Friday, February 27, 2009

Lesser-Known Love Songs : NPR Music

Lesser-Known Love Songs : NPR Music

Re-blogging this because they MOVED the link and I did not want to lose this.....

Taxpayer Beware: Bank Bailout Will Hurt : NPR

Taxpayer Beware: Bank Bailout Will Hurt : NPR

Holding us for dollar at a time....

Sometimes its hard to look in the mirror....

Thursday, February 26, 2009

About dating...

Every now and then I speak up on the old divorce group board that for some reason I stay on - mainly because for the most part it's a good group of people. A lot of the women struggle though to find their lives again after divorce and seemingly it's harder for them to successfully date again than it is for the men.

I remembered my own dismal experiences and wrote this:

"'s hard. I won't say I was desperate when Erin came along...I had just flat given up any hope - in fact - and this is a hoot - I was thinking seriously of either running away to Paris and becoming a writer living in a seedy little apartment while taking up smoking and rekindling my long-standing relationship with wine....going overseas to teach Yoga at resorts, or joining a monastery - and frankly, the monastery idea was winning

The online thing sucked - people were nuts, desperate - I tried for like 2 years - in all that time I had maybe 2 successful dates all the rest were miserable. Guys were simply looking for the next Mrs. 'I will wash your underwear, cook your dinner, be a surrogate mom to your kids' etc. The ones that were viable were few and far between yet there was never any 'real chemistry' or our schedules didn't click, or after a few dates he wanted me to meet his mom. I think the worst part was that I was expected to 'put out' like there was some kind of '2,3 or 4 date rule' - I had a woman tell me 'well it's not like we are virgins anymore - they expect it' - really???? WTF? So yeah I gave up. And sometimes that is the best thing to do because that is when I truly began to focus on me. Once I stopped trying the universe presented me with one of the greatest gifts ever - the gift of loving and enjoying myself. I did that and everything - for me at least- fell into place.

There was a big dose of irony and karma in meeting Erin - my ex husband (the one who cheated on me with an 18 yr old) introduced's laughable now - but talk about revenge being a dish best served ex went nuts. I didn't date Erin to piss him off - in fact I gave Erin my phone number and I gave my phone number to another guy who was at the same was Erin that phoned me the next morning - woke my ass up LOL - broke every rule in the book (the wait a couple days before you call rule) - we talked for hours and hours that first week and then we met for our very first date - and to this day we both feel it was love at first site....both in retrospect because we were both being pretty careful not to get caught up - but I know by our second date, I was hooked - and so was he.

So over and over - all I keep saying is there is hope out there and if somebody my age, who has been through what I have been through can find love again - we all can - but in a way you have to let it find you...sounds silly and faerie tale-esq but it's a truth in my book.

Now...I am not going to say that life is just or was just a bowl of cherries for Erin and I - once we past the 'new romance' stage we had things to work on - we still do - and we probably always will. We are both highly intelligent, complex and sensitive individuals - we are human - we are a work in progress. He is still one of the best people that has ever happened to me - I still love him with all my heart and I know I always will. I still have love in my heart for all of my exes but I am that type of person...with Erin it is different than it has ever been for me. And no matter the differences or hardships I always want to keep doing better and trying - and truly, after all I have been through that is a lot to say for me.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009


"The drama in a coworker's private life is leaking into your relationship with them."

Really? No shit? Ya don't say...could that be because they laid her off on Monday and now all of her work is falling on me????

I was the last one hired - you have no idea how guilty I feel that they let her go - not to mention angry about the entire situation....

I have no idea how i am suppose to do all of her work AND mine - cause I am NOT taking up residency at work....

I understand 'times are rough' and I should be 'glad to have a job' but that's a load of crap because how 'good' is it when all the people left behind are burned out and stressed???


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(*this* was hysterical)


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Those who have forgotten how to shovel snow are doomed to wade through it. - By Anne Applebaum - Slate Magazine

Those who have forgotten how to shovel snow are doomed to wade through it. - By Anne Applebaum - Slate Magazine

I had meant to post this sooner in light of the recent standstill in London.

Read this article and think about what the author is suggesting. Is living beyond all of our means, which has now come back to bite us all in our respective arses going to be the undoing of us in the end? Do any of us even remember when times were so lean that you actually had to save pennies and know how to do repairs yourself, or find cheap ways to make things last? I remember such things simply because we were pretty poor when I grew up. I had hand-me-downs. I have wondered where my next meal was coming from, I have shopped at Good-will and thrift stores.

I don't remember feeling like it was beneath me to do those things, in fact I *still* shop at those places every now and then.

So in the end is a return to 'simpler' times going to be what helps us get through this. Are we going to see returns to soup lines, 1,000s of people applying for jobs for only 100 - wait isn't that going on now?

My heart aches for people suffering from hard times. I am not suggesting that before the downfall of the economy there have not been people suffering (how totally ignorant that would be of me) - however we all know this has become way more rampant, wide-spread and serious of late and more and more people are facing difficult situations and having to make tougher and tougher decisions...

The question isn't really when did this happen or why - the question is what do we do now?

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Make-Out Mix: Love Songs From NPR Music : NPR Music

The Make-Out Mix: Love Songs From NPR Music : NPR Music


Been listening to this while blogging...thinking of Erin and*blushes*)

moving right along here....check it out - it's a nice mix


Been really busy.

I keep meaning to write...but then...

I've been *really* busy.

Lots going, work, love, kids.

Work is good, fun, productive, challenging - I am really enjoying this - it is at times difficult but then that's OK. Better than being numb/brain dead.

My health is taking a nose dive it seems - not sure what the f~ is up with that - I will pray that it's not something dire...and if it is...well I guess what choice do we ever have but to live through it, with it, make peace somehow...or not, I suppose...not to wax philosophical or anything quite so profound... is sweet, intense, becoming a staple of my daily existence, yet it is transcendent of all of 'it' as well...this love goes on, ebbing and flowing like the cycles of the moon - as it is wont to do...

For my Christmas present, Erin got us a copy of the movie 'Fireproof' - we watched it together - we have the book to that the movie is based on. While this movie will never win any acting or film's message is wonderful/hopeful and I recommend it to every couple considering marriage as well as those already in the thick of things. Erin and I have hit some really rough patches and we've managed to weather them - but only because we both realize just how important this commitment is and how much we really love one another - but sometimes - that isn't enough. need it 'outside reinforcement' - call it Providence - call it fate...I usually call it God/dess because as you all know I believe there is a female counterpart to God...and without Yin how can there be Yang? Erin and I are also going on a marriage encounter weekend and I am really looking forward to becoming even closer to him on this our Valentine's Day celebration...

Kid - are well kids...but again they pose their own special set of challenges. My recent rant about the school system hits close to home and I can not tell you how disgusted I am with the way things are being handled. How parents (at least ones that are truly concerned) manage to do this without drowning or slitting their wrists is beyond me. I personally think that education is the pathway to enlightenment and the best deterrent to ignorance...but the RIGHT kind of education - and that does not seem to even exist - or if it does - it's rather costly...unless you end up somehow managing to be 'self-taught' and at the same time you become a student of 'life' itself...street smart combined with book learned - if that makes any sense....

I just hope that there is light at the end of some of these tunnels - or at least not a train coming at us full speed ahead....

Meanwhile - I can feel the spring coming faster this year than it has ever seemed to before...or is that just the sound of me getting older and my own life getting yet shorter?

Peace to you all mes amis.

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Welcome To The 'Dollhouse': Meet The Anti-Buffy : NPR

Welcome To The 'Dollhouse': Meet The Anti-Buffy : NPR

...apparently it's 'mixed media' night here on DOCG....

Reading this interview I must say I have agree with Mr. Whedon's take on this. After all human sexuality isn't simply about 'Wham, Bam, Thank you M'am' it?

Thanks going out to....

...any new readers - welcome aboard and make yourselves known (some of you have I see - LOL)....

Yeah...welcome to the machine.


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Movie Review: 'Coraline' - A Better Home And Garden, But For Those Buttons : NPR

Movie Review: 'Coraline' - A Better Home And Garden, But For Those Buttons : NPR


(...i must i must i must - and K~ needs to come as well ^_^)

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Merkel: Pope must clarify Holocaust stance - Yahoo! News
