga teacher used to say there is one truth - but many paths to the truth. He encouraged us to be true to our 'path'. To me that means it's OK to be spiritual but not overly religious. It also means if you are Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Protestant you are entitled to believe how you wish to believe. Your choice of God, your way of worship, your personal relationship with you creator (whether that creator is named Allah, Yaweh, Ishvara, God, etc.) is YOUR business - yours and your god's - not anyone else's. Likewise if you choose to be an atheist - your choice.

No one in Israel wants to be converted to Christianity. Neither do Muslims. Buddhists don't want to worship Jesus (or Buddha for that matter), Protestants don't want to be Catholic, Catholics don't want to be Protestant (or perhaps they do, who knows) - in the end this 'My God is better than your God' shit is for the birds. It is pitting peoples against peoples when in the end we are all one people - we are all of the race of homo sapien - some of us believe in a higher power/being, some of us don't.

While it is certainly your choice to proselytize - it is also most certainly the choice of those on the receiving end of your 'ministry' to tell you to take your belief system and shove it straight up your ass....or to kidnap you - as the case maybe.

I think the best way to profess your beliefs are to live them. To walk the talk. To do what Jesus/Buddha/Mohammed would do not by wearing a bracelet or loudly SPEAKING your faith - but by acting your faith. In the end those actions are and always will be more profound than words.

Be kind to each other. Love one another.

That's all you will ever need to know.

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Sides square off in chocolate fight

Sides square off in chocolate fight

Well....if you want my opinion (LOL) - I say it's not chocolate unless it has cocoa butter.

Further...the only GOOD chocolate to me is dark chocolate.

Now - go get yourself some chocolate....


Friday, August 03, 2007


Darling Liam...

He is one of my oldest and dearest friends. There are times where I don't know how I would have made it without his love and support (I'd be in a padded cell).

He has one of the most wicked senses of humours I've ever encountered.

He's had some great stuff happen in his life lately and I am very happy for him.

He's blog of the week - so go check him out.

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Getty to return antiquities to Italy

Getty to return antiquities to Italy


I remember seeing a report on this and being incensed about the whole thing....

I think the Italian government should prosecute as well.