Sunday, April 30, 2006

Begin a bitch in the blogosphere II

(Yeah so I am sure this is not going to win my karma any brownie points....)

But I would absolutely LOVE to share with the world the real story of little miss 'stardust' and how she's a home wrecker etc., etc.,....

Think I should post it on her blog? hmmmm (nah she'd just erase/hide the post)- but I'd be willing to bet she would not be quite so 'famous' if all those people knew what her 'real' character was like...

Not jealous kids...just thinking that she does not deserve all the attention...



Another 'pick of the week'.

It's about a young man dealing with terminal illness and his journey...

My beautiful launderette and...Surprise!

Later in the day Saturday....

I went to the launderette, it's something I don't have to do much. Unless I am trying to do comforters etc.

This one was cleaner than most, in that suburban, non-descript, antiseptic sort of way...

People coming and going, doing a chore and then leaving, not really paying much attention to the other patrons.

I notice the 'Attendant' (wondering how they coin that word for such a job)- I am also wondering at the type of life someone like this leads; being the 'guardian' over such a place. Entrusted with other people's laundry to wash, dry and fold. It seems so simple but so intimate at the same time. I wonder how he feels as he folds a woman's bra and panties, then I wonder about those people who are either so busy or so wealthy that they can afford to have someone else wash, dry and fold their clothes for them. Well obviously in this particular case they really aren't all *that* rich cause if they were, they'd have someone doing this for them in the privacy of their homes....


He does not appear to be a serial killer...but then what does a serial killer look like, exactly?


It was my brother's birthday as well on Saturday. His wife decided to (at the last minute) put together a special 'surprise' birthday dinner for him.

I was asked by his wife to bring a bottle of wine for the dinner. The neat thing about this (as one would think it's an otherwise ordinary task), was that we were going to go to one of my brother's old haunts, he had been going to this place since he was about 18 years old. And the 'neat' thing was that it did not have a liquor license so I was going to bring a bottle (or two) and the owner would supply the glasses. It's such a European thing to do...

So there I was in the 'World Market' (a great place to find good wine at reasonable prices), and I got it in my head to look for a Petite Sirah (don't ask me why) - one of my favs in this category is Guenoc's Petite Sirah:

So I asked the 'wine guy', whom I had talked to on one previous occasion (noting his kind of quirky cuteness) - he seemed to know his stuff. I asked after the Guenoc and he complimented me on my taste and told me they didn't have it in stock, I was bummed, but he immediately brightened and said:

"But sweetie did you notice this one?"

He took me to another bottle that was 1/2 the cost of the Guenoc and promised me I'd love it. He was so very pleasant and helpful that I've decided he's now going to become *MY* own 'personal' wine steward - who knows perhaps I'll ask him to join me at a cafe some night for glass or two....

So I got the wine, stopped at another store to get another bottle of chilled white (Alice White Chardonnay to be exact), and went to meet them at the restaurant 'Ali Babba' on the westside of town.

I showed up before everyone else and met the 'owner' of the place, Linda. I explained to her I was there for my brother's birthday. She laughed and asked if it was Kevin. I said yes and we spoke briefly about him and his birth (my memories of my mom bringing him home from the hospital) and her remembering him coming there as a teen. We had a immediate connection and pleasant conversation until the rest of the family arrived.

We were served food she'd prepared fresh: Hummus, Baba Ganoush, Shistawook, Sharma, Lentil soup, Fresh Pita bread etc. It was all marvelous, the food, the company, the conversation and the wine. I found out that she pretty much opened up especially for my brother and we had the place to ourselves. Her husband had run the restaurant for years (he's the one I remember - having Turkish coffee there myself 'back in the day'), but he had died a few years back. SO now with her other business and enterprises, the restaurant was only open on weekends and even then not so much. It was indeed a special evening and I hope my brother enjoyed his birthday and the celebration.

A very happy birthday my dear and may this year hold all the best for you.

Saturday Yoga/ Friday Interview

I have not taught on a Saturday morning in a long time....not sure I like it. I am sure if I have to go into this as my own business someday (IF THAT even ever happens), that I will have to teach a Saturday class.

So first off the students really had a hard time finding our 'space' where the class was being held. I did apologise profusely for this. (I blame this issues on the ineptitude of the people that signed them up.) I managed to get help from one of the girls who was working that day and bless her for her kindness in putting up signs to guide my students to the class. Needless to say one old woman came up, got in my face and started actually YELLING AT ME! I stood there and took quite a bit of abuse, kept apologising to her until she got to the point where she began to yell at me about the phone system. At that point I actually held up my hand and said:

"Enough madame! It's not MY phone system and I have nothing to do with that problem. NOW let's get you signed up so I can help you to try to relax."

She shut up and paid the fee.

One of the other 'older' women nearly passed out after our opening sequence (which consists mainly of laying on the floor and breathing) - she immediately afterwards began to complain of extreme dizziness and nausea (she told me she was not used to breathing so deeply (again with the breathing!) - I stopped the class and talked with her. I helped her get up and got her a chair and she finished the class seated. She told me at the end of class that she was still dizzy and nauseated. I asked her friend if maybe we should get her to an emergency room - but the woman insisted that she'd be OK. I told her that I would not turn in her payment until I heard from her about continuing because I did not wish to take her money if she was not going to be OK taking the class.

Again I made everyone sign waivers - however I am going to have to talk with the people that are in charge of signing up students to 'screen' them a bit better. Because we really need to have better control over the classes if we are going to get students with real issues taking a class with students that don't have ANY issues. It's simply not fair to either side. I can certainly teach (and have taught several) 'Chair' Yoga classes to the people who are not healthy enough or stable enough to take a regular beginner's class...


As a side note, I was interviewed by a freelance writer for Cleveland Magazine about 'Yoga for Seniors'. I am not sure if she will use the 'entire' interview which lasted for about 1 1/2 hours. She was wonderful and we had a blast talking. If it does run, it will be in the August issue (and of course me being the egomaniac that I am will let y'all know about it).


Inquiring minds...

...want to know...

The 'mystery' man IS NOT my ex kids...chillax (as my son says - rather sarcastically I might add)'s someone else. Remember:

You have to completely lose ties with someone in order to 'reconnect to them', AND(even more importantly):

You would have had to be connected to one another in the first place; and let's face it, if we really had had that great of a connection to begin with, I highly doubt he'd have been screwing an 18 year old slut...

Now listening to....

...well amongst other things (like radio Bonnaroo and Radio Indie Pop)

Friday, April 28, 2006

Bleeding hearts and liberals...

I always hated the way that 'phrase' sounded...

Thursdays are always a wash for me's towards the end of the week and now I am teaching a Yoga class on Thursdays – (see my post about the woman with oxygen in the class). This time I was armed with waiver forms and info sheets (to gather info on my students).

I had two students who were very confused about breathing asking me questions about breathing. When I teach my class I talk about breath a lot - to me it is the one thing everyone can relate to and understand – but sometimes even when you explain things in the simplest terms, others struggle to understand. One woman was asking me why I directed her to breathe down into her feet – well I wasn't suggesting she breathe with her feet - I was telling them to take their breath all the way down to their toes and feet. Another asked me about holding the breath (I had never told them to hold their breath) but she also was getting very 'hung up' on the breathing techniques. So it prompted me to talk to the class about 'not marrying the fly' - to not get hung up on the idea of breathing, to breath LSD (long, slow, deep) breaths as long as they felt comfortable breathing that way. Mainly to try to bring attention to their breath.

For the most part it was a much better class. And my ‘oxygen’ lady did just fine and is seeing her cardiologist on Monday and will get a note from him then...


So I went home jumped in a hot shower, played on the computer a bit and decided to tune into ER, I don’t know why, just something to zone out too...

I really need to take the advice I give to my students. Last night I talked briefly as I opened the class about 'you are what you eat' but in a much broader sense: 'You are what you read, who you hang out with, what music you listen to, what movies/TV you watch' and so on – so part of me believes that your psyche is affected by violent images (at least mine is – it always has been - I can't really watch gory/horror movies or extremely violet movies and not have nightmares).

So on ER they decided to send the character 'Pratt' to Darfur in the Sudan. And it wasn’t so much that it was really violent, but it really disturbed me – as the entire issue about the Genocide going on over there disturbs me. It should disturb us all (just like the AIDS epidemic should), we are concentrating on killing other people in 3rd world countries instead of saving them. What is wrong with us? Why isn't this being stopped? I have been really remiss in not writing about these issues (shame on me – shame on all of us for ignoring this). And I am not thrilled with it becoming a Hollywood production number or an ET (Entertainment Tonight) segment/cause celeb…cause that’s bullshit too – I don’t need ER or George Clooney pointing out what I *should* be doing…

I was left with dreams, dreams of black men killing and being killed, of people being burned, of women and girls being raped...murdered.

Do I want these images taken from me? You bet I do! (Sort of the way in the Bible it talks about Jesus praying in the garden at Gethsemane asking for a 'way out' of what he was about to face). However, I don’t think amnesia or 'sweet dreams' escaping from the horrors, or from the suffering we see everyday is the right answer either. I need to be reminded; I need to be angry, outraged – as do we all about such atrocities. How do we help? (Is the question). In the face of such suffering we often feel helpless insignificant, but there has to be a way to help these people that are being systematically wiped off the planet. We fight harder for the friggin' spotted owl than we do for our fellow humans. Why is that?

I went to a site today, signed a petition. I will figure out a way to donate some money. But can I actually go there? No of course not and what would I do if I did go over there – teach Yoga? (I am just so pathetic at times). But again I believe if enough of us stand up, speak out, rant, rave INSIST on something begin done – that our voices CAN be heard and we WILL make a difference.

So I guess the lesson here is the next time you feel like bitching about your lot in life (yes, including moi) – think about those people suffering, well just about anywhere else in the world, and shut the hell up.

NPR : Sebastian Junger: 'A Death in Belmont'

NPR : Sebastian Junger: 'A Death in Belmont'

Intersting...I wonder if it is as gripping a read as it sounds...

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Botswana: Ravaged by AIDS - Botswana: Ravaged by AIDS, but fighting back

...perhaps this is one of the 'hopeful' stories...

And that's right we need to keep thinking about this and not let it get off our radar.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

...and as for me, myself, and I

I did something for ME tonight. I took a Pilates class. A couple of my students were in attendance as well...

It kicked my ass - I am going to be really sore tomorrow and that's a good thing - as well as me realising how out of shape I am...tsk, tsk, tsk. I am also hooked - she was a great instructor.

So for tonight this is it. I took a hot shower and some Tylenol and now I am off to bed - so much for posting the rest of the 'Carnivale Chronicles' (I swear I will get around to it).


Bonnaroo | Music & Arts Festival | 2006

Bonnaroo | Music & Arts Festival | 2006

..yeah and while we are on the subject....

At least go check out the site for artists/music you may have never heard of but very well might enjoy if given the chance...



THIS will be my site pick for the week...

ROCK ON! (Plus as an aside my son is apparently going to see them at the Bonnaroo Festival...the little bastard!)

Imagining a world without AIDS - Imagining a world without AIDS

Again more on the epidemic killing thousands of people every year. - Family - Police Find Family Heirloom Is Mummified Baby - Family - Police Find Family Heirloom Is Mummified Baby

This was incredibly creepy and disturbing (if you got to and check out the video feed, it's even moreso). I can just hear the conversation now:

Husband to wife on wedding night:

"Honey, I want to give you something as a gift that's been passed down for generations in our family..."

*rustling of tissue paper*

Screams can be heard for miles




Yoga and Religion

My Yoga Journal Newsletter -- Yoga and Religion

Follow up - on my 'rant' about 'Christian' Yoga - brought to my attention by one of the other 'Yoga People' over at Zaadz where I have begun a 'Yoga Pod' for discussions such as this....

(I have to really laugh here at the way we speak now and our vernacular with such words at 'Pod' etc)


The World: Myanmar's Hidden AIDS Epidemic

The World: Myanmar's Hidden AIDS Epidemic

This story hit me really hard...(I have to stop listening to this stuff as I am driving, crying while driving makes it hard to see)....

I am just feeling so overwhelmed and so frustrated that in this day and age a government would turn their back on their own people in such a blatant way. I wonder what they will do when everyone is sick or dead and they have no subjects to govern?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Yoga With a Christian Bent

ABC News: Yoga With a Christian Bent

Bent? Christian??????


{mumbles something slightly incoherent about 'them finding their own friggin' sandbox to play in'}...sorry....

OK - far be it for me (or any Yogi/Yogini) to keep anyone from participating in Yoga. That's not the right thing to do - be exclusive that is; everyone can do Yoga and all should be accepted with lovingkindness. However, removing the Hindu aspect because you don't feel comfy with it??? That's wrong in my book. They need to honour the practice as part of a whole just like the way they expect us to honor and respect their religious views....PERIOD.

I do not teach Yoga as a 'religious' pursuit. I DO consider it a 'spiritual' practice and I do not tone that down for students. I DO talk to my students about the history of Yoga, about what makes Yoga Yoga. We do chant in my Yoga class - but I tell people to chant along with me only if they are comfortable. I don't ram it down anyone's throat and I certainly try to make students as comfortable as possible. When discussing mantra and meditation I tell my students they can use a word that suits them, they do not have to focus on 'OM' or any other Sanskrit term - they can use words like Peace, Love, God, Jesus if they like. But I refuse to make Yoga out to be a 'Christian' thing it simply isn't. That does not mean I do not welcome Christians in my classes - that does not mean I look my nose down on them for being Christian - but it also does not mean that I change the references, the background, the very HISTORY of Yoga to make them feel better.

When I first began teaching, I had a large group of people who came to class (mainly cause I was teaching for free). At one point at the end of one of my sessions, I used the word Namaste. In essence the word Namaste in Sanskrit means 'The divine spirit in me honours/recognises the divine within you' - beautiful sentiment, right?

Wanna make a bet?

When asked for the definition of the word I used I freely gave it to the class not thinking anything about it. The next class I was cornered by 4-5 African American fundamentalist BAPTIST women who decided to get in my face for trying to 'change their religion'. I was stunned and kind of frightened. I apologised profusely to them. One of them kept going on and on about 'how dare I suggest that humans were divine, why was I trying to change their religion, and didn't I like Christians...' and on and on. Needless to say I did not answer how I wanted to by suggesting that since they felt they were made in the 'IMAGE' of their said God and since that same God was considered divine - would it not follow that...ok you people can do the math here, right? Further, if your 'faith' is so weak that the mere utterance of a single foreign word could change your beliefs - well then my dear sistah you are in deeper trouble with your God than you think and it obviously has nothing to do with me...and so on...

Nope I shut up. I wrote a letter of apology to the class and I said I would figure out a new way to end the class. And I did. What was nice was that one of them stood up for me and said that she for one thought they were being ignorant and ridiculous (Amen!) and she felt they should be grateful to me for teaching them for free.

I did take this 'predicament' to my own Yoga teachers. My one teacher, Larry got a bit upset stating in essence that I did not 'owe' them (meaning my teachers) anything and the main thing was to make students feel comfortable and at ease. That I could have used different words instead. Meanwhile Matt told me not to 1/2 step or 'water down' Yoga or teach 'fast-food' Yoga that I needed to teach the Yoga I was taught complete with it's history, and it's premise; if the students felt uncomfortable they could leave, because if they did not find fault with that it would be with something else. So in essence I got two different pieces of advice.

I decided to compromise. I did not use the word Namaste, but I did do an invocation after class:

Asato Ma Sat Gamaya
Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya
Mrityor Maamritam Gamaya

May we be led from the unreal to the real,
From darkness to light,
From fear to love,
From death to immortality.

And, I did chant 'Om, shanti, shanti, shanti' at the end of that 'prayer'.

Now I use the word Namaste to thank my students after our sessions and as a way to let them know how much I love them. I will not stop using this word. I will not change its meaning or back away from the sentiment anymore. To me this is the essence of what I do as a Yogini and teacher and if they indeed want some other type of Yoga, they can go to a local gym...and now, apparently to their local Christian church.

Lennon's message from beyond: Peace

Lennon's message from beyond: Peace


Yes I am absolutely certain that Mr. Lennon's message from beyond would be peace - it's what he preached and railed for - although he himself was not always an entirely 'peaceful' soul...but then people who fight for things like peace are often tortured themselves...

But I highly doubt he'd have been able to be contacted via a seance - I doubt he'd be interested in talking to any mere mortals at this point - unless he was trying to play 'mind games'...

...forever, John.


NPR : There Is More to Life Than My Life

NPR : There Is More to Life Than My Life

This is so simply eloquent and beautiful.

The Academy of American Poets - Pablo Neruda

The Academy of American Poets - Pablo Neruda

He is my all-time favourite poet. His writing speaks to me and touches me in ways that I never felt possible. He is honest, and fiery and incredibly profound.

Just a sample:

Love Sonnet XI

I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day
I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.

I hunger for your sleek laugh,
your hands the color of a savage harvest,
hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails,
I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.

I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your lovely body,
the sovereign nose of your arrogant face,
I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes,

and I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight,
hunting for you, for your hot heart,
like a puma in the barrens of Quitratue.

- - Pablo Neruda

Monday, April 24, 2006

NPR : Reggae Legends Toots and the Maytals in Concert

NPR : Reggae Legends Toots and the Maytals in Concert

Cool! Really need to listen to this!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

What's been going through my head

...other than the 'obvious' struggle...well obvious to me anyways...

I 'found' this song via NBC's 'Conviction' TV show and the words and music are haunting. I suggest you listen if you ever get a chance. Powerful song, powerfully me chills.


"No Bravery"

There are children standing here,
Arms outstretched into the sky,
Tears drying on their face.
He has been here.
Brothers lie in shallow graves.
Fathers lost without a trace.
A nation blind to their disgrace,
Since he's been here.

And I see no bravery,
No bravery in your eyes anymore.
Only sadness.

Houses burnt beyond repair.
The smell of death is in the air.
A woman weeping in despair says,
He has been here.
Tracer lighting up the sky.
It's another families' turn to die.
A child afraid to even cry out says,
He has been here.

And I see no bravery,
No bravery in your eyes anymore.
Only sadness.

There are children standing here,
Arms outstretched into the sky,
But no one asks the question why,
He has been here.
Old men kneel to accept their fate.
Wives and daughters cut and raped.
A generation drenched in hate.
Says, he has been here.

And I see no bravery,
No bravery in your eyes anymore.
Only sadness.

'No Bravery' - James Blunt

Longing... the shape of a man that's 'verboten' to me...

ARRRRRGH. WTF? I should be above all this you know. Why now?

'4AM knows all my secrets...'

I am sitting here, waiting for coffee to finish brewing so I can go outside and sit in the slightly chilled, sunshiny day and drink out of one of those coffee cups that has a picture of a cartoony girl on it with the word 'girl' under the picture and next to it is a picture of a pig with the word 'boy' scribbled below in kindergarten-esque hand writing.

Geez. I don't need this....

Up til 4AM 're-connecting' cause I couldn't sleep and sat talking to him I mean for hours. I'd try to do other things but I knew my mind was going to fast to sleep so I kept hesitating to just go to bed. Instead I decided to write him an e-mail and all of a sudden find out he's up too - he can't sleep so we just end up talking more...only I don't know if this is a pattern with him not sleeping cause it sure as hell isn't usually this way with evidenced by the headache I now have from lack thereof.

As I's like we picked right back up where we left off. Only this time I think it's way more serious...and that's a problem....perhaps not. I sure the hell hope not.


...and like that he's here again...

I don't know what makes me think that if i put a feeler out that something will come back...but it did.

And now it's as if no time had passed and we're just picking up the conversation where we left off.

And it's so incredibly strange how he was just here in my thoughts...recently, and how I had just been wondering how he was; I was thinking something major had happened to him; a great loss.

Tonight, as I walked home I looked up into the night sky, littered with stars and again he came into my mind.

So...I wrote to him. I don't know what made me write to him. I had basically written him off. So when the e-mail bounced back I figured OK, fini. But then I had copied to more than one address and the next thing I know, I have an e-mail from him. I hesitated to open it, but I did. He invited me to chat and we did. And I found out everything that had been happening to him lately, and he HAD suffered a terrible loss. And he was so close to me at one point in the process and I did not even know he was here...we could have actually SEEN each other...but the moment passed...

And he's back in my orbit and I don't even know where to begin again. But I know this...we will pick up where we left off - as if we had never left each other's lives.

Friday, April 21, 2006

A day in the life of a Yoga teacher


Last night I was all geared up to teach a class at one of our satellite locations. I was told by someone that the room should accommodate 20 people. I did not think that it would. I was right. We had 19 people show up and it was WAY TOO CROWDED. There should have been only 15 people in the room.

The first person to walk into the class was a senior citizen who was using a walker and was hooked up to an oxygen tank. Her oxygen clicked on every couple of seconds. I looked at her and smiled and said:

'Hi! Are you here for the Yoga class?'

'You bet!' she said proudly showing me her new Yoga mat.

'Did they talk to you about the class?' I asked, getting kind of frightened.

'No, she said, why? I am fine!" she went on a bit breathless 'I just got out of the hospital, been in there since January. I had thoracic surgery and I am just fine!'

OK, so by now I am panicking. Very gently I ask:

'Does your doctor know you are here?'


'He should know that you are taking this class, m'am, in fact, I need to get some info from him about you.'

'Why? My physical therapist knows I am here and my doctor knows I do whatever I want to do'

I am really at this point trying not to lose my cool.

'I understand, m'am however, in order to make sure I am not going to hurt you, or impede in any way your healing progress, I need a note from your doctor stating it's OK for you to be in a Yoga class. In the meantime - please just take it easy, don't do anything really strenuous and if you have ANY problems even the slightest one, please tell me'

'OK' she says, and wheels herself off to the back of the room.

The young woman who showed up with her (seemingly with her but at the same time I was not sure) asks me where the restroom is. I show her myself. I then asked if she knew the lady we left behind. She said she was dating the woman's son. I asked her if she thought that the lady with the walker and oxygen would be OK - she said she thinks so but also applauded my concern and my wanting to get a doctor's note. I explain it's a necessity - not me trying to be mean.

I went down to the ground floor to try to help others find the room after hearing a couple of students were having a hard time finding us. I was at the door and one woman, young and quite fit, came up to me asking if I was the Yoga teacher. I answered yes.

'Well you might not get what you can out of me in class tonight' she said, 'I am just getting over an injury.'

I tell her to just be gentle with her body and we would help her get through. She could sit in a chair or just rest and relax during the class, concentrate on the breathing, not the postures.

The room was soon filled with more students than I've seen in a class in a while. It was very crowded. We all managed and I talked and did introductions and we began. It was not a strenuous class at all, still some struggled. Surprisingly NOT the lady on oxygen.

At the end of the class I caught a glimpse of the young woman who had divulged the info about her injury. She was nearly sobbing. I went to the back of the room and hugged her and talked to her. She told me that she was just not ready for this yet (meaning the class), I told her that she did not have to come and that she could call the people that registered her and I would make sure they refunded her money. She then told me that she had been shot up that day with novocaine in and for the intense pain in her back.

Meanwhile, the lady on the walker, using oxygen was in amazing spirits and showed no adverse affect to the session. I was totally chagrined.


There is a cartoon/ad that runs in Yoga Journal magazine and other Yoga publications showing a Yoga teacher asking the question we are all taught to ask:

"Do you have any physical problems I should know about?"

In the cartoon the teacher is facing a class full of obviously injured students; some of them are on crutches, have bandages on their heads etc. Not a single student offers up information on their 'condition'. It's actually meant to be a funny ad for insurance for Yoga teachers. It unfortunately hits the nail right on the head.

Coming from my own personal experience and the aspect/scenarios I work with I am often working with people who have medical conditions. More often than not it is like pulling teeth to get them to talk to me about their physical problems and I feel in order to teach them I NEED to know. But we can't force a student to tell us their problems. I remember when I was first teaching Yoga (for free) at the very beginning of my teaching career (some 4 years ago now). I had a student who went up into a simple pose of downward-facing dog (if you don't know Yoga poses go look it up - it's not extremely easy but most people can manage this pose). The class all went up into the pose. In about 5 seconds she came down hard on her mat. I had never seen this before. So I asked if she was OK - she said she was. After class I stopped her. I asked further - so what happened? Did you hurt yourself? She all of a sudden told me that she had pins in her forearms and putting any pressure on her arms was very painful. I just looked at her and I asked her why at the beginning of class she didn't tell me that when I asked her if she had any problems.
She had no answer for me. She went on to become one of my best students.

I think that people don't want to be asked things in front of others. I also do everything in my power to get info without being too invasive. I will give the class questionnaires to fill out so I can gather information privately. Last night I did not have any. Next week I will be armed with those and with waivers to sign.

It's part of the job (and occupational hazard if you will), to make sure your students are kept safe and healthy even when they themselves don't think it matters to share important information about their own bodies to help you make the experience the best it can possibly be for them. I also make sure I always tell students to honor their bodies limitations and boundaries and hopefully they are listening to their bodies and to their teacher.


Thursday, April 20, 2006

Tonight's Yoga Class....

...was an absolute trip!

More tomorrow. I am simply too exhausted.

Oh, and I've been asked to do another interview - this time for a local magazine...

Too much...too soon...stay centered.

Night kids.


we make money not art

we make money not art

I actually found this story via Susan over at 'Easy Bake Coven'

OK let's see what you guys think....

Is this art?

...yeah, me neither...but as Susan says I suppose we should defend his right to call it art...

Marketplace: Business world steps up fight against child porn

Marketplace: Business world steps up fight against child porn

Good article - let's hope they are able to win the fight....I was absolutely horrified by what I heard in this report.

Things have really gotten way out of hand with this insidious evil that's destoying innocent children everywhere.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

How karma works...

{ponder, ponder, ponder}

*sigh* I have a chance to really wreak havoc with the little tramp (who is now practically famous), that had the affair with my ex...I mean in such a way as to make her go through the same pain and possibly wreck the relationship she's in (which she wrecked ANOTHER marriage to have, BTW).

What to do...what to do?

If you knew of a way to stop someone from committing yet another crime (whether it be a crime in the sense we all view crime or crimes of the heart), would you do it?

A place to vent...

A place to vent...

Oh yeah...and speaking of my friend C2 - go check her out as well. I've been meaning to link to her like this for a while and now that she's posting more often, there's no time like the present.

(Wow 3 in one night! This is some kind of record here on DOCG)


McSweeney's Internet Tendency: I'm a Little Unnerved by My eHarmony Profile.

McSweeney's Internet Tendency: I'm a Little Unnerved by My eHarmony Profile.

Usually I don't point out two in one evening of blogging but check this one out as well it's hysterical (as already pointed out by C2) - and Mr. Stallard's writing is superb and exquisitely funny.



My pick for blog to go visit this week...

Go vist Artemis. She is indeed a Goddess.

McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Attention, Mr. Axl Rose: We Did Not Feel Welcome in the Jungle.

From my fortune cookie...

Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is doing it.

Lucky numbers 1, 24, 35, 8, 17, 30

Learn Chinese - Happy Birthday: Sheng-dan-jie

NPR : Author Wades Through 'Mental Health Madness'

NPR : Author Wades Through 'Mental Health Madness'

I was driving home from teaching the other night and listening to this story on NPR

By the time I got home I was crying. This story really struck a nerve with me.

My ex (you know the one that caused me to start this blog because of his 'antics') is mentally ill. He will be mentally ill for the rest of his life.

When we met I knew he had 'issues', who doesn't. But I looked past his darkness because we were such a good 'fit' because we spoke the same language, because he was OK with me being somewhat of an intellectual and not just a set of tits.

But as time wore on his illness began to surface and it was the roller coaster ride from hell. He was out of control. He was fully immersed in a world I could not understand nor follow into. He was really sick. He became homeless, he became violent, he was manic, and he was suicidal. He was in danger and I have never felt so helpless in my life.

I remember the first time he tried to commit suicide; he decided to take an entire bottle of Tylenol PM. I managed to get to him on time and get him to the hospital. After getting the poison out of him the doctor there began screaming at him - that's right I said SCREAMING. I witnessed this abuse. I mean WTF? Don't be a psych resident if you can't handle this shit, OK. They released him with no help, no follow up.

Because of his depression he was totally unstable in the work place, he lost/quit jobs and became homeless. When I would not let him move in with me he became violent. He also at this time was doing the same internet shit with women (and I don't care what anyone thinks this WAS a manifestation of his illness), and so I kicked him to the curb as far as our relationship went. This too contributed to his violent outbursts. Eventually he was caught living in one of the sheds in the basement of my apartment building; the police were called and they begged me to press charges, I begged them to take him to the psych ward. I won, they took him down to the psych ward, the psych ward released him back onto the streets and he became homeless again. Desperate to get him help, I called his parents. His own dad did not believe his son was mentally ill; his mom was a bit better. His grandmother actually came out to help him and managed to get his parents to let him move to Florida. Basically all it ended up being was a vacation with no help for him at all. He was miserable. Finally, I called a place here in Cleveland and was able to get him into a program where he'd have counseling, live in a house with other 'crazy' folks and get on his feet.

It worked. He became stable, found a medicine that worked and he changed his life. We got back together and eventually decided to get married (and yes I was concerned about the future with him but I truly loved him and was willing to marry him despite my reservations. 'For better or for worse, in sickness and in health' isn't that the vow we take?) And the rest as they say is history 2 1/2 years into our marriage he went off his meds (without telling me) and spiraled out of control again. Our marriage was trashed and I was at my wits end and this time unable to muster up the energy needed to once again 'save him' or even help him because he was so completely gone by that point.

I come to this story from the perspective of a loved one who could not help or rescue or whatever you want to call it, someone that deserved to be helped. I am aghast at how much harm is done to those who are too ill to help themselves. I am embarrassed and incredibly saddened by the story this father told about what happened to his son, about the information he was able to 'dig up', thanks to being a former reporter with the Washington Post. It was like living through it all over again for me, the desperation, the not being able to get 'help', the fact that most people don't see mental illness they way they see illnesses like cancer, or heart disease and that included the medical community. Finally, hearing this father's story and realizing he is right, that if you are going to 'love' someone with this illness you'd better be able to not just be in it for the long haul, but you'd better be able to let them go as well, completely, and with no hope for a cure.

EDIT: Just one last thing - this story hit me so hard I felt compelled to write to the author of the book - here's the letter:

Mr. Earley I had to write to you about your bravery and courage for stepping forward to chronical and talk about your own personal story about your son. How heartbreaking for you and your family. My heart goes out to you.

As I listened to your story on NPR, I was painfully reminded of my own dealings with mental illness striking my own loved one: my now ex-husband. What he went through and how it ultimately affected our lives, and destroyed our marriage - well, let's just say, I could write my own book. And when you mention how you were treated when trying to get him medical help - I so wanted to pick up the phone and call you - I was crying by the time I got home.

I wonder how many of us out there who are on the 'outside looking in', trying to help our loved ones are unable to, and eventually give up, out of desperation, out of sheer exhaustion? In my case it was a matter of saving my own life and that of my children. I found myself going crazy - in fact I've become convinced that at thimes this disease is somewhat contagious - I could write volumes about this. And, I can't even imagine dealing with this with one of my children as well, (although because of all the issues with my ex, my daughter went through a bout of depression). I just had to write to you and give you (if you'll pardon the term) an internet hug/handshake and send you all my very best in hope and prayers that your son finds his way and somehow becomes whole again. I hope your story helps to change the current atmosphere/culture when it comes to the treatment of this awful disease and that it helps others out there to realise they are not alone in their predicament.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

...and just because I am cooler than you


I found a 'Rocky the Flying Squirrel' T-shirt....I so 'rock'


...and while we are on the subject

...of 'media' etc. in general.

Does anyone else have a problem with the movie about United flight 93?????

Anyone????? (besides me that is)

Kill your TV

...yes indeed you should KILL YOUR TV - go out! Do something! Take a Yoga class! *grin* (and as a side note: I know I've been pretty lax about posting lately)

Some nights though, after a week of complete and utter crap at work and too much teaching on the side I need to just veg out.

There are some shows I do watch. Unfortunately I promised myself a while back to cut out the violent ones and for almost 2 years I did do that - why? Because you are what you watch and listen to - you are everything you put into your body and know that, right?

However some shows are compelling and of course the ones I do resonate with (despite the violence) - usually get cancelled.

Here are the latest ones - both on NBC

This one is being cancelled - which is a shame because it had a good cast - it was smart, funny and not too terribly violent:

The next one is from that 'dynasty' created by Dick Wolf (of Law & Order fame). It';s called 'Conviction' I do like this as well (I wanted to be a lawyer when I grew up - thank Goddess in a way *that* didn't happen) - again it's hip, smart, gripping and poignant - but mainly I really like it cause it's a great source for some really good music ^_^ :

And last but not least - you guys all know I have watched 'Medium' in the past - I DO really like this show - mainly cause they have really 'fleshed out' the characters and it's just really well done - of late I have not watched so much - however for the record, I am posting this pic because I am madly in love with this man (Jake Weber) - he's just so incredibly hot - I should say his character on the show is hot in the way he portrays all the emotional/intellectual complexity that seems to be the hallmark of his character:

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Neil Young: 'Let's Impeach the President - Neil Young: 'Let's Impeach the President'

OK let me be the first to say (while wincing a bit) that I have always liked Mr. Young and his song-writing - he can't really sing but hey, who's keeping score?

However, HE'S A CANDADIAN and last I checked they don't get a say so in our electoral process....

While I am totally behind the idea of impeaching the current buffoon in Oval office - I don't want to hear it from Neil Young. I want to hear 'it' from the rest of you out there....

Monday, April 17, 2006 - Police: Angry neighbor has cat euthanized - Police: Angry neighbor has cat euthanized


There are other atrocities to blog about but this one is milder than the rest I suppose - still it's pretty bad....

Friday, April 14, 2006

Afterglow: The Diary of a Gay Ghosthunter

Afterglow: The Diary of a Gay Ghosthunter

A very happy birthday to you my dear.


I don't know why

I decided to post this AGAIN...probably because I love this poem and for some reason - it found it's way into my head this afternoon...

Funeral Blues

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

-- W.H. Auden

Anderson Cooper 360 Blog: Generals Question Rumsfeld's Leadership

Anderson Cooper 360 Blog

Frankly, I think he needs to resign because he's ugly and has that creepy-pointy-finger-thingy going on and we all know that no good can ever come of that.

Ooops sorry, did I actually *type* that?


Holistic Health Services (a.k.a. My Tri-C Yoga class!)

Holistic Health Services

For those of you who are local and want to participate in the Yoga classes I am teaching, here's the link. Just look under 'Course Offerings' and then (obviously), the link for 'Yoga'.

Just so you know, there is a typo about the date you can 'register by' to get the cheaper price for the class. As long as you register by May 30th you will recieve the rate of $71 for the 8-week session.

Too funny!

It's the somewhat annual stupid Easter cartoon here on DOCG.

*evil grin*


OK - maybe I've piqued your interests....

Check it out...then you can call me crazy...

We might just be able to change the world, or it might just turn out to be another 'on-line' dating experiment. *grin*

Thursday, April 13, 2006

If you see the Buddha on the road, kill the Buddha

...yeah it's kind of like that.

So the article hit the paper today and I had seriously just about forgotten about it. I mean it was at the back of my mind, but really once I get to work, I am kind of on 'auto-pilot'.

Then the 'call' came - one of many I was to get. It was Leah, the girl from the lab we deal with for tissue-typing donors. 'C!' she says, 'You're a celebrity!' I groan, realising what she is talking about....oh no....

'Wow!' she says, I finally get to see what you look like. (erg). OK, for the record, I am not photogenic at all - not at all. I was kidding my Wednesday night Yoga class about them taking my picture for the local paper:

"Yeah, do you guys remember that episode of Friends where they are all watching home movies about Rachel and Monica's prom and Chandler and Joey see how fat Monica used to be and almost in unison they go 'That's You?!?' and Monica retorts: 'The camera adds 10 pounds you know' to which Chandler snidely replies: 'How many cameras are on you?'...yeah, well it's kind of like that" My students cracked up....

So then Leah asks me: 'Without Yoga you'd be in a rubber room, huh?' I gasp. 'She printed that???' I ask, incredulous. Geez. I didn't think she'd print that; I was kind of kidding (but of course it's true - it's what kept me sane - well that and bitching to the blogosphere). The rest of the article was apparently pretty good. Upon reading it on my own, there were typos and misquotes and things she took out of context but what the hell can one expect from a weekly rag? I mean it ain't no New York Times - oh wait the NYT has lost a lot of credibility....hmmmm...well... *shrugs*

It was good enough to generate business for the Yoga class at the one satellite location of our institution where I'll be teaching, and that's cool. I feel rather silly with some of the stuff that was put in the article but hopefully people will get the general gist that Yoga is an accessible form of exercise and relaxation for everyone no matter their physical condition or age. *ANYONE* can do Yoga.

I had to laugh when I thought a bit more deeply about my apprehension for what was in the article before I actually read it myself. I was musing about people who have things written about them in newspapers in a negative light....

Like do you think Richard Nixon kept the front page of the paper the day he resigned in disgrace? I'll bet not, however, I'll bet that you'll find it in the Nixon library.


Donor Heart Removed; Girl's Heart Improves

Donor Heart Removed; Girl's Heart Improves

What an interesting story...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Ken Wilber

Ken Wilber

Ken Wilbur is a very provacative writer and thinker. The book that started this for me was his tribute to the love of his life (his wife) - a touching and very personal book about dealing with her illness and death. I recommend it highly:

Swami Shankardev Saraswati

Swami Shankardev Saraswati

I was lucky enough to have worked with this wonderful teacher. I've linked to his stuff before but now I am linking to his site.

The ever darkening...

Skies. Black. Foreboding. Hanging over the lake, menacing.

Who needs a weather person for a forcast? Just tune in here. ^_^

The spring rain is beginning to pick up a bit and the dark humorless clouds remind me of the scene from The Wizard of Oz where the evil Miss Gulch is riding her bike, stealing away with Toto in the basket, and that music is playing....a sure sign of bad things yet to come.

Have Coffee Will Write: THE TWO-MINUTE HAGGADAH…

Have Coffee Will Write: THE TWO-MINUTE HAGGADAH…

From one of my favourite writers...Mr. Jeff Hess

Blessed Passover everyone.

Radio Indie Pop

Radio Indie Pop

Now listening to....

For those of us out there who are 'old' *wink* trying to stay connected to our youth - this is a good source for new, and independent music.

Have fun! I am off to do laundry.



I woke up with a killer headache and so I took a day off....

Finally, it's raining the first of the true spring rains; a hint of the remainder of the dying winter lingers in the air, from across the lake in Canada...the rain smells wonderful, the grass is almost a neon green, a promise of new life.

Just breathe.

NPR : Seu Jorge's Long Journey

NPR : Seu Jorge's Long Journey

This guy first caught my attention that ever-so-wacky movie: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (and if you have not seen that yet - stop reading my blog {*laughs*}). His voice and his guitar are equally beguiling so take a listen and enjoy.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

...and so it goes...

In keeping with the last post...

Tomorrow I go to Tri-C (local community college) to meet with the director of recreation for the Eastern campus because they have asked me to become the Yoga teacher for the summer session. I guess I will be considered part of the teaching faculty (insomuch as teaching a Yoga class much like teaching a 'Gym' class can make one part of the 'faculty'). I will find out more tomorrow - it's going to be a good experience for me and I will also be helping in some small way to grow the curriculum for their proposed associates degree program for holistic practitioners.

While I am doing this I will not be teaching my other classes so I will in essence have the summer off, other than this Tuesday night class. I need the break from teaching too many classes and suffering 'burn out' as a teacher. This will enable me to go to some classes myself and re-connect with my teachers. I am looking forward to Larry kicking my ass in his Wednesday night Yoga class.


If the article with my interview about Yoga comes out this week I will try to post that as well...don't expect pictures gang, if I can help it I won't post them.

Off to the shower - mad at myself for not working out tonight - tomorrow night definitely (especially if it's nice outside).

Yoga's growing US popularity attracts cash

Yoga's growing US popularity attracts cash

Good article...good points.

As always, in everything I do I strive to maintain a semblance of balance in my days, in my work, in my personal life. Often it's a struggle because I am simply too busy. There is too much going on. I take on too much. Biting off more than we can chew. That's the danger I see with Yoga as well. While I desperately want to preserve my integrity as a teacher and promote the 'true' aspects of Yoga - I want to be successful, I want the program to grow and horror of horrors I want to make money being a Yoga teacher.

But last night, when the person who used the room before me, left behind dry erase markers and an eraser I decided to use it to actually 'teach' the class a 'lesson' not just movements but about the underlying principles that help govern Yogis/Yoginis: the Yamas and the Niyamas. As I was writing on the board, putting up the words and definitions, I noticed on the other board an 'erased' drawing of the human body complete with arrows pointing to the various parts and joints and then to the right of this 'ghostly' remainder of the body was an erased 'OM' symbol. I was suddenly overtaken by joy and I began to remember why I teach this practice to others. I re-traced the 'OM' symbol and went out to gather my class....

I think I am going to make it through everything that modern/materialistic society has to throw at me.

Monday, April 10, 2006

To all of you

I finished reading Emotional Yoga by Bija Bennett - what an incredible book.

I am going to leave you now with a quote she used in the book from Nietzsche:

"You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star"

Night kids. Twinkle away....

Lest I forget...

While I was gone,my other dear friend, C2, had a birthday and I missed the party.



So a very happy belated birthday C2..c'mon everyone sing with me

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear C2, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!

*HUGS* Happy b-day m'dear!

Home again, home again

jiggity, jig...

Yes back home again. My son is STILL having problems but he knows if he does not get his diploma, he's in deep shit. So I talked to his teacher today (the woman is a lunatic bitch - seriously a bitch and as computer illiterate as my work mates which is pretty friggin' bad)...but he IS according to her getting his work in on time now.

Keep your fingers crossed.


Today I had to take my dearest friend's daughter to the hospital with me - she is in need of tests. She is seriously ill and she looks it - every inch of what used to be a gorgeous body is ravaged by illness. It makes my heart sick to see her. She was always so vivacious, so beautiful so full of energy and light and now she is so gravely ill - we don't even know just how bad it is - we should know something soon.

I want to add something here I failed to mention yesterday when I posted this - that despite this young woman's outward 'appearance' shie is still very much HER - she is full of fire and passion and is (to me at least) still clear and vital and vibrant and yes even beautiful and it dawns on me that beauty isn't being superficial or just to gaze upon, 'real/true' beauty comes from within...

I got a chance to talk to her at some length. I am in awe of her grit and her peacefulness about what is going on. Meanwhile, her mother, my dear friend is losing her mind over this - as any mom would be. The problem is the daughter is shutting her out. Not because the daughter is trying to be cruel but because the daughter can't take the mother's constant barrage of 'What's wrong? Why aren't you doing more?' and on and on and on...

I can very clearly see both sides. No, I don't have a daughter that may be dying - but I know what it's like to have your daughter's life be at risk and her seeming to be oblivious to the entire 'drama'.

I can understand why this young woman is acting the way she is - we are after all born only 1 day apart (although decades apart) from each other. It's called 'leave me the fuck alone and let me die in peace'. Seriously. I don't like being sick. No one does. I tell people when I have worries (hell I told all of YOU about me possibly having cancer)...but despite me saying it (perhaps as a courtesy - perhaps as a bid for attention); I still wanted to be left alone about it. And, when I am sick I NEED to be left alone. I think because my mother used 'hover' over me when I was sick and I just don't like that. I hate going to doctors (again we all do), but I was pretty sickly as a child (I was actually quarantined from my family because they thought I might have had 'Scarlet fever') I did some time in the sick rooms and hospital and stayed at home quite a bit as a grammar-school kid. Sometimes, you want to be left alone. Sometimes you NEED this. Sometimes you just want to sort through it on your own. The 'trick' here is that they both need to find a 'balance' and it isn't going to be easy, and I fear I am going to have to tell my friend the thing she fears hearing the most about her own daughter: 'Leave her alone, she will come to you when she is ready...and, she may never come to you'. It is so hard to be a parent. So hard to let go of those you love the most. I would think this friend of mine in particular would understand this part as she DID deal with cancer and almost died from the illness. But as a just can't seem to let go at times.

And children have it rough too - they want to be their own people. They don't want to cling, they don't want us to cling to them. They are given to us for only a short time and THEY know that better than WE do at times. They don't mean to be cruel and it's not that they don't love us - they do - but at a distance and in their own time and space.

Ultimately I wish them both peace and kindness and love. I hope and pray that the universe will see them through this as humanely as possible.

The 'over and over again' movies this time

For your viewing pleasure (well more like for the kids viewing pleasure):

(Note: *I* was not that impressed with this one)

Love, love, LOVE this movie, though...

Music to travel by

What we listened to was:

Of course some Floyd

Dave Matthews:

Sting (this was a really weird album and I had never heard it before - hmmm):

And of course some Tull:

My ex is not particularly 'adventurous' when it comes to music (LOL or other things *ahem* sorry). I mean he has nice taste but it's mainly jazz, blues etc. I just like new stuff A LOT! And I get tired of the same old, same old...which is why it's good to have my son around to keep me on my toes musically.

Pot. Kettle. Black.

Pot. Kettle. Black.

Pot. Kettle. Black.

Go here now....why?

Cause *I* said so! That's why....and that's *ALL* you need to know....

It's the fairly irregular suggestion for 'blog of the week' here on DOCG.


Friday, April 07, 2006

Rain delay


Today, opening day for the Cleveland Indians baseball team - I awoke to it being practically black out (and inside considering my mood) - just feel so bleh - so tired, so lack luster....

It's raining and dreary and damp and so it goes with my spirits.

My 15 minutes of fame has been delayed (they did not run the article nor our ad for the class - it will run next week or so the paper announced). That's OK I truly don't care if my words or my picture (LOL ESPECIALLY my picture) runs in the local rag - I really don't - I want the class to be a success. So far, we already have 5 students and that's a good start.

My son might not be graduating high school - great. This is nuts. He's a bright kid he's just deciding to wage war against his English teacher who is getting ready to retire, apparently hates seniors, and has nothing to lose by flunking him. He does not seem to understand in the case of a tie the student usually loses. He is being obnoxious to her. He does well on the tests but misses some homework. His grades went from a C, to a D and now to an E (yes kids that's right they don't give 'F's' anymore - C2 suggested it might be too traumatic - he's going to really know what traumatic means if he does not graduate, cause I am going to land him in the trauma unit at the hospital). It's like I can't get him to listen to me - his dad is worthless and I don't know what to do. Spoke with his counselor who suggested I talk with the teacher. My issues are her comment to him about how if he had handed in ONE MORE ASSIGNMENT he'd have gotten a D! WTF???? Is she kidding?????? He's a senior with lots to do besides English homework and one assignment broke his grade? How the fuck does that work? Then he told me 1/2 the class is flunking....1/2??? That's way too many kids flunking a class. The counselor confirmed this - but he also told me the kids flunking 'deserve' it - I am in such a quandary (actually my son is) cause it's not about me it's about him. The teacher has been told to call me and we are going to have to have a meeting and I don't care if he ends up hating me - he's going to have to pull his ass out of this slump and get at least a D - how mortifying....

The Hot Zone Online

The Hot Zone Online Blog

Check out Linda (Auterrific) & Hubby's new blog - all about hot stuff - all the time!

Enjoy, and visit often, and make sure you take your Nexium, Prilosec, and Tums with you


Good luck Joe & Linda

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Quickly, quickly...

I am too tired for this...need to update...been promising myself I NEED to get to bed before 11PM - yeah THAT'S not happening tonight much to tired.

But briefly...

I love you MR. C - !!!! Get better I will get over there to nurse you more tomorrow and replace your spatula and we can play hide the spatula (LOL just kidding)...


People - for those of you out there that are just plain stupid, or rude, or mainly both - when you are getting ready to get on an elevator, etiquette dictates that:

Why are people such fucktards????

Today I actually said something and the ONLY reason I did was because we are in a hospital and the least they can do is WAIT UNTIL THE CRIPPLED LADY DE-BOARDS THE ELEVATOR! RIGHT?????

Rude, idiots...


The rest later...



Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Now listening to....

K.T. Tunstall is amazing!
If you have not done so yet, go get her album(s) - just do it!

I have not listened to this in years - I had forgotten how much I enjoyed this album - it was a painful one for him to make (his dad had just passed away) - and in one of my favourite quotes from one of the songs, he talks about the 'Priests coming round' to their home to give the last rites and he says: "Father if Jesus exists, how come he never lives here?" - there just some great music on this album which I think was overlooked by many of the critics.

And last, certianly not least - just because I love this album:



The 'CENTS SYMBOL' brought to you courtesy of darling Liam and a keystroke that I did not know existed. (Although it DOES look a bit different than the old one I was used to - ah no matter it rocks!)


Sunday, April 02, 2006

Being a bitch in the 'blogosphere'

Meg, over at 'Divorcing Rick' is a lot like me - she states her opinion. Pretty bluntly.

Unfortunately I disagree with one of her 'rants' about how men are treated when it comes to being parents.

Gee Meg, under your version, I guess I AM a moron.

Every single dad I know who walked away from his family turned out to be a dead beat dad. Almost every one of them. Why? I don't know but I have seen countless friends and family members (women every single one of them) screwed over by these so-called fathers - whom you described as being screwed over in this country every time they turn around. I so totally disagree with your post that I don't even know where to start about the whole thing. For the record - I have always involved my fathers in their childrens' lives. And for the record I never got one penny from one of them - was he a deadbeat - you bet! Did I still want him in my daughter's life - you bet! And guess what, I turned out to be the 'bad guy' according to her for leaving him! How's about them apples? If you are a single mom you are screwed by society, by your own government and now by other women - yeah thanks we need all the support we can get.

I don't recall when I was pregnant, and decided to have an abortion that the guys involved were ever so particularly helpful, supportive, or interested, as long as they did not have to go through the pain, humiliation, sadness, and self-recriminations, or as I remember in one case paying for any of fact most of them were thrilled by not having to 'deal with it', and I don't remember a single conversation about 'well gee I WANT to raise this baby - which would have in turn opened up a dialogue. Nope they were mostly happy it was over but let me tell you they sure enjoyed fucking me.

I am sick of women especially thinking that men have it so bad when it comes to reproductive issues - they don't lady - WE do! I would have welcomed the help from my daughter's father - I did not go to court - I just quietly dealt with it. My sister however is owed $35,000 from her dead-beat ex and the lady he fucked before my sister is owed $50,000 from him - that's $85,000 this fucktard owes his children and you'd better believe my sister was threatened with legal action every single time she threatened to hold back visitation - so you wanna tell me who got screwed here???? My nephew and his 1/2 sister, that's who. NOT THE GUY MEG. And if you think this is isolated, think again. The courts basically force women to let their ex's see these kids but do they enforce child support - nope. They are overwhelmed by these cases. If you ask me the guys need to be castrated so they can't do this again and they don't deserve to parent kids when they refuse the responsibility of being a parent.

I'd have put this sort of comment on your blog but it seems you don't allow comments. Your choice and very smart of you I suppose - after all we (and when I say we I mean most of us blogging out here) don't really want to be attacked on our own blogs by 'unruly' commentators. So instead I'll just attack your post here. Cause I don't know what planet you're living on but the colour of the sky in mine is apparently very different from yours....

Lucky you, I guess you never had to deal with such awful crap from men...lucky you.

As usual, day late, dollar short

So I just found out about Bit-Torrent and how to use it....

I think my geek badge should be taken away now....


Putting the 'hole' back in holistic


Don't you guys hate my smarmy-ness?

Anyhow...yeah went to the the holistic fair...the pickings were meager, but I made some amazing contacts.

I got to hear my 'Yoga Boss' doctor-lady do a great lecture and met some of the other practitioners (a.k.a.: 'Agents of Light').

I got to have a kick-ass Sivananda Yoga session with a fellow Yogini/Teacher.

To top it all off yours truly might be actually TEACHING Yoga at Tri-C. Go me!

Hopefully next year it will be a bigger success.