Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Red on Women Drives Men Wild | LiveScience

Red on Women Drives Men Wild | LiveScience

...and MORE science for 'Science Tuesday' here on DOCG - (*grins*) - perhaps I should wear red more often....

A Light Take On The Gravity-Time Relationship : NPR

Awash in emotions...

I feel like Deanna Troy....my 'empathy' is on hyper drive and other feelings are crowding me as well - making my internal emotional map feel like riding through the Rocky Mountains on a tricycle...

I've been pretty emotional since having to make the decision about taking a new job. Not that I will miss this 'transitional' job I had to take - it's the people I've met...I have wonderful people here...sure there is one exception and she's a biggie (LOL in more ways than one....sorry did *I* say that?)...anyway it's been rough.

Then today, one of our friends (Erin's actually but he has become mutual) - sent a txt msg to Erin about coming to grips with the finality of his marriage ending and his 'I am alone now and I hate it' brought me to sobs....

I am upset over the fact that I hardly ever see some of the people I adore...I don't know, life is too busy, or they are, or I am and it's making me rather upset...perhaps I am not enough of a friend, perhaps I am lacking somehow...

On my way into the bldg where I work, the fierce wind was blowing and howling off the lake, and, as I walked towards the door, I spotted a piece of mail - someones Sears & Roebuck credit card payment had apparently not made it into a mail box. So to Mr. & Mrs. Wm. H. Bloom of cleveburg, please be advised I dropped your payment in the mail for you....

What makes all of this bearable is my love. This morning we went on an 'adventure' in search of a cup o'joe. He managed to fine me one of the best cups of coffee I have ever had, and got me an everything bagel to boot. He is becoming my everything in so many ways. Thank God for Erin.

Oh yeah Happy Diwali.

Blessings to you all.


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Monday, October 27, 2008

Hero dog saves kittens from fire - Wonderful World- msnbc.com

Hero dog saves kittens from fire - Wonderful World- msnbc.com


Yeah...I am nuts...I want a dog...(*ducking from huband's 'crazy cat/animal lady' stare*)


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Testament to Love

It’s been a while since I have updated on this subject – though it is a subject near and dear to my heart.

I am talking about my love, our love.

For sweetest weekend my fair Knight decided to take us out of town to one of our favourite haunts, Columbus. He took me to the B&B that we went to not long after our engagement. We even had the same room. Our hostess is gracious and has a wonderful humour and makes excellent quiches. The house is filled with antiques but best of all we got to drive down and be in Columbus together.

I adore Erin. I adore our conversations. I adore all the little things he does for me/for us as a couple. I believe in my heart that this marriage is going to work and that I am extremely lucky.

Case in point; I am leaving my job – therefore I am ‘cleaning’ things up. I had to go through all my old voice mails. Out of 90 some VMs, 80 of them were from Erin, just little msgs, telling me he loved me, he was thinking of me, sometimes they contained slightly ‘naughty bits’ – but mainly just heart sent reminders that I am loved. I truly hope I do the same for him.

Last night we took Erin’s daughter K~ to the Democratic HQ in Mentor, OH. She is doing a ‘scrapbook’ about the candidate she chose, Barack Obama. Her eyes lit up and she was greeted and talked to by a very enthusiastic young woman. She was thrilled to be there and a bit overwhelmed. But she was still happy (even though she had to miss a skating party to do this). I am proud of K~, prouder still of dad who probably could have (and in some ways should have) spent this time alone with his daughter but instead asked me to tag along. I am humbled and honoured to be included in such activities. Afterwards, we had to go to a local clinic so I could take a ‘drug test’. We then stopped at a local doughnut shop. On the way there, we passed what Erin and I assumed was a strip joint – we joked about going in together. Leaving the doughnut place, we laughed about the possibility of K~ telling her mom: ‘Hey mom, guess where dad and C~ took me last night (drug testing, strip joint, etc.)..’ – it is moments like this that make me thrilled to be with Erin. We can joke together and have fun; we can have very serious and deep conversations; we have a passionate connection and we are ‘together’ on so many levels – I have never had this in a relationship before.

This morning I was musing about my own mother’s marriage and somehow I feel I have managed to do better than my own parents. Not to compare and contrast, the times were different. However, in terms of a marriage and relationship in general, I feel what Erin and I have together is a rare a precious thing and I hope and pray it lasts forever.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The 10 Most Disappointing Treats for Trick-or-Treaters - Ed Levine Eats on Yahoo! Food

(LOL - great article - but then - what would happen to all the good-natured fun of egging or TP-ing someone's house who gave you crappy candy?)

The 10 Most Disappointing Treats for Trick-or-Treaters - Ed Levine Eats on Yahoo! Food

The 10 Most Disappointing Treats for Trick-or-Treaters
Posted Wed, Oct 15, 2008, 10:39 am PDT

On Halloween night, some houses struggle with the idea of candy. There are good houses, and there are bad houses. The best trick-or-treaters know to avoid the latter. At the food site Serious Eats, we all love Halloween, but wish certain homes would just stop handing out the classically bad "treats." They weren't good last year, the year before that, or now. Our own Erin Zimmer put together this list of our top 10 Halloween treats that nobody wants...

Dentists and orthodontists should not be allowed to celebrate Halloween if they're going to get all tooth doctory on us. Do not bring your work home with you, folks! We all have a personal responsibility to brush, and maybe some of us will forget, but your complimentary bristles on a stick (instead of a Snickers) will not help us remember. It will make us despise you and your trade.

Little boxes of stuck-together shriveled globs are not what little kids schlep around the neighborhood for all night. When they say trick-or-treat, they want candy that will rot their teeth, not wrinkled grapes. (Using an empty box as a kazoo-like instrument, though, is kinda fun.)

Candy Corn
The most polarizing candy of all. The fruitcake of Halloween; it just never goes away. If you love them, fine. But don't subject the rest of us haters to the sickeningly sweet triangle that tastes like neither candy nor corn.

Smarties and Necco Wafers
These chalky candies are supposedly "fruit-flavored," but no fruit I know tastes like dust -- and makes everything eaten after taste like dust, too.

Dum Dum Lollipops
Usually, foods on a stick are yummy (corn dogs, ice pops), but Dum Dums just can't be included on that list. Not even if they were breaded and deep-fried and served at a fair.

Long before "poisoned candy" scares, evil people were handing out apples instead of candy on Halloween. This disappointing "treat" is the main reason to avoid unwrapped food while trick-or-treating.

Tootsie Rolls
It looks like chocolate and sort of smells like chocolate, but the mini brown tubes are not real chocolate. They taste like watered-down chocolate, and have a chewy texture that will strip the fillings right off your molars.

Miscellaneous, Wrapped Hard Candies
Halloween is supposed to be a holiday for young people, not senior citizens who suck on hard candies all day. Something about the strawberry-shaped strawberries, gold-wrapped butterscotch, and peppermint feels past the expiration date. (These usually get set aside for Granny.)

Laffy Taffy
I do not laffy when I get these. I sobby. I get depressedy. Because it gets all stucky to my teethy and doesn't even taste that goody.

Anything Fun-Sized
Who started calling it this? Since when is one bite fun?! Give us the rich houses with the sprawling driveways and full-sized candy bars any day. Portion control doesn't need to start this young.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Neil Gaiman's Ghostly Baby-Sitters Club : NPR

Neil Gaiman's Ghostly Baby-Sitters Club : NPR

Reminder to self....finish reading his other TWO books that you have been meaning to read and get this one!

Friday, October 17, 2008

An evening with David Sedaris

David Sedaris - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A week ago, last Friday evening, Erin and I went with dear Liam and his friends, Deanna and Mike to see this brilliant man 'perform'.

Seeing Mr. Sedaris is always a treat. His acerbic wit and intelligence are at once disarming and full of the truth of the human condition. I adore him and his writings. Erin and I have been giggling over the stuff ever since...

Read his essay books, listen to his commentary - I promise you too will be hooked.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

'The Interview with God' - A re-post

I decided to be a snot and type in just the phrase:'Colette's Grave'...

I found that *I* was the FIRST listing posted on Google NOT the actual info that would tell you about THE Colette's Grave (*checks ego*)....


Then I came across something that humbled me and I decided to re-post my 'original' post (verbiage below) about this powerful notion - not only of the comfort in the idea of 'talking to God' - but of the ideal of hope when everything seems hopeless; and let's just say that lately, in my own life, and in the universe to a certain extent, things have seemed rather hopeless and bleak.

Thus, this is MY personal reminder, to shut the fuck up and listen and remember who I am and where I've been and where I want to go...


Amidst all the darkness, all the sorrow that has visited me lately - I found this posted on a blog where I now have the honour of being mentioned. Brewed Fresh Daily - a blog about NE Ohio (http://www.brewedfreshdaily.com ). This was one of the recent posts there...

The reason why *I* decided to post this myself is because last year, right before the holiday season, when I was 'finding out' about what my husband had done to me - to us - to himself - to our marriage, a friend of mine (and a Yoga student of mine) sent me this link...I have now come full circle to that, and so I have put this up to remind myself and all of you out there - all the people I love, all the people I have problems loving, and everyone in between - that there is hope. There is always hope. There is always love and kindness deep within each of us - we just have to know where to look for it. And while I don't want to get cheesy or corny I felt that this link conveys that message beautifully. I will post more later - but I want you all to think about this message from this link.

Be thankful. As a friend of mine said to me recently; paraphrasing a 'prayer' he had heard - we should be thankful not only for what we are given, but for what has been taken from us as well. It's all an opportunity for learning, for healing, for forgiveness, and most of all for grace. May you all find the grace in your lives that will help you to live each day you have here on this earth to the fullest. You are exactly where you need to be right now.

My love to you all,

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Americans Are Stupid Part II

Pinocchio, pictured here...

I mean what a frigging' idiot - could he have been more wooden? And WTF was up with that smug stupid smiling look on his face - like he was proud of his own babbling?

What is up America?

I have to say it - Barack simply LOOKED and ACTED more presidential. He has a natural grace, charisma, and lo and behold BRAINS. We need brains like never before. We need someone NOT aligned with President Bush (even if it IS only so you can win a party ticket), and we need someone with the sense to pick a running mate who is not a foaming-at-the-mouth-Christian-right-wing-bitch.

I admire John McCain - I really do - but I think that the days of the 'old guard' are coming to a predictable end...

And, as David Sedaris said, (paraphrasing here, and dambit, I have to blog about seeing him): 'If you have to call yourself a maverick, you're not.'

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Via C2 (of course)

(How American's see the world)...


Titanic survivor sells mementos to pay for care - Yahoo! News

Arranged Marriage: Trapped Between Two Cultures : NPR

Arranged Marriage: Trapped Between Two Cultures : NPR

This is a whole series as well and I am not sure I will post all of the parts.

I am very interested in this subject. The subject of marriage in general. Why we get married, how do we stay married and the difference between falling madly in love and letting 'cooler heads prevail' in the form of parents 'helping' you by 'match-making.' Makes me ponder a lot. Like would my parents have picked out any of my suitors that I ended up with. I kind of doubt it to some extent. Especially my last husband (whom my father was well aware of and totally disapproved of)...

My love, my prince charming is a different story altogether. My father would have liked him and my mother would have loved him - the reason I know this is because my Aunt Jada thoroughly approves of him. He is family minded, he is a good father and a good provider. And while we all know that there is more to being in a good marriage than those traits I just listed, they are the bedrock of a great partnership. That and compatibility and we have that in spades - as well as a passionate nature, together, about life and about each other.

Even when we hit rough water I believe underneath it all we both realise how much we truly love each other - is that enough to navigate all the tumult of the years ahead - I don't know for certain - what I do know is that I have never wanted to try as hard with anyone else.

Multitasking In The Car: Just Like Drunken Driving : NPR

Multitasking In The Car: Just Like Drunken Driving : NPR

Danger just isn't my thing. This report is near and dear to my heart and to my fucked up shoulder form an accident years ago because of some bitch who was not paying attention while driving and talking on her cell phone and she totaled my car. To this day my right shoulder is paying the price. (You can ask Erin about the weird popping noises it makes).

Multitasking Teens May Be Muddling Their Brains : NPR

Multitasking Teens May Be Muddling Their Brains : NPR


I meant to post this sooner - but I was too busy doing something else...it IS a great series though and very insightful.

Monday, October 13, 2008


...my dreams are for sale to the highest bidder...

You see I had a job offer on the table - and it was a job I wanted to take. Unfortunately, they offered me $8,000.00 less than I am currently making - a huge paycut. And while the offer included some great perks, I simply can't afford to take that big of a cut. There are just too many things I need right now - like another car....

What irks me is in talking with 'friends' their commentary was basically: "Well you are married now, let your husband take care of you..." - I feel like screaming. What a sexist thing to say...sure it would be nice to be able to do just that - but I'd also feel like I was using him.

Oh well...

I'd like to blog about the fun I had the other night and perhaps I will - when I am not feeling so down.

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

AIG execs' retreat after bailout angers lawmakers - Yahoo! News

Monday, October 06, 2008

Wall Street tumbles amid global sell-off

Wall Street tumbles amid global sell-off

A fat lot of good the so-called bail out did...

Who are we bailing out anyway? Erin and I were listening to NPR yesterday and people who spend their careers analyzing finances seemed to be saying the same thing. Joe Schmoe taxpayer once again has to pay for the mistakes caused by bad judgment and greed. Enough if enough - it's time to get rid of every single person (Old Guard) in congress and senate and begin again. I am tired of paying for other people's mistakes and letting my grandchildren have their futures put on the chopping block because wall-street's yutzes are running scared.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

From Liam...

(...whom I love and who this picture really represents...LOL)


Think You're Multitasking? Think Again : NPR

Think You're Multitasking? Think Again : NPR

This is something I have been saying (and agreeing with) for years now...but I can't convince anyone else...they're too busy doing 12 things at once. (*smirks*)

Inside Joke

(For my baby...*nuzzle, nuzzle*)

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Finnish site pulls kindergarten shooting game

Finnish site pulls kindergarten shooting game | Technology | Internet | Reuters

Can someone explain to me why the FUCK this game was invented in the first place?????

What the hell kind of sickos do we have out there??? WTF????

(Oh I am so fuming right now...)

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