Friday, February 29, 2008

A crisis of faith....

My choice for the Democratic primary is . . . - Regina Brett -

I have been struggling myself with the same issues Ms. Brett brings up in her column.

Should I as a woman vote for a woman? Someone's mom. Am I being a 'traitor' by not doing so?

This will be the first time a woman has ever been on the ballot in the history of this country for the job of president of the United States.

And you'd think I'd actually admire her 'bitchiness' as I myself believe that it's unfair to call a woman bitchy when all she is actually being in fact is aggressive....

But...there's just something about Mrs. Clinton that does not set well with me....I can't put my finger on it - except to say that she sounds just like an old polished, political crony and that's not what I want for this country anymore...

So the struggle continues...within....and I can't really call it a crisis in faith when I've never really had much faith in this country to begin with...

NPR: Creative Play Makes for Kids in Control

NPR: Creative Play Makes for Kids in Control

A very interesting article indeed....

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

To no one in particular (well one person)....

To 'blog49' person. Stay the fuck off of my blog and stop spamming bloggers. I am going to figure out a way to report you - not that that does much good....


Shut the fuck up. Do you have any idea of how bitchy and hysterical you sound, how negative you are? You make my ex look like a ray of sunshine. No one cares. Period. Get a life - or better yet, a different friend to bitch constantly about nothing to....


If you aren't going to do anything to change matters in your life then expect things to stay the same. Here's a clue, look up the definition of insanity.

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MSN: Things a man should never do in the company of a woman

(Some of these were pretty funny.)

MSN: Things a man should never do in the company of a woman

Reveal how much your car cost.

Clean your gun.

Polish high school trophies (which you still have displayed).

Refer to your mother as your best friend.


Check out our assistant/roommate/the baby-sitter.

Question our footwear.

Blow-dry your hair.

Tip less than 20 percent.

Celebrity impressions.

Impressions of us.

Forget to carry cash.

Flip it, flop it, swing it around, tug on it, adjust it, scratch it, or do anything that will remind us that it's just a goofy appendage and not a mystical source of pleasure and satisfaction.


Boot and rally.

Scream—at the dog, at the guy who just stole your parking spot, at Bill Belichick. Because, no matter how much Belichick deserves it (cheater!), when we hear you raise your voice, we have an idea of what we're in for.

Talk about former exploits. Ever.

Use the words bitch, slut, tramp, or whore, unless referring to another man.

Tell us you're going to kiss us. (Just get on with it!)


Friday, February 22, 2008

Dress for Success: Great 9-to-5-Frocks - MSN Lifestyle - Beauty & Style - Slideshow - 1

Dress for Success: Great 9-to-5-Frocks - MSN Lifestyle - Beauty & Style - Slideshow - 1

Ya know....

I don't usually talk about fasion. First off, I am not a 'clothing horse', secodnly and in a word, fashion sucks, pure and simple. I have no idea where these people studied the ART of fasion. There's a reason why clothing from the 60s and 70s sucked. Someitmes I just want to scream 'Who dressed you?????' at people - not to be mean but because they are sheep and their sense of 'style' (I use the term loosely here) is dictated by trends and being spoon fed - just like their intelligence, and the political proclivities.

This MSN article is about dressing for success at work. Not only are most of the suggestions ugly, some of them (I feel) are downright inappropriate for work unless you are seducing your boss/co-worker.

About the ONLY one I'd actually wear is this one:

However, because it costs like $375.00 the chance of me spending that kind of money are slim to none. But I like this dress because it's what I consider to be a classic. And, being long-waisted I can tell it would look good on me as well.

I DO need to go shopping for new outfits for work/myself in general - I need to take Erin with me because he has a good eye for design, fashion, and ART. Paying for the wedding has me a bit in the poor house and justifying spending money on clothing is a hard sell - with fashion trash like this being shoved down our throats, though it makes it rather easy to just say no....


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Spooked!: Unpatriotic Tendencies...

Spooked!: Unpatriotic Tendencies...

I may have done this before (but hey I've been nominating blog(s) of the week here for a while now). However, in honour of his coming back to THE BLOGDOM and because I am lucky enough that he actually thinks of me as a friend (although we don't see each other nearly enough)- this week I nominate 'Spooked' as blog of the week. This post alone proves why it's a great choice (well at least to me it does and let's face it kids, on 'here' (DOCG) it's all about me *giggles*)

So drop whatever you're doing and go pay a visit to the darling and very highly intelligent author, Ken (Moonspenders).

Luck of the Irish

I am indeed a very lucky girl. Lucky, not because I am Irish - in fact sometimes, LOL, I think it may be a 'curse'. I am lucky enough to be with a wonderful man that I will soon be marrying (and if our luck holds out, we will be going to the Emerald Isle for our honeymoon - *fingers crossed*).

At any rate, my love has purchased tickets for us to see one of my all-time favourite bands. I have been fortunate enough in the past to see them, I believe this will be his first time. I have several of their albums and I adore them.

They are The Chieftains and if you have never checked out their music, I suggest you do so NOW. For after all it is that time of year when I listen to my Celtic music and you should too!


Anyhow I also thought I post a very humourous Irish curse - just in keeping with the 'theme':

"May those who love us, love us.
And those that don’t love us,
May God turn their hearts,
And if he doesn’t turn their hearts,
May he turn their ankles,
So we may know them by their limping."

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"My 99-cent dating experiment"

"My 99-cent dating experiment"

I actually wrote a letter to Mr. Miller because I wanted to share my own 'story' and to let him know that there are women out there who 'get it' and aren't 'gold diggers'. (Of coure they might not live in LA)....


Dear Mr. Miller:

I read with great amusement and quite a lot of sympathy your write up on dating 'on the cheap' in LA. Bravo to you for at least managing to pull that off. 'Tis a shame your lady friend did not appreciate your humor. We women can be somewhat humorless. Especially if we too have been through the ringer and divorced.

At any rate I thought I'd write to you and tell you I appreciate where you are coming from.
I was married to a loser who did indeed put me through the ringer. I was the major bread-winner in our duet and on top of that did all the house work - but I digress.

When I began dating again, I never got very far because it seemed to me that there was a one to four date, date 'rule' - in essence I was expected to sleep with a guy after he shelled out big bucks for dinner and a nice date. This left me numb and stunned. I was actually told by a girlfriend of mine 'Well C~, it's not like you're a virgin anymore and they know that' - to which I retorted 'So what? What happened to being a gentleman - is all that they are after is a roll in the hay?'

So what with the horrors and impersonal nature of the on-line dating debacle and the 'attitudes' I came across (not to mention the weirdos), I basically decided to stop dating and began looking into joining a monastery for the time when my son would go off to college (roughly about 2 years time...).

Not long after I 'gave up' on ever finding love again, my ex (with whom by this time I actually managed a somewhat amicable relationship) - asked me to give him a lift to a gathering/picnic to be held near our local zoo. I agreed since I had not been to the zoo in years. When I dropped him off, he asked me to stay, stating I might meet 'some interesting people'. Turns out I met the man that I am currently engaged to (and madly in love with), at this picnic (much to the chagrin of my ex-husband). Neither one of us spent a dime and the sparks just flew. I gave him my phone number and he broke another 'rule' by calling me the next morning. We talked all week to one another for hours on the phone and finally had our first 'real' date in another city, Columbus, Ohio - which lasted for 6 hours and cost him buying me lunch at an Ethiopian restaurant (not the most expensive place in town I assure you). That date was one of the best and most intimate experiences of my life. I think we both fell in love with one another that day - but of course we did 'play by the rules' and didn't tell each other for another couple of months. Since then, I am pretty sure he realizes I am not into him for his money (he's very successful) - in fact, as a Yoga teacher I am extremely bothered by 'money' period - but that's another story....

So my hat's off to you for your attempt to find sincerity and someone who wants you for YOU - not your wallet. I hope you find the love you deserve and need. I am certain that someday you will indeed find 'true' love and she will be a very lucky woman to have found a man who is substantive in a way that really matters.

All my best to you,

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Monday, February 18, 2008

Threat Alert Jesus

Threat Alert Jesus's's also hysterical....

Friday, February 15, 2008

One more...

...quote that is....

"Le couer a ses raisons que la raison ne connait pas"

-- Blaise Pascal (French Philosopher)

(and if you ask really, really nicely, I might even translate for you - unless of course you are an ambitious student and look it up yourself... ^_^)

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One of the reasons I love Mr. E is because we talk - I mean we REALLY talk - not just of our relationship, not just surface talk - we have interesting and titillating conversations....

We do 'spiritual' exercises together, sometimes it's mass, sometimes we pray the rosary, sometimes we 'talk'. Today on the way in I read while he drove a reading from a book that has 'meditations' on the meaning of the Lenten season.

Today's reading was about Peter's denial of being with Christ when pressed by the soldiers after Christ was arrested.

The question posed by the reading was: 'Are you a disciple of Christ?'

In all honesty I can't say that I am a disciple of anyone. Do I practice my faith, sure, but do I go around 'preaching', no. I TRY to live a good life, I try to be a good person, if asked what my faith is, yes, I would tell someone if pressed about why I would give an answer that makes sense to me. My problem is when people decide to shove their religious/moral beliefs down other people's throats - including mine.

To live a life of quiet contemplation, to spend my days, doing kind acts, feeding the poor, studying religious texts - that would be a wonderful life, however, I can not do that now. I can do SOME of those things - but I can't devote my entire day-to-day life to becoming an ascetic. I hope I do my part, I hope I try to lead ‘by example’, I suppose it all depends on what your definition of ‘disciple’ is….

Thank you Erin for talking with me – for opening new worlds up to me – for not being afraid to share yourself and for being a good, kind, loving man.

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Cool blog - also a blog of note...

I personally hate post-it-notes - however from an artistic stnadpoint they are pretty cool....


I want a giant post-it to let everone know just how much I love Erin - wait that might just be THIS blog.....

(*giddy in love*)



For the romance of Valentine's day (and what a 'farce' love can be):

"Many a man has fallen in love with a girl in a light so dim he would not have chosen a suit by it"

-- Maurice Chevalier (the king of wooing women back in the day)

And a very 'timely' quote:

"Men talk of killing time, while time quietly kills them."
-- Dion Boucicault


Thursday, February 14, 2008

No wonder....

...people hate Valentine's Day....

Just a comment directed at me today:

"So...did your fiance forget to send you flowers?"

On a funny note:

"C~, we've decided we like you because you are not competition for finding rich man to marry here in the office - you are already taken."

Yeah...OK....people what can you say....


The History of Valentine's Day

The History of Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to you all....make it special for both you and that special someone (if you happen to have a special someone in your life) - remember to be good to yourself and to one another



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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The List

OK – we all know this exists….

C2 sent around a top 10 list of ‘hot’ people that your SO is suppose to be ‘morally obligate’ to let you sleep with (yeah OK morally obligated????)

So here goes – people I’d sleep with (even though I love Erin.)
NOTE: the likelihood of this EVER happening is exactly ZERO – and I’d be so guilt ridden it would not be worth it.

And right here, right now I challenge you all to give me YOUR list(s).

Johnny Depp
Edward Norton (Erin’s look-a-like)
Daniel Day Lewis
Clive Owen
Gabriel Byrne
Pierce Brosnan
Sting (maybe not so much anymore…but the Yoga-hot-body thing…etc)
Collin Ferrell
Guy Pierce
Sir Sean Connery (shut up – it’s the voice OK)

Angelina Jolie (I would sleep with her over the men with the exception of Johhny Depp)
Juliette Binoche
Monica Belluci
Penelope Cruz
Shania Twain
Jessica Alba
Halle Berry
Maggie Gyllenhaal (but only if I get to sleep with her brother Jake simultaneously)
Gwen Stefani
Uma Thurman

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A very special someone....

In the last couple of weeks, the planning for my wedding has become more focused – things are beginning to (finally) fall into place. Sure it’s stressful but with my love Erin in my life stresses don’t seem as bad (not sure if he’d agree that that is how I react but it’s true within me…)

I was in a quandary about who should walk me down the aisle. My dad passed away years ago – when I married Chris my brothers BOTH walked me down the aisle (which was nice) – but I don’t want to repeat what I did before – not when I am marrying the man of my dreams and someone I’d never thought I’d be lucky enough to find.

I had asked my son but he seemed to be so lukewarm and hesitant – not that he does not want me happy but it’s just a ‘boy’ thing I guess – he will have his own daughter to escort one day (I think)….my daughter does not live here and she will probably not be able to make it to the wedding….

I got to thinking about who my friends were. Who meant a lot to me (ALL my friends mean a lot to me). It dawned on me that I had the perfect choice and didn’t even realize it….


I decided to ask Liam if he’d do me the honour of escorting me down the aisle. In all the years I have known him – he has been there for me unconditionally. He has never been negative; he has always been helpful and caring. Without judgment, without pretense - he’s just been there….a constant – through thick and thin – we’ve laughed together and cried together and comforted each other. We get each other. I love him for his smarts, for his willingness to tell me what he thinks (even when I don’t necessarily want to hear it), for his incredible wit and humour (he makes me laugh constantly). I love him like he is family. He has always wanted my happiness and what’s best for me. He’s the perfect choice.

So Liam – I know I got your answer and I am thrilled – but I wanted to let the world (well the blogosphere world) know just how much you mean to me. And on this, the eve of your 37th birthday, I wanted to tell you again how much I love you and how blessed I feel that you are in my life.

Thanks for being a once in a lifetime friend my ‘sweetums’.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Happiness: Enough Already | Newsweek Culture |

Happiness: Enough Already | Newsweek Culture |

I agree wholeheartedly.

The title of Dr. Wakefield's book: "The Loss of Sadness: How Psychiatry Transformed Normal Sorrow Into Depressive Disorder" is not only priceless but I believe says it all.

Stop and think about it - as far as *I* am concerned the greatest art/music/literature throughout the ages has sprung from more tortured souls than your typical 'happy-go-lucky'-joe-schmoe types.

What's wrong with not only recognzing that it's OK to be that sad but to USE your sorrow for breakthroughs and to fuel your 'art', (whatever form that may take for you)?

Nothing, absolutely nothing....

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Longer than...(continued)...

{This is a letter I receive from Erin last evening (it was in my e-mail box this morning) - I believe after reading this you will all understand why I am so madly in love with this wonderful man....}

"My Dearest C~,

Longer than I've been listening to "Longer Than", I've never known all the words. Thank you for the video (with included lyrics). I would love to play this at our wedding. What do you think about having it for our first dance together?

Longer than you ever knew I was in love with you. I didn't have a name for it on our first date, and I want to make sure it was more than simple infatuation and being with someone new who seemed to really care.

Longer than I wanted to wait, I wanted to kiss you. I remember holding your hands, lying on the floor, and exchanging our first "I love you".

Longer than the slow advance of glaciers, my soul wanted to be married with you. The church process made things painful at times, and just the general preparations and timing of things is hard on me at times waiting, but I can't think of anything else that I would so willingly wait for than to be with you.

Longer than any list I have made for you, you offer me more than you realize. The things you do for me, the love you send my way, and the mysteries of yourself that you reveal to me, I feel are all but a trifle of who you are and what you have yet revealed.

Longer than the infinite heavens, I want to be the best husband for you.

Longer than, everything, I'll be in love with you.

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Monday, February 11, 2008

NPR: 'In Character: Cookie Monster'

Cookie Monster: A Sweet, Sensual Id, Unfiltered

What makes this great is the quote:

All of his monomania ... would not stop him from caring about someone else. ... He's not gonna knock anybody over to get the cookie. He's gonna try to get around them to get the cookie.”
Norman Stiles

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"Longer Than" - Dan Fogelberg

For Erin, forever...

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Exorcism makes a comeback in Europe - Washington Post-

Exorcism makes a comeback in Europe - Washington Post-

...always a fascinating subject (to me that is...)

(As an aside - I lost this post - blogger seems to be acting up a bit *frowns*)


Friday, February 08, 2008

Found in Pockets

It's the noteworthy blog and blog of the week here on DOCG


'I'll Keep a Green Lantern Burning'

(This one is great - via 'Strange Horizons')

I'll Keep a Green Lantern Burning
By Lee Battersby

4 February 2008

Out in the suburbs on Saturday night
The workaday Batman gets drunk and starts fights
Costume too tight around midriff and ass
The Batmobile running on unleaded gas

Batts has been living out of the back seat
Since Missus Batman threw him into the street
The Batdoor no longer accepts the Batkey
The Batcredit card's maxed out permanently

The Batkids are staying with BatNan and Pop
The beers keep on coming and no-one says stop
Once a hero to someone, there's none left to ask,
And failure's invisible under a mask

But with each tilt of beer glass we see plain old Bruce:
Middle aged; hopes forgotten; expecting abuse
And when the bar's closed and we're facing the dawn,
Batman of suburbia passes out on the lawn

Copyright © 2007 Lee Battersby

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Thursday, February 07, 2008

The 'Mark'...

It is Ash Wednesday….

This is the day that beings the Lenten season. I am standing outside the cathedral watching the passersby while inside mass goes on. I’ve arrived early for the noon mass.

It is wet, damp, and dreary outside – fitting for the day which is set to remind us of our mortality and to repent our sinfulness.

There are agents of ‘the church’? Standing in the mist as well with huge cardboard posters of aborted fetuses. They are passing out (or trying to pass out) pamphlets and wishing people a ‘happy Ash Wednesday’ – this strikes me as odd. I am not sure what is so ‘happy’ about Ash Wednesday.

I find these posters offensive. I don’t understand why they feel the need to do this outside the cathedral. One young man merely looked at the guy passing them out and said: ‘Jesus wouldn’t like you very much – it’s about freedom you know….’ – I am struck by his conviction – he seems to be barely 18 years old. I hear a man who is leaving from mass mutter to his friends "I knew the 'fetus' people would be here"...

A woman in a fur length fur coat gladly seems to accept the pamphlet – in my mind hear the Buddhist saying – but murdering all those animals for your fur coat wasn’t a sin eh? As she passes I see her coat is torn very badly in the back and I wonder if she is aware of the vertical tear and I secretly rejoice, wishing I had a squirt rifle filled with ketchup.

The bells toll signaling, the beginning of a new mass; I enter the cathedral and go through mass feeling very upset and a bit angry. I am beginning to feel like a hypocrite – not because I don’t believe in God – but because part of me can’t reconcile with the church on some issues. I receive my ashes – later on I notice they are like the ‘Mark of Zorro’ on my forehead….how fitting (remnants of Charlie Manson’s quote: ‘I have X’d myself from your world’ dance in my head)…

It continues to be dreary – my soul feels heavy and dark, the only thing keeping me going/afloat these days seems to be love.

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Monday, February 04, 2008

The neighborhood bully, or how to be YOU

(Don't sell out - don't sell your soul to fit in....)

When I look back on my life there are many memories, that seem to stand out. Some are full of joy – but not many.

It’s not that I did not have a good childhood – but there were things that made my childhood at the time seem unbearable - made me want to just crawl inside a hole and die. Mainly, that ends up being a lot of what ‘colours’ those memories. That is how I was accepted (or in this case NOT) by my school mates.

I attended catholic school until the age of 12. In a word it was torture. I was literally tortured by the kids. Why? Cause I was weird, different, ‘not of them’. I was socially inept, awkward – painfully shy. I was poor. I simply did not fit in. And boy-o-boy did they never let me forget how they loathed me. I was intelligent, articulate, I was ‘holy’ in other words I spent a lot of time contemplating God/Mary/The Saints. I was curious, I was constantly reading. I seemed to be wired differently (I still am).

Remember the scene in 'A Christmas story' where Ralphie went nuts on the bully? Well there were 3 similar incidents in my life.

The first was with a kid who lived in the same ‘row houses’ as we did – I can’t recall his name, I think it was David. ‘David’ would pick on all the younger kids as we walked home from school. He would taunt us and tease us. When summer rolled around he would remind us he had a pool in his backyard. After about a year of this crap, one day I decided to fight back. Literally. I did not get in trouble for this – even though I am pretty sure I hit him with something – perhaps my fist. Perhaps my mom was aware of his ‘brattiness’. After that I got invited to go swimming at his house - I declined the invitation.

The second ‘incident’ involved defending my mom. I think I was about 10 or 11 years old at this point. There was a kid who lived a couple streets over from us. I am pretty sure his name was Robert. He was not a bully per se – but he did ‘interfere’ a lot with the kids nearby. Anyhow one day, as my mom walked home from the store loaded down with groceries, Robert rode by on his ‘spider’ bike and knocked all of the bags out of my mother’s arms. I watched the whole thing transpire and I saw red. Like a shot I got on my own bike and chased this kid down. I punched him square in the face and I gave him a bloody nose. Well that night my mom got a call form his mom and the next day, I had to go and apologize to Robert. I remember his mom telling me he had just lost his dad and that’s why he was acting the way he did. I told her I didn’t care why – that he was wrong anyway (yeah go me on the compassion front) but that I’d apologize to him although I would not mean it. She gave me a very odd look (yeah I’ll bet). Hey Robert, if you are out there I am still glad I gave you a bloody nose, you jerk.

The last incident (and perhaps my siblings can fill in more as they remember them) was about as close to the ‘Ralphie’ scene as it gets. It was with my classmates. It involved me and a crush I had on a boy. I was in 6th grade so it was my last year at Catholic school. I had been teased, taunted and tortured unmercifully by the kids I went to school with. One memorable incident that took place earlier that year was over my best (my only) friend’s funeral. I lost my dearest friend, Donna to an inoperable brain tumor – I watched with growing horror as the enlarging ‘lump’ disfigured her face and moved silently into her brain, at first, making her blind then slowly killing her. She died early in the spring. At her funeral I was the only kid crying – how I know this is because I was made fun of for crying during and after the funeral – in fact – her funeral was held during the day at school/church and I ran out of there right afterwards and went straight home, skipping the rest of the school day, because I simply could not bear the cruelty on top of the loss.

Toward the end of spring, the ‘terror’ grew to a crescendo – I was put on ‘mock’ trial for not being a good enough friend to the 2 most popular girls in the school. These same girls found out I had a crush on one of the boy in our class. They began spreading the 'rumour' - to the entire school (or as some of us can identify it certainly felt that way to me) - the final straw came then I found out they were passing noted in class about this - one went directly to this boy. After school I waited for the girl that I knew was the main culprit. I didn't say a word, the minute I saw her, I jumped on her and began beating her up...I snapped - I had to be pulled off of her. It's not the reason why I did not go back to that school - but let's just say thank God I didn't go back to that school.

The following year I ended up in a public school where I made some of the best friends I was to ever have in my life. Unfortunately, the following year we moved form Pennsylvania to Ohio. I went to Jr. High and High School in Parma and continued ot make decent friends. I had somehow learned to not let what other people though get the better of me - I simply didn't care anymore and I knew there were kids out there 'like me' - kids who were not afraid to be smart, intelligent, geeky, what-have-you.

I still knew on some levels I'd never be one of the 'beautiful' people - I learned to despise those kids who seemed to have it all - I still despise them - so sue me - is it judgmental? Sure you bet....but I could certainly understand the anguish that those kids from Columbine felt and other kids who have 'snapped' - cause it's an awful feeling...

Its' even worse watching your child go through something similar and feeling helpless to do anything to help them. I know my daughter struggled a lot. I felt horrible about how she was treated. I know my son struggled at times too - but what do you tell them - 'Those kids are assholes, pay them no mind' - when you know that somewhere deep down your child longs to just 'fit in' and not feel like a circus freak.

I am bringing this up for several reasons, recent events have triggered some of my past memories - ones I'd rather not remember - but delving through them sometimes gives me the insight I need to help someone I love....not to mention bringing a sense of closure and the realisation that (as my friend Carolyn once put it) 'If they don't like you,who cares, they don't know what they're missing'.

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The Super Bowl

I don't usually do this but - these commercials featuring Will Ferrell from the Superbowl are hysterical (no, I did not watch the Superbowl)

The shorter one:

And the 'longer' one....(LOL)

The other Bud Light commercial that was really funny was the 'fire breathing' one:

Anyhow check out some of the ads....not that we need more commercial time in our lives.

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Sunday, February 03, 2008

The oldest profession....

Recently....I heard that some 'former' frineds of mine (my ex got custody of them - I mean I guess technically they are still 'friends', I still care but we never speak) - went to Las Vegas to party/have fun. In and of itself these things are not that remarkable. Neither is what I am about to say - it's just a bit disturbing to me...

They decided to get prostitues.

Now. Both men are married. Both got prostitutes for different reasons. The one whom I admire and feel the closest to - did this at (get this) THE INSISTENCE OF HIS WIFE. (WTF?) I was told it was because she felt he should 'lighten up' - um yeah OK - I am sorry but to me all this is going to do is add an additional burden onto him - and your marriage - sure you may be OK with it now...but what was wrong with a little role-playing?

The second guy did the prostitute thing cause he was angry at his wife - um OK...and if she finds out? Need I say more?

Look as my ex had said - if it works for them great - sure - but I still find it a tad 'off' - not because I think that prostitutes are low-life scum. But because I suppose if you are 'happily' married it's not something you should be doing - even IF your wifey 'suggests' it...(sounds like a trap to me - sorry to be paranoid). And for those out there unhappy - I don't see how this is going to make your situation any better - in fact, it may make it worse.

So tell me folks, if your S.O. 'suggested' you go take a roll in the hay with a stranger, would you?

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